Hunt for PM…?

Started by patman post, October 14, 2022, 02:39:35 PM

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Quote from: cromwell on October 15, 2022, 09:52:09 AM
Not a comparison? Of course it is,sorry T00ts you are desperately trying to shut out the undeniable which is so much of this is down to the tories.
Cameron the runaway,May of Mayhem and now Truss.

As I keep saying Westminster needs a massive overhaul......too bloated and corrupt.
Do you not see the connection between May as home sec then pm and G4s running custody at police stations and so many other contracts and Mays husbands connections,it's not just her though.

Look at the push for ID cards and blind Pugh and his shares in a biometric company but the corruption is there over the decades the name running through like a stick of seaside rock.

But back to the here and now you are shifting the blame to the past to labour then saying it's all inevitable anyway but won't or cannot face up to the truth that we've been badly led for for over a decade by the tories,yes there are problems in the past real or imagined surely but so much of this can be laid at their door but you refuse to see it.
LOL Good try cromwell! Do you in all honesty look back at the Labour benches over that same period of time and see the nation's saviour? Shall I remind you? Brown, Milliband, Harman for a few mins, Corbyn and now Starmer. Up to now all unelectable. This is a failure of all, politicians, regulators, pension fund managers who have panicked in the last week or so as the chickens came home to roost. The BofE had to step in because they have increased pension risk beyond the pale. 

We voted for Brexit. Even now there are too many people in power not just in Westminster, who are holding the country back because by making Brexit fail they get what they want. They don't care about the country just their loss of face. 

We are beyond Conservative/Labour now. We need grown ups and we need some real sense. Above all we need some real honesty.


Quote from: T00ts on October 15, 2022, 09:29:36 AM
That's just not a comparison. It suits the Labour narrative to shift any blame for economic foolishness done in their time in power. I agree Truss isn't up to the job and Sunak is unacceptable as proved. There is no leader in Westminster who will cope with what is to come. The choice was worse than poor at the outset. The rise in interest rates will continue with or without Truss or Sunak. The status quo will only work for so long and the crash is coming. Truss recognises that - not that I think she is right for PM - but no matter who is in power it is inevitable and has been obvious for some time.
I should think Starmer is quaking in case it happens on his watch.
Not a comparison? Of course it is,sorry T00ts you are desperately trying to shut out the undeniable which is so much of this is down to the tories.
Cameron the runaway,May of Mayhem and now Truss.

As I keep saying Westminster needs a massive overhaul......too bloated and corrupt.
Do you not see the connection between May as home sec then pm and G4s running custody at police stations and so many other contracts and Mays husbands connections,it's not just her though.

Look at the push for ID cards and blind Pugh and his shares in a biometric company but the corruption is there over the decades the name running through like a stick of seaside rock.

But back to the here and now you are shifting the blame to the past to labour then saying it's all inevitable anyway but won't or cannot face up to the truth that we've been badly led for for over a decade by the tories,yes there are problems in the past real or imagined surely but so much of this can be laid at their door but you refuse to see it. and affordable,not that hard is it?

Good old

Quote from: T00ts on October 15, 2022, 09:29:36 AM
That's just not a comparison. It suits the Labour narrative to shift any blame for economic foolishness done in their time in power. I agree Truss isn't up to the job and Sunak is unacceptable as proved. There is no leader in Westminster who will cope with what is to come. The choice was worse than poor at the outset. The rise in interest rates will continue with or without Truss or Sunak. The status quo will only work for so long and the crash is coming. Truss recognises that - not that I think she is right for PM - but no matter who is in power it is inevitable and has been obvious for some time.
I should think Starmer is quaking in case it happens on his watch.

One thing is  for certain , is if Starmer does not deviate distinctly from what the Tories have been serving up not just recently but for the whole of the last twelve years, then only failure awaits for all.
What we see now is ,a house not built strong enough to repulse a storm. The rebuild will not please the Tory faithful, whoever does it , because it will cost money from one source or another, hence the Tories disarray. 


Only two more Chancellors before Christmas guys...


Quote from: Sheepy on October 14, 2022, 10:55:55 PM
And I guess you still believe the government has any control over what is left of any sign of an economy.
No, they don't. As Liz appointed Hunt at 9.30 yesterday, before Kwasi even landed at Heathrow, I think we can safely say the Blob wins yet again.
† The end is nigh †

Good old

Quote from: T00ts on October 15, 2022, 08:43:04 AM
I didn't see that you had put this here and have started a separate thread so will delete it. But have you actually read it. Do you not remember that Brown did this, and can you not see what has happened since?
Trouble being , if what Brown did was so toxic, why in twelve years of having the ability to do something about it, have they done absolutely nothing about it.?  What is clear here is they have created the conditions that would always have exposed any frailties in the pensions system. 


