Brexit to still go ahead despite coronavirus.

Started by Thomas, April 17, 2020, 12:27:08 PM

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Quote from: Nick post_id=21988 time=1587414422 user_id=73
It's extremely hard when you have a PM who is doing everything within her powers to stay inside the EU.

Where has Brexit been a failure Gerry? You keep spouting this but there is no evidence to back it. Lowest unemployment for decades and GBP is gaining ground even under this recent situation. We've even gone above France again in the global GDP stakes.

Please give examples of this large financial failure?

This study by bloomberg Jan 2010 outlines the brexit cost to date, the UK economy is £130b below where it should be and they estimate another £70b by the end of 2020. This is not about simplistic examples, it's the gradual inability of the economy to grow at a rate it typically would and how investors are going elsewhere. As for Stg, against the Euro in 2015 before brexit the exchange was up at 1.44, it fell to a low of 1.06 in March but it's up to 1.13, that's an improvement but miles off where it was in 2015."> ... ?r=US&IR=T">

This doesn't factor in CV19 which will make thing worse for all countries. And if that's not bad enough the UK technically hasn't left yet, if it does on WTO then 2021 is going to be very rough.


See what im saying gerry....scotland schackled to the country with the second worst corona virus death rate in europe , thats without any british transparency ,and the fact we are an island compared to land locked nations   with multi generational families living in the same homes where englandshire and its regions dont.

QuoteCoronavirus death toll '40% higher than daily figures given by Government'

The true coronavirus death toll could be 41% higher than official figures, new data has revealed. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said 13,121 people in England and Wales had died by April 10 with mentions of Covid-19 on their death certificates, compared with 9,288 in the government's daily toll. If the UK's figures are underestimating the death toll by a similar figure, then the true death toll for the country as a whole could be above 23,000 based on the latest data – making it the second worst hit in Europe after Italy.
[/b]"> ... -12586536/">

All experts , including england fromer C.S.A  , all agree the uk government were very slow in locking down , had a muddled policy from the start , and no leadership provided.

Nevermind though  , come brexit day , the empires just around the corner.... :lol:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT post_id=21986 time=1587411086 user_id=61
Do you know what I find the most Ironic, the brexit campaign was driven by the mantra "how hard can it be" and "experts get it wrong all the time" while practically all experts said brexit would be large financial failure. But now the c19 crisis and it's "we need the experts to tell us what to do". That's some turn around. Funny how the UK experts though the herd immunity approach that Johnson followed and cumming's was advocating,was the way to go when the majority of global countries took the isolation approach. Maybe between now and June Johnson needs better experts to advise on his future trade discussions direction. Cummings might not be the best man for this.

I think the difference between you and i as i have said before Gerry is i want rid of this mob , you want them to stay.

FFS , after 40 years the europeans have had enough of them , think how we feel after 300 years.?

Talking about coronavirus for a minute , london was and remains the epicentre for the disease in north west europe. When the uk finally locked down , 80 % of deaths in the uk were in london.

Greater london was like the wuhan of north west europe , but unlike the chinese , the english carried on regardless as they know best.Lockdown london and leave the rest of us carrying on? What no never!

The result was not only did london then proceed to infect the trest of england and casue economic chaos , but scotland and wales , the only two countries in europe without the capacity to close our borders because we are in a shotgun marriage with this lot , couldnt do so ,and we had all the anglo campervans plodding west and north and jug ears and his retinue flooding north east scotland with the virus.

Today , the country that was going to take back control of its borders still cant control its ports from coronavirus. Non eu migration is still a massive issue. Leaving the eu however will all sort this out. :roll:  :lol:

Meanwhile many of the eu countries are able ( unlike brittannia) to control and close down their borders . This is the benefits scotland gets from being part of the bwitish family of nations controlled by london ,  where we cant control our own borders , and have every brass farthing taken from us by england , while the english moan about paying a small membership fee to the eu club .

You can clearly see what the more democratic , productive union is  , and it isnt the bwitish empire one.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT post_id=21986 time=1587411086 user_id=61
Do you know what I find the most Ironic, the brexit campaign was driven by the mantra "how hard can it be" and "experts get it wrong all the time" while practically all experts said brexit would be large financial failure. But now the c19 crisis and it's "we need the experts to tell us what to do". That's some turn around. Funny how the UK experts though the herd immunity approach that Johnson followed and cumming's was advocating,was the way to go when the majority of global countries took the isolation approach. Maybe between now and June Johnson needs better experts to advise on his future trade discussions direction. Cummings might not be the best man for this.

It's extremely hard when you have a PM who is doing everything within her powers to stay inside the EU.

Where has Brexit been a failure Gerry? You keep spouting this but there is no evidence to back it. Lowest unemployment for decades and GBP is gaining ground even under this recent situation. We've even gone above France again in the global GDP stakes.

Please give examples of this large financial failure?
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Thomas post_id=21915 time=1587377333 user_id=58
We pointed this out time and again gerry , and even in the later years of the post brexit  referendum debate , we posted figures showing non eu migration outstripped eu migration , all under the uk governments control.

Both cameron and may were widely mocked for not getting to grips with it , and Johnson appears no different , despite the propaganda.

Do you know what I find the most Ironic, the brexit campaign was driven by the mantra "how hard can it be" and "experts get it wrong all the time" while practically all experts said brexit would be large financial failure. But now the c19 crisis and it's "we need the experts to tell us what to do". That's some turn around. Funny how the UK experts though the herd immunity approach that Johnson followed and cumming's was advocating,was the way to go when the majority of global countries took the isolation approach. Maybe between now and June Johnson needs better experts to advise on his future trade discussions direction. Cummings might not be the best man for this.


Quote from: johnofgwent post_id=21922 time=1587378233 user_id=63
If you read the original (1957) treaty of Rome, you will very quickly find that the so called freedom of movement applied solely to private sector enterprise seeking workers it could not recruit locally, did not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE apply to the public sector who were compelled to recruit solely from within their national borders, and the whole concept could be suspended, or entirely revoked, by any member state that judged it was not in their national interest to allow it to continue.

My reply was to migrants from outside the EU, which see's no change whether the UK is in or out of the EU. If those changes came they were done with the UK's consent so why are you complaining.

Quote from: johnofgwent post_id=21922 time=1587378233 user_id=63
That was the case when Britain joined the EEC in 1973. PRIVATE sector business only. NO immigrant labour in public sector. IMMEDDIATE revocation on grounds of it being in the national interest to do so.

Does the UK prevent migrants from outside the EU gaining employment in the public, no it doesn't, so the change in the original treaty was most likely driven by the UK.

Quote from: johnofgwent post_id=21922 time=1587378233 user_id=63
SOMEWHERE between that day, and the Lisbon treaty, those words were mutated to the abomination we have today. which none of us voted for,.

Must Try harder, Gerry.

You did vote for it, every govt you voted in and every EU MEP you voted in brought about those changes. The further integration of the EU was the brain child of Churchill, driven forward by Thatcher. I think when the penny dropped that the EU was about team work, shared decision making and co-operation rather than England ruling over the other EU members, like it does in the UK union did the mood change about the EU.


Quote from: Borchester post_id=21939 time=1587392016 user_id=62
Boris caught the Chinese flu because he was out shaking hands with folk who were eager to shake hands with him.

If I were  a SNP supporter Tommy, the first question I would ask was why so many Scots are afraid to come near Wee Krankie.">
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Barry post_id=21953 time=1587396580 user_id=51
Yet you bleated like a lamb when I suggested you were a WUM. You've just admitted it, now.  :lol:

...but thats part of what politics is....winding people up.

Havent you watched pm questions from your parliament?

FFS , cameron did it for years  , even old dozy doris and her complete lack of humour tried it with wurzel.

I love it.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=21947 time=1587395552 user_id=58

Not really , i love taking the piss every moment you delay , and if brexit actually does happen , then i will be over the moon. I have been egging you lot on for four years , as we both know the damage its doing to the union.

Yet you bleated like a lamb when I suggested you were a WUM. You've just admitted it, now.  :lol:
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Barry post_id=21940 time=1587392060 user_id=51
You might think so.

I prefer to believe that the government are doing their best for the country. You and the above will do anything you can to bring down the government.

Well thats politics barry , and what happens when people politically disagree , we go out and try and bring your government / party down. Just as you do with the snp government , or would do if labour were in charge.

I dont get upset , i relish the banter and the craic , while admiring the cloak and dagger manouvers and knifes in the back.

QuoteBrexit will be completed with some deals at the end of the year, but you don't want to believe that, do you Thomas. You want to stay under the wings of Brussels. Good luck with that, you'll need it.

Not really , i love taking the piss every moment you delay , and if brexit actually does happen , then i will be over the moon. I have been egging you lot on for four years , as we both know the damage its doing to the union.

You just dont seem to get british( english) politics is a sideshow for us , ; our top priority is getting shot of you leeches off our backs . Brexit is a timely reminder to each and every scottish man woman and child of how one sided this dysfuntional "family of nations" actually is compared to the eu.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester post_id=21939 time=1587392016 user_id=62
Boris caught the Chinese flu because he was out shaking hands with folk who were eager to shake hands with him.

Well if i was an english tory supporter borkie , you have to ask yourself just how sharp a guy who goes around shaking hands with all and sundry during a mass pandemic  , and catching the peking pox in the process , actually is to lead your country.

QuoteIf I were a SNP supporter Tommy, the first question I would ask was why so many Scots are afraid to come near Wee Krankie.

Scots are flocking to her banner borkie......

QuoteScottish Parliament constituency voting intentions:

SNP 51% (+1)

Conservatives 26% (n/c)

Labour 14% (n/c)

Liberal Democrats 6% (-1)

Greens 3% (n/c)

Scottish Parliament regional list voting intentions:

SNP 48% (+1)

Conservatives 26% (+1)

Labour 13% (-1)

As a unionist and english tory borkie, the question you have to ask yourself is why so many scots hate your union ( half of us) , and your english tory party. ( three quarters of the country.)

The blond gut bucket isnt exactly popular , and its not improving any either.

Lets hope he gets better and back in charge before too long , he is a blessing to us. :roll:  :lol:
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=21936 time=1587389327 user_id=58
On this forum? I see many others dissenting to johnson and uk government handling of this and other situations.

across the yookay?

Where do we start?

We have discussed peston , morgan ,and many others that i have linked to who ....Are in your opinion.......trying to pull everything down which is a barry euphemism for "disagreeing with your beloved tory government".

You might think so.

I prefer to believe that the government are doing their best for the country. You and the above will do anything you can to bring down the government.

Brexit will be completed with some deals at the end of the year, but you don't want to believe that, do you Thomas. You want to stay under the wings of Brussels. Good luck with that, you'll need it.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Thomas post_id=21937 time=1587389836 user_id=58

You might want to tell your fat prime minister to cut back on the food booze and fags and trim himself into shape like our first minister. His health might inprove as a consequence , they he wouldnt have an excuse not to do his job  and be posted missing in action.

Boris caught the Chinese flu because he was out shaking hands with folk who were eager to shake hands with him.

If I were  a SNP supporter Tommy, the first question I would ask was why so many Scots are afraid to come near Wee Krankie.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Borchester post_id=21929 time=1587387293 user_id=62
Dunno Tommy.

It is true that life expectancy in Scotland is only 77 years, but it is 81.4 years in England. Bear in mind that NHS Scotland is run by the SNP, so the best thing to do is have a word with Wee Krankie.

And cut back on the fags and the booze.

Well prior to devolution , labour and tories had glasgows male life expectancy down to 58. So we are of course on the rise with the few powers devolution brings.

Think what we could do with full independence.? 8-)

Talking about covid 19 , the uk and the four nation "working together" , which is another way of saying london callingthe shots , you are responsible for 10% of worldwide corona virus deaths ( not including those you miss of the official figures :roll: ).

The" british "family coming togather ( no laughing at the back please) has inevitbaly led to scotland being part of the worst death toll in europe for covid 19 , and inevitably strengthens our cause for indy.

You might want to tell your fat prime minister to cut back on the food booze and fags and trim himself into shape like our first minister. His health might inprove as a consequence , they he wouldnt have an excuse not to do his job  and be posted missing in action.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Barry post_id=21932 time=1587388711 user_id=51
As I said.

I mean you, of course.

On this forum? I see many others dissenting to johnson and uk government handling of this and other situations.

across the yookay?

Where do we start?

We have discussed peston , morgan ,and many others that i have linked to who ....Are in your opinion.......trying to pull everything down which is a barry euphemism for "disagreeing with your beloved tory government".
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!