GE 2024

Started by Nick, September 01, 2023, 06:31:35 AM

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Farage on course to overturn a 20,000 conservative majority in Clacton polling at 45% (cons 25%) . Reform slightly ahead in Ashfield (Lee Anderson) ,Great Yarmouth , Louth and Basildon 
Running 2nd in 127 seats with 4 possibles at this time . Not bad after just two weeks of campaigning .


Rishi has sent a personal letter - bet he has sent them to all, 2 local candidates have so far deposited leaflets and my postal vote papers arrived. I keep reading, watching and listening but it's all hot air as far as I can see. 

Lots of claims about taxes rising or not, benefits rising or not, but no-one has my vote yet. What about the waste in Government and every organisation funded by our taxes? No-one seems to man up about the amount of fraud - which is another word for theft in my book - in Whitehall, NHS and goodness knows where else. No-one seems concerned about the obscenity of funds laid out on mismanaged procurement even in the Armed Forces who will need to get their act together fast very soon. Until those at the top of each organisation gets their financial matters in order it is a cheek to expect any further funding. 

Yet here we are the whimper of the Conservatives battling the monotone of Labour, the megaphone of Reform, the clown of Libdems et al, all promising the earth in different shades of the same hypocrisy and all the while my vote hovers very near the bin. My wish is for someone, anyone,  to be a leader with vision, spine and most of all common sense guts to lead. I am so sick of this lack lustre political farce.


Quote from: johnofgwent on June 17, 2024, 10:44:50 AM
Same here

No posters, one leaflet from labour hurriedly pushed through my door by am activist who ran away

My daughter up the road at the edge of a sink estate has seen the labour MP bluster her way through trying to be bilingual. She knocked the door to be greeted by madam's "prynhawn dda" or whatever (look, sarah gets paid to speak welsh, i don't)

Apparently madam threw her a load of random sentences and she just stood there and admitted she might have to get someone to translate.......

After she'd gone a chap who was passing and had stood to let his dog wander about in the field across the way came over. Madam vaguely remembered him as one of the staff in the last schol she worked at, He said 'sorry to poke my nose in but i couldn't help overhearing you. were you delierately winding her up"

"Sort of". said sarah. "She's put this leaflet round trying to pull the plaid voters towards her now they've dumped their coalition in the assembly, and i thought i'd see how much welsh she understood, as opposed to how much bullshit she was spouting, so i used a load of the things i'd say to the kids at school as they came off my head"

He found it quite amusing. I imagine Cottage Burner Central will be al over the story by now.
LOL ,the Mrs physically stopped me going to the door the other day when the bell rang . Feck me I thought it was the bailiffs the way she was carrying on . It wasnt until quite had descended on Casa walker that she admitted she had spotted the labour posse on the estate .

Talk about spoiling my fun 


Quote from: papasmurf on June 17, 2024, 08:24:23 AM
Where I live there is next to no visible sign there is a general election in a few days.  A few Lib-Dem posters in windows and nothing else.
Same here

No posters, one leaflet from labour hurriedly pushed through my door by am activist who ran away

My daughter up the road at the edge of a sink estate has seen the labour MP bluster her way through trying to be bilingual. She knocked the door to be greeted by madam's "prynhawn dda" or whatever (look, sarah gets paid to speak welsh, i don't)

Apparently madam threw her a load of random sentences and she just stood there and admitted she might have to get someone to translate.......

After she'd gone a chap who was passing and had stood to let his dog wander about in the field across the way came over. Madam vaguely remembered him as one of the staff in the last schol she worked at, He said 'sorry to poke my nose in but i couldn't help overhearing you. were you delierately winding her up"

"Sort of". said sarah. "She's put this leaflet round trying to pull the plaid voters towards her now they've dumped their coalition in the assembly, and i thought i'd see how much welsh she understood, as opposed to how much bullshit she was spouting, so i used a load of the things i'd say to the kids at school as they came off my head"

He found it quite amusing. I imagine Cottage Burner Central will be al over the story by now.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Where I live there is next to no visible sign there is a general election in a few days.  A few Lib-Dem posters in windows and nothing else.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on June 16, 2024, 07:45:06 AM
Personally, with the Tsunami of lies and propaganda being thrown at the electorate from all sides I don't think the result will be as clear cut as people think. (The lies and propaganda are NOT being challenged by the broadcast media.)
I agree , Labour need to be pushed into giving answers  . Lets face it the others can lie as much as they like as they won't be forming a government only labour need to talk truth so we know what we have to prepare for .
Quote from: BeElBeeBub on June 16, 2024, 08:25:42 AM
Reform held a hustings in my village.

I couldn't go properly as I was looking after the kids but I did swing through the carpark and stick my head through the door.

Some observations.

Car park was full (though cricket practice at the nearby village club was on so some cars would be them)

Hall was pretty full, not as full as I have e seen for other events but def a good attendance

Demographic def skewed way past retirement

When I stuck my head in an audience member was asking about stopping small boats. Candidate relied the answer was a) out a big boat in front of the a small boat and don't let it pass b) ban border force from landing anyone they pick up to much approval from the crowd. (I didn't stay long enough to see if anyone pointed out the holes in the argument - doubt it)

The conservatives should be worried. This is a very Tory area. The other parties are nowhere near. So reform are really only battling the conservatives. They have to convert 50% of the conservatives to them (maybe a little less if "No-Dishi" Sunak can convince any more of his voters to stay at home with some more blunders.

