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Started by Nick, September 29, 2022, 12:28:53 AM

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Quote from: Nick on October 03, 2022, 05:06:06 PM
You're saying 70% of Scots want to rejoin the EU, that's what the SNP want so it follows that YES should get 70% in INDY2
You'll have to explain your reasoning behind that statement because it makes no sense. That 70% includes Unionist Remainers who would never vote for Independence.


Quote from: morayloon on October 03, 2022, 02:08:30 PMDon't understand what you're getting at in the first sentence.
You're saying 70% of Scots want to rejoin the EU, that's what the SNP want so it follows that YES should get 70% in INDY2
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on October 03, 2022, 08:31:01 AM
According to you then Indy2 should get 70% + then if they want the EU, but you're not. The YES vote is losing.
Don't understand what you're getting at in the first sentence.
There is not much in it as the recent polls show. Anyway we will be starting from a level playing field when we were at least 20% behind at the start of Indyref. Just as we added around 20% in 2014 so I fully expect the number, for YES, will increase once the Indyref2 campaign gets underway.People know about the broken promises. People know how we were dragged out of the EU. People know that Scot Gov is underfunded: more of our taxes given to the Exchequer should be returned and then we can fully take a different path from that of this disastrous UK Government. Scotland has not voted for a Tory administration since 1955 yet we have had them foisted on us in 1959 - 1964, 1970 - 1974, 1979 - 1997, 2010 - present


Quote from: morayloon on October 03, 2022, 02:54:14 AM
The UK is a Union of England & Scotland, the 2 signatories to the 1706/07 Acts, plus Ireland from 1801. Northern Ireland remains the only part of that island in the Union. Wales was not a signatory because it was seen as part of England. Had to say that because I believe that you and others on this forum think the UK = England. On a historical point: the Union was almost dissolved in 1713, escaping by only 4 votes in a Parliamentary vote.

What we have seen since those days is England dominating to the detriment of Scotland. Brexit is but the latest example. We voted Remain and opinion polls say that the %age saying we should go back in has increased from the 62% who voted Remain to 72% who now want Scotland back in the EU.
The 62% may be dismissed by you Brit Nats but the fact remains that a clear majority of Scots wanted the UK to stay in the EU. A majority which has increased to 44% from the 24% recorded in Brexref. The task for the YES movement is to win over the support of more of those who are pro EU by continually pressing home the fact that Scotland voted Remain only to be dragged out because of the slim majority, for leave, in other parts. That argument will play a big part in any future referendum.

According to you then Indy2 should get 70% + then if they want the EU, but you're not. The YES vote is losing. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Barry on October 02, 2022, 09:30:59 AM
No, it's the other way around. It's the fact that you don't regard the Union as a Union that you saw the referendum results the way you did. We are not four separate countries. We are a Union and the United Kingdom voted us all out of the EU.
As for England leaving the Union - tripe!
The UK is a Union of England & Scotland, the 2 signatories to the 1706/07 Acts, plus Ireland from 1801. Northern Ireland remains the only part of that island in the Union. Wales was not a signatory because it was seen as part of England. Had to say that because I believe that you and others on this forum think the UK = England. On a historical point: the Union was almost dissolved in 1713, escaping by only 4 votes in a Parliamentary vote.

What we have seen since those days is England dominating to the detriment of Scotland. Brexit is but the latest example. We voted Remain and opinion polls say that the %age saying we should go back in has increased from the 62% who voted Remain to 72% who now want Scotland back in the EU.
The 62% may be dismissed by you Brit Nats but the fact remains that a clear majority of Scots wanted the UK to stay in the EU. A majority which has increased to 44% from the 24% recorded in Brexref. The task for the YES movement is to win over the support of more of those who are pro EU by continually pressing home the fact that Scotland voted Remain only to be dragged out because of the slim majority, for leave, in other parts. That argument will play a big part in any future referendum.


Quote from: morayloon on October 02, 2022, 01:36:09 AM
I'll accept any means by which we gain our Independence. But what you posted is typical of the high handed way you Brit Nats see the Union. As was seen with Brexit, what England wants England gets, regardless of the views of the other nations. No wonder so many of us want out.
Colonial rule ended in foreign parts many years ago but it is so obvious that Scotland is being treated as a colony. We are being held prisoner in the Union. Around 50% of us want out but Westminster won't countenance allowing a referendum.
No, it's the other way around. It's the fact that you don't regard the Union as a Union that you saw the referendum results the way you did. We are not four separate countries. We are a Union and the United Kingdom voted us all out of the EU.
As for England leaving the Union - tripe!
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Nick on September 30, 2022, 04:03:55 PM
Like it or not, England is the legislative leader of this union and calls the tunes so yes we can and should.
I'll accept any means by which we gain our Independence. But what you posted is typical of the high handed way you Brit Nats see the Union. As was seen with Brexit, what England wants England gets, regardless of the views of the other nations. No wonder so many of us want out.
Colonial rule ended in foreign parts many years ago but it is so obvious that Scotland is being treated as a colony. We are being held prisoner in the Union. Around 50% of us want out but Westminster won't countenance allowing a referendum.

patman post

I'd prefer a city state centred on London (Singapore style), rather than London as a centre being leached on by England's unproductive regions to keep the idea of a viable country alive. 

The regions and other countries could apply to become associates and join, but they'd have to bring something worthwhile to the to the table...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: morayloon on September 30, 2022, 02:30:28 AM
So we have to ask permission just to hold a referendum. Is that right? But according to you, England can just walk away. Says it all really!!!
Like it or not, England is the legislative leader of this union and calls the tunes so yes we can and should. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on September 29, 2022, 12:28:53 AM
I'm thinking that England should be having an IndyRef of our own and be leaving the U.K. I'm sick of all the bleating from the rest of them about how they want independence, well I say we give them what they want but without the choice.
So we have to ask permission just to hold a referendum. Is that right? But according to you, England can just walk away. Says it all really!!!


I dont think there is much mileage in this Nick . The English quite like the fact that (devolution aside) they have political supremacy over the other parts of the union .

Years ago when the Scots kicked up a fuss England would just grant them estates to run in the North and all would be well . The fools thought they were getting something when in fact they were giving a free managment service . Maybe we could give them Cornwall to look after now that Charlie is King  ,collect a few taxes and liven up the tourist trade . We would have to have assurances that they dont cross the border and invade Buckfast Abbey though .

Conventional wars may be a thing of the past but we might still need some cannon fodder ,the Scots and Irish were always good for that not to mention keeping the Welsh on the sidelines to sing a few songs .

I cant see much to gain with English independence ,it wouldnt make much difference to us though I would boot all the foriegn MP's out of our parliament . Full devolution could follow and we would all be independent anyway . 


I'm thinking that England should be having an IndyRef of our own and be leaving the U.K. I'm sick of all the bleating from the rest of them about how they want independence, well I say we give them what they want but without the choice. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.