End of the Good Friday agreement

Started by Streetwalker, December 20, 2022, 07:38:52 AM

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Quote from: GerryT on January 16, 2023, 11:44:32 AM
The EU crumbled, you love that sort of rhetoric. I don't remember the EU looking for extension after extension to stop the UK leaving, that all came from the UK side.  The EU would not deal, the only reason you got a deal was because Johnson signed the NIP, without which the UK would be on extension five at this stage.  Tell me why hasn't the UK just gone solo and removed all checks between GB - NI.

Spoken like a true patriot, you care so little for your country men you would gladly jettison them.  The border poll may or may not come, but it will be hopefully on the terms of the people of NI.
The reason the U.K. hasn't gone 'solo' ad you put it, is because the government is riddled with remoaners who are hell bent on stopping the full Brexit. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on January 13, 2023, 12:29:19 AM
There would be no loss of deal, the EU would deal, exactly the same as when they crumbled at 11pm on the eve of the U.K. leaving. They have history of talking big and acting small.

As for a border poll, sooner the better, hopefully it will coincide with Indy2. We can get rid of them both in one go.
The EU crumbled, you love that sort of rhetoric. I don't remember the EU looking for extension after extension to stop the UK leaving, that all came from the UK side.  The EU would not deal, the only reason you got a deal was because Johnson signed the NIP, without which the UK would be on extension five at this stage.  Tell me why hasn't the UK just gone solo and removed all checks between GB - NI. 

Spoken like a true patriot, you care so little for your country men you would gladly jettison them.  The border poll may or may not come, but it will be hopefully on the terms of the people of NI.


Quote from: GerryT on January 12, 2023, 11:09:55 PM
They have an agreement on data sharing, but that has nothing to do with an invisible border. I think the talk is of a green lane for goods NI-GB-NI, and having the data would allow a path in this direction.
Nobody proposed this yrs ago, what was proposed was a unicorn camera system that would see into trucks driving at 80km/hr along a road and calculating any duties/taxes etc. This was to be manufactured by the unicorn manufacturing corp and installed by the unicorn install company of GB.
The core intent of the TCA and NIP is here to stay, but that's not to say if there are ways to reduce checks or delays they the EU would be all for that. But the solution must be robust/measurable and have oversight from both parties to ensure adherence. But it is doable. It's good that the UK has agreed to share trade information between GB and NI as that wasn't been made available, see what can happen when your open and agreeable.
The core intent of the NIP is only here to stay if you choose to co-operate with us.
Otherwise, it's not.

Ending the NIP is very popular in the country politically. An election winner.
It's the one issue that unifies both the Tory and Labour vote.

Nothing has happened by us being open and agreeable.
What exactly is it you think SI has done in return for us offering to share our data with them?

Nothing whatsoever.

We are willing to help you.
That is all.
You offer nothing in return.

Sensible stuff like this, "max fac" as it was originally proposed, is obvious.
It's no skin off our noses to link you into the digital records we keep.

Trade restrictions of our own goods in our own country on the other hand is very much skin off our noses and we will not be doing this.
So you might as well stop thinking that we have ever agreed to that. The NIP makes explicitly clear that we have not.
And quite frankly the idea is so very ludicrous that you would have to be a dribbling idiot to ever have imagined that we did.

What we have agreed to, is to do your customs checks for you ahead of the goods reaching your border.
If you don't like the way we do it, do it for yourself.


Quote from: GerryT on January 12, 2023, 09:39:49 PM
Best foot forward.
Make the first move.
To initiate.

You should write to Chris Heaton Harris and James Cleverly and tell them that. They came to NI to meet with all the NI political parties to brief them on the NIP, so what do they do. They don't invite Mary Lou McDonald, the leader of Sinn Fein and the largest political party in NI. What does that say to the 29% first preference voters in 2022. Its a petty but expected shot from the UK parliament, nothing new. Its insulting but it says far more about the people you say should be putting the best foot forward, making the first move, initiating. Don't make me laugh, to think these people have "the right honourable" put in front of their names says it all.

According to her, they didn't invite her.
According to them, they did invite her.

