
Started by morayloon, October 15, 2023, 05:10:15 PM

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Quote from: Barry on November 08, 2023, 07:26:55 PM
They can't just leave, PP, because it is like an addiction. Like alcoholics, they have to have the supply cut off or there is the temptation.
I know srb is a serial flouncer and can be difficult.
A permanent ban would probably be better, or changing his password so he can't log in, as JoG suggests.

SRB has some bug or other and is on medication, so he tends to get depressed and throw a strop.So, much as it grieves me to say so, maybe we should cut him some slack

Algerie Francais !


Quote from: patman post on November 08, 2023, 12:39:27 PM
What's the point of members wanting their account here deleted — if they want to leave, why can't they just leave?

There's plenty of members in the list who have never posted or made very few posts over the years. Does it matter if they never turn up...?
They can't just leave, PP, because it is like an addiction. Like alcoholics, they have to have the supply cut off or there is the temptation.
I know srb is a serial flouncer and can be difficult.
A permanent ban would probably be better, or changing his password so he can't log in, as JoG suggests.
† The end is nigh †

patman post

Quote from: Barry on November 07, 2023, 04:47:01 PM
I think if someone wants their account deleted, it should be done. Even if it is after a short period for reflection. Continuity is not affected if the posts are kept.
What's the problem with deleting srb's account, whilst keeping the posts for continuity?
What's the point of members wanting their account here deleted — if they want to leave, why can't they just leave?

There's plenty of members in the list who have never posted or made very few posts over the years. Does it matter if they never turn up...?
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: Barry on November 07, 2023, 04:47:01 PM
I think if someone wants their account deleted, it should be done. Even if it is after a short period for reflection. Continuity is not affected if the posts are kept.
What's the problem with deleting srb's account, whilst keeping the posts for continuity?
Yeah, sorry but i'm with Nick on that

ukdebate mk 1 was built on a (much) earlier version of the same software this forum started out on. 

and deleted accounts are an absolutely royal pain in the backside. Their pists get quoted ....

over the years i've 'banned' people from several forums at their own request by simply changing the password to a long and random set of key presses. And i have banned people at their own request. NOT to do so seems almost an act of spite.

i usually took a dim view of any attacking the posts of the banned. They're not here to respond

<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Barry on November 07, 2023, 04:47:01 PM
I think if someone wants their account deleted, it should be done. Even if it is after a short period for reflection. Continuity is not affected if the posts are kept.
What's the problem with deleting srb's account, whilst keeping the posts for continuity?
I will then have 3000 and odd post unattributed to anyone, if someone else wants their account deleted how do you differentiate between 2 lots of unaccounted post?
He did this a year ago when he spat his dummy out and called Cromwell a c*nt to get banned. He then came back, apologised and continued posting. He would most likely have deleted his account then and I'd have had the ball ache of reassigning his post to his account. Nobody is forcing him to come here btw. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on November 07, 2023, 03:02:29 PM
For a start, this forum has been hacked to death and barely resembles its SMF beginnings, but you know that anyway.
Correct, I don't allow people to just delete their account when they want, it destroys the continuity. Same as I don't allow names to be changed or many other bits and pieces. Same as I don't have adverts. Whats your point?
I think if someone wants their account deleted, it should be done. Even if it is after a short period for reflection. Continuity is not affected if the posts are kept.
What's the problem with deleting srb's account, whilst keeping the posts for continuity?
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Barry on November 07, 2023, 02:02:52 PM
SMF forums have the ability for people to delete their own accounts, don't they, Nick?
The posts remain and the account disappears.
But you chose not to allow that.

Back on topic. I'm pleased to see that Netanyahu intends to take responsibility for Gaza for the foreseeable future.
This undoes the dreadfully costly mistake of Ariel Sharon in emptying Gaza of Jews in 2005, in the so called "land for peace" deal.
Gaza got their land, but Israel got rockets, no peace.
How many lives will it cost to retake Gaza and put it under a decent administration. It's all pretty sad.
For a start, this forum has been hacked to death and barely resembles its SMF beginnings, but you know that anyway. 
Correct, I don't allow people to just delete their account when they want, it destroys the continuity. Same as I don't allow names to be changed or many other bits and pieces. Same as I don't have adverts. Whats your point?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


SMF forums have the ability for people to delete their own accounts, don't they, Nick?
The posts remain and the account disappears.
But you chose not to allow that.

