Defund the police...

Started by DeppityDawg, April 15, 2021, 03:44:11 PM

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Quote from: Barry on June 29, 2021, 10:57:59 PM
This was a very interesting case as I used to live nearby. I think he acted out of panic thinking he might be overcome by a mentally ill big strong man.
I don't see what his previous cautions had to do with the case in question.
Anyone joining the Police would have a background check done and he passed. Lots of police officers not only have cautions but minor convictions for theft or criminal damage!

I feel an appeal coming on.
Yeah from what I've read he hid the the cautions when joining (don't know how)

QuoteIt was found that he had failed to disclose a caution for theft in 1997 - while employed at Woolworths - and another after he was found drunk in 1999.

The misconduct panel found Monk had breached the required standards for honesty and integrity by not disclosing the offences, but allowed him to keep his job. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on June 29, 2021, 10:49:18 PM
Well in the end he was found guilty of manslaughter,what I don't understand is he apparently witheld the fact that before joining the police he had been cautioned for drunkeness and theft,surely that should have been flagged up automatically on his application.
This was a very interesting case as I used to live nearby. I think he acted out of panic thinking he might be overcome by a mentally ill big strong man.
I don't see what his previous cautions had to do with the case in question.
Anyone joining the Police would have a background check done and he passed. Lots of police officers not only have cautions but minor convictions for theft or criminal damage!

I feel an appeal coming on.
† The end is nigh †


Well in the end he was found guilty of manslaughter,what I don't understand is he apparently witheld the fact that before joining the police he had been cautioned for drunkeness and theft,surely that should have been flagged up automatically on his application. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Wikipedia says he was murdered, so it must be true.

But for balance they add this:
QuoteAtkinson died on 15 August 2016 after being tasered by police near his father's house in Trench, Telford. Police had responded to a call as Atkinson threatened to kill his father, Ernest. Atkinson's older brother Kenroy said "My brother had lost it. He was in a manic state and depressed – out of his mind and ranting. He had a tube in his shoulder for the dialysis and he had ripped it out and was covered in blood. He got dad by the throat and said he was going to kill him. He told dad he had already killed me, our brother Paul and sister Elaine and he had come for him." After being tasered, Atkinson went into cardiac arrest on the way to the Princess Royal Hospital, where he was pronounced dead at about 03:00. He was 48. The incident was referred to the Independent Police Complaints Commission.
Public domain
† The end is nigh †


I don't know about the ins and outs of this matter, except that it happened five years ago.
Mod edit purely on basis trial ongoing

Algerie Francais !


Careful Barry, don't you know that standing up to and slapping down Extremism, let alone standing up for your own culture, is nowadays classed as Genocide?


That fake investigation should have been done by now and the teacher back at the school. As it is, he is elsewhere whilst we still pay his wages. It's an absolute DIABOLICAL liberty in the true sense of that word.
The Satan worshippers and death cultists are winning.
† The end is nigh †


Government has 'washed its hands' of teacher who showed Mohammed pictures

We seem to have Imams and death threats maintaining Sharia law.  Government seems to have OK'd it.  I don't know about you lot here, but when it comes down to causing offence, I can think of nothing greater than this sort of treatment over a picture.  He has genuine reasons to fear for his life, and the Imams are fully aware of that fact.

This is policing in some areas of the world.


Quote from: Sheepy on April 18, 2021, 04:57:43 PM
He might be chasing these couple of Russian peasants, simple folk from the country who know nothing about poisonings or explosions, they just like visiting interesting places.
All above board and nothing to see according to our former correspondent from the west country. ;) and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: DeppityDawg on April 18, 2021, 02:00:54 PM
What we need Streetwalker is a few more cops like this around the Manchester area  :D :D :D

He might be chasing these couple of Russian peasants, simple folk from the country who know nothing about poisonings or explosions, they just like visiting interesting places.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


What we need Streetwalker is a few more cops like this around the Manchester area  :D :D :D


Quote from: cromwell on April 18, 2021, 11:00:17 AM
Use fake money? You mean George Floyd? Well of course yes they do need looking at,but don't need to die in the process.
Well I suppose most people support the arrest of thieves too,it's in the human condition to suppose you or your peers are better than others.
I don't know you only your online persona (or anybody else on here) so this isn't aimed at you or anyone else on here.

