Israel elections

Started by Barry, November 02, 2022, 09:23:10 AM

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patman post

Quote from: Unlucky4Sum on March 28, 2023, 07:28:05 PM
Leaving it to 'sort it out for themselves' doesn't mean supplying advanced weaponry to one side, giving preferential trade arrangements to one side and certainly no cuddling up to same side allowing them photo Ops to help them with their political difficulties with their plans to subvert democracy.
That's why only conflicts in small countries or minor populations in out of the way parts of the world can be ignored with moderate safety.

Someone somewhere will likely have an interest in fomenting or subduing conflict and unrest and/or supporting one side or the other wherever it's happening.

There's no authority that can effectively police and sanction major power blocs or most powerful nations if they become involved in local conflicts...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: patman post on March 28, 2023, 07:19:40 PM
Don't necessarily disagree — but whose iron fist should be smiting the ungodly?

If conflicts were not likely to spill over into the rest of he world, maybe we/the West should leave them to sort it out for themselves.

The problem is that so many countries have irons in the fire (or skin in the game), an "interested" outsider is likely to,"assist".

It's non-combat civilians who do worst whether outsiders intervene or combatants are left to themselves. Selecting the best alternative is ultimately unlikely to be totally provable — but many people feel the need to do something.

Is there a right or wrong answer...?
Leaving it to 'sort it out for themselves' doesn't mean supplying advanced weaponry to one side, giving preferential trade arrangements to one side and certainly no cuddling up to same side allowing them photo Ops to help them with their political difficulties with their plans to subvert democracy.

patman post

Quote from: Streetwalker on March 28, 2023, 03:59:42 PM
The peace process is ongoing and it takes both sides to bend  if they are to get anywhere . That niether  seem that willing means the status quo continues Feck me thats going back a few years the Irgun terrorist group were shut down in the late 1940's.  I think that connection is a bit of a stretch

Im not getting into an Israeli /Palestine  whos who though . They haven't been able to sort it out since 1948 so we are not going to this side of Easter .

  I'll stand by my point though that the iron fist  is the only way to control the tribes of the middle east and though its sometimes not pretty or agreeable to Western 'values' its the only way order is kept for the majority of the people .
Don't necessarily disagree — but whose iron fist should be smiting the ungodly?

If conflicts were not likely to spill over into the rest of he world, maybe we/the West should leave them to sort it out for themselves.

The problem is that so many countries have irons in the fire (or skin in the game), an "interested" outsider is likely to,"assist".

It's non-combat civilians who do worst whether outsiders intervene or combatants are left to themselves. Selecting the best alternative is ultimately unlikely to be totally provable — but many people feel the need to do something.

Is there a right or wrong answer...?
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: Streetwalker on March 28, 2023, 03:59:42 PM
The peace process is ongoing and it takes both sides to bend  if they are to get anywhere . That niether  seem that willing means the status quo continues Feck me thats going back a few years the Irgun terrorist group were shut down in the late 1940's.  I think that connection is a bit of a stretch

Im not getting into an Israeli /Palestine  whos who though . They haven't been able to sort it out since 1948 so we are not going to this side of Easter .

  I'll stand by my point though that the iron fist  is the only way to control the tribes of the middle east and though its sometimes not pretty or agreeable to Western 'values' its the only way order is kept for the majority of the people .
probably not in a month of Easters

And not til powers that be stop endorsing the worst on each side.  And we shouldn't let them off the hook.


Quote from: Unlucky4Sum on March 28, 2023, 12:01:48 PM
No it's the party that refuses to implement the Oslo accords 
The peace process is ongoing and it takes both sides to bend  if they are to get anywhere . That niether  seem that willing means the status quo continues 
Quote from: Unlucky4Sum on March 28, 2023, 12:01:48 PMit's a derivative organisation from the Irgun terrorist organisation and it regularly kills Palestinian civilians because it can, it terrorises others into submission with illegal occupation and it doesn't think they count as people.
Feck me thats going back a few years the Irgun terrorist group were shut down in the late 1940's.  I think that connection is a bit of a stretch 

Im not getting into an Israeli /Palestine  whos who though . They haven't been able to sort it out since 1948 so we are not going to this side of Easter .

  I'll stand by my point though that the iron fist  is the only way to control the tribes of the middle east and though its sometimes not pretty or agreeable to Western 'values' its the only way order is kept for the majority of the people .