Back on topic. I'm pleased to see that Netanyahu intends to take responsibility for Gaza for the foreseeable future.
This undoes the dreadfully costly mistake of Ariel Sharon in emptying Gaza of Jews in 2005, in the so called "land for peace" deal.
Gaza got their land, but Israel got rockets, no peace.
How many lives will it cost to retake Gaza and put it under a decent administration. It's all pretty sad.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: srb7677 on November 06, 2023, 12:10:48 PM
It is the subject not being debated but something different that ought to be in a different thread being forced in in its place which is the problem.

If you are not going to ban me at my own request as you are happy to do for others, then just F@@@ off.
I've never banned anyone at their only request, the only people I've ever banned are Smurf and one other who was saying MODS and lying. 
If you want to throw your toys out of the pram cause someone discussed something you didn't want to that's your choice. Don't expect me to make it easy for you by banning you. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: srb7677 on November 06, 2023, 12:10:48 PM
It is the subject not being debated but something different that ought to be in a different thread being forced in in its place which is the problem.

If you are not going to ban me at my own request as you are happy to do for others, then just F@@@ off.
Ive always thought you a bit strange mate , bit of a delicate weirdo that wasn't far from the edge . Mental illness shouldn't be ignored and I sincerely hope you seek some help ,turn the fecking laptop off and go and see someone 


Quote from: Nick on November 05, 2023, 11:59:12 PM
I take it you understand how forums work? You can't introduce a subject matter and then complain about it being debated. If you don't want to post, dont, you're a big boy.
It is the subject not being debated but something different that ought to be in a different thread being forced in in its place which is the problem. 

If you are not going to ban me at my own request as you are happy to do for others, then just F@@@ off. 
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: srb7677 on November 05, 2023, 07:54:44 PM
The idea that Gandhi was a terrorist is so obviously ridiculous that having to counter such nonsense when it is not what this thread is about induces anger  and frustration which I express in colourful language. Because I dont want to talk about Gandhi. I wanted to talk about fucking Gaza. I would have been happy to debate your silly distortions about Gandhi in a thread dedicated to it, but beyond a quote that happened to be his but could have been anyones which was relevant to Gaza, Gandhi and what he was has F@@@ all to do with this subject.

I am not minded to debate with you further. A seperate thread for Gandhi so that we could discuss the actual subject matter of this one here was not an unreasonable thing to suggest, but alas you ploughed on regardless. I no longer wish to debate any matters of worth with you. Because this sort of shit is likely to keep going down here

You still appear to lack respect for your own forum, and I will be happier debating elsewhere, where the powers that be are more observant of the importance of keeping threads on topic.

And I do not actually give a flying F@@@ what is here for all to see. You will soon end up with a forum of nodding donkeys anyway. What I really want is to be shut out permanently - eg banned - so I can forget about this place. I dont want to be able to see it. I want to move on without the temptation to click this button and see what other shit you have come out with.

And incidentally, you yourself told me that Deppity Dawg left because of me. So ban me and invite him back. You will find him more agreeable.
I take it you understand how forums work? You can't introduce a subject matter and then complain about it being debated. If you don't want to post, dont, you're a big boy. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on November 03, 2023, 04:53:20 PM
The point being that one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist, if you don't see how that aligns with Gaza then there is little point in debating with you.
Being unable to come back with a reasonable argument without letting a lot of F-bombs off makes you look ignorant, which I know you're not.
Don't flatter yourself by thinking people stay away because of you, I can assure you they don't, forums are just not cool any more. Come the GE things will pickup but it will only be a temporary thing.

BTW, don't delete accounts, your legacy will be here for all to see.
The idea that Gandhi was a terrorist is so obviously ridiculous that having to counter such nonsense when it is not what this thread is about induces anger  and frustration which I express in colourful language. Because I dont want to talk about Gandhi. I wanted to talk about fucking Gaza. I would have been happy to debate your silly distortions about Gandhi in a thread dedicated to it, but beyond a quote that happened to be his but could have been anyones which was relevant to Gaza, Gandhi and what he was has F@@@ all to do with this subject.

I am not minded to debate with you further. A seperate thread for Gandhi so that we could discuss the actual subject matter of this one here was not an unreasonable thing to suggest, but alas you ploughed on regardless. I no longer wish to debate any matters of worth with you. Because this sort of shit is likely to keep going down here

You still appear to lack respect for your own forum, and I will be happier debating elsewhere, where the powers that be are more observant of the importance of keeping threads on topic.

