How sick is BJ? Unity Government?

Started by T00ts, April 03, 2020, 11:03:29 AM

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Quote from: johnofgwent post_id=20724 time=1586252427 user_id=63
I think someone really does need to do a full forensic analysis of the wallpaper, textilexand othercdecorative hangings of number ten.

I'm sorry but the fact is every bloody prime minister since Thatcher has come out of that place looking like a victim of something like heavy metal poisoning.

I'm fully aware what happens to a moderately healthy 40.year old who has to endure years of stress so far off the scale it physically damages the heart valves you're reading their words right now. And I dont look anything like as bad as them. And I dont buy the tale that any of them give a fig about the people they're in it for the power, the money, the glory or maybe all three.

So something external to that is going them in.

Really? Couldn't it be computers and whatever they do to scramble lines etc, plus lack of sleep and general worry. They all - even Bambi Blair - went in looking looking hopeful and came out haggard but not their wives/husbands. I think most of the cabinet is looking pretty frazzled.


Quote from: T00ts post_id=20681 time=1586207118 user_id=54
If they lose him it will be devastating. The cabinet will implode there is no-one that I can see has the tenacity to take it on. Dominic Raab looks  terrified.  Gover worries me. Even if BJ pulls through we are now looking at weeks to recover. Let's hope people have the sense to hang in there with the plans thus far.

I think someone really does need to do a full forensic analysis of the wallpaper, textilexand othercdecorative hangings of number ten.

I'm sorry but the fact is every bloody prime minister since Thatcher has come out of that place looking like a victim of something like heavy metal poisoning.

I'm fully aware what happens to a moderately healthy 40.year old who has to endure years of stress so far off the scale it physically damages the heart valves you're reading their words right now. And I dont look anything like as bad as them. And I dont buy the tale that any of them give a fig about the people they're in it for the power, the money, the glory or maybe all three.

So something external to that is going them in.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Javert post_id=20701 time=1586245580 user_id=64
As a human being I don't wish physical harm on anybody

That is the best thing to be said,re your later comments in another post regarding the eu I made observations on that as an ordinary member,Thomas may well have made a post on the eu too neither have been removed.

No one receives preferential treatment,not least Thomas who in this and another forum life has had more bans,warnings and posts removed than most yet always bounced back for more.

Trying to mod posts ain't an exact science and we mods disagree and Barry as forum admin too about about best way to do things sometimes but all of us try our best to be fair and perhaps we don't always get it right but it's in nobodies interests to exclude or target anyone's views without good reason especially it being a politics forum.

You and you posts are as welcome as any here,when you get stick for what you post it isn't or shouldn't be personal it's purely different opinions. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Barry post_id=20717 time=1586250769 user_id=51
That's good because we don't want hate speech. We don't want posts from "other forums" being carried over here suggesting someone murders Boris by putting up a false DNAR sign, either.

So do yourself a favour and stay restrained. Have some respect for a man who is doing his best for the country under difficult circumstances, who's life is now threatened by the very virus he is trying to mitigate.

I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Barry post_id=20717 time=1586250769 user_id=51
That's good because we don't want hate speech. We don't want posts from "other forums" being carried over here suggesting someone murders Boris by putting up a false DNAR sign, either.

So do yourself a favour and stay restrained. Have some respect for a man who is doing his best for the country under difficult circumstances, who's life is now threatened by the very virus he is trying to mitigate.

There are people on this forum and in goverment who would prefer to let vulnerable people like me  die than have a lock down.

The ONLY reason I am being restrained is because I would get banned. The reality is a lot the victims of the Tories over the last ten years could no care less is Boris carks it, but the only problem with that is Raab is a really nasty bastard.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf post_id=20709 time=1586248413 user_id=89
I am being very restrained unlike less analy retentive forums on the internet.

That's good because we don't want hate speech. We don't want posts from "other forums" being carried over here suggesting someone murders Boris by putting up a false DNAR sign, either.

So do yourself a favour and stay restrained. Have some respect for a man who is doing his best for the country under difficult circumstances, who's life is now threatened by the very virus he is trying to mitigate.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Thomas post_id=20713 time=1586249041 user_id=58
You say for some toots , yet you also say you havent been out the house barely for weeks.

Im out the house every day , in contact with many , i am a member of various forums and social media , and i can guarentee you its business as ususal within reason for many. I suspect the boredom of this halfway lockdown is making it even worse.

Not sure if you are on twitter , but there are thousands of "javert types" wishing death to johnson due to "his lies" as javert himself insinuates on this very thread over brexit , while smirking over every uk covid 19 death with a "told you so look".

One small example of many .

Its business as ususal for many  , outwith a small minority who are treating covid 19 seriously due to personal health issues.

Covid 19 has merely become the latest political tool to bang the drum with.

It's true I haven't been out since the beginning of March and before that only if really needed with the hand gel etc. I also don't involve myself in Twitter or any of the other social media stuff. I have a couple of forums on topics that interest me but do so hopefully in a way that stays within  certain boundaries that I set myself. It keeps me interested but doesn't necessarily affect my opinions. In terms of BJ's illness my view is that with disruption as it is we hardly need more. If the worst happens we are left with little real leadership in a country that gave him a resounding mandate specifically on Brexit and although I am fairly confident that his direction of movement would initially be maintained, there will be many who will look on the Government if not the Conservative party, like vultures view a corpse.

My hope of course is that he will pull through but I doubt he will be leaping before the cameras or anywhere else for some time and in the interim only time will tell the outcome. There are always those who thrive on drama, threats and vocal/verbal garbage and this is a gift to some. I don't doubt that many are having a field day but I actually joined this forum and its ancestor because it isn't too outlandish. In fact if it shows those tendencies I take a break.  :hattip


Quote from: T00ts post_id=20708 time=1586248281 user_id=54
For some - but I am loathe to go any further for fear  of thread drift. Perhaps we should have a new thread.

You say for some toots , yet you also say you havent been out the house barely for weeks.

Im out the house every day , in contact with many , i am a member of various forums and social media , and i can guarentee you its business as ususal within reason for many. I suspect the boredom of this halfway lockdown is making it even worse.

Not sure if you are on twitter , but there are thousands of "javert types" wishing death to johnson due to "his lies" as javert himself insinuates on this very thread over brexit , while smirking over every uk covid 19 death with a "told you so look".

One small example of many .

Its business as ususal for many  , outwith a small minority who are treating covid 19 seriously due to personal health issues.

Covid 19 has merely become the latest political tool to bang the drum with. 8-)
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Javert post_id=20701 time=1586245580 user_id=64
When you have late stage Covid-19, your blood oxygen saturation levels will be significantly down, and you are technically coming towards the verge of hypoxia, if not already in it.  

Sometimes.  Mostly not.
Those princes who have done great things have held good faith of little account, and have known how to craftily circumvent the intellect of men.  Niccolò Machiavelli.


Quote from: Javert post_id=20706 time=1586247056 user_id=64
Not really as I have no issue with what's happening.  They won fair and square, elected by the UK people and in our democracy they have the right to "lead".

I merely take a personal comfort that my assessment that these people are mostly charlatans, incompetents, and negligents in general, is gathering more and more factual evidence as the months goes by.  I predict that it won't be long before even many Brexiteers start to see it - there was a poll last week showing over 70% support for delaying the Brexit transition, and astonishingly, 20% of Brexit party voters agreed with that.

By the way I'm a bit puzzled that when I make a post which indirectly alluded to Brexit in one out of a hundred or so posts, I am jumped up, but when Thomas makes an entire Brexit post on this thread it's no issue  :ZIP:

But that's not he main point as this isn't about Brexit - the point is about the general level of competence, professionalism, intelligence, and ability in the higher levels of UK government - the drive to purge all "non believers" from government, has left a selection of people based on their religious commitment to a political ideology rather than their actual competence at running large departments, and the appointment of many people who want power for power's sake, vowing to smash things down but with no practical idea of what should replace it, and no work ethic to create those ideas.

All good leaders should understand that they need to put in place people who are not like them in their teams - if they are basically good at marketing and PR, they need to be putting competent technocrats front and centre of their team to compensate for their own lack of skill in that area.  Any leader who appoints a team based on his or her own ideology and character will, in the long run, fail.

In the end this is who we (you many of the people on this forum) voted into power, so to a certain extent, you get what you wish for.  I wish you good luck.

Your post earlier in this thread was bitter and resentfull. You might convince yourself in your warped head it wasnt , but it was.

Still spouting the inferrance that people who voted brexit are too stupid to vote for themselves and were led up the garden path over brexit by charlatans :brd:

QuoteBut that's not he main point as this isn't about Brexit - the point is about the general level of competence, professionalism, intelligence, and ability in the higher levels of UK government - the drive to purge all "non believers" from government, has left a selection of people based on their religious commitment to a political ideology rather than their actual competence at running large departments, and the appointment of many people who want power for power's sake, vowing to smash things down but with no practical idea of what should replace it, and no work ethic to create those ideas.

