Hunt for PM…?

Started by patman post, October 14, 2022, 02:39:35 PM

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Quote from: T00ts on October 14, 2022, 07:18:38 PM
I have kept fairly quiet lately and just watched but you all have the chaos that you wished for. There were cries of Boris out with no regard for who would replace him. It has been obvious for a long time that there was no-one in the Conservative party with the ability to do a better job. Labour has done what Labour always does with their nasty digs from the sidelines while running away when the tables turn. They have little real intention of actually taking the reins with Starmer looking like a rabbit in the headlights every time he has been asked to make a policy decision. His only wish is for the electorate to be persuaded that things are dire so that should he get into No10 he can rely on a honeymoon with those same pundits and media who have brought the country to its knees with its false rhetoric.

Truss was never a good choice and Sunak has blood on his hands not only for the appalling fraud that happened on his watch with grants and furlough payments during Covid, but his dishonesty in attempting to write the losses off. His dishonesty has also been shown up in his knifing his PM in the back. He is not alone in that. Conservative backbenchers and their cohorts have wrecked the credibility of their Party and Westminster and deserve to lose their seats.

We look at the opposition and they are no better. Their seeming unity is but millimeters thick and I have no doubt that confronted with the task of running this country they will disintegrate in next to no time.

To say I am disappointed is an understatement. I expect those elected to have some grit and determination. They no longer serve the country but only their own careers and their self centred vision of their own importance. I actually believe that Truss/Kwarteng economic plans are right, but what they didn't factor in was the left led shrieking with lack of experience, comprehension and fear that caused the panic in the markets. We no longer have Government in this country but chancers led by stupid masses. It is shameful.
Hang on T00ts I ain't much time for mr punch but this is the Tory parties making and not the left and you did say we were panicking over Truss,anyway

QuoteTo say I am disappointed is an understatement. I expect those elected to have some grit and determination. They no longer serve the country but only their own careers and their self centred vision of their own importance
Some of us have been saying this for a while.

QuoteI actually believe that Truss/Kwarteng economic plans are right

Well that's three of you then.

Quotebut what they didn't factor in was the left led shrieking with lack of experience, comprehension and fear that caused the panic in the markets
No it was down to picking someone out of their depth,this is nothing to do with the left,the Tory party and markets and the imf did this a Tory self inflicted wound that's hurting us all. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: patman post on October 14, 2022, 08:08:00 PM
Sorry, Toots, but this whole dog's breakfast is the responsibility of the Tory party membership and the old guard that devised the leader selection process.

And what an in-depth of blue rinse, out of touch, unworldly group of f**ktards the wider membership proved to be. It took two months to get a new PM!

The MPs should choose a new leader if one is required while a party is in government — they're the ones who have to make the administration work, not Glenda Bottomley-Smythe and Col Blanchard Featherstonehaugh, somewhere out in Toryshire.

There's no blood on anyone's hands. Johnson proved unfit to be PM. He needed to be replaced. Quickly. Not over many weeks!

It's the wider Tory membership that let the country down. They should be ashamed, but will they? Of course not. They'll sit at home wondering what happened to that jovial tousle-haired character, who allied himself to the charge to get rid of those darker-complexioned invaders, while people struggle with rising costs and empty shelves...
What rubbish. The choice was flawed to start with. MPs make the choice? What nonsense - they sealed the party's fate when they messed up before the election of a leader even left Westminster. There was no real choice. More of the same old economic strategy is what made those stupid enough not to see that we are still in the EU doldrums of high tax low spend. In the few days that the £ dropped it immediately made us more competitive and rather than let the £ settle and markets get used to the idea the lemmings spurred on buy the left media etc ran around in a complete state of panic driving the markets to respond.

I am sick and tired of the out of date jibes about blue rinses and Shires as if it is even relevant - if you were genuinely sorry you wouldn't make such comments. Just wait until the media and electorate see through Starmer and see what chaos ensues and stop living in cuckoo land. 


Quote from: HallowedBrexit on October 14, 2022, 04:07:43 PM
As T00ts said, the Tories will rue the day of ousting Boris.

He needs to come back and complete Brexit. Union Flag
He had his chance , turned out to be a tory after all 


Quote from: T00ts on October 14, 2022, 07:18:38 PMIt has been obvious for a long time that there was no-one in the Conservative party with the ability to do a better job
You mean Sheeps told us so, which is why we wouldn't call him a taxi. The Tories did all the backstabbing on their own.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

patman post

Quote from: T00ts on October 14, 2022, 07:18:38 PM
I have kept fairly quiet lately and just watched but you all have the chaos that you wished for. There were cries of Boris out with no regard for who would replace him. It has been obvious for a long time that there was no-one in the Conservative party with the ability to do a better job. Labour has done what Labour always does with their nasty digs from the sidelines while running away when the tables turn. They have little real intention of actually taking the reins with Starmer looking like a rabbit in the headlights every time he has been asked to make a policy decision. His only wish is for the electorate to be persuaded that things are dire so that should he get into No10 he can rely on a honeymoon with those same pundits and media who have brought the country to its knees with its false rhetoric.

Truss was never a good choice and Sunak has blood on his hands not only for the appalling fraud that happened on his watch with grants and furlough payments during Covid, but his dishonesty in attempting to write the losses off. His dishonesty has also been shown up in his knifing his PM in the back. He is not alone in that. Conservative backbenchers and their cohorts have wrecked the credibility of their Party and Westminster and deserve to lose their seats.

