Tories & Russians Story #555,555

Started by Dynamis, June 19, 2020, 03:16:41 AM

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Quote from: Good old on June 20, 2020, 03:58:05 PM

Yer, we do like having a big bad wolf around the place. I dare say Putin, would try to influence some situations. Our people do. The yanks do it big time. So why not him? Maybe not in a way quiet as obvious as passing cash sweeteners around as if it's Christmas.

Generally , but not exclusively , it appears to be labour types in the yookay , and democrats in the you ess of a , that keep trying to get yet  more mileage out of the  nasty russians behind everything bogeymen.

Im just surprised they keep flogging this dead horse.

On the giveafeckability meter , for the average yookay and you ess citizen , the putin bogeyman manages a big fat zero.

Not only that , here in the yookay , we have already seen that when vlad misbehaves , he receives nothing more than a sternly worded letter from the empire telling him he is a naughty boy , while begging him to maintain his investment in the yookay and the yookays main two political parties.

Still i suppose its whatever floats your boat. While the left and the chattering classes are consumed with stopping brexit and encouraging belief in the putin bogeyman , the rest of us are getting on with the day job and quietly going about our business with a right ho and sardonic smile on our faces.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on June 20, 2020, 03:03:15 PM
Quote from: Good old on June 20, 2020, 02:55:13 PM

Seems to me Putin, has got them all licking up anything he drops in front of them. We can only wait to see how, what, or even if this ever actually leads to anything really significant.  Some would say Putins, already getting results. Nobody seems to keen to prove it though.

Putin the big bad baddie who is behind anything and everything.

I remember on our old forum patman post accusing me of being a russian bot and scottish indy all the handiwork of vladimir , then in the following post telling the forum russian bots were behind brexit , then it was donald trumps election.

Its hilarious listening to it.

Putin seems to be the devil incarnate except when he is handing out wedges of cash to the labour party or investing in the yookay , or his minions buying up property in the english capital.

Yer, we do like having a big bad wolf around the place. I dare say Putin, would try to influence some situations. Our people do. The yanks do it big time. So why not him? Maybe not in a way quiet as obvious as passing cash sweeteners around as if it's Christmas.


Quote from: Good old on June 20, 2020, 02:55:13 PM

Seems to me Putin, has got them all licking up anything he drops in front of them. We can only wait to see how, what, or even if this ever actually leads to anything really significant.  Some would say Putins, already getting results. Nobody seems to keen to prove it though.

Putin the big bad baddie who is behind anything and everything.

I remember on our old forum patman post accusing me of being a russian bot and scottish indy all the handiwork of vladimir , then in the following post telling the forum russian bots were behind brexit , then it was donald trumps election.

Its hilarious listening to it.

Putin seems to be the devil incarnate except when he is handing out wedges of cash to the labour party or investing in the yookay , or his minions buying up property in the english capital.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Seems to me Putin, has got them all licking up anything he drops in front of them. We can only wait to see how, what, or even if this ever actually leads to anything really significant.  Some would say Putins, already getting results. Nobody seems to keen to prove it though.


It always amuses me that some folk seriously think bleating about thoses nasty russians giving money to the tories is somehow a worthwhile attack line to get rid of them.

The only other alternative to the tories at westminster as we know is labour.

What about Tony blair dashing off to Russia to lick putins boots and urge him to invest in labour run britain back in 2000?
The amazing thing is that we have tolerated this situation for so long. Britain has consistently welcomed Russian money, and consistently ignored the warnings of those concerned about what it is buying. In March 2000, when Putin was still just acting president and had spent six months pulverising Chechnya, Tony Blair dashed to St Petersburg to be the first western leader to secure a meeting with the new man, and to urge more investment in each other's countries.

QuoteMany British institutions have indeed accepted donations from wealthy Russian businesspeople: Sadiq Khan's City Hall from Elena Baturina, whose husband was mayor of Moscow

QuoteSadiq Khan is the charity's patron, and in 2016 – shortly after he became mayor – his Greater London Authority (GLA) accepted a £138,000 cash grant from Baturina's Swiss-registered Be Open foundation.

Quote How Britain let Russia hide its dirty money

For decades, politicians have welcomed the super-rich with open arms.

Tony Blair linked to Libyan deal with Russian oligarch
Emails reveal how bank employing former PM tried to oil the wheels of a deal between Russian's aluminium firm and the Libyan regime

I mean you could go on and on all day dragging up old articles regarding labour  , and dirty russian money.

The farce of watching both labour and tories throw mud and shouting hysterically  at each other over dirty russian money and funding when both parties have been complicit for decades in welcoming and accepting dirty russian money is laughable.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Dynamis on June 19, 2020, 03:16:41 AM

With Cummings allegedly having 'forged relationships' with Surkov (the Putinism puppet master) and other high flyers in Russia in the 90s (source; The Times), and seeing as how the party is run by him; this should surprise no-one.

It would seem ,Chernukhin, has been buttering the Tories up for some time. In that respect Boris, is Merely following his predecessors . Cameron, and May.  If her money helps Putins games , that can't be laid at Cummings door. For me Cummings ,is a worry, but allegations are just that. So although his real motivations are questionable ,that's as far as it goes. Putin, Has to be ecstatic at a major split in the make up of the EU , and it's beyond belief he would not have tried in anyway possible to encourage it happening. As Brexit became  such a hot Tory chestnut, from about 2012 one has to wonder . I hate to think   
what the reaction would have been if that kind of money had gone into Labour coffers.

Edited by Forum Admin to repair text

Borg Refinery

With Cummings allegedly having 'forged relationships' with Surkov (the Putinism puppet master) and other high flyers in Russia in the 90s (source; The Times), and seeing as how the party is run by him; this should surprise no-one.
