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Started by Dynamis, May 16, 2020, 11:42:56 AM

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Quote from: Dynamis on May 16, 2020, 12:45:45 PM

Okay, yes Blunkett was a very hypocritical home sec. Certainly very fond of authoritarian measures and blind to what his govt were doing, to coin a well-used phrase.

But meh this lot are making them look like woolly liberals ...with a love for civil liberties. And many in the public are being led by the nose, and acting like blind sheep. <EMOJI seq="1f914" tseq="1f914">🤔</EMOJI>

As much as I dislike Tories, I've always said they should've stuck David Davis in as leader in 2005. He's not great but would've been a lot better than Cammers, and at least he cared about civil liberties.

I think with Lab, they could've used someone like Jack Straw, who whatever his many faults had some morals. He really annoyed Blair with those morals..</r>

I suspect the difference being Blunkett was actually proven to have exceeded and abused his powers as Home Secretary and while Blair's abuse was quietly covered up, Blunkett's problem was his spurned ex lover was not going to go down quietly.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>

Borg Refinery

Quote from: johnofgwent on July 02, 2020, 06:00:11 PM
Quote from: Dynamis on May 30, 2020, 11:24:00 PMThe PDF:

Having downloaded that document and read the foreword to it penned by redwood, it is clear he is a bloody idiot. Or more likely seels to put a version of the world that just does not ring true.

He peddling a vision where the export to India of call centres handling western financial transactions when they themselves had no idea what a mortgage was, or the export to china of manufacturing capacity would create there a new consumer who would look to US, he said, for consumer products. what a right laugh that is. Am I supposed to take that seriously ? The fact is the chinese and indian economies undercut the western world because they put absolutely no value on human life and health and are therefore in a position to profit in ways the united kingdom did at the height of the victorian era, and when it goes tits up, lots of people die but they don't care.

Haven't you just neatly summed up modern Tory economics in one go?

There was a time when even if you didn't like them, they were arguably competent (Ken Clarke? Tony Barber?) but alas, not anymore. I guess Thatcher's hostile takeover and realignment of the Tories in 1974/5 after her reeducation camp by some right wing Americans is what dun it, but they dropped some of those ideas during Major's time after they realized how harmful it was..


Quote from: johnofgwent on July 02, 2020, 06:00:11 PM
Quote from: Dynamis on May 30, 2020, 11:24:00 PMThe PDF:

Having downloaded that document and read the foreword to it penned by redwood, it is clear he is a bloody idiot. Or more likely seels to put a version of the world that just does not ring true.

He peddling a vision where the export to India of call centres handling western financial transactions when they themselves had no idea what a mortgage was, or the export to china of manufacturing capacity would create there a new consumer who would look to US, he said, for consumer products. what a right laugh that is. Am I supposed to take that seriously ? The fact is the chinese and indian economies undercut the western world because they put absolutely no value on human life and health and are therefore in a position to profit in ways the united kingdom did at the height of the victorian era, and when it goes tits up, lots of people die but they don't care.
Funny you should say that, considering there are those who constantly complain about the defunct British Empire, there are a lot of people trying to tweak it. On another note there are also some honourable people still involved in the British Government, who pay their debts.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Dynamis on May 30, 2020, 11:24:00 PMThe PDF:

Having downloaded that document and read the foreword to it penned by redwood, it is clear he is a bloody idiot. Or more likely seels to put a version of the world that just does not ring true.

He peddling a vision where the export to India of call centres handling western financial transactions when they themselves had no idea what a mortgage was, or the export to china of manufacturing capacity would create there a new consumer who would look to US, he said, for consumer products. what a right laugh that is. Am I supposed to take that seriously ? The fact is the chinese and indian economies undercut the western world because they put absolutely no value on human life and health and are therefore in a position to profit in ways the united kingdom did at the height of the victorian era, and when it goes tits up, lots of people die but they don't care.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>

Borg Refinery

Quote from: "Hyperduck Quack Quack" post_id=26965 time=1590846286 user_id=103
As much as I dislike Tories also, I think David Camereron was doing OK in the circumstances until he held that stupid referendum that we're all paying the price for now. Oh, and I was about to blame him for finishing off the Lib Dems, then I remembered that was Nick Clegg's fault!

