Time to cull the charity con?

Started by cromwell, December 02, 2022, 08:08:47 PM

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Quote from: T00ts on December 03, 2022, 01:39:35 PM
In fairness to cromwell he was referring to all charities and once again if a charity is doing work that the State cannot replicate then should we the taxpayer collectively support them in what they do. I have reservations where they become political or where they are obviously extravagantly deploy their funds on 'costs' rather the supposed beneficiaries.
Yes Starmers idea was one but the whole charity industry does need a look at and it's being used as a front IMO in cases of businesses often exploiting the most vulnerable and put in place where national and local govt once provided.
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Quote from: Nick on December 03, 2022, 01:33:25 PM
The population is irrelevant, but population density isn't. Finland: 47 people per square mile, UK 727 per square mile. You're comparing apples with oranges.
I take it maths wasn't one of your strong subjects,what has population density got to do with providing excellent education?
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In fairness to cromwell he was referring to all charities and once again if a charity is doing work that the State cannot replicate then should we the taxpayer collectively support them in what they do. I have reservations where they become political or where they are obviously extravagantly deploy their funds on 'costs' rather the supposed beneficiaries. 


Quote from: cromwell on December 03, 2022, 01:17:23 PM
Their population size is irrelevant,what I asked is why can't our state system replicate that?
The population is irrelevant, but population density isn't. Finland: 47 people per square mile, UK 727 per square mile. You're comparing apples with oranges. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: papasmurf on December 03, 2022, 09:54:12 AM
Red herring by you. That will not change, few such free scholarships are handed out as it is. Just the bare minimum to keep charitable status.
It's not at all, yet more supposition by you.
Eton take 5.5% as scholarships each year, that is significant.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: T00ts on December 03, 2022, 01:13:50 PM
I have now just. Did you realise that the population of Finland is only 5+ million? Did you also realise that class sizes are 19. on average? If anything they are replicating the private system. The point in this country is that far from levelling up the top is brought down. Labour's whole policy structure is based on deprivation to the lowest common denominator. Labour brought in the unwieldly Comprehensive system trying to do away with any competition so that no-one would realise just what they might be capable of.

I have about as much trust of State education as I do of the NHS. We are fooled into believing that somehow one size fits all. It's the biggest social lie out there.
Their population size is irrelevant,what I asked is why can't our state system replicate that?
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on December 03, 2022, 12:34:43 PM
No envy at all thats something conjured up by the media and some politicians to discredit any counter to the status quo.

Did you look at the link to the Finnish education system in the other thread?
I have now just. Did you realise that the population of Finland is only 5+ million? Did you also realise that class sizes are 19. on average? If anything they are replicating the private system. The point in this country is that far from levelling up the top is brought down. Labour's whole policy structure is based on deprivation to the lowest common denominator. Labour brought in the unwieldly Comprehensive system trying to do away with any competition so that no-one would realise just what they might be capable of. 

I have about as much trust of State education as I do of the NHS. We are fooled into believing that somehow one size fits all. It's the biggest social lie out there.


Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Streetwalker on December 03, 2022, 12:38:19 PM
No I support a system that our state schools should be striving to replicate
They can't because they are being starved of money.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: cromwell on December 03, 2022, 11:38:52 AM

You just support a system that rewards privelege rather than merit,shouldn't merit whatever your bith circumstances be counted and the opportunity there for all so that the most able can but the less able are not dismissed as being of less worth?
No I support a system that our state schools should be striving to replicate 


Quote from: cromwell on December 03, 2022, 12:34:43 PM
No envy at all thats something conjured up by the media and some politicians to discredit any counter to the status quo.

Usually a comment from the filthy rich to divert attention from how they got to be filthy rich.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: T00ts on December 03, 2022, 12:12:01 PM
Can't you see how flawed your argument here is? Of course all children should be catered for and lifted as high as they can be but the truth is that private schooling does precisely that. Smaller classes, discipline, respect and order is high on the list of priorities and yes it all sounds like privilege when you look at what they have done to State education and that is what parents scrimp and scrape to buy. Huge schools where teachers have to have a crib sheet at parent's evening to remember what a kid looks like. Little real discipline and strong on indoctrination of whatever is the current fad is forcing parents into alternatives. Do you have any real idea of any Government making State education run along the same lines as private?

I will assume probably not. The talk is all kids having the same chances yet Universities are turning clever privately educated kids away in favour of not as bright State kids. Why is that fair? There is a failing ethos in State education - sort that out and parents won't have to make sure they live in a better catchment area or resort in desperation to paying for what they expected State education to provide.
As it is all private schools work with their communities to share their privately funded facilities, scholarships to bright kids whose parents can't afford, and special events to benefit other peoples kids, take away charitable status and all that will stop.

What happens to the genius kids? My grand-daughter is off the charts. She is in her first term at Senior private school and the teachers are already telling us that they are not sure how they will keep up with her. So we put her in the local comprehensive because Labour thinks that's right. They wouldn't know what to do with her, but Labour will punish her parents by forcing them to pay twice for her education and then at uni level send her abroad.

Forgive me if it looks like envy. Envy that all don't fit into the limited provision of the State, envy that some parents put their kids education as their first priority and bend over backwards to fund it, while going without many things that other 'poorer' families treat as essentials. The amount of cash made available to the State would be peanuts in terms of the changes needed in the public sector to even begin to match yet Labour thinkers are fed the rubbish that it would make a huge difference. What is missed is that no country can survive without a core of clever people so if the state can't produce that the whole country fails yet again. Give me a break.
No envy at all thats something conjured up by the media and some politicians to discredit any counter to the status quo.

Did you look at the link to the Finnish education system in the other thread?
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: papasmurf on December 03, 2022, 12:01:08 PM
Private education has given Britain the current crop of totally useless and out of touch politicians.
They are the ones who have failed to take advantage of their education , no system is foolproof ;)


Quote from: T00ts on December 03, 2022, 12:12:01 PM

What happens to the genius kids? 
If they are that genius, universities will be falling over themselves to give them scholarships. I know one such who universities were trying to get to their university at the age of seven. 
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: T00ts on December 03, 2022, 12:12:01 PM
Can't you see how flawed your argument here is? Of course all children should be catered for and lifted as high as they can be but the truth is that private schooling does precisely that. 
Not universally, even private schools can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear. (The system seems to produce a lot of sow's ears.)
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe