Revenge best served cold!

Started by T00ts, October 21, 2022, 02:21:05 PM

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Quote from: B0ycey on October 25, 2022, 09:25:56 AM
How is Sunak making the situation worse? Truss was bankrupting the nation by giving tax cuts for the rich. Unless you advocate trickle down economics Sunak is an improvement on Truss in every sense of the word. Besides, Sunak may well revert back to their manifesto pledge of 'levelling up', which again is an improvement of Truss. But given I never voted Tories their manifesto means little to me anyway. As long as the Tories don't bankrupt the nation, which Sunak shouldn't do, then given we are 2 years from an election, no it doesn't bother me. We can get the Tories out then and work on reforms when Socialist MPs have a say.

Eh? I have just explained it. How many more times?
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on October 25, 2022, 09:00:47 AM
No Boycey this is not the good of a bad situation it is making it a much worse situation the reality is nothing of the kind but purely created.
This should bother you more than anything, they are actually crowing over it.

How is Sunak making the situation worse? Truss was bankrupting the nation by giving tax cuts for the rich. Unless you advocate trickle down economics Sunak is an improvement on Truss in every sense of the word. Besides, Sunak may well revert back to their manifesto pledge of 'levelling up', which again is an improvement of Truss. But given I never voted Tories their manifesto means little to me anyway. As long as the Tories don't bankrupt the nation, which Sunak shouldn't do, then given we are 2 years from an election, no it doesn't bother me. We can get the Tories out then and work on reforms when Socialist MPs have a say.


Quote from: B0ycey on October 25, 2022, 08:55:19 AM
Good and 'the best of a bad situation' are not the same thing Sheepy. My hope for Sunak is that he balances the books. That isn't what I class as high hopes nor is it an endorsement. It is just the reality we are in.
No Boycey this is not the good of a bad situation it is making it a much worse situation the reality is nothing of the kind but purely created.
This should bother you more than anything, they are actually crowing over it. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on October 25, 2022, 08:43:43 AM
Not true Boycey, you have constantly said it is a good thing, stop trying to make out there are lines in the Westminster party they all vote for the same thing, constantly, then say it wasn't them it was the others. I have told you many times I said it was a mistake trusting the Westminster party, so either you have lost the plot or are purposely going along with it, for reasons of your own, so which is it?

Good and 'the best of a bad situation' are not the same thing Sheepy. My hope for Sunak is that he balances the books. That isn't what I class as high hopes nor is it an endorsement. It is just the reality we are in.


Quote from: B0ycey on October 25, 2022, 08:35:45 AM
Jeez Sheepy, I have told you at least 10 times now I am not endorsing Sunak but he was the best of a bad bunch. We have 2 years until an election given it is highly unlikely Tories are going to back their own sacking to enact one and all I expect from a Tory PM right now is to not bankrupt the nation. Sunak as an economists will do that. In two years time I won't vote Tories given I never vote Tories which is more than I can say for you who did back in 2019.

Not true Boycey, you have constantly said it is a good thing, stop trying to make out there are lines in the Westminster party they all vote for the same thing, constantly, then say it wasn't them it was the others. I have told you many times I said it was a mistake trusting the Westminster party, so either you have lost the plot or are purposely going along with it, for reasons of your own, so which is it?
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on October 25, 2022, 08:25:01 AM
Boycey has lost the plot, he is happily going along with having your voice removed and giving full control of every part of your life to any direction the globalists decide, which of course is pure fascism, they did it with COVID and we told you they would build on it and have the next crisis ready, we even told you at the start of COVID where it was leading. Never once has anyone said thanks or even realised there is a major battle going on for what is basically your basic freedoms and what if any future you all have.

Jeez Sheepy, I have told you at least 10 times now I am not endorsing Sunak but he was the best of a bad bunch. We have 2 years until an election given it is highly unlikely Tories are going to back their own sacking to enact one and all I expect from a Tory PM right now is to not bankrupt the nation. Sunak as an economists will do that. In two years time I won't vote Tories given I never vote Tories which is more than I can say for you who did back in 2019.


Quote from: Streetwalker on October 25, 2022, 06:25:08 AM
I know how it works Boycey. My concerns /gripe  is that the Tories decided a 'modified' election would take place because the members didn't agree with them last time . They basically changed their own rules  and removed any outside influence from the process .

You might prefer it left to the MP's  , I would rather have some semblance of democracy and let the members have the final say . Sunak didnt even get half his own MPs on board ,thats not democratic its a stitch up
Sunak had support beyond half his own MPs actually. Johnson and Mordaunt, despite the bollocks spoken by Mogg, couldn't hit 100 so dropped out.

As for democracy being dead, if you understand the system then you will know that it isn't true. We have a parliamentary democracy, and as shown yesterday is seems to be working very well. I don't like parliamentary democracy and have always said that the UK is the most undemocratic democracy there is so if you are saying the system needs changing then I agree with you. But it is the system that made Johnson PM given you never voted for him to become PM either. Are you aware that Johnson, despite his 80 seat majority, didn't get above half the electorate vote in 2019? That is down to FPTP and most votes being disregarded. Under PR, the true Democratic system, he most likely wouldn't have became PM.