We look at the opposition and they are no better. Their seeming unity is but millimeters thick and I have no doubt that confronted with the task of running this country they will disintegrate in next to no time.

To say I am disappointed is an understatement. I expect those elected to have some grit and determination. They no longer serve the country but only their own careers and their self centred vision of their own importance. I actually believe that Truss/Kwarteng economic plans are right, but what they didn't factor in was the left led shrieking with lack of experience, comprehension and fear that caused the panic in the markets. We no longer have Government in this country but chancers led by stupid masses. It is shameful.resigned to all intents and purposes 8 July. The stupid arrangement, where members choose the leader, finished over two months later. Ridiculous, and makes a laughing stock of the current party.
Sorry, Toots, but this whole dog's breakfast is the responsibility of the Tory party membership and the old guard that devised the leader selection process.

And what an in-depth of blue rinse, out of touch, unworldly group of f**ktards the wider membership proved to be. It took two months to get a new PM!

The MPs should choose a new leader if one is required while a party is in government — they're the ones who have to make the administration work, not Glenda Bottomley-Smythe and Col Blanchard Featherstonehaugh, somewhere out in Toryshire.

There's no blood on anyone's hands. Johnson proved unfit to be PM. He needed to be replaced. Quickly. Not over many weeks!

It's the wider Tory membership that let the country down. They should be ashamed, but will they? Of course not. They'll sit at home wondering what happened to that jovial tousle-haired character, who allied himself to the charge to get rid of those darker-complexioned invaders, while people struggle with rising costs and empty shelves...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: patman post on October 14, 2022, 07:33:24 PM
To be fair though, you are/were wrong.

Truss bolloxed the GBP after she became PM, so she lagged behind your expectations.

OK, you weren't that far out...
Well I knew she had to enact her tax cutting plans first so she had to be PM before the crash would occur. I just remember going backwards and forwards explaining why Sunak was the lesser evil on here and everyone saying we should trust Truss and that I was not giving her a fair chance or that I was sexist for saying that I don't need for her to be PM to know she wasn't up for the job.

patman post

Quote from: B0ycey on October 14, 2022, 07:28:12 PM
To be fair @T00ts, I did say Truss would bankrupt the nation before she became PM. She exceeded expectations.
To be fair though, you are/were wrong. 

Truss bolloxed the GBP after she became PM, so she lagged behind your expectations.

OK, you weren't that far out...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


To be fair @T00ts, I did say Truss would bankrupt the nation before she became PM. She exceeded expectations.


I have kept fairly quiet lately and just watched but you all have the chaos that you wished for. There were cries of Boris out with no regard for who would replace him. It has been obvious for a long time that there was no-one in the Conservative party with the ability to do a better job. Labour has done what Labour always does with their nasty digs from the sidelines while running away when the tables turn. They have little real intention of actually taking the reins with Starmer looking like a rabbit in the headlights every time he has been asked to make a policy decision. His only wish is for the electorate to be persuaded that things are dire so that should he get into No10 he can rely on a honeymoon with those same pundits and media who have brought the country to its knees with its false rhetoric.

Truss was never a good choice and Sunak has blood on his hands not only for the appalling fraud that happened on his watch with grants and furlough payments during Covid, but his dishonesty in attempting to write the losses off. His dishonesty has also been shown up in his knifing his PM in the back. He is not alone in that. Conservative backbenchers and their cohorts have wrecked the credibility of their Party and Westminster and deserve to lose their seats. 

We look at the opposition and they are no better. Their seeming unity is but millimeters thick and I have no doubt that confronted with the task of running this country they will disintegrate in next to no time. 

To say I am disappointed is an understatement. I expect those elected to have some grit and determination. They no longer serve the country but only their own careers and their self centred vision of their own importance. I actually believe that Truss/Kwarteng economic plans are right, but what they didn't factor in was the left led shrieking with lack of experience, comprehension and fear that caused the panic in the markets. We no longer have Government in this country but chancers led by stupid masses. It is shameful.


Quote from: cromwell on October 14, 2022, 06:14:56 PM
Yeah and for now we are stuck with the female equivalent of Mr Bean as pm.
Mr Punch or Mrs Bean Cromwell? Who is running the country better? 


Quote from: Sheepy on October 14, 2022, 06:17:41 PM
Should be fun, Hunt has managed to cock up every previous job he was given.
Indeed Sheepy. But do you know what is worse. If Truss is ousted, he may take the PM role.

patman post

Quote from: cromwell on October 14, 2022, 06:14:56 PM
Yeah and for now we are stuck with the female equivalent of Mr Bean as pm.
Cripes !!!

If only she appeared as that talented...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Should be fun, Hunt has managed to cock up every previous job he was given.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: patman post on October 14, 2022, 05:18:57 PM
Sunak back as chancellor, seems a way forward.

But I doubt the parliamentary party would coalesce behind him as PM. Therefore it'll need Hunt, or another acceptable choice for leader.

For now...
Yeah and for now we are stuck with the female equivalent of Mr Bean as pm. and affordable,not that hard is it?

patman post

Quote from: B0ycey on October 14, 2022, 04:49:09 PM
At the moment John, it is all about stabilising the economy. There is no other guy but Sunak who can do that in the Tory party.
Sunak back as chancellor, seems a way forward.

But I doubt the parliamentary party would coalesce behind him as PM. Therefore it'll need Hunt, or another acceptable choice for leader. 

For now...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...