He was doing well?

You mean the austerity BS narrative which was roundly rejected by the IMF and the EU as hurting growth?

I didn't like Brown, in fact he did just about everything wrong, but that lot managed to make a double dip recession even worse than it had to be, and added a huge amount to the national debt. They were as bad as he was

..All the while pretending to be about austerity, while giving themselves huge pay rises.

I don't agree at all. Cameron was an awful pm.

Their narrative was an outright lie as this proves:

(This isn't satire – believe it or not)

As the widening banking scandal in Barclays is breaking, it's worth remembering that in 2007, Cameron endorsed LESS regulation of banks and specifically mortgage and pension provisions by financial institutions.

A report produced by the Conservative Party in 2007 – endorsed by Cameron – called 'Freeing Britain to Compete' recommended that a vast range of regulations on the financial services industry should either be abolished or watered down, including money-laundering restrictions affecting banks and building societies. The report also saw "no need to continue to regulate mortgage provision", saying it is the lender, not the client, who takes the risk.

Here are a few gems – direct quotes – taken from the report:

The (Labour) government claims that this regulation is all necessary. They seem to believe that without it banks could steal our money ...............

We need to make it more difficult for ministers to regulate, and we need to give the critics of regulation more opportunity to make their case against specific new proposals.........

We recommend deregulating venture capital fund raising, and investment for professional investors.........

A Conservative government should relax banking regulation, allowing a new breed of venture/micro-credit institutions................

Competition is the customers' main ally. It is competition which keeps the bank honest ........................

We see no need to continue to regulate the provision of mortgage finance, as it is the lending institutions rather than the client taking the risk...........

Our aim is to liberate the economy from the burden of unnecessary regulations...............

Before imposing traditional 'heavy' regulation, government should always consider whether the ends could be achieved by less burdensome means, such as through competition, incentive schemes, or self-regulation.......

The regulatory burden should be measured and reduced year on year............

Greater use should be made of "codes of practice" rather than direct regulation...........

From its first days in office, a Conservative government should challenge the public and press assumptions that encourage excessive regulation, and explain the likely effects of and reasons for its regulatory reforms.........


So please – let's have no more of all this rubbish about Labour being the only party which didn't regulate the banks enough during its time in power.

Because if it was up to the Tories – they would have regulated the banks even less."> ... abour/amp/">

The PDF:"> ... mplete.pdf">

Hyperduck Quack Quack

Quote from: Dynamis post_id=24861 time=1589629545 user_id=98

Okay, yes Blunkett was a very hypocritical home sec. Certainly very fond of authoritarian measures and blind to what his govt were doing, to coin a well-used phrase.

But meh this lot are making them look like woolly liberals ...with a love for civil liberties. And many in the public are being led by the nose, and acting like blind sheep. 🤔

As much as I dislike Tories, I've always said they should've stuck David Davis in as leader in 2005. He's not great but would've been a lot better than Cammers, and at least he cared about civil liberties.

I think with Lab, they could've used someone like Jack Straw, who whatever his many faults had some morals. He really annoyed Blair with those morals..

As much as I dislike Tories also, I think David Camereron was doing OK in the circumstances until he held that stupid referendum that we're all paying the price for now. Oh, and I was about to blame him for finishing off the Lib Dems, then I remembered that was Nick Clegg's fault!

Borg Refinery


Okay, yes Blunkett was a very hypocritical home sec. Certainly very fond of authoritarian measures and blind to what his govt were doing, to coin a well-used phrase.