As for MPs and not Tory members choosing our PM, well all I can say is good. That is the ONLY democratic solution under parliamentary democracy. Tory members are not in any sense whatsoever elected by the public. In fact given MPs under whip select our PM and they were elected by us, they should indeed have choosen our PM. And until the rules are changed that is how it will remain. It isn't like the rules changed last week SW. They are the rules since Parliament was created. And given when the members had a choice last time they picked both Johnson and Truss, arguably the worse two PM in history, we should be thankful they never got a say anyway.


Quote from: Streetwalker on October 25, 2022, 06:50:02 AM
Wether Mordaunt was leant on or was just a willing  part of the illusion we will never know . But yes Truss never stood a chance .
Im not confident Sunak will lead us where we want to go ,his path is narrow and he had better watch his step
Boycey has lost the plot, he is happily going along with having your voice removed and giving full control of every part of your life to any direction the globalists decide, which of course is pure fascism, they did it with COVID and we told you they would build on it and have the next crisis ready, we even told you at the start of COVID where it was leading. Never once has anyone said thanks or even realised there is a major battle going on for what is basically your basic freedoms and what if any future you all have. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: T00ts on October 24, 2022, 05:58:28 PM
She tried but failed to compete with them and it was a brave attempt but she simply wasn't well enough equipped for that fight. There are a lot of refs to members cancelling there will be a rumpus. Her mistake was not to bide her time. The minute Hunt was foisted on her she was out. The MPs stitched it up way back and thought they had done enough and the members shocked them. They weren't going to risk it again. I wonder how hard they leaned on Penny.
Wether Mordaunt was leant on or was just a willing  part of the illusion we will never know . But yes Truss never stood a chance .
Im not confident Sunak will lead us where we want to go ,his path is narrow and he had better watch his step 


Quote from: B0ycey on October 24, 2022, 06:24:54 PM
You have never voted for a PM Streetwalker. You vote for an MP who under majority whip supports one of them to become PM. We have parliamentary democracy which is why Sunak got in. I am not writing this to say I agree with the system but say I would rather have MPs decide our next PM rather than Tory members who aren't electorally elected in any sense whatsoever.
I know how it works Boycey. My concerns /gripe  is that the Tories decided a 'modified' election would take place because the members didn't agree with them last time . They basically changed their own rules  and removed any outside influence from the process .

You might prefer it left to the MP's  , I would rather have some semblance of democracy and let the members have the final say . Sunak didnt even get half his own MPs on board ,thats not democratic its a stitch up 


Quote from: T00ts on October 24, 2022, 06:17:36 PM
We don't elect presidents though, we elect a party and their manifesto. It's only the media who focus on the PM so much.
Well call me a little crazy, but didn't Barry point out this was all planned and they have even told you via their mouthpiece the WEF.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: B0ycey on October 24, 2022, 06:41:39 PM
Oh no Borky, I want to be clear I would like a General  Election right now. But that isn't the system we have. I disagree with the system as it happens but I don't believe you can change the rules at half time just because I don't like it.

Nonetheless all I am saying is that as Sunak got in by MPs, that has more Democratic legitimacy than Tory members who aren't elected by anyone but their wallets.

LOL and the Westminster party couldn't care less about their wallets. This is fast becoming a comedy of errors.
In fact they put the globalist bankers in charge.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Borchester on October 24, 2022, 06:35:54 PM
Or even allow the public to vote?

Oh no Borky, I want to be clear I would like a General  Election right now. But that isn't the system we have. I disagree with the system as it happens but I don't believe you can change the rules at half time just because I don't like it.

Nonetheless all I am saying is that as Sunak got in by MPs, that has more Democratic legitimacy than Tory members who aren't elected by anyone but their wallets.


Quote from: B0ycey on October 24, 2022, 06:24:54 PM
You have never voted for a PM Streetwalker. You vote for an MP who under majority whip supports one of them to become PM. We have parliamentary democracy which is why Sunak got in. I am not writing this to say I agree with the system but say I would rather have MPs decide our next PM rather than Tory members who aren't electorally elected in any sense whatsoever.

Or even allow the public to vote?
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: T00ts on October 24, 2022, 05:58:28 PM
She tried but failed to compete with them and it was a brave attempt but she simply wasn't well enough equipped for that fight. There are a lot of refs to members cancelling there will be a rumpus. Her mistake was not to bide her time. The minute Hunt was foisted on her she was out. The MPs stitched it up way back and thought they had done enough and the members shocked them. They weren't going to risk it again. I wonder how hard they leaned on Penny.
I say you should follow your own advice and get behind Sunak T00ts. Wasn't that what you were saying to those who didn't support Truss because we knew she was going to bankrupt the nation?