Quote from: cromwell on October 15, 2022, 08:57:13 AM
Yes I have read it,it's risible nonsense an attempt to convince the gullible,if you buy a house and the roof falls in twelve years later that's not down to the previous owner.

It was clear from the outset she wasn't up to the job and when I and others said it accused of being mysoginists,it's also clear many in the Tory party knew she was hopeless yet she was let loose.....Dagenham indeed.
That's just not a comparison. It suits the Labour narrative to shift any blame for economic foolishness done in their time in power. I agree Truss isn't up to the job and Sunak is unacceptable as proved. There is no leader in Westminster who will cope with what is to come. The choice was worse than poor at the outset. The rise in interest rates will continue with or without Truss or Sunak. The status quo will only work for so long and the crash is coming. Truss recognises that - not that I think she is right for PM - but no matter who is in power it is inevitable and has been obvious for some time. 
I should think Starmer is quaking in case it happens on his watch.


Quote from: T00ts on October 15, 2022, 08:43:04 AM
I didn't see that you had put this here and have started a separate thread so will delete it. But have you actually read it. Do you not remember that Brown did this, and can you not see what has happened since?
Yes I have read it,it's risible nonsense an attempt to convince the gullible,if you buy a house and the roof falls in twelve years later that's not down to the previous owner.

It was clear from the outset she wasn't up to the job and when I and others said it accused of being mysoginists,it's also clear many in the Tory party knew she was hopeless yet she was let loose.....Dagenham indeed. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on October 15, 2022, 08:32:32 AM
I wasn't sure if I should put this in the joke section,a perusal of the daily wail comes up with this gem.......yes you've guessed it this whole fiasco can be traced directly back to......Gordon Brown.

Been saying this along with others for years Westminster lives in a world of its own,the lords has to go and we need a slimmed down legislature where we pay rhe politicians substantially more,no second jobs the directorship here or there,barred from taking any employment or advisory role they've had a connection with whilst in office.

We need people who know what they're doing and not someone who was clearly out of their depth to the level of clueless.

It is reported a group of fellow tories had a nickname for her which was Dagenham, why you may ask? apparently because on the underground system Dagenham is two stops past wonder old big ears on seeing her again said "You're back oh dear oh dear" he knew what was coming.

We can't be having people of her ilk from any party leading the country.
I didn't see that you had put this here and have started a separate thread so will delete it. But have you actually read it. Do you not remember that Brown did this, and can you not see what has happened since? 


I wasn't sure if I should put this in the joke section,a perusal of the daily wail comes up with this gem.......yes you've guessed it this whole fiasco can be traced directly back to......Gordon Brown.

Been saying this along with others for years Westminster lives in a world of its own,the lords has to go and we need a slimmed down legislature where we pay rhe politicians substantially more,no second jobs the directorship here or there,barred from taking any employment or advisory role they've had a connection with whilst in office.

We need people who know what they're doing and not someone who was clearly out of their depth to the level of clueless.

It is reported a group of fellow tories had a nickname for her which was Dagenham, why you may ask? apparently because on the underground system Dagenham is two stops past wonder old big ears on seeing her again said "You're back oh dear oh dear" he knew what was coming.

We can't be having people of her ilk from any party leading the country. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: T00ts on October 14, 2022, 10:17:14 PM
We'll have to agree to differ on this one. We are in the midst of a perfect storm created by the Ref, Covid, unstable Global markets/economies and war debt. At the same time we are uncompetitive with too many harking back to their EU comfort blanket. Given a Conservative party with a false majority formed by too many unprepared unseasoned MPs from the Red Wall who really shouldn't be there, having been awarded their seats on a promise and not a permanent gift. Having got their seat they stupidly thought they had a job for life so anything that makes them feel insecure and they go into overdrive.
Add to that an agenda light opposition whose only wish has been to destabilise Government regardless of national need and who I believe are terrified of having to deal with any of the current problems. Conservative problems have been overblown to the point of national risk led as I have said, by a left leaning media hell bent on disposing of the Conservative Government while all the while I see no leader on any of the Westminster benches.
It is exactly this scenario that lends itself to the worst kind of potential. For some years it seems, I have been calling for sage heads and grown up thinking and it seems this simply is not available.
Let's face it. Whilst the economic headwinds internationally are turbulent, this is a home grown Tory disaster. The members have been shown to be fools for foisting upon us an idealogue over a pragmatist, a choice you yourself agreed with and are thus reluctant to own the consequences of. An uncosted giveaway to those who needed it the least, wholly unbacked by any OBR forecast has brought this about.

Already Truss is dead in the water, holed below the waterline by her own ideological assumptions and lack of competance. Sacking a chancellor who was only doing her bidding just doesn't cut it. She'll be gone by Christmas. Have heard talk of a Sunak/Mordaunt ticket which would surely be an improvement. After all, Sunak's criticisms of Truss's fairytale economics and what it would result in have been borne out. Seems to me that he was the one who actually knew what he was talking about.

