Remember, very little will change for now.

Started by BeElBeeBub, January 29, 2020, 10:10:07 AM

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Quote from: T00ts post_id=14604 time=1580307694 user_id=54
You say that but the goal posts have moved. You can't equate pre GE parliament or Government with what we have now. We have been to hell and back with the childish egotistical folk claiming to represent us. What we have now is a means to an end. We can still walk away with no deal should push come to shove.

i dont see how this post equates to anything i have said in my post toots. I was one of the biggest drum bangers on the old forum for the anti democratic stance your parliament had taken since 2016 in rejecting and delaying brexit.

Thats past now , there is no reason for johnson to delay , but if you accpet the transition period then what i am asking is

1. what is exactly the significance of friday? Its mere empty symbolism only nothing else. can people come together when you very readily agree friday isnt the end , its merely a step in that direction?

if johnson delays  again after december this year , or offers BRINO , then you wont have anywhere to run and hide or blame anyone else. He , and you and your party will own everything outright.

QuoteAs far as trusting BJ I am sorry to say I wouldn't trust your dear Mrs Sturgeon anywhere.

You dont have to trust mrs sturgeon anywhere. She isnt standing in your country , doesnt represent your country , you cant vote for or against her , so you have no reason to trust her.

Meanwhile your johnson ,despite not standing in or representing my country , and losing 55% of his mps in my country after his party was roundly routed and rejected , gets to call the shots on us. Thats the difference.

....and you were saying the eu is undemocratic? :lol: I will swap eu democracy for yours any day of the week.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=14601 time=1580307424 user_id=58

I wouldnt trust boris johnson as far as i could throw him ,

Neither do I and neither do the inshore fishermen where I live.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Streetwalker post_id=14596 time=1580307004 user_id=53

The transition period will give companies a bit of breathing space in making the changes they will need to operate outside and with the EU

have to say as well mate this is bollocks. The business world has known since summer 2016 , thats nearly 4 years ago , that the uk will be leaving the eu. They have had plenty time to prepare , and any business who say they havent prepared or need more time is talking bollocks.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=14601 time=1580307424 user_id=58
its a strange argument streetwalker regarding your blind acceptance of an 11 month extension ( negotiated by may might i add)and BRINO , when from memory many of you on the old forum this time last year were going ballistic regarding theresa may doing the same thing( possibility of an extension )and offering a similar BRINO.

So while i understand some of the things you are saying in your post , i still fail to see the significance of friday in any way? Very little is changing for now ,( mere empty symbolism) so what is the celebrations  all about and toots calling for everyone coming together when you havent still got your brexit that you all argued for over the last four years?

You also may i say sound very very trusting of boris johnson , breaking your own old cardinal rule of never ever trusting a tory you always used to say to me on the old forum.

If this is what brexit ends up as , some empty half hearted symbolic gesture of ten bob bits and a few rings on big ben , by feck you are going to be a laughing stock.

I wouldnt trust boris johnson as far as i could throw him , and from what i can see he is merely kicking the can down the road the same as may did only being a bit more subtle and fly about it.

You say that but the goal posts have moved. You can't equate pre GE parliament or Government with what we have now. We have been to hell and back with the childish egotistical folk claiming to represent us. What we have now is a means to an end. We can still walk away with no deal should push come to shove.

As far as trusting BJ I am sorry to say I wouldn't trust your dear Mrs Sturgeon anywhere.


Quote from: Streetwalker post_id=14596 time=1580307004 user_id=53
Very little will change at all  I feel apart from that we wont be on track to be members of a federal Europe so its a good start .  I don't think anyones expecting Johnson to get the deal say Farage would like and he ,Johnson, will stand or fall on where we are at the end of the year .

The transition period will give companies a bit of breathing space in making the changes they will need to operate outside and with the EU . I hope the moanalots of the blue rag also use this time to good effect . Passports by the way are what they are , It takes no longer to travel (sometimes quicker) around Europe with a non EU passport .