Quote from: Streetwalker on March 28, 2023, 11:09:30 AM
No its not , its a right wing political party in Israel that opperates in a democracy . The party  that signed the Camp David accords and the Egypt peace treaty .
They have ongoing issues with the Palestines but calling out the party that formed the Israeli government as terrorists isn't going help anyone  improve relations between anyone ,anywhere.
No it's the party that refuses to implement the Oslo accords (Camp David accords are long before that and only Egypt-Israel) it's a derivative organisation from the Irgun terrorist organisation and it regularly kills Palestinian civilians because it can, it terrorises others into submission with illegal occupation and it doesn't think they count as people.


Quote from: Unlucky4Sum on March 28, 2023, 08:35:29 AM
That's because same UK government won't call out Likud for being the terrorist organisation it effectively is.
No its not , its a right wing political party in Israel that opperates in a democracy . The party  that signed the Camp David accords and the Egypt peace treaty . 
They have ongoing issues with the Palestines but calling out the party that formed the Israeli government as terrorists isn't going help anyone  improve relations between anyone ,anywhere.


Quote from: Streetwalker on March 28, 2023, 07:22:12 AM
As I say the region needs strong/evil leaders ,without them you get tribal conflict and the rise of religious groups like Isis . Not quite sure what or who you would replace him with ?There is a difference between supporting  a Muslim fundamentalist group declared a terrorist organisation by the UK government and shaking hands with people you have just agreed a trade agreement with

UK and Israel to sign landmark agreement deepening tech, trade and security ties - GOV.UK (
That's because same UK government won't call out Likud for being the terrorist organisation it effectively is.


Quote from: Unlucky4Sum on March 27, 2023, 07:47:31 PM
But Bini Netanyahu likes to have his thugs kill civilians which makes sure Hamas stay in power and Hamas do their equally disgusting outrages just which makes sure Likud and Bini stay in power so they can keep killing civilians so . . . ..

Bini out of politics and in jail would be a great first step to unravelling this god almighty mess. 

As I say the region needs strong/evil leaders ,without them you get tribal conflict and the rise of religious groups like Isis . Not quite sure what or who you would replace him with ?
Quote from: Unlucky4Sum on March 27, 2023, 07:47:31 PM
We rightly condemn Corbyn for getting cosy with Hamas, we should be equally outraged at Sunak shaking Netanyahu's blood stained hand this last week.
There is a difference between supporting  a Muslim fundamentalist group declared a terrorist organisation by the UK government and shaking hands with people you have just agreed a trade agreement with 

UK and Israel to sign landmark agreement deepening tech, trade and security ties - GOV.UK (


Quote from: Streetwalker on March 27, 2023, 02:34:01 PM
Evil leaders in the middle east and across the arab world  is what keeps the various terrorists and religious extremists under their rocks . Something past western leaders didnt recognise . What the west would do now to have Suddam and the Colonel back keeping order .
Israel without a strong leader would see chaos in the region ,that some see him as evil is a bonus .
But Bini Netanyahu likes to have his thugs kill civilians which makes sure Hamas stay in power and Hamas do their equally disgusting outrages just which makes sure Likud and Bini stay in power so they can keep killing civilians so . . . ..

Bini out of politics and in jail would be a great first step to unravelling this god almighty mess.  

We rightly condemn Corbyn for getting cosy with Hamas, we should be equally outraged at Sunak shaking Netanyahu's blood stained hand this last week.


Quote from: Unlucky4Sum on March 27, 2023, 11:09:36 AM
Well Bini is really in trouble now as McDonalds have gone on strike 

Hopefully this is the end of one of the world's most evil leaders but Bini is an enduring survivor
Evil leaders in the middle east and across the arab world  is what keeps the various terrorists and religious extremists under their rocks . Something past western leaders didnt recognise . What the west would do now to have Suddam and the Colonel back keeping order .
Israel without a strong leader would see chaos in the region ,that some see him as evil is a bonus . 



Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Barry on December 31, 2022, 01:14:21 PM
No, it's just the left worrying about mother and father on birth certificates and some pronouns. ;D
Maybe, but I get the feeling it might be deeper than that, he is a maniac who would patch up IS in his quest to ethnically cleanse Syria, would happily ethnically cleanse the Palestinians and get us to attack Iran on his behalf to ethnically cleanse the place, without a thought about the repercussions and who would be left with them. But then sometimes better the devil you know opposed to the one you don't, I am not so sure the Israelis have got what they voted for either.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: papasmurf on December 31, 2022, 02:39:21 PM
That is an emergent property of information technology.
Well look on the Brightside, it could be a lot worse, the Neo Liberals could be in charge and they are obsessed with ethnically cleaning everyone on their mission of NWO.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!