Brexit to still go ahead despite coronavirus.

Started by Thomas, April 17, 2020, 12:27:08 PM

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Quote from: GerryT post_id=21803 time=1587305184 user_id=61
With CV19 disrupting the majority of the worlds economies is it wise that the UK should abandon it's only "trade" relationship and means for global trading. A sudden knock into WTO on the back of CV19 will have a compounded affect on the UK economy. SO what will Johnson do, he may not request another extension and blame everything on CV19 and the bully EU for not doing a mutually advantageous free trade deal, there might be just enough stupid people out there to believe that rhetoric. Or he could seek a 1yr extension and blame CV19, again people might accept this as a logical way forward.

Or maybe he'll go on another holiday and wait for cummings to tell him what to do  ;) .

Anything will do gerry. Im always up for a laugh.

The seed of doubt is starting to get sown deep within the cultists minds , and the uk government will desperately be sending out the attack dogs in the media to save face tomorrow.

This is how idiotic the english tories are , they send out a known liar , michael gove , who is as untrustworthy as a stoat and was caught red handed lying the other week on camera to the "nation" about testing kits , to defend another bullshitter , bojo the clown.

You can see from the reactions on forums like this the party faithfull dont like it up them. :lol:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester post_id=21810 time=1587306091 user_id=62
Sounds good. A divorce made in heaven.

Better a divorce made in heaven than a shotgun wedding and forced captivity.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=21807 time=1587305724 user_id=58

So auld yin, the whole of europe as well as us europeans in scotland and ireland just want to see the back of your incessant anglo saxon whinging .

Sounds good. A divorce made in heaven.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Borchester post_id=21804 time=1587305208 user_id=62

(b) as you yourself have said Tommy, most of us down south aren't overly sure where Scotland is. To be honest, few of us south of the border care if Scotland becomes independent or agrees to be somewhere for England to store the lawnmower. As far as I can see the Unionists you refer to are your fellow Scots

Not really . The vast majority of funding for better together in 2014 came from outside scotland , especially your country , to keep us in the union.

By contrast , the vast majority for yes in 2014 came from within scotland.

Talk is cheap borkie , not to mention your tory government and party , which is by far and the majority english run  , controlled , and populated ( over 90 % tory mps come from england) are desperate to stop us having another indy ref.

So auld yin, the whole of europe as well as us europeans in scotland and ireland just want to see the back of your incessant anglo saxon whinging .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=21801 time=1587304395 user_id=58
just as im like a lot of "us " up here in we want to see the back of you in the yookay.

Well im looking forward to unionists telling us we need to be attached to the basket case uk economy in indyref 2. :lol:

(a) fair enough

(b) as you yourself have said Tommy, most of us down south aren't overly sure where Scotland is. To be honest, few of us south of the border care if Scotland becomes independent or agrees to be somewhere for England to store the lawnmower. As far as I can see the Unionists you refer to are your fellow Scots
Algerie Francais !


With CV19 disrupting the majority of the worlds economies is it wise that the UK should abandon it's only "trade" relationship and means for global trading. A sudden knock into WTO on the back of CV19 will have a compounded affect on the UK economy. SO what will Johnson do, he may not request another extension and blame everything on CV19 and the bully EU for not doing a mutually advantageous free trade deal, there might be just enough stupid people out there to believe that rhetoric. Or he could seek a 1yr extension and blame CV19, again people might accept this as a logical way forward.

Or maybe he'll go on another holiday and wait for cummings to tell him what to do  ;) .


Quote from: Borchester post_id=21799 time=1587304231 user_id=62
No, Streetwalker is like a lot of us in that he has a desire to see the back of the EU.

just as im like a lot of "us " up here in we want to see the back of you in the yookay.

Quote We all hope that we do well but I dare say that the economy will bump and fart as it has done since there has been an economy to do anything with. But the main point is that the UK will be out of the EU and that is what we want.

Well im looking forward to unionists telling us we need to be attached to the basket case uk economy in indyref 2. :lol:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Nick post_id=21796 time=1587303254 user_id=73

Don't kid your self Tom, we will be out come the end of the year. Even the hardened remain economists are coming round to the fact we are better controlling our own destiny when stuff like this happens.

im not kidding myself. You are the ones in denial. Streetwalker tells me you are already out ( and stevlin the wirral warbler) you and borkie say you will be out the end of the year? which is it?

We will , one way or the other , see come the end of the year.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=21797 time=1587303719 user_id=58
He certainly has blind faith in brexit .

No, Streetwalker is like a lot of us in that he has a desire to see the back of the EU. We all hope that we do well but I dare say that the economy will bump and fart as it has done since there has been an economy to do anything with. But the main point is that the UK will be out of the EU and that is what we want.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Nick post_id=21796 time=1587303254 user_id=73
The point is we have a currency that we control and we are an independent nation.

No that wasnt your original point nick . You originally said this which was what javert responded to..

Quote from: Nick post_id=21726 time=1587245479 user_id=73
The EU economies are going to drop like a set of car keys, why would we want to be attached to them?

The german economy , which is an eu economy , if predicted to do better than your economy. You then went on to hide the various national economies in the eu , some of which are in the eurozone , others which arent , in a one size fits all number that said the eu ( ie 27 nations) are predicted to fall around 9 %. I simply said this wasnt a fair comparison ,and explained why.

The same could be applied to you. Why the feck would scotland want to leave the eu with a basket case economy ; England , that is predicted to shrink by 5.5 % , worse than germany?

No thanks nick .....feck brexiters , we are sticking with our european brothers...... :hattip
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester post_id=21795 time=1587303123 user_id=62
I doubt that Streetwalker has any more faith in the Tories than I have Tommy. Or the Labour party, Lib Dems, Greens, SNP or any other faith.

He certainly has blind faith in brexit .

Quote As I have said before, politics is like walking down the Reeperbahn. There are fat whores and thin whores and white whores and black whores and all manner of whores, but whatever happens you are likely to get f**ked so the best thing to do is chose the whore most agreeable to yourself. But remember, at the end of the day they are all whores.

Not really. Tam johnstone summed it up a century ago whn he said.....

"Show the people that our Old Nobility is not noble, that its lands are stolen lands - stolen either by force or fraud; show people that the title-deeds are rapine, murder, massacre, cheating, or court harlotry; dissolve the halo of divinity that surrounds the hereditary title; let the people clearly understand that our present House of Lords is composed largely of descendants of successful pirates and rogues; do these things and you will shatter the Romance that keeps the nation numb and spellbound while privilege picks its pocket."

QuoteThe UK is leaving the EU.

We have been hearing that for four years now ,........we are still in it. We wont be going quietly either..

QuoteIt is a bit like the SNP, which is effectively socialism in a kilt.

Now now borkie , you forget we are everything unionists want us to be , from tartan tories to tartan commies. :)

QuoteAnd the average Scot will think, what a bunch of plonkers (in Gaelic) but accept it as the price of independence.

Well they might say "thalla is cac" ( away and shite) or "thoir an droch aite ort" ( go to hell......literally take the bad place on you)

Either way , we are going to make things as difficult as hell  for you till we get there :thup:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=21762 time=1587293126 user_id=58 arent comparing apples with apples nick are you?

You are comparing the overall estimates of 27 collective sovereign states economies shrinking with one sovereign states economy shrinking.

The better comarison would be the uk state with the german state.

The uk is predicted to be marginally worse than germany."> ... KKBN21H13V">

Face the facts nick. After four years , you must realise by now you wont be allowed to leave the eu , as your government wont allow it.

Im looking forward to the next excuse being floated down the river from westminster as to why you wont be leaving this year?  :roll:

The point is we have a currency that we control and we are an independent nation. As we've both said, Germany will manipulate the economy to its own end and will be better off than the others. The likes of Italy will be screwed over and will be seriously looking at their EU future.

Don't kid your self Tom, we will be out come the end of the year. Even the hardened remain economists are coming round to the fact we are better controlling our own destiny when stuff like this happens.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Thomas post_id=21791 time=1587299673 user_id=58
Then what are you waiting for borkie , strike while the iron is hot and leave ffs. We have only been listening to it for over four years now .

Streetwalker has said to me for the last ten years online......"never ever trust a tory". Now he is trusting the tories and believing in their crap propaganda about "having left."

It will be fun listening to it on the fitba or rugby terraces. At the euroes etc , thats if we ever get back to normal.

No surrender to the eu! :lol:

I doubt that Streetwalker has any more faith in the Tories than I have Tommy. Or the Labour party, Lib Dems, Greens, SNP or any other faith. As I have said before, politics is like walking down the Reeperbahn. There are fat whores and thin whores and white whores and black whores and all manner of whores, but whatever happens you are likely to get fucked so the best thing to do is chose the whore most agreeable to yourself. But remember, at the end of the day they are all whores.

The UK is leaving the EU. Many of us don't care if it costs us a few bob and much of the Brussels Appreciation Society are such sad buggers that they probably enjoy getting a good kicking anyway.

It is a bit like the SNP, which is effectively socialism in a kilt. Come independence Wee Krankie and her dim witted mates will run the Scottish economy into the ground and blame every F@@@ up on centuries of English oppression or what ever numb nutted cliches are at hand. And the average Scot will think, what a bunch of plonkers (in Gaelic) but accept it as the price of independence.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Borchester post_id=21790 time=1587299411 user_id=62
No Tommy, the opinion of the rest of the world ain't worth a cup of cold piss, as my dear old gran was inclined to say.

Then what are you waiting for borkie , strike while the iron is hot and leave ffs. We have only been listening to it for over four years now .

Streetwalker has said to me for the last ten years online......"never ever trust a tory". Now he is trusting the tories and believing in their crap propaganda about "having left."

It will be fun listening to it on the fitba or rugby terraces. At the euroes etc , thats if we ever get back to normal.

No surrender to the eu! :lol:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=21787 time=1587298710 user_id=58
Thing is borkie and streetwalker , it doesnt matter if you want to go along with the tory propaganda of already having left.

Thats up to you.

It s how the rest of the world perceives you that matters , and they all know you havent left , you are still a rule taker bill payer.

...and they are laughing at you.

No Tommy, the opinion of the rest of the world ain't worth a cup of cold piss, as my dear old gran was inclined to say.

If the UK can cut the cost of widgets from £1.00 to 99p then the business world will love us. If we can't then our only admirers will be the readers of the Guardian, a newspaper than only exists because it has yet to piddle away the profits from its sale of Auto Trader.
Algerie Francais !