loyalists not happy with boris johnson in northern ireland

Started by Thomas, February 01, 2020, 06:48:27 PM

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Quote from: "Baron von Lotsov" post_id=15149 time=1580671201 user_id=74
No. No one is forcing me to have an opinion.

Hi baron . Your readers are sitting on the edge of their armchairs waiting to hear how lunch went to day with countess Puchowska. Such tales  , if  you  would share ,  with our company , would be absolutely delightfull. :hattip
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Baron von Lotsov

Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=15027 time=1580629440 user_id=50
You have to have an opinion about everything, don't you Lotsov. Even things you obviously and clearly know feck all about get treated to stomach churningly twee, childlike and indulgent rambling. They "love" the English? Feck off Lotsov. For a start, the Union is British, NOT English. Not that you'd have a clue about the difference between Unionists and Loyalists. Yeah, they "love" us for sure. That's why on numerous occasions the Army came under attack from rioting Loyalist mobs intent on burning out Catholic homes and shops, and on occasions under fire too.

Maybe that "love" was because patrols were often given photos of who not to lift, but I doubt you'll be able to work that out. The Loyalist paramilitaries were just as accomplished killers as the Provos, and were in many ways worse. And don't for one second confuse who were the Provos main targets, Lotsov. The Provisionals main targets were the security forces, not you. Unlike "loyalists" like the UVF and UFF, whose "targets" were almost exclusively civilians. Maybe a bit of "home policing" might be up your street since you seem to think Loyalists are all just misunderstood teddy bears? How about locking a man in the back of a transit van with two starving Rottweilers while a crowd jeers. Sounds more like downtown Raqqa than Belfast? Yeah. His "crime"? He was "feddling with tha keddies". That's paramilitary "justice". No due process, no trial, no jury. They were all as bad as each other, and your simplistic rambling shows you've almost certainly never been anywhere near the place, let alone understand its issues. Northern Ireland has many, many deep and complex divisions, and clowns like you rambling simplistically about something you haven't the faintest understanding of adds nothing to any discussion about them.

I don't have an opinion about everything and no one is telling me either. As far as England was concerned it was the IRA killing us, not the loyalists. It would be pretty stupid to call themselves loyalists otherwise.

Tell me though, why do you like to insult me so much? Why be so rude and attack the person rather than the argument?
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>


Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=15038 time=1580639542 user_id=50
Sadly (for me anyway), the price of Brexit has always been the Union. I've said it, you've said it. I still don't think, a few diehards notwithstanding, that we'll see a return to the bad old days. But the simplistic rambling of people like Lotsov shows that few Brexiters actually understand this, or if they do, they think that simply wagging their finger sternly at the Nationalists will make the problem go away. It won't. You and I both know the writing is on the wall.

Indeed, and there may be further issues down the road for England as a result of pursuing a form of Brexit that has more or less ignored Scotland's view entirely.  Brexit has been pursued as a thoroughly Anglocentric process, stymied only by the logical realities of addressing the Northern Ireland matter.  So what we have is a government touting a very Hard Brexit (touting being the key term there) which involves seemingly profound divergence from the EU regulatory sphere, against the wishes of Scotland which probably at the very least might have had reasonable expectation of a more collaborative approach with the EU.  

Ultimately, if Scotland leaves the UK then it seems inevitable they will move to join the EU as quickly as feasible. As much as I am sure the Scots would constructively seek to preserve as closely as possible the high level of trade across the border with England, the reality is that (if they do join the EU) there would be two different regulatory systems on Great Britain and ...of course...a border with physical infrastructure. Now I don't think that physical infrastructure will necessarily be the same politically sensitive no-no that it is on the island of Ireland, but it's still an extra cost and an extra complication.  Borders, even on small islands, bring complexities and challenges.  

For what's left of the UK, it would bring the challenge of dealing with two land borders with the EU (generously assuming that NI won't have left by this stage) as well as the EU regulatory sphere now being operational in the northern portion of Great Britain — and England would be left either continuing to accept the complexities of divergence, or finding ways to align around them.  These are hardly unsurpassable objects for England, but they will add a whole new layer of complexity and difficulty in an era where the UK's focus needs to be almost exclusively fixated on recalibrating its links outside of these islands.

Ignoring Scotland might prove to have been a much more costly stance than even those who anticipated the break-up of the UK might have envisaged.

Baron von Lotsov

Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=15027 time=1580629440 user_id=50
You have to have an opinion about everything, don't you Lotsov.

No. No one is forcing me to have an opinion.
<t>Hong Kingdom: addicted to democrazy opium from Brit</t>


Cromwell before you say anything i posted this earlier before you pm`d me.  :D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=15115 time=1580663551 user_id=50
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

honestly deppity feckin howling. That guy is a complete nutjob. :lol:  :lol:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=15062 time=1580655842 user_id=58
:lol: Thanks baron. Do try and keep us posted.