Getting both the DUP and Sinn Fein to turn up together in the same room is like herding cats.
Apparently there is always some excuse for one or the other not to attend.

These people simply don't wish to get on.
What can you do?


Quote from: GerryT on January 12, 2023, 11:09:55 PM
They have an agreement on data sharing, but that has nothing to do with an invisible border. I think the talk is of a green lane for goods NI-GB-NI, and having the data would allow a path in this direction.
Its everything to do with an invisible border . The technology is there its just a question of where they are going to use it 

EU plan is goods would be proocessed remotely on the ferry . Marcos Sefcocvic for the EU said the 'border would be invisble under EU plans' 
The  UK on the other hand say if you can have an invisible border on a ferry you can have one in Ireland which would see N Ireland free of single market regulation ,comply with the GFA and to anyone looking an invisible  border . 


Quote from: GerryT on January 12, 2023, 11:03:05 PM
Let me get this straight, because you have checks between NI and GB you would jettison the trade deal, so you could introduce checks between NI and GB, thats genius. The whole idea would be no checks, so it wouldn't be people but 40ft containers full of all sorts of stuff.
Of course they would, just like the EU was going to drop IRL during the 4yrs of negotiations, any min now the EU will drop IRL and get a better deal for the mainland. Never happened. And Never will. because you don't understand what the EU is.

The Uk economy is about 5% less now that where it would have been if it stayed in the EU, and that's only after 1 yr after enforcement, thats bad, far worse than what was expected. Can you imagine the carnage if there were no deal.

Without a trade deal both the Unionist and Nationalist communities in NI would be up complaining. The border would go up and the blame would be with the UK. The Unionist lot would go absolutely nuts if what you suggest and that border was between NI and GB, so I do think the UK would put the land border in.
I think the Nationalist agitators would be thrilled as they would see this as a catalyst for a border poll and a united IRL, seen as the UK would be betraying all of NI for GB reasons. They would prob send Rishi a big cuddly teddy bear if that happened.
There would be no loss of deal, the EU would deal, exactly the same as when they crumbled at 11pm on the eve of the U.K. leaving. They have history of talking big and acting small. 

As for a border poll, sooner the better, hopefully it will coincide with Indy2. We can get rid of them both in one go. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Streetwalker on January 12, 2023, 10:35:07 PM
They are talking this week about data sharing and an invisible border ,tracking goods and suchlike . Im sure someone suggested such a resolution about 8 years ago
Still they haven't agreed where the invisible border is going to be but see no reason why its not in Ireland rather than the Irish sea , nobody will notice because its invisible .
They have an agreement on data sharing, but that has nothing to do with an invisible border. I think the talk is of a green lane for goods NI-GB-NI, and having the data would allow a path in this direction.
Nobody proposed this yrs ago, what was proposed was a unicorn camera system that would see into trucks driving at 80km/hr along a road and calculating any duties/taxes etc. This was to be manufactured by the unicorn manufacturing corp and installed by the unicorn install company of GB.
The core intent of the TCA and NIP is here to stay, but that's not to say if there are ways to reduce checks or delays they the EU would be all for that. But the solution must be robust/measurable and have oversight from both parties to ensure adherence. But it is doable. It's good that the UK has agreed to share trade information between GB and NI as that wasn't been made available, see what can happen when your open and agreeable.


Quote from: Nick on January 12, 2023, 10:42:40 PMOnce again your sheer delight thinking the U.K. would suffer clouds your thoughts. There is a huge body of water between NI and the U.K., do you not think we can do checks on people coming over?
Let me get this straight, because you have checks between NI and GB you would jettison the trade deal, so you could introduce checks between NI and GB, thats genius. The whole idea would be no checks, so it wouldn't be people but 40ft containers full of all sorts of stuff.

Quote from: Nick on January 12, 2023, 10:42:40 PMThe EU are the ones with the problem, they would drop Eire like a stone if they thought there was a breach. My preference would be stick 2 fingers up to the EU and see how long it took them to do a trade deal based on having no protection in place on the island of Ireland. 
Of course they would, just like the EU was going to drop IRL during the 4yrs of negotiations, any min now the EU will drop IRL and get a better deal for the mainland. Never happened. And Never will. because you don't understand what the EU is.