Johnson did what he had to do otherwise there was those in the party who would have thwarted what people voted for over and again. As for covid 19 , i might not agree with all the decisions both  the scot and uk governemnts have made , but generally they have made the best of a bad situation.

So what are you talking about.?

QuoteIn the end this is who we (you many of the people on this forum) voted into power, so to a certain extent, you get what you wish for.  I wish you good luck.

Yep im happy withn reason who i voted for. Im happy within reason what happened elsehwere and who others voted for.

While not perfect , it was better than the alternative .

Here we are though , javert letting his overriding bitterness over brexit cloud everything else as expected.  8-)
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=20707 time=1586248094 user_id=58

We have pappy smurf spewing forth his usual tory hatred ,

I am being very restrained unlike less analy retentive forums on the internet.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Thomas post_id=20707 time=1586248094 user_id=58
Toots the uk is in a transition period , you have left the eu , but you arent fully out, sort of a no mans land at the minute.

So im not sure the will we wont we bit has actually passed. I said months ago you have left in name only , continue to accept rules and pay fees , and the main difference this time unlike under theresa  may , you have actually lowered the flag in brussells and removed the meps.

If someone was trying to sell that to me as scottish independence from the uk , i would laugh in their faces.

The uk government nor the scottish government dont need labour under this blairite chancer to do anything. The fact is he is an irrelevance in relation to covid 19. What can he possibly do that isnt already being done?

As for paying his debts are you serious? Starmer and the blairites who are back in charge have no intention of paying any debts , why should they?

As far as they are concerned they have done nothing wrong. Outwith covid 19 its business as ususal for them , taking up the baton that they dropped in 2015. Do you forget mere  months ago starmer was the main pro european architect who forced eurosceptic jeremy corbyn to have the labour party oppose the conservatives and brexiters in every way they could depsite many labour consituencies and voters voting brexit?

I welcome the fact labour have been stupid enough to elect this clown , and take labour back to the blairite days of the past. Scotland hates the blairites , and as im sure cromwell will tell you so does northern england. Blairite labour under starmer have nothing new to say and nothing new to offer except to reincarnate the spectre of tony blair and his woefull government .

Im surprised at you toots for thinking covid 19 is bring ing out some sort of togetherness and unity . Its not. You only need to look at javerts despicable hollow post above full of self aggrandizement and bitternenss over brexit to see its business as ususal for many.

In Scotland and over in Northern Ireland , its also business as ususal as nationalist and unionist continue to slog it out.

We have pappy smurf spewing forth his usual tory hatred , and it was only yesterday patman post was spouting his usual hilarious rubbish ( in among derogatory comments about us white working class scum) about the spectre of russian bots being everywhere spreading evil and lies except on this forum , cause we are too wee too stupid and too little .( apart from when he accussed me of being a russian bot  :roll: )

Covid 19 is serious toots , but as you can see it business as ususal for many. :hattip  :-P

For some - but I am loathe to go any further for fear  of thread drift. Perhaps we should have a new thread.


Quote from: T00ts post_id=20705 time=1586246884 user_id=54
Don't be pedantic Thomas, you must know me well enough to know what I meant in that context.  :D  We all know that there is some way to go but the fraught 'will we won't we' has passed. We have now a whole new scenario and if Starmer can haul his party behind him to help the current government in this situation all well and good. I agree it doesn't look promising at present but once he has paid his debts we shall see the real man.

Toots the uk is in a transition period , you have left the eu , but you arent fully out, sort of a no mans land at the minute.

So im not sure the will we wont we bit has actually passed. I said months ago you have left in name only , continue to accept rules and pay fees , and the main difference this time unlike under theresa  may , you have actually lowered the flag in brussells and removed the meps.

If someone was trying to sell that to me as scottish independence from the uk , i would laugh in their faces.

The uk government nor the scottish government dont need labour under this blairite chancer to do anything. The fact is he is an irrelevance in relation to covid 19. What can he possibly do that isnt already being done?

As for paying his debts are you serious? Starmer and the blairites who are back in charge have no intention of paying any debts , why should they?