Like I  say its the human condition,occasionally had these conversations at work,somebody would be reading about this or that or discussing some thievery and say "chop their bloody hands off......won't do it again"

And I've said " Yeah but how are you going to do your job?"........."What do you mean?"
Well says I "You're a thief so you'll be stuffed" and there's the look of annoyance,hurt, incredulity,want to break your nose.
"I'm no bloody thief"......."Well says I that stuff you borrowed from work (and didn't pay for or bring back) to do this or that"

"I'm no thief......perk of the job"
The logic that you didn't ask the employer or pay for it it and decided in your own mind it was a perk but was whichever way you look at it theft was lost on them and I had some never spoke to me again.

It's the same with Derek Chauvin,the policewoman who shot the bloke instead of using the taser,the cop who shot the 13 year old who dropped the gun,someone lost a life and all these cases are different and it's for a jury to decide.
I have my thoughts on all these cases,and I'm no saint.

Things happen,people lose their lives,you cannot just ignore it,as again with work situations,I've known machine operatives bypass safety gear to make the job go faster (but haven't told the one on the next shift using it) or bosses ordering machinery to be altered for similar reasons,and if someone's injured or dies well they have to be looked at.......don't they?

Of course we are no saints cromwell , Ive done a bit of ducking and diving myself over the years , nothing too serious mind  ;) But I guess what Im saying is when plod knocks on your door , pulls you over at the side of the road or you get caught in the act most if not all people who have any sense put their hands up and say ''Its a fair cop guv ''

They dont continue to make an eejit of themselves or try to run away . Which then forces plod into making decisions they would rather not (be that lack of training or inexperience ) . There is only one person (for me ) who is responsible for anything that happens during the criminal act or after plod says 'your nicked sunshine ' and its not the bloke wearing the uniform .


Quote from: DeppityDawg on April 18, 2021, 11:26:21 AM
A big feck off compound in the middle of the antarctic to put all liberal arse hats in
. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on April 17, 2021, 06:28:49 PM
I know what DD doesn't like but not sure what he'd like to see in its place.

A big feck off compound in the middle of the antarctic to put all liberal arse hats in


Quote from: Streetwalker on April 17, 2021, 10:47:41 PM
Yes we employ them to work for us , all of us .  If the majority don't agree with how they are doing that then we vote them out and until that happens the minority have to abide by the laws that the majority support .
I'm sure we all have in our minds laws that we don't agree with , that we think are unnecessary but  accept for the greater good .I'm also sure most of us would support the  arrest of people who use fake money or drive without insurance .

We can not as individuals choose which ones we accept and which ones we ignore , that is the road to anarchy .
Use fake money? You mean George Floyd? Well of course yes they do need looking at,but don't need to die in the process.
Well I suppose most people support the arrest of thieves too,it's in the human condition to suppose you or your peers are better than others.
I don't know you only your online persona (or anybody else on here) so this isn't aimed at you or anyone else on here.

Like I  say its the human condition,occasionally had these conversations at work,somebody would be reading about this or that or discussing some thievery and say "chop their bloody hands off......won't do it again"

And I've said " Yeah but how are you going to do your job?"........."What do you mean?"
Well says I "You're a thief so you'll be stuffed" and there's the look of annoyance,hurt, incredulity,want to break your nose.
"I'm no bloody thief"......."Well says I that stuff you borrowed from work (and didn't pay for or bring back) to do this or that"

"I'm no thief......perk of the job"
The logic that you didn't ask the employer or pay for it it and decided in your own mind it was a perk but was whichever way you look at it theft was lost on them and I had some never spoke to me again.

It's the same with Derek Chauvin,the policewoman who shot the bloke instead of using the taser,the cop who shot the 13 year old who dropped the gun,someone lost a life and all these cases are different and it's for a jury to decide.
I have my thoughts on all these cases,and I'm no saint.

Things happen,people lose their lives,you cannot just ignore it,as again with work situations,I've known machine operatives bypass safety gear to make the job go faster (but haven't told the one on the next shift using it) or bosses ordering machinery to be altered for similar reasons,and if someone's injured or dies well they have to be looked at.......don't they? and affordable,not that hard is it?