Triple lock: Liz Truss ditches pledge to raise pensions with inflation

Started by Borchester, October 18, 2022, 08:06:28 PM

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Quote from: Borchester on October 19, 2022, 02:25:39 PM
First U turn of the day. Not to worry, the day is still young. She will probably change her mind before 3 pm
She's a woman - she's allowed!!  Dancing


Quote from: T00ts on October 19, 2022, 12:29:01 PM
No I am not just loyal to the Conservatives I simply trust them the most. FYI Liz Trust has just announced in PMQs that the triple lock is safe and Hunt nodded.

First U turn of the day. Not to worry, the day is still young. She will probably change her mind before 3 pm
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Barry on October 19, 2022, 01:59:27 PM
Oh, well, that kind of kills the purpose of this thread. Did someone tap her on the shoulder and tell her the back benchers would not have it?
I thought Liz started QTs a bit shaky, but recovered a bit, although Starmer and others were using the opportunity to attack, as one would expect.
I look forward to a pension increase of over 10% in the next round. I won't hold my breath, though.
With food being one of the main causes of inflation they will have to be very careful. Top many years of EU farming policy has put paid to any attempts here to even partly feed ourselves.


Quote from: T00ts on October 19, 2022, 12:29:01 PM
FYI Liz Trust has just announced in PMQs that the triple lock is safe and Hunt nodded. 
Oh, well, that kind of kills the purpose of this thread. Did someone tap her on the shoulder and tell her the back benchers would not have it?
I thought Liz started QTs a bit shaky, but recovered a bit, although Starmer and others were using the opportunity to attack, as one would expect.
I look forward to a pension increase of over 10% in the next round. I won't hold my breath, though.
† The end is nigh †

patman post

Quote from: srb7677 on October 19, 2022, 01:15:36 PM
What I want is merely a legally binding requirement to seek a new mandate from the people for any change of leader and resultant change in policy direction.

There's no "merely" about it. They would be a fundamental changes to the political system.

I don't believe an election manifesto can be legally enforced — and I want a government to run the country, not the country to micromanage government. And that includes MP's choosing their leaders for themselves.

Voters decide if they like the way the government performs or, they can choose another party if they prefer its stated aims and objectives. Maximum five year terms seem a reasonable time to judge administrations...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...

patman post

Quote from: T00ts on October 19, 2022, 01:04:45 PM
Not fools - but a GE now would not be honest. It suits the left after all they have been working on it hard since Brexit Ref. and let's face it it's their only chance but they are in as much disarray as Conservatives if we are honest. To go for a GE now does not allow for an honest competition and you know it.
It's not dishonest for the opposition to oppose and, if they want to govern, strive to get and win an election.

All political parties would choose to have elections at a time most suited to themselves, if possible.

Timing, within the rules, is most often chosen by the government — though occasionally it can be forced to "go to the country".

Although I am a supporter of Conservative ideals, I am not totally sold on dislike the current (or the past two) administrations.

If it takes one or two Labour governments (or Labour-led coalitions) to steady the country and get the one nation Tory party of equal opportunity back on track, so be it...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: patman post on October 19, 2022, 01:02:54 PMYou appear to want to change parliament into a forum for delegates. My preference is for it to remain a forum for representatives able to make decisions on behalf of their constituents...
What I want is merely a legally binding requirement to seek a new mandate from the people for any change of leader and resultant change in policy direction.

It is good that Truss has been forced to reverse most of her disastrous budget - and let's face it, it was hers as much as Kwarteng's - but she has no mandate from the people for austerity either.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: T00ts on October 19, 2022, 01:04:45 PM
Not fools - but a GE now would not be honest. It suits the left after all they have been working on it hard since Brexit Ref. and let's face it it's their only chance but they are in as much disarray as Conservatives if we are honest. To go for a GE now does not allow for an honest competition and you know it.
Not honest,it wouldn't be honest to deny the people their say.

I'm not saying mr punch is a genius but to place any blame on the left is nonsense,they're not in power haven't been for over a decade  and doing what an opposition is supposed to do opposing.

The reality is massive mistakes have been made and judgement on that is due and I would like to see a recall law and have been saying for a long time an overhaul at Westminster the voting system too. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on October 19, 2022, 12:51:10 PM
We are suffering in any event mainly brought about by the mini budget,to deny or shift the blame is madness,they have been in power for twelve years blaming others is not on.

Assuming the electorate will be swept along is saying the electorate are fools,they voted the tories in so must be then or they should be trusted to make the decisions on their own future.
Not fools - but a GE now would not be honest. It suits the left after all they have been working on it hard since Brexit Ref. and let's face it it's their only chance but they are in as much disarray as Conservatives if we are honest. To go for a GE now does not allow for an honest competition and you know it. 

patman post

Quote from: srb7677 on October 19, 2022, 12:22:04 PM
I disagree. A change of leader as demonstrated often brings with it a vast change in policy and binning of manifesto pledges. What Truss promised bears no relation to the manifesto they were elected under. And even now after all the u turns they are proposing more austerity, another manifesto pledge broken.

Because such changes with no mandate often come with new leaders, the country ought to be asked as a legal requirement
A manifesto, issued by a political party before a General Election, contains the set of policies that the party stands for and would wish to implement if elected to govern.

It is not a contract and, because what can be implemented depends on so many variables, it's not feasible to pretend it's legally enforceable.