As far as they are concerned they have done nothing wrong. Outwith covid 19 its business as ususal for them , taking up the baton that they dropped in 2015. Do you forget mere  months ago starmer was the main pro european architect who forced eurosceptic jeremy corbyn to have the labour party oppose the conservatives and brexiters in every way they could depsite many labour consituencies and voters voting brexit?

I welcome the fact labour have been stupid enough to elect this clown , and take labour back to the blairite days of the past. Scotland hates the blairites , and as im sure cromwell will tell you so does northern england. Blairite labour under starmer have nothing new to say and nothing new to offer except to reincarnate the spectre of tony blair and his woefull government .

Im surprised at you toots for thinking covid 19 is bring ing out some sort of togetherness and unity . Its not. You only need to look at javerts despicable hollow post above full of self aggrandizement and bitternenss over brexit to see its business as ususal for many.

In Scotland and over in Northern Ireland , its also business as ususal as nationalist and unionist continue to slog it out.

We have pappy smurf spewing forth his usual tory hatred , and it was only yesterday patman post was spouting his usual hilarious rubbish ( in among derogatory comments about us white working class scum) about the spectre of russian bots being everywhere spreading evil and lies except on this forum , cause we are too wee too stupid and too little .( apart from when he accussed me of being a russian bot  :roll: )

Quote from: "patman post" post_id=20586 time=1586174072 user_id=70
. But as yet (probably because of the small number of posters and slowness of this place), it does not seem to have attracted the Kremlin or Putin funded posters, sympathisers, and trolls that are seen elsewhere spreading disinformation from any point of view that helps cause widespread dissent...

Covid 19 is serious toots , but as you can see it business as ususal for many. :hattip  :-P
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=20704 time=1586246035 user_id=58

Yep. Nail on head barry.

Not really as I have no issue with what's happening.  They won fair and square, elected by the UK people and in our democracy they have the right to "lead".

I merely take a personal comfort that my assessment that these people are mostly charlatans, incompetents, and negligents in general, is gathering more and more factual evidence as the months goes by.  I predict that it won't be long before even many Brexiteers start to see it - there was a poll last week showing over 70% support for delaying the Brexit transition, and astonishingly, 20% of Brexit party voters agreed with that.

By the way I'm a bit puzzled that when I make a post which indirectly alluded to Brexit in one out of a hundred or so posts, I am jumped up, but when Thomas makes an entire Brexit post on this thread it's no issue  :ZIP:

But that's not he main point as this isn't about Brexit - the point is about the general level of competence, professionalism, intelligence, and ability in the higher levels of UK government - the drive to purge all "non believers" from government, has left a selection of people based on their religious commitment to a political ideology rather than their actual competence at running large departments, and the appointment of many people who want power for power's sake, vowing to smash things down but with no practical idea of what should replace it, and no work ethic to create those ideas.

All good leaders should understand that they need to put in place people who are not like them in their teams - if they are basically good at marketing and PR, they need to be putting competent technocrats front and centre of their team to compensate for their own lack of skill in that area.  Any leader who appoints a team based on his or her own ideology and character will, in the long run, fail.

In the end this is who we (you many of the people on this forum) voted into power, so to a certain extent, you get what you wish for.  I wish you good luck.


Quote from: Thomas post_id=20703 time=1586245944 user_id=58

Pretty much what i have said is going to be starmers problem especially in Englandshire.

I am surprised toots thinks brexit is done. You might have removed the flag and MEP`s from brussells , but surely everyone agreed on the old forum and this one that you have years of negotiations ahead .

The idea the brexiting english public are going to want some blairite chancer who used every dirty trick in the book to stop england/uk leaving the eu despite that being the referendum result in 2016 is fancifull to my mind.

Starmer would act the european fifth columnist  , and by the end of things you would be back inside the european union without so much as a by your leave , we know best , you voted wrong the first time .

Look at what he has done in the party as expected , removed the momentum corbynites for the most part and replaced them with the b team blairites from 2010 - 2015 , including the former failed leader milliband. Pro europeans to the core who have no intent in any way shape or form or respecting the eu referendum result , and intend to shaft brexiters in any and every way they can.

Fully agree with you john , we are all still paying for the disaster that was the blairite governments in the past , and i personally have no wish to see them running so much as a county council never mind government.

Don't be pedantic Thomas, you must know me well enough to know what I meant in that context.  :D  We all know that there is some way to go but the fraught 'will we won't we' has passed. We have now a whole new scenario and if Starmer can haul his party behind him to help the current government in this situation all well and good. I agree it doesn't look promising at present but once he has paid his debts we shall see the real man.