The Uk economy is about 5% less now that where it would have been if it stayed in the EU, and that's only after 1 yr after enforcement, thats bad, far worse than what was expected. Can you imagine the carnage if there were no deal.

Without a trade deal both the Unionist and Nationalist communities in NI would be up complaining. The border would go up and the blame would be with the UK. The Unionist lot would go absolutely nuts if what you suggest and that border was between NI and GB, so I do think the UK would put the land border in.
I think the Nationalist agitators would be thrilled as they would see this as a catalyst for a border poll and a united IRL, seen as the UK would be betraying all of NI for GB reasons. They would prob send Rishi a big cuddly teddy bear if that happened.


Quote from: GerryT on January 12, 2023, 10:29:45 PM
If the UK don't have a trading relationship with the EU would they not protect their border. No checks and any EU person can drive truck loads or goods into NI and across to GB, you would have zero checks on goods moving NI to GB as its a single country. That's a great solution, a smugglers paradise.
Once again your sheer delight thinking the U.K. would suffer clouds your thoughts. There is a huge body of water between NI and the U.K., do you not think we can do checks on people coming over?  The EU are the ones with the problem, they would drop Eire like a stone if they thought there was a breach. My preference would be stick 2 fingers up to the EU and see how long it took them to do a trade deal based on having no protection in place on the island of Ireland. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


They are talking this week about data sharing and an invisible border ,tracking goods and suchlike . Im sure someone suggested such a resolution about 8 years ago 
Still they haven't agreed where the invisible border is going to be but see no reason why its not in Ireland rather than the Irish sea , nobody will notice because its invisible .


Quote from: Nick on January 12, 2023, 10:13:58 PM
He doesn't need to put up a land border in NI at all, it's the EU that are concerned about that. They can erect one in Bandit country if they want, we'll see how the brothers react to the EU doing that, a bit of C4 in Brussels might wake them up.
If the UK don't have a trading relationship with the EU would they not protect their border. No checks and any EU person can drive truck loads or goods into NI and across to GB, you would have zero checks on goods moving NI to GB as its a single country. That's a great solution, a smugglers paradise.


Quote from: GerryT on January 12, 2023, 09:42:47 PM
If its as worthless as you say then its a slam dunk for Rishi. All he need do is cancel the trade deal and put up a land border in NI, lets see how that works for the UK economy. But if you say its worthless we should see Rishi do that any day now.
He doesn't need to put up a land border in NI at all, it's the EU that are concerned about that. They can erect one in Bandit country if they want, we'll see how the brothers react to the EU doing that, a bit of C4 in Brussels might wake them up. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Baff on January 12, 2023, 09:32:22 PM
Feel free to cancel it any time.
If its as worthless as you say then its a slam dunk for Rishi. All he need do is cancel the trade deal and put up a land border in NI, lets see how that works for the UK economy. But if you say its worthless we should see Rishi do that any day now.


Quote from: Baff on January 12, 2023, 07:18:36 PM
If they don't wish to be friends, there's not much we can do about it.
Ultimately, they have to want this too.

If they don't, they don't.

I am a big believer in putting your best foot forward.
I'm always happy to make the first move. To initiate.

The hand of friendship is open and extended.

However there is a kind of person who you can never please.
Because they don't want to be pleased. And the more you try to please them, the more they wriggle out of being pleased.
The more they demand from you to please them. 

Those people... cut them out of your life completely. The sooner the better.
Once you recognise that personality type, that social dynamic taking place, end it right there.

Best foot forward.
Make the first move.
To initiate.

You should write to Chris Heaton Harris and James Cleverly and tell them that. They came to NI to meet with all the NI political parties to brief them on the NIP, so what do they do. They don't invite Mary Lou McDonald, the leader of Sinn Fein and the largest political party in NI. What does that say to the 29% first preference voters in 2022. Its a petty but expected shot from the UK parliament, nothing new. Its insulting but it says far more about the people you say should be putting the best foot forward, making the first move, initiating. Don't make me laugh, to think these people have "the right honourable" put in front of their names says it all.