I don't think I personally or leavers in general have ever said they want the same deal that we have now . A FTA yes and  an easy transition would be good  but we want much much more than that .

 Thanks for passing Brexit into our hands ,after holding it up for  4 years . Leaving talks in disarray and the UK on the back foot has really helped , thanks .Feck me we had to elected a  majority Conservative government to silence the continued sabotage from the benches opposite

But you know ,I just know your not finished yet . The remoaniacs are not going to sit by and let Johnson 'own Brexit ' and unfortunately the remoaners will be just as much to blame for the inevitable half arsed Brexit that will appear at the end of the year .

But its a start , and the beer will go down a little better this Friday than last .

its a strange argument streetwalker regarding your blind acceptance of an 11 month extension ( negotiated by may might i add)and BRINO , when from memory many of you on the old forum this time last year were going ballistic regarding theresa may doing the same thing( possibility of an extension )and offering a similar BRINO.

So while i understand some of the things you are saying in your post , i still fail to see the significance of friday in any way? Very little is changing for now ,( mere empty symbolism) so what is the celebrations  all about and toots calling for everyone coming together when you havent still got your brexit that you all argued for over the last four years?

You also may i say sound very very trusting of boris johnson , breaking your own old cardinal rule of never ever trusting a tory you always used to say to me on the old forum.

If this is what brexit ends up as , some empty half hearted symbolic gesture of ten bob bits and a few rings on big ben , by feck you are going to be a laughing stock.

I wouldnt trust boris johnson as far as i could throw him , and from what i can see he is merely kicking the can down the road the same as may did only being a bit more subtle and fly about it.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Very little will change at all  I feel apart from that we wont be on track to be members of a federal Europe so its a good start .  I don't think anyones expecting Johnson to get the deal say Farage would like and he ,Johnson, will stand or fall on where we are at the end of the year .

The transition period will give companies a bit of breathing space in making the changes they will need to operate outside and with the EU . I hope the moanalots of the blue rag also use this time to good effect . Passports by the way are what they are , It takes no longer to travel (sometimes quicker) around Europe with a non EU passport .

I don't think I personally or leavers in general have ever said they want the same deal that we have now . A FTA yes and  an easy transition would be good  but we want much much more than that .

 Thanks for passing Brexit into our hands ,after holding it up for  4 years . Leaving talks in disarray and the UK on the back foot has really helped , thanks .Feck me we had to elected a  majority Conservative government to silence the continued sabotage from the benches opposite

But you know ,I just know your not finished yet . The remoaniacs are not going to sit by and let Johnson 'own Brexit ' and unfortunately the remoaners will be just as much to blame for the inevitable half arsed Brexit that will appear at the end of the year .

But its a start , and the beer will go down a little better this Friday than last .


No, I guess that's true and very little will change. Beelbeeb will still be writing essays with exhaustive calculations about how many leave voters it would take to form a chain all the way to the moon and back, almost 4 years after the referendum and far beyond.


and for completeness, here's the government's advice (such as it is) on travel after 1 Jan 2021 (i.e. when the transition is expected to end)">

some extracts

QuoteFrom 1 January 2021, the guarantee of free mobile phone roaming throughout the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway will end.

it may continue but the mobile operators are under no obligation to do so.  Crucially, the mechanism that caps how much EU networks can charge UK operators for roaming will end.  Part of the reason that free roaming can be offered is that EU27 networks cannot "scalp" UK operators for letting their subscribers use their networks.  In turn this means there is minimal cost to pass onto the UK consumers.  If the EU27 networks decide to charge more for the UK subscribers to use their networks (or even prevent them from doing so) there will be nothing the UK operators can do other than charge more.

QuoteFrom 1 January 2021 you will not be able to use the existing pet passport scheme. Instead you'll need to follow a different process, which takes 4 months.
taking your pet on holiday is about to get harder.