And I do not actually give a flying F@@@ what is here for all to see. You will soon end up with a forum of nodding donkeys anyway. What I really want is to be shut out permanently - eg banned - so I can forget about this place. I dont want to be able to see it. I want to move on without the temptation to click this button and see what other shit you have come out with.

And incidentally, you yourself told me that Deppity Dawg left because of me. So ban me and invite him back. You will find him more agreeable.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: srb7677 on November 03, 2023, 04:11:29 PM
I mentioned Gandhi only because of a quote he made that was relevent to this conflict, namely that an eye for an eye makes everyone blind. That point was a relevant one.....the nature of Gandhi himself has sweet F@@@ all to do with Gaza so why are you trying to argue with me about that. Whether Gandhi was a terrorist or a saint or one of the fucking tellytubbies has F@@@ all to do with Gaza so why are you trying to change the fucking topic?

And the idea that he was some kind of terrorist is total crud of the highest order anyway and having to counter such crap all the time in threads where it is not relevant is boring me away from this forum.

And you clearly fail to understand that whilst the quote of his I used was relevant to the topic, the nature of Gandhi himself has no relevence at all here.

I find this forum most tiresome because you keep wanting to pick arguments with me on subjects that are not remotely related to the topic, and I am finding this habit of yours which is pretty close to derailing the actual topic in my book most tiresome all the time.

Just thought I would pop in and tell you that, and I would appreciate it if you could delete my account. Others who have left because of a dislike of me will more likely return if you do that and you can have your little coven of yes men.

I still say that if you wanted a debate about whether or not Gandhi was a terrorist you should have started a thread for it and not hijacked a thread about fucking Gaza, which you appear to have killed off.

F@@@ knows why I wasted my time writing that. Boredom I guess. Now just delete my account because there will be no attempts at reasonable debate here from me going forwards.
The point being that one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist, if you don't see how that aligns with Gaza then there is little point in debating with you. 
Being unable to come back with a reasonable argument without letting a lot of F-bombs off makes you look ignorant, which I know you're not. 
Don't flatter yourself by thinking people stay away because of you, I can assure you they don't, forums are just not cool any more. Come the GE things will pickup but it will only be a temporary thing. 

BTW, don't delete accounts, your legacy will be here for all to see. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on October 25, 2023, 01:20:12 PM
I would suggest that you learn what derailment is Steve, and I will also remind you that it was you who brought Gandhi into this thread as a halo of all that is good, learn your history.

The fact that I then equated Gandhi and his instrumentation in partition, which caused the deaths of over 200 thousands people, sees you bringing Father Christmas, the Tooth Fairy and Deppity Dawg  into the mix is pathetic. If you can't see the link then you are blind, perhaps the deaths of Indians isn't on a par with Palestinian or Jewish deaths in your mind.

Feel free to flounce off Steve, you've done it many times before when someone disagrees with you.
I mentioned Gandhi only because of a quote he made that was relevent to this conflict, namely that an eye for an eye makes everyone blind. That point was a relevant one.....the nature of Gandhi himself has sweet F@@@ all to do with Gaza so why are you trying to argue with me about that. Whether Gandhi was a terrorist or a saint or one of the fucking tellytubbies has F@@@ all to do with Gaza so why are you trying to change the fucking topic?

And the idea that he was some kind of terrorist is total crud of the highest order anyway and having to counter such crap all the time in threads where it is not relevant is boring me away from this forum.

And you clearly fail to understand that whilst the quote of his I used was relevant to the topic, the nature of Gandhi himself has no relevence at all here.

I find this forum most tiresome because you keep wanting to pick arguments with me on subjects that are not remotely related to the topic, and I am finding this habit of yours which is pretty close to derailing the actual topic in my book most tiresome all the time.

Just thought I would pop in and tell you that, and I would appreciate it if you could delete my account. Others who have left because of a dislike of me will more likely return if you do that and you can have your little coven of yes men. 

I still say that if you wanted a debate about whether or not Gandhi was a terrorist you should have started a thread for it and not hijacked a thread about fucking Gaza, which you appear to have killed off. 

F@@@ knows why I wasted my time writing that. Boredom I guess. Now just delete my account because there will be no attempts at reasonable debate here from me going forwards. 
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.