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EU fuel pricing

Started by Nick, August 29, 2022, 06:24:55 AM

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Quote from: Good old on August 31, 2022, 09:44:42 AM
The example I gave you was a clear example of how the NHS has been under funded in real terms since the Tories took power, and the very reason the service now struggles to give a first class service, totally down to Tory policy.
Try the example I give you now, and then reflect why the Tories might try to put anywhere near the £100 let alone £200 billion into the NHS. Put the two together and it amounts to nothing more than a pathetic attempt to catch up on lost ground and damage that has been done to the workings of the NHS. The recruitment of twenty thousand nurses a clear example , just as twenty thousand new coppers merely replaces the twenty plus thousand taken out by cuts.
Another out of date link, this one over 2 and half years old and pre-Covid. 
The Tories have paid more into the NHS in every year since they took over in 2010, so your catching up on lost ground must be referring to the Labour years where they spent all the money. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Good old on August 31, 2022, 12:58:22 PM
And how do you propose we can maintain the standards of health care available to most first world nations ,if we don't maintain our present system?
We are not alone in spending a lot on health, in fact others out do us, so why should we have any excuse for not financing the health of the nation to a high level.
If the country is as wealthy and healthy as the Tory illusionists insist then prove it provide, if not then admit that you are presiding over the demise of what was a great institution contained within a great  nation.
It's no wonder things so bad right now ,it's been twelve years of denial in every respect.
The NHS is not worth the money in a nutshell. It is too big and has taken on a life of it's own full of too many people justifying their jobs by producing far too many 'systems' within the organisation that currently fail to connect departments together or create joined up thinking. The front line works against the odds constantly trying to make the most of poor management and computer systems that have always failed. 
There is no excuse as happened in my case for 3 separate individuals filling in identical hand written forms with my answers because they didn't have a programme that shared info. 

Is their requisition system the best economically? Should something drastic be done with the PFI that are draining hospitals of exorbitant amounts of cash? Then stop the culture of spending between January and April each year on anything and everything simply to appear broke in order to claim more for the next 12 months. It's a scandal.  Bring back the equivalent of cottage hospitals for those needing care but not able to go home freeing up beds where medical care is needed. There is so much that is appalling in hospitals and throughout health care. 

Good old

Quote from: Borchester on August 31, 2022, 11:50:58 AM
The NHS plans to spend £136 billions for the year 2021/2022, which is 19% of the tax revenues of the UK.

How much more do you wish to pour into the bottomless pit of financial incompetence of the nation's favourite secular religion?
And how do you propose we can maintain the standards of health care available to most first world nations ,if we don't maintain our present system?
We are not alone in spending a lot on health, in fact others out do us, so why should we have any excuse for not financing the health of the nation to a high level.
If the country is as wealthy and healthy as the Tory illusionists insist then prove it provide, if not then admit that you are presiding over the demise of what was a great institution contained within a great  nation.
It's no wonder things so bad right now ,it's been twelve years of denial in every respect.
More up to date and the pattern doesn't change. What you see ,witness is catch up ,nothing else.


Quote from: Good old on August 31, 2022, 09:44:42 AM
The example I gave you was a clear example of how the NHS has been under funded in real terms since the Tories took power, and the very reason the service now struggles to give a first class service, totally down to Tory policy.
Try the example I give you now, and then reflect why the Tories might try to put anywhere near the £100 let alone £200 billion into the NHS. Put the two together and it amounts to nothing more than a pathetic attempt to catch up on lost ground and damage that has been done to the workings of the NHS. The recruitment of twenty thousand nurses a clear example , just as twenty thousand new coppers merely replaces the twenty plus thousand taken out by cuts.

The NHS plans to spend £136 billions for the year 2021/2022, which is 19% of the tax revenues of the UK.

How much more do you wish to pour into the bottomless pit of financial incompetence of the nation's favourite secular religion?
Algerie Francais !

Good old

Quote from: Nick on August 30, 2022, 07:34:57 PM
A clear example of NHS spending you say! An article that is 5 years out of date and you call this a clear example 😆
I referenced 3 years spending, and it's in £100 billion increase in spending, 3 years were annexed on as future projections making it £200 billion. Still £100 billion is a damn site more than your 20.
The example I gave you was a clear example of how the NHS has been under funded in real terms since the Tories took power, and the very reason the service now struggles to give a first class service, totally down to Tory policy.
Try the example I give you now, and then reflect why the Tories might try to put anywhere near the £100 let alone £200 billion into the NHS. Put the two together and it amounts to nothing more than a pathetic attempt to catch up on lost ground and damage that has been done to the workings of the NHS. The recruitment of twenty thousand nurses a clear example , just as twenty thousand new coppers merely replaces the twenty plus thousand taken out by cuts.