What Truss said she'd do, during her chase for the membership's vote, bears no relation to what's actually now happening. That's not a surprise — Sunak, warned what would happen — Forcing Truss to carry on with her original plans would have been mad!!!

You appear to want to change parliament into a forum for delegates. My preference is for it to remain a forum for representatives able to make decisions on behalf of their constituents...

On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: T00ts on October 19, 2022, 12:44:48 PM
It's a nice thought. Do you think that this is the right moment for a considered decision by most people? Is it not a possibility that the furore currently being played out is being orchestrated by those with only one agenda? The bringing down of government? Would it not be better to let things calm down? I have Sky on at the moment and it is quite evident that their reporting  on PMQs which I watched carefully, is not quite accurate shall we say, and those they are interviewing are selected for what they will say. Their total focus is cost of living without any real comprehension of where it comes from. They don't understand that the problems don't disappear with a GE.
I agree that we have a mess I am not stupid, but I keep saying that we need sage heads and at present I can't find many.
The electorate will be swept along and will send the baby with the bath water, and we will all suffer.
We are suffering in any event mainly brought about by the mini budget,to deny or shift the blame is madness,they have been in power for twelve years blaming others is not on.

Assuming the electorate will be swept along is saying the electorate are fools,they voted the tories in so must be then or they should be trusted to make the decisions on their own future. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on October 19, 2022, 12:34:49 PM
In that case wouldn't it be best if the decision on the best of worst choices be given to the people,after all it is they that are suffering not the Westminster bubble.
It's a nice thought. Do you think that this is the right moment for a considered decision by most people? Is it not a possibility that the furore currently being played out is being orchestrated by those with only one agenda? The bringing down of government? Would it not be better to let things calm down? I have Sky on at the moment and it is quite evident that their reporting  on PMQs which I watched carefully, is not quite accurate shall we say, and those they are interviewing are selected for what they will say. Their total focus is cost of living without any real comprehension of where it comes from. They don't understand that the problems don't disappear with a GE.
I agree that we have a mess I am not stupid, but I keep saying that we need sage heads and at present I can't find many.
The electorate will be swept along and will send the baby with the bath water, and we will all suffer. 


In that case wouldn't it be best if the decision on the best of worst choices be given to the people,after all it is they that are suffering not the Westminster bubble. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Barry on October 19, 2022, 11:52:56 AM
You are a more loyal Tory than even I thought.
Yes we are all responsible for ourselves and we worked for our state pension.
The Government created the triple lock to protect retired people who are not working so that their responsibility for themselves is not eroded by inflation and they remain afloat.
We took responsibility for ourselves, now the government needs to keep their responsibility to state pensioners. You believed we would have that triple lock resumed next time, but the Tories will always find an excuse now they have got away with it once.
In politics there are always events which the government can use as an excuse for their own ineptitude. Meanwhile, another thousand illegal immigrants arrive over the channel and another £500 million worth of arms leaves Brize Norton for East Poland to go onto the Ukraine.
It's all about priorities and keeping to manifesto promises. They are morally bankrupt.
No I am not just loyal to the Conservatives I simply trust them the most. FYI Liz Trust has just announced in PMQs that the triple lock is safe and Hunt nodded. My message is clear - Truss was a wrong choice but then so was Sunak. The Cons MPs have fallen into their own traps. Truss has not wrecked the economy this was coming anyway. It suits the left agenda to try and blame the Government alone. 
We are suffering from lack of self discipline and lack of loyalty everywhere in all areas of society. You of all here knows that this is part of the agenda we need to expect and must be careful not to be swept along with the lemmings. They are all lying but sadly have convinced themselves that the lies are truth. 

I have no doubt that there will be those who will ridicule my stance - so be it. 
Quote from: cromwell on October 19, 2022, 12:26:28 PM
Read the the room T00ts I doubt her ability to read and understand the contents on the back of a crisp packet.

She's a chancer,carpetbagger and idiot to boot not I might  add because she's a woman but her make up as a person who was placed n a position far beyond her capability.

I agree she was the wrong choice and have said so all along. Starmer would be a worse one! 


Quote from: T00ts on October 19, 2022, 10:20:23 AM
Is it bad management or a perfect storm of all sorts of issues that have landed all at once? I don't necessarily completely blame the government. Cost of living rises are everywhere, the results of low interest rates for so long where cheap money has allowed debt to rise with little concern has finally come home to roost. Complacency not just at government level, has finally bitten us and we are all guilty unless we have been a bit wise and avoided the debt.
We are all responsible for ourselves - not that anyone on the left will be happy with that notion.
Europe is going into recession, it will be interesting to see how they handle that with their interminable committees and abundance of rules. We can be stronger but Hunt is not the answer, he is going to suffocate business and we will have job losses. The unions are rampant and desperate for a left wing government so that they can once again rule.
I should think Starmer hopes that the Conservatives stay in power until the worst is over because I don't think anyone currently in politics has a clue and those who do don't have the guts or she's a woman. She was right but didn't read the room and has chickened out.

Covid convinced too many that the way forward is constant handouts and as a nation we have gone soft. Harsh? Yes of course, but either we get real or reality is going to hit us all in the face. Sadly for those of us beyond working age there is little we can do but watch the young ones makes the same mistakes that we did and watch them having to learn. They are in for a tough time.
Read the the room T00ts I doubt her ability to read and understand the contents on the back of a crisp packet.

She's a chancer,carpetbagger and idiot to boot not I might  add because she's a woman but her make up as a person who was placed n a position far beyond her capability. and affordable,not that hard is it?