But meh this lot are making them look like woolly liberals ...with a love for civil liberties. And many in the public are being led by the nose, and acting like blind sheep. 🤔

As much as I dislike Tories, I've always said they should've stuck David Davis in as leader in 2005. He's not great but would've been a lot better than Cammers, and at least he cared about civil liberties.

I think with Lab, they could've used someone like Jack Straw, who whatever his many faults had some morals. He really annoyed Blair with those morals..


Quote from: Dynamis post_id=24859 time=1589628192 user_id=98
Quote from: cromwell post_id=24856 time=1589626519 user_id=48
Biometrics,yeah always leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

From blind Pugh who wanted ID cards (nothing to do with having shares in the biometric company slated to do the work  ;) to this present lot CCTV,face/voice recognition there are those who say nothing to fear,really? till along comes a executive bent on control,might as well have a barcode tattooed at birth.......tossers.

Yes one might say it's very cromwellian. 😜 Jk.

Interesting, didn't know about the John Pugh thing, nothing about it on google, I'm sure you're right though as I'm often unable to find similar old ref's. I completely agree with you in general, and before anyone chimes in about labour or whatever, yes they were just as bad..

No not John Pugh I was making reference to a certain labour home secretary and his enthusiasm for bio metrics,I remember at the time hignfy taking the piss over this whole affair and Paul Merton saying "Just tell him it's in operation he'll never know the difference" :D and affordable,not that hard is it?

Borg Refinery

Quote from: cromwell post_id=24856 time=1589626519 user_id=48
Biometrics,yeah always leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

From blind Pugh who wanted ID cards (nothing to do with having shares in the biometric company slated to do the work  ;) to this present lot CCTV,face/voice recognition there are those who say nothing to fear,really? till along comes a executive bent on control,might as well have a barcode tattooed at birth.......tossers.

Yes one might say it's very cromwellian. 😜 Jk.

Interesting, didn't know about the John Pugh thing, nothing about it on google, I'm sure you're right though as I'm often unable to find similar old ref's. I completely agree with you in general, and before anyone chimes in about labour or whatever, yes they were just as bad..


Biometrics,yeah always leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

From blind Pugh who wanted ID cards (nothing to do with having shares in the biometric company slated to do the work  ;) to this present lot CCTV,face/voice recognition there are those who say nothing to fear,really? till along comes a executive bent on control,might as well have a barcode tattooed at birth.......tossers. and affordable,not that hard is it?

Borg Refinery

From Andrew Neil's favourite journo. :)

Carole Cadwalladr:

I can't sleep so here's a story in 4 screenshots. We first learned of new 'Joint Biosecurity Centre' on Sun. On Tues, that 4 friends of Gove/Cummings appointed to key roles in Cabinet Office. Today we learn 'Biosecurity' = counterterror/health mash-up. Based in Cabinet Office">">


Here's the report by

. Friend of Boris Johnson, son of Douglas Hurd counter terror chief in charge

'Speaking at the launch of the Independent SAGE report,


 said 'Even the term biosecurity is really worrying'">


A major surveillance apparatus has literally been set up overnight in the Cabinet Office. At *exactly* same time Gove & Cummings made 4 political appointees - friends - to senior oversight roles in the Cabinet Office. This cannot be ok.


 needs to be all over this


Even more alarming than politicisation of key civil service function? Read this.  


 believes 'Joint Biosecurity Centre' will take the place of SAGE in supplying govt with scientific advice. This is deeply deeply worrying. No transparency, oversight, accountability.">


Why are the security services involved? Why based in Cabinet Office? Will independent scientists have access to this data? Why did Cummings/Gove need to appoint their cronies to oversee it? What does any of this mean for SAGE? And these are just the first questions..


Remember there is zero transparency into the heart of govt. But Cummings made clear his condition of entering govt was to smash the civil service & reshape it in his image. The Cabinet Office is where it begins. This whole project screams of an executive landgrab"> ... 1675802626">