Quote from: Good old on August 30, 2022, 07:16:23 PM
Yes ignore the fact that the three European countries ,are the three European countries we should be compared to. And not a word about the other major economies coping better than us. More head in sand response from you.
Twelve years of trying to catch up is what you actually describe, the figure you give is inflated by an extra 0 irony or not.? £20 billion extra last year so who is wrong?[highlight] I give you a clear example of the record for NHS spending[/highlight] , and though the report is not up to date it clearly shows how the Tories have been making the present situation of need for catch up . The problems are of their own making .
Mention a fact and your all at sea , you think the effects on ordinary people were great in 2008. Not as great as the effect of high inflation extreme interest rates of Thatcher and Major. Fact
Not a case study, and not by any means a reflection of the truly poor just an easy to make observation of the general make up of our economy and the vast majority of people in it that are heavily reliant on debt , that as our economy starts to unravel as it is in danger of doing will be devastated.
A clear example of NHS spending you say! An article that is 5 years out of date and you call this a clear example 😆 
I referenced 3 years spending, and it's in £100 billion increase in spending, 3 years were annexed on as future projections making it £200 billion. Still £100 billion is a damn site more than your 20. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

Good old

Quote from: Nick on August 30, 2022, 06:33:14 PM
I saw that chart when I copied mine. 3 EU countries slightly better than us, meaning 24 that aren't, 40 European countries worse than us, is that Brexit, Johnson or the Tories that have kept us in such fine fettle?

NHS spending has gone up by 2 and 3 times inflation since Brexit, £200 billion in 3 years, so again you're wrong.

So now you're having to reference Maggie to try and win a point, you've lost, you've not proved a single thing where the government has caused the current situation.

OMG, you're now doing a case study on an imaginary family that drive a 70K runaround but have no equity in their home and are up to their eyes in debt. What are
Yes ignore the fact that the three European countries ,are the three European countries we should be compared to. And not a word about the other major economies coping better than us. More head in sand response from you.
Twelve years of trying to catch up is what you actually describe, the figure you give is inflated by an extra 0 irony or not.? £20 billion extra last year so who is wrong? I give you a clear example of the record for NHS spending , and though the report is not up to date it clearly shows how the Tories have been making the present situation of need for catch up . The problems are of their own making .
Mention a fact and your all at sea , you think the effects on ordinary people were great in 2008. Not as great as the effect of high inflation extreme interest rates of Thatcher and Major. Fact
Not a case study, and not by any means a reflection of the truly poor just an easy to make observation of the general make up of our economy and the vast majority of people in it that are heavily reliant on debt , that as our economy starts to unravel as it is in danger of doing will be devastated.


Quote from: Good old on August 30, 2022, 05:39:03 PM
Take a look at this chart. Why  compare to the third division , when comparing to the premier league would be the truth.
The national health service is under manned and under funded. Just saying it gets more money than ever before is total crap , inflation ensures that should be the case but even if the funding of the NHS is more than ever before it does not come to being more than ever before  in fact of actual value.
The debt was up £800 hundred billion before Covid. Debt plateaued at the figure given for a very short period.
Very few lost greatly in 2008 other some banking interests that shot them selves in the foot , and then limped off to their  Malibu, mansions. Nothing compared to the repossessions of Thatcher , Major, years.
As for the modern poor they own little or nothing , but some have been allowed to think they do, but they don't own the house the mortgage company do. They don't own the 70 grand run around that's on credit, and the credit card is playing against what small value there is in the house. Major recession, slump even now and watch them find out how the stand.
Well aware of what's happening in the world and this government is not handling it at all well.
I saw that chart when I copied mine. 3 EU countries slightly better than us, meaning 24 that aren't, 40 European countries worse than us, is that Brexit, Johnson or the Tories that have kept us in such fine fettle?

NHS spending has gone up by 2 and 3 times inflation since Brexit, £200 billion in 3 years, so again you're wrong.

So now you're having to reference Maggie to try and win a point, you've lost, you've not proved a single thing where the government has caused the current situation.

OMG, you're now doing a case study on an imaginary family that drive a 70K runaround but have no equity in their home and are up to their eyes in debt. What are you smoking?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

Good old

Quote from: Nick on August 30, 2022, 04:28:17 PM
Last time I looked the government didn't set peoples wages, apart from the minimum, which BTW is has just gone up by 7%
What services do the government run now? NHS, which has had a larger increase in funding that the 350 million a week you lot keep throwing around, oh wait, no you don't anymore do you cause it's been surpassed.
The debt went up because the government bailed out all you poor souls during Covid. And as mentioned for the thousandth time, debt was going down until Covid.