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Quote from: "Baron von Lotsov" post_id=14997 time=1580583667 user_id=74
A brief note to inform my readers that I am but recently returned from the Peenemunde Harpsichord Festival where I had the enthralling experience of hearing several of Buxtehude's pieces adapted.


Enchanting. However, people who are not really musical have little idea of the very real, very searing physical pain they inflict through the imperfect renditions of the works of the masters.

I shall appraise my readers of the event in the near future after given it my measured consideration from afar.

 :lol: Thanks baron. Do try and keep us posted.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!



QuoteSinn Fein draw level atop opinion poll days from Irish election

DUBLIN (Reuters) - Irish nationalists Sinn Fein surged ahead of the governing Fine Gael party to draw level at the top of an opinion poll a week before an election that looks set to be a major breakthrough for the former political wing of the Irish Republican Army.

https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-ireland-politics/sinn-fein-draw-level-atop-opinion-poll-days-from-irish-election-idUKKBN1ZV40O">https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-irela ... KKBN1ZV40O">https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-ireland-politics/sinn-fein-draw-level-atop-opinion-poll-days-from-irish-election-idUKKBN1ZV40O

Could sinn fein /IRA have a veto over the yookays brexit deal if they get elected to power? That`ll be a sore one if that comes to pass..... :o
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=15029 time=1580633650 user_id=89
The worrying thing is one of those clowns is Prime Minister.

Give it a rest, you're gonna make your self look a bigger fool than usual.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=15038 time=1580639542 user_id=50
Sadly (for me anyway), the price of Brexit has always been the Union. I've said it, you've said it. I still don't think, a few diehards notwithstanding, that we'll see a return to the bad old days. But the simplistic rambling of people like Lotsov shows that few Brexiters actually understand this, or if they do, they think that simply wagging their finger sternly at the Nationalists will make the problem go away. It won't. You and I both know the writing is on the wall.

i havnae been over there for a wee while now , but from what i am hearing , the middle ground who arent really aligned to either the orange or green camps are growing , the auld bitter men are increasingly being marginalised , and are trying their best to stir up all the young hot heads to cause trouble.

I personally think there is a growing amount of people in all our uk nations who really dont see any relevance for this union and are increasingly questioning it day in day out , brexit has simply made the matter even more worse.

We would all be better off as friendly independent neighbours than fighting like rats in a sack , but westminster is determined to keep that sack over all of us .

The writing is on the wall , the british demographic is massively shrinking in both scotland and northern ireland. Its no longer even unionism v nationalism , but northern ireland and scotland v england , and there can only be one winner in that scenario in terms of the uk.

We all want different things ,and the uk government and brexiters trying to bulldoze brexit through against the wishes of the celtic countries excepting wales , is doing nothing but hastening the end of the uk medium term.

We still have a few more years of shite to wade though yet though.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=15035 time=1580636727 user_id=58
Pretty much deppity.

Thanks for taking the time to lecture this clown. Everytime i read one of lotsovs posts , i am reminded of that old saying  , to paraphrase ,

"better to remain silent and be thought a fool , than to start posting and confirm it!"

Remember boggart that used to post on he old forum? He used to say to me what a nutjob lotsov was , and how to try and engage with people , he always tried to remain polite and once he had you hooked , started to try and drip his insane poison into your ear.

The guy is a feckin nutjob. If he isnt insanely rambling on about the flat earth , autism denial , being misogynist and telling us how his latest bit of tottie has her crotchless knickers on and how he has her cleaning behind the fridge daily , we are being lectured  on the wonders of capitalism , how china is the place to be , or how anyone to the left of nick griffin and the old hard right are communists .

I have come across some nutjob on forums over the years , but this cant takes the biscuit.

He told me the other day every forum he has ever been on has been shut down.... :lol: i wonder feckin why? He probably bored the forums owners to tears that much they invented stories about lawyers shutting the forum down to get away from the cant.

Sadly (for me anyway), the price of Brexit has always been the Union. I've said it, you've said it. I still don't think, a few diehards notwithstanding, that we'll see a return to the bad old days. But the simplistic rambling of people like Lotsov shows that few Brexiters actually understand this, or if they do, they think that simply wagging their finger sternly at the Nationalists will make the problem go away. It won't. You and I both know the writing is on the wall.


Quote from: Borchester post_id=15009 time=1580589443 user_id=62
Oh balls. I tell you Pappy, you come out with more crap than the Beckton sewage works. The problem with the Poll Tax was that it was a half arsed solution to an impossible problem. The intelligent thing to do would have been to leave the rates in place. Just like the Good Friday Agreement. There was no point in trying to broker a deal between the Proddies and Taigs. The intelligent thing would have been to give both sides as much firepower as they wanted and left them to kill each other. Instead we have given the aforementioned neanderthals the idiotic impression that their opinions matter

The intelligent thing to do would have been not to carve out six counties in the first feckin place , and it wouldnt have come back to haunt you all these years afterwards.