Clearly it is essential that Tory MPs rally round such an alternative. To trust the membership with the decision again would clearly be a mistake. The majority of them seem to go for what they personally like rather than what will work. And what they personally like seems to be wholly at odds with the desires and needs of the public at large.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: T00ts on October 14, 2022, 10:17:14 PM
We'll have to agree to differ on this one. We are in the midst of a perfect storm created by the Ref, Covid, unstable Global markets/economies and war debt. At the same time we are uncompetitive with too many harking back to their EU comfort blanket. Given a Conservative party with a false majority formed by too many unprepared unseasoned MPs from the Red Wall who really shouldn't be there, having been awarded their seats on a promise and not a permanent gift. Having got their seat they stupidly thought they had a job for life so anything that makes them feel insecure and they go into overdrive.
Add to that an agenda light opposition whose only wish has been to destabilise Government regardless of national need and who I believe are terrified of having to deal with any of the current problems. Conservative problems have been overblown to the point of national risk led as I have said, by a left leaning media hell bent on disposing of the Conservative Government while all the while I see no leader on any of the Westminster benches.
It is exactly this scenario that lends itself to the worst kind of potential. For some years it seems, I have been calling for sage heads and grown up thinking and it seems this simply is not available.
Well all you're saying it's everybody's fault bar the long term tories,plus the media is as much to the right so that's not accurate.

Cameron held a referendum then ran away an election  was won on getting brexit done, May was mrs brexit means brexit when she had no intention,Boris fell down on his lying and now Truss  all tories how on earth you conclude it's anyones fault other than the tories?

Its no use blaming the pandemic,war,markets....when the world wide banking crisis occurred tories to a man and woman said that was irrelevant and it was all Browns fault. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: patman post on October 14, 2022, 10:43:45 PM
If that's an example of Conservative membership trying to excuse their choices, it doesn't stand up to scrutiny. They represent nobody but themselves.

The UK doesn't have many Left-leaning news outlets.The vast majority of the national print news media and money are solidly Tory. By readership and circulation alone, newspapers such as the Mail (almost the Tory house journal), Sun, Times, Telegraph, Express dwarf the Mirror, Guardian, i, etc, by miles.

Betting the country's future on would be Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher tribute acts is proving a disaster.

Truss has to go, and MPs must put the lid on any Johnson revival.

Unless another Tory figure with gravitas and substance emerges to grab Tory MPs attention, they have to go with a Hunt-Sunak ticket quickly and without fuss...

And I guess you still believe the government has any control over what is left of any sign of an economy. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

patman post

Quote from: T00ts on October 14, 2022, 10:17:14 PMConservative problems have been overblown to the point of national risk led as I have said, by a left leaning media hell bent on disposing of the Conservative Government while all the while I see no leader on any of the Westminster benches.
If that's an example of Conservative membership trying to excuse their choices, it doesn't stand up to scrutiny. They represent nobody but themselves.

The UK doesn't have many Left-leaning news outlets.The vast majority of the national print news media and money are solidly Tory. By readership and circulation alone, newspapers such as the Mail (almost the Tory house journal), Sun, Times, Telegraph, Express dwarf the Mirror, Guardian, i, etc, by miles. 

Betting the country's future on would be Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher tribute acts is proving a disaster.
Truss has to go, and MPs must put the lid on any Johnson revival. 

Unless another Tory figure with gravitas and substance emerges to grab Tory MPs attention, they have to go with a Hunt-Sunak ticket quickly and without fuss...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: cromwell on October 14, 2022, 09:33:29 PM
Hang on T00ts I ain't much time for mr punch but this is the Tory parties making and not the left and you did say we were panicking over Truss,anyway
Some of us have been saying this for a while.

Well that's three of you then.

No it was down to picking someone out of their depth,this is nothing to do with the left,the Tory party and markets and the imf did this a Tory self inflicted wound that's hurting us all.
We'll have to agree to differ on this one. We are in the midst of a perfect storm created by the Ref, Covid, unstable Global markets/economies and war debt. At the same time we are uncompetitive with too many harking back to their EU comfort blanket. Given a Conservative party with a false majority formed by too many unprepared unseasoned MPs from the Red Wall who really shouldn't be there, having been awarded their seats on a promise and not a permanent gift. Having got their seat they stupidly thought they had a job for life so anything that makes them feel insecure and they go into overdrive.
Add to that an agenda light opposition whose only wish has been to destabilise Government regardless of national need and who I believe are terrified of having to deal with any of the current problems. Conservative problems have been overblown to the point of national risk led as I have said, by a left leaning media hell bent on disposing of the Conservative Government while all the while I see no leader on any of the Westminster benches. 
It is exactly this scenario that lends itself to the worst kind of potential. For some years it seems, I have been calling for sage heads and grown up thinking and it seems this simply is not available.