Battle to be the opposition is hotting up . Policy is a side issue as Reform are not going to govern , being anti mass immigration is clear enough 


I have just checked, there are nine candidates standing for a election in the constituency where I live. There were six in 2019.  How that is going to effect the result is anyone's guess.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Reform held a hustings in my village.

I couldn't go properly as I was looking after the kids but I did swing through the carpark and stick my head through the door.

Some observations.

Car park was full (though cricket practice at the nearby village club was on so some cars would be them)

Hall was pretty full, not as full as I have e seen for other events but def a good attendance 

Demographic def skewed way past retirement

When I stuck my head in an audience member was asking about stopping small boats. Candidate relied the answer was a) out a big boat in front of the a small boat and don't let it pass b) ban border force from landing anyone they pick up to much approval from the crowd. (I didn't stay long enough to see if anyone pointed out the holes in the argument - doubt it)

The conservatives should be worried. This is a very Tory area. The other parties are nowhere near. So reform are really only battling the conservatives. They have to convert 50% of the conservatives to them (maybe a little less if "No-Dishi" Sunak can convince any more of his voters to stay at home with some more blunders.


Quote from: Streetwalker on June 15, 2024, 10:39:16 PM

Reform 0 seat to maybe 7 in just a couple of weeks with three weeks to go .
Personally, with the Tsunami of lies and propaganda being thrown at the electorate from all sides I don't think the result will be as clear cut as people think. (The lies and propaganda are NOT being challenged by the broadcast media.)
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe



Quote from: Nick on June 12, 2024, 08:38:42 AM
So how come the EU and Ireland are saying they could put a border on the island of Ireland using all hi tech equipment, something they categorically denied during Brexit talks?
AFAIK the EU haven't made that proposal.

The idea of using hi tech border stuff to make the NI/RoI border "invisible" was all from the Brexiters.

So far the UK has not been able to implement any of the clever tech solutions even across the Irish sea where they have full control of both ends and there is the pause of a sea crossing to allow for processing.  
The current situation is there are border checks for goods flowing from GB to NI.  The recent update to the deal introduced green and red lanes, with the green lanes accessible to registered trusted traders and the red lanes subject to full EU border controls.


Quote from: BeElBeeBub on June 12, 2024, 08:20:27 AM
The UK has only just fully implemented the border controls it agreed to.
The reason they have been delayed so long is 2 fold.
1) alot of the infrastructure wasn't ready
2) implementing the controls would cause problems which would ultimately manifest as even more costs to businesses and consumers.

The decision not to implement the UK side of the border was taken by monsters not civil servants.

Now that the border is almost fully implemented we are seeing issues like incoming shipments being delayed for 50+hours or carriers refusing to ship to UK.

This is what Brexiters voted for.
So how come the EU and Ireland are saying they could put a border on the island of Ireland using all hi tech equipment, something they categorically denied during Brexit talks?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: johnofgwent on June 11, 2024, 02:40:13 PM
The point I was making was the euroohile scum in our civil service were letting the french get away with not having the same degree of shit.
The UK has only just fully implemented the border controls it agreed to.
The reason they have been delayed so long is 2 fold.
1) alot of the infrastructure wasn't ready
2) implementing the controls would cause problems which would ultimately manifest as even more costs to businesses and consumers.

The decision not to implement the UK side of the border was taken by monsters not civil servants.

Now that the border is almost fully implemented we are seeing issues like incoming shipments being delayed for 50+hours or carriers refusing to ship to UK.

This is what Brexiters voted for.


Quote from: BeElBeeBub on June 11, 2024, 01:39:59 PM
I think the bit where he said "if only the West had politicians of his class" indicates a certain admiration wouldn't you say?
I would say thats more a condemnation of our political class than an admiration of anyone 
Quote from: BeElBeeBub on June 11, 2024, 01:39:59 PM
But it is interesting how certain views tend to shoal together

Obviously he is pro Brexit anti eu
He clearly bought into the admiration of Putin as recently as 2022
I bet he is anti lgbt rights
Obviously anti immigration.
I bet he is anti ulez, anti net zero
I bet he doesn't like heat pumps or windfarms.
I suspect he is pro trump

Now alot is speculation - but those views seem to go together 

It always puzzled me why people who were pro Brexit tend to be anti net zero, ulez etc and anti LGBT.  On the face of it those 3 things have nothing to do with each other?  So why together?

Quite a lot to go through there but I assume your talking about people with right wing values .Although I can't speak for anyone else Im not anti anything really just pro choice . Like I choose not to have a heat pump , if you want one knock yourself out . Gay rights , crack on just don't expect me to join in ,quite a straightforward way of looking at things really . 


Quote from: papasmurf on June 11, 2024, 10:51:43 AM
Because Britain was no longer in the EU, Britain is not being treated any differently that and other non-EU country.
The point I was making was the euroohile scum in our civil service were letting the french get away with not having the same degree of shit. 
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>