You say northern ireland doesnt matter , it obviously mattered enough to carve out six counties a hundred years ago , it obviously mattered enough to spend billions policing the province over the course of the troubles , not to mention the blood of thousands of security services and civilians.

This constant reference to the jocks and paddies as not being of any consequence starts to ring rather hollow after a while in the light of all the evidence borkie.

We are where we are now , and there is no going back in history , but what i am noticing is how history quite often repeats itself.

Brexit is making allies of old enemies , and where westminsters old policy of divide and conquer often succeeded , the unintended consequences of brexit is to unite and secede.

Brexit as an ideology reminds me of an old statement by hugh boulter , the anglican archbishop of armagh writing to william pitt , the "british " prime minister all those years ago.

"the worst of this is that it stands to unite protestant and papist , and when that happens you can kiss goodbye to englands rule in ireland forever."

Thats whats happening now borkie , brexit is uniting moderate unionists with nationalists in common ground. You might not give a shit about northern ireland , but your government for whatever reason certainly does , which is why boris johnson is going out of his way to lie to the uk population over northern ireland remaining in the eu, and the checking of uk goods heading west and east out of this quasi european province.

The world knows fine well scotland and northern ireland didnt and dont want brexit , your country wants it.

You can pretend not to care , you can shrug your shoulders all day long , you can dismiss us as mere fractious regions of greater england that just have to be laughed at and brought into line.

This isnt the end of brexit , merely the end of the beginning , and as i told toots the other  day , its laughable to think we are all going to cuddle up and become some happy family outside the eu.

Your government will be spending as much time and energy if not more fighting internally against us as they will trying to forge a future outside the eu.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=15027 time=1580629440 user_id=50
You have to have an opinion about everything, don't you Lotsov. Even things you obviously and clearly know feck all about get treated to stomach churningly twee, childlike and indulgent rambling. They "love" the English? Feck off Lotsov. For a start, the Union is British, NOT English. Not that you'd have a clue about the difference between Unionists and Loyalists. Yeah, they "love" us for sure. That's why on numerous occasions the Army came under attack from rioting Loyalist mobs intent on burning out Catholic homes and shops, and on occasions under fire too.

Maybe that "love" was because patrols were often given photos of who not to lift, but I doubt you'll be able to work that out. The Loyalist paramilitaries were just as accomplished killers as the Provos, and were in many ways worse. And don't for one second confuse who were the Provos main targets, Lotsov. The Provisionals main targets were the security forces, not you. Unlike "loyalists" like the UVF and UFF, whose "targets" were almost exclusively civilians. Maybe a bit of "home policing" might be up your street since you seem to think Loyalists are all just misunderstood teddy bears? How about locking a man in the back of a transit van with two starving Rottweilers while a crowd jeers. Sounds more like downtown Raqqa than Belfast? Yeah. His "crime"? He was "feddling with tha keddies". That's paramilitary "justice". No due process, no trial, no jury. They were all as bad as each other, and your simplistic rambling shows you've almost certainly never been anywhere near the place, let alone understand its issues. Northern Ireland has many, many deep and complex divisions, and clowns like you rambling simplistically about something you haven't the faintest understanding of adds nothing to any discussion about them.

Pretty much deppity.

Thanks for taking the time to lecture this clown. Everytime i read one of lotsovs posts , i am reminded of that old saying  , to paraphrase ,

"better to remain silent and be thought a fool , than to start posting and confirm it!"

Remember boggart that used to post on he old forum? He used to say to me what a nutjob lotsov was , and how to try and engage with people , he always tried to remain polite and once he had you hooked , started to try and drip his insane poison into your ear.

The guy is a feckin nutjob. If he isnt insanely rambling on about the flat earth , autism denial , being misogynist and telling us how his latest bit of tottie has her crotchless knickers on and how he has her cleaning behind the fridge daily , we are being lectured  on the wonders of capitalism , how china is the place to be , or how anyone to the left of nick griffin and the old hard right are communists .

I have come across some nutjob on forums over the years , but this cant takes the biscuit.

He told me the other day every forum he has ever been on has been shut down.... :lol: i wonder feckin why? He probably bored the forums owners to tears that much they invented stories about lawyers shutting the forum down to get away from the cant.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: DeppityDawg post_id=15027 time=1580629440 user_id=50
 Northern Ireland has many, many deep and complex divisions, and clowns like you rambling simplistically about something you haven't the faintest understanding of adds nothing to any discussion about them.

The worrying thing is one of those clowns is Prime Minister.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe