Brexit to still go ahead despite coronavirus.

Started by Thomas, April 17, 2020, 12:27:08 PM

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Quote from: Thomas post_id=21926 time=1587381935 user_id=58
You have one of the worst death reates in europe. Bearing in mind you are hiding true figures of deaths in care homes while france for example is putting their deaths on the official figures .

The train wreck isnt in my mind. Business in england scoltand wales and northern ireland , the medical profession , journalists like p morgan etc are all roundly critical of your govs handling of things.

Bojos current plight is irrelevant to the argument he was away at the races back in february when he should have been more pro active. thats much f the criticism.

As I said.
Quote from: Barry post_id=21920 time=1587377923 user_id=51
 It is only some people who want to pull everything down.

I mean you, of course.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Thomas post_id=21926 time=1587381935 user_id=58
You have one of the worst death reates in europe.

Dunno Tommy.

It is true that life expectancy in Scotland is only 77 years, but it is 81.4 years in England. Bear in mind that NHS Scotland is run by the SNP, so the best thing to do is have a word with Wee Krankie.

And cut back on the fags and the booze.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Barry post_id=21920 time=1587377923 user_id=51

Michael Gove says what he likes to on the day. He's a chameleon.

He is currently perfectly happy to work with Boris as leader of the party.

The train wreck is in your mind. We are coping as well as, if not better than most countries. It is only some people who want to pull everything down.

BoJo is convalescing at home after this virus almost killed him.

You have one of the worst death reates in europe. Bearing in mind you are hiding true figures of deaths in care homes while france for example is putting their deaths on the official figures .

The train wreck isnt in my mind. Business in england scoltand wales and northern ireland , the medical profession , journalists like p morgan etc are all roundly critical of your govs handling of things.

Bojos current plight is irrelevant to the argument he was away at the races back in february when he should have been more pro active. thats much f the criticism.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT post_id=21910 time=1587376423 user_id=61
If this was one of your main reasons you should be a remainer. Your powers over immigration in this regard is identical before and after you leave. This is most def no reason to leave the EU.

Even when it came to immigrants from within the EU, the UK had powers to send them home and prevent them collecting benefits. But the UK choice was to not do that, again nothing to do with the EU.

If you read the original (1957) treaty of Rome, you will very quickly find that the so called freedom of movement applied solely to private sector enterprise seeking workers it could not recruit locally, did not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE apply to the public sector who were compelled to recruit solely from within their national borders, and the whole concept could be suspended, or entirely revoked, by any member state that judged it was not in their national interest to allow it to continue.

That was the case when Britain joined the EEC in 1973. PRIVATE sector business only. NO immigrant labour in public sector. IMMEDDIATE revocation on grounds of it being in the national interest to do so.

SOMEWHERE between that day, and the Lisbon treaty, those words were mutated to the abomination we have today. which none of us voted for,.

Must Try harder, Gerry.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Thomas post_id=21902 time=1587374725 user_id=58
Interesting quote from michael gove regarding boris johnson in 2017...."> ... 5090609154">

Could mr gove have been telling the truth for once in light of the uk train wreck over covid 19 with bojo the clown at the helm.?


Michael Gove says what he likes to on the day. He's a chameleon.

He is currently perfectly happy to work with Boris as leader of the party.

The train wreck is in your mind. We are coping as well as, if not better than most countries. It is only some people who want to pull everything down.

BoJo is convalescing at home after this virus almost killed him.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: johnofgwent post_id=21916 time=1587377360 user_id=63
not MY government mate ...

donlt forget, I tried to get into that madhouse.

i know john , i appreciate we have similar sentiments on tory governments .
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas post_id=21823 time=1587307482 user_id=58
Better let your government know. They seem incable of controlling your borders at present.

not MY government mate ...

donlt forget, I tried to get into that madhouse.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: GerryT post_id=21910 time=1587376423 user_id=61
If this was one of your main reasons you should be a remainer. Your powers over immigration in this regard is identical before and after you leave. This is most def no reason to leave the EU.

Even when it came to immigrants from within the EU, the UK had powers to send them home and prevent them collecting benefits. But the UK choice was to not do that, again nothing to do with the EU.

We pointed this out time and again gerry , and even in the later years of the post brexit  referendum debate , we posted figures showing non eu migration outstripped eu migration , all under the uk governments control.

Both cameron and may were widely mocked for not getting to grips with it , and johnson appears no different , despite the propaganda.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Javert post_id=21908 time=1587376396 user_id=64
  Are you suggesting those candidates were not telling the truth?

of course i regularly say politicians arent telling the truth.

In this case , though , the argument could be circumstances have changed , and brexit must go ahead , but can be delayed a little bit longer.... :)  ;)
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Nick post_id=21859 time=1587317756 user_id=73
Once they have been in the EU a couple more years they will get residency or even citizenship then we wouldn't be able to stop them.

I didn't link the 2 million as all fighting men, you need to read what people post and not react to what you think they put.

ISIS made a statement some years back stating that when they enter Europe it will be as refugees.

If this was one of your main reasons you should be a remainer. Your powers over immigration in this regard is identical before and after you leave. This is most def no reason to leave the EU.

Even when it came to immigrants from within the EU, the UK had powers to send them home and prevent them collecting benefits. But the UK choice was to not do that, again nothing to do with the EU.


Quote from: Thomas post_id=21882 time=1587370983 user_id=58
i will have a look for the link nick .

They werent formerly requesting an extension from memory but merely suggesting offhand it might be better to extend a bit more in light of all that is going on.?

Just a sec - we had an election back in December where the Conservatives got an 80 seat majority and I believe that all their candidates had to sign up to supporting Brexit come what may.  Are you suggesting those candidates were not telling the truth?


Quote from: Nick post_id=21859 time=1587317756 user_id=73
Once they have been in the EU a couple more years they will get residency or even citizenship then we wouldn't be able to stop them.

I didn't link the 2 million as all fighting men, you need to read what people post and not react to what you think they put.

ISIS made a statement some years back stating that when they enter Europe it will be as refugees.

Have you looked into that specifically for each country.  Last time I looked into it, there were very little real prospect of Syrian immigrants being given full EU citizenship with full free movement rights.  They would be given at the most permanent residency status in one particular country, which does not confer EU free movement rights.


Interesting quote from michael gove regarding boris johnson in 2017....

QuoteReminder: In 2017 having seen him "up close and personal", Michael Gove thought Boris Johnson was unfit to be Prime Minister; he could not rise to the occasion nor make the necessary tough discussions required of leadership at critical moments.
[/b]"> ... 5090609154">

Could mr gove have been telling the truth for once in light of the uk train wreck over covid 19 with bojo the clown at the helm.?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Stevlin post_id=21870 time=1587329022 user_id=66
You are wasting your time in attempting to reason the Gorbals Gob Nick - he tends to ignore reality.....albeit, 'reality' changes day by day with regards to Brexit. The referendum result clearly hasn't been accepted by the majority of the Remainiacs, which includes most of the self centred Parliamentarians, so UNTIL we have truly completed the so called 'transition' period, it shouldn't be assumed that we are 'out', or even will be truly' out when the transition period is formally completed.

Now now stevlin dont try and reinterpret what i am saying.

Im merely challenging the cowardly arguments on this thread from certain brexiters that the uk has left the eu. Nothing more than conservative spin.

You from memory were extremely angry with theresa mays performance in dealing with the eu and her extensions / transition call it whatever you like.

The point is , the only difference between theresa may , whom many of you despised , and boris johnson , is johnson is a bit more adept at pulling the wool over your eyes. So far , he has taken 73 meps out of brussells and lowered the eu flag , and thats it.

Your big bug bear , as you remind us every single minute of every day , was the vast payments to the eu which are still continuing under your hero boris johnson.

Im told you have left the eu, but from memory this year alone (not including the withdrawal fee etc) you will be forking out 8 billion pounds of taxpayers money to the eu...............but you have left? :lol:  :roll:

From what i can see dozy doris isnt much worse than "Carry On Boris Rarely Attends" johnson.

Oh and by the way , feck yer referendum result.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Nick post_id=21869 time=1587325107 user_id=73
Have you any articles where Brexiteers within the party are requesting a further extension? I've not heard any rumblings from within the party from Brexiteers.

i will have a look for the link nick .

They werent formerly requesting an extension from memory but merely suggesting offhand it might be better to extend a bit more in light of all that is going on.?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!