QuoteIf you're a tourist, you will not need a visa for short trips to EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. You'll be able to stay for up to 90 days in any 180-day period.

You may need a visa or permit to stay for longer, to work or study, or for business travel.

QuoteAt border control, you may need to:

- show a return or onward ticket

- show you have enough money for your stay

- use separate lanes from EU, EEA and Swiss citizens when queuing

BeElBeeBub"> ... travellers">

QuoteTravel after 31 January 2020

If Parliament ratifies the Withdrawal Agreement before 31 January 2020, which it is on track to do, the UK will enter a transition period, meaning everything will remain the same and you can continue to travel as you do now until at least the end of December 2020.


Quote from: BeElBeeBub post_id=14587 time=1580301787 user_id=88
The changes travelling to and from the EU27 from 1 Feb will be very minimal.  No visas, not ETIAS, no additional customs checks, no tariffs etc.

One (small) difference will be that the UK will no longer be able to extradite German citizens from Germany as the German constitution prevents that. There are a couple of other countries that have the same issue.

Would you care to put an official link to that please. Because I am being informed very differently by the ferry company I use to get from the UK to France.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=14570 time=1580292998 user_id=89
As yet no-one knows until the 1st of February 2020. But there will be changes if you are travelling to Europe after that just what is still an unknown.

The changes travelling to and from the EU27 from 1 Feb will be very minimal.  No visas, not ETIAS, no additional customs checks, no tariffs etc.

One (small) difference will be that the UK will no longer be able to extradite German citizens from Germany as the German constitution prevents that. There are a couple of other countries that have the same issue.


I will hang on to Farage's words to the effect that if BJ keeps his word that will be Brexit. The situation over the next 12 months is a transition not a permanent situation. No more doom and gloom.


I liked the picture of the Liberals crying when packing their stuff in boxes in Brussels.No more gravy train in the UK or Brussels.Beware of populists on a mission to return democracy,ain't that so.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: BeElBeeBub post_id=14568 time=1580292607 user_id=88
Just to get ahead of anyone who points to the lack of any determinable changes on 1st February...

As yet no-one knows until the 1st of February 2020. But there will be changes if you are travelling to Europe after that just what is still an unknown.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Just to get ahead of anyone who points to the lack of any determinable changes on 1st February...

This is because we will still have FoM, be in the single market and customs union and able to take advantage of the various low friction trade agreements.

As both Ireland and NI/UK will be in the SM/CU there will be no border between the North and South in Ireland or in the Irish sea

Until at least 31st December 2020 the UK will be in the transition period where almost all the EU rights and obligations still apply.

What will have changed is:

The UK will have left the EU and no longer be a member, as per the 2016 referendum question.  As Johnson has said "brexit is done", supporters can no longer rely on the referendum for any mandate.

The UK will no longer have any say in EU decisions

There are some justice effects - mainly around extradition.

There may be some issues around some FTA's with rules of origin.

Also to look out for: The 40 trade deals we will have signed a few seconds after midnight.  By breakfast on om the 1st we were promised 40 trade deals.  That seems to have gone quiet but I look forward to seeing the outcome.

The real change will kick in at the end of 2020 (if Johnson keeps his word about not extending) when the transition ends and we move to whatever agreements have been made by then.  If nothing has been agreed tat is when there will be a step change.

It will be interesting to see if the EU caves, as many here have predicted, and gives the UK "the exact same benefits as single market membership" we were promised.  Maybe the German car makers will finally force the German government to tell the EU what to do, again as predicted.  I am skeptical.

It will also be interesting to see how the US/UK trade talks go.  Will Trump honour his promise to provide a "great" trade deal for the UK, or will the UK join the (not insubstantial) list of people that Trump has lied to?

So enjoy Friday night Leavers, this is what you have all worked for.  If it goes as well as you told us it will, the UK will be a wonderful place.  I hope you are right and I (we) are wrong.  

Just remember, this is your party, you own brexit, it's yours and all that follows is down to you.

Good luck to us all!