Please do carry on, cause you haven't got a thing right yet.

So the modern poor own their own home and a Chelsea tractor these days do they?
These the same poor that lost the lot during the 2008 credit crisis under Labour. "That wasn't Labours fault, it was a global crisis". 😳
Are you aware of what's happening in the world? If this is the best argument you can put forward I suggest you give it up.

The U.K. is that bad it's not even in the top 20 within Europe.
Take a look at this chart. Why  compare to the third division , when comparing to the premier league would be the truth.
The national health service is under manned and under funded. Just saying it gets more money than ever before is total crap , inflation ensures that should be the case but even if the funding of the NHS is more than ever before it does not come to being more than ever before  in fact of actual value.
The debt was up £800 hundred billion before Covid. Debt plateaued at the figure given for a very short period.
Very few lost greatly in 2008 other some banking interests that shot them selves in the foot , and then limped off to their  Malibu, mansions. Nothing compared to the repossessions of Thatcher , Major, years.
As for the modern poor they own little or nothing , but some have been allowed to think they do, but they don't own the house the mortgage company do. They don't own the 70 grand run around that's on credit, and the credit card is playing against what small value there is in the house. Major recession, slump even now and watch them find out how the stand.
Well aware of what's happening in the world and this government is not handling it at all well.


Quote from: Good old on August 30, 2022, 03:50:16 PM
No it shows how dire the Tories are. The pols fluctuate but for some time now they have given Labour a lead, and that will not alter if the Tories continue to bumble through what is in fact a multiple crisis.
As to your question, look around you, multitudes of workers that have not just recently been trailing inflation but for twelve years. Most of our main services underfunded consequently under performing. £1.2/3 trillion further in debt than twelve years back and about to enlarge substantially . Do I really need to go on.
And throughout the wealthy,  the multi nationals , are thought successful because they get richer , whilst the majority get poorer, many not sure about that because they are in debt up to the neck and their reality hasn't yet hit them that their house and four by four isn't actually theirs.
Last time I looked the government didn't set peoples wages, apart from the minimum, which BTW is has just gone up by 7%
What services do the government run now? NHS, which has had a larger increase in funding that the 350 million a week you lot keep throwing around, oh wait, no you don't anymore do you cause it's been surpassed.
The debt went up because the government bailed out all you poor souls during Covid. And as mentioned for the thousandth time, debt was going down until Covid.

Please do carry on, cause you haven't got a thing right yet.

So the modern poor own their own home and a Chelsea tractor these days do they?
These the same poor that lost the lot during the 2008 credit crisis under Labour. "That wasn't Labours fault, it was a global crisis". 😳
Are you aware of what's happening in the world? If this is the best argument you can put forward I suggest you give it up.

The U.K. is that bad it's not even in the top 20 within Europe.

I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

Good old

Quote from: Sheepy on August 30, 2022, 03:38:37 PM
You started off so well. just one thing, they will all be answering for it sooner or later, they know that and Labour making excuses already won't change that.

Well some of us know perfection is not possible.  But success or failure can be measured by degrees, and that's the way of the politics of humanity.

Good old

Quote from: Nick on August 30, 2022, 03:22:32 PM
Which shows just how dire Labour are if they can't capitalise on such a poor government.

And how have they done that?
No it shows how dire the Tories are. The pols fluctuate but for some time now they have given Labour a lead, and that will not alter if the Tories continue to bumble through what is in fact a multiple crisis. 
As to your question, look around you, multitudes of workers that have not just recently been trailing inflation but for twelve years. Most of our main services underfunded consequently under performing. £1.2/3 trillion further in debt than twelve years back and about to enlarge substantially . Do I really need to go on.
And throughout the wealthy,  the multi nationals , are thought successful because they get richer , whilst the majority get poorer, many not sure about that because they are in debt up to the neck and their reality hasn't yet hit them that their house and four by four isn't actually theirs.


Quote from: Good old on August 30, 2022, 03:02:09 PMLabour will try harder than this lot
You started off so well. just one thing, they will all be answering for it sooner or later, they know that and Labour making excuses already won't change that.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

patman post

Quote from: Nick on August 30, 2022, 11:39:27 AM
It was down to six a while back.
Just shows how lucky the Tories are, that the country is still basking in the glorious successes of the Johnson administration and able to thumb its noses at the rest of the world now the UK has its independence...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: Good old on August 30, 2022, 03:02:09 PMYou are right it should be 28 points , because that would truly reflect how bad Tory rule has been.
Which shows just how dire Labour are if they can't capitalise on such a poor government.

Quote from: Good old on August 30, 2022, 03:02:09 PMI dont cheer either way it's my country they have f**ked over
And how have they done that?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.