General Brexit discussion thread

Started by cromwell, October 27, 2019, 09:01:29 PM

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Quote from: papasmurf on January 17, 2021, 12:26:47 PM

Prices vary wildly over time the mackerel don't stick to boundaries. (Where are you getting £6.52 from?)

The prices don't change over time for the simple fact the Mackerel are a summer fish and are only about for a few months, with the big pilot fish coming first with all the small ones behind.

£6.52/Kg at Asda, which is one of the cheapest.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on January 17, 2021, 12:19:17 PM
Where do you think the 30p comes from?
Are UK boats less economical? A kilo of Mackerel in the UK is £6.52, in Spain it's £3.38. So how do you explain that?

Prices vary wildly over time the mackerel don't stick to boundaries. (Where are you getting £6.52 from?)
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on January 17, 2021, 12:03:13 PM
You seem to forget the cost of running a boat and making enough to live on.

Where do you think the 30p comes from?
Are UK boats less economical? A kilo of Mackerel in the UK is £6.52, in Spain it's £3.38. So how do you explain that?

I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on January 17, 2021, 12:01:15 PM
When I go out in my boat and catch, let's say Mackerel for example, they work out at 30p each.
Asda and the like are selling them at £1.50 to £2.0 each, and that's from a commercial source who can catch fish much cheaper than I can, and if they can't they are doing something wrong. An online fishmongers down your way is selling them at £14 for three which is outrageous, so don't tell me they can't reduce there prices cause they can.

You seem to forget the cost of running a boat and making enough to live on.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on January 16, 2021, 08:37:14 PM
That can't be done due the costs of catching it.

When I go out in my boat and catch, let's say Mackerel for example, they work out at 30p each.
Asda and the like are selling them at £1.50 to £2.0 each, and that's from a commercial source who can catch fish much cheaper than I can, and if they can't they are doing something wrong. An online fishmongers down your way is selling them at £14 for three which is outrageous, so don't tell me they can't reduce there prices cause they can. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


QuotePatrick Murphy, CEO of the Cork-based Irish South & West Fish Producers Organization (IS&WFPO), accused the bloc of "betraying" his country in a scorching takedown of the agreement. He said the deal denies Irish fishermen the right to work in waters where they have traditionally operated for centuries.

Mr Murphy told he had trawled through the agreement struck on Christmas Eve in terms of its implications for the Irish fishing industry and had reached some gloomy conclusions.

He said: "Can we as an industry trust Brussels to have Ireland's best interests at heart? I think not.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT on January 16, 2021, 09:12:15 PM
Fish isn't cheap,

Can you not read?

Why are you telling streetwalker fish isnt cheap when thats what he is hinting at when he says this in his post..

Quote from: Streetwalker on January 16, 2021, 06:45:00 PM
There is an appetite for fish Gerry ,the cost though makes it a treat rather than a staple .

and then you go one to do your ususal waffle about brexit..

QuoteBrexit is a disaster as it introduces time delays and pushes that premium product into a lesser market of frozen fish. This can be 4 times less in value, that ends small fishermen and only super trawlers can survive in that market.

17 days into the uk being out the eu , in the midst of the covid 19 pandemic which is overshadowing everything worldwide , and causing massive economic damage , you can tell us brexit is a disaster?

In light of the short time scale and the fact covid has stolen the wind out of your sails gerry , you cant possibly tell the uk brexit is a disaster. It will take years to quantify brexit , and of course there is going to be ups and downs along the way until everything settles down.

Independence for ireland at the beginning of the twentieth century was of course an economic disaster.

From memory it took half a century till things started improving , but that didnt stop the irish wanting independence . Whens the irish coming back under control of westmisnter gerry if independence is such a bad thing for countries?

I think you are in shock gerry. You felt so sure that economic arguments control the world , (as evidenced by irish independence it obviously doesnt) and then brexit came along and shattered your cosy world.

Keep it up gerry. The more you try and put the boot into brexit , the more determined the english are to stay out. I would have thought a so called irishman would have understood the patriotism and belief in ones country against puerile economic arguments to maintain the status quo.

There have been 34 new countires in the last thirty years alone , never mind the hundreds that have appeared over a longer period.

If the economic status quo maintained the world without any change , and peurile arguments about change bringing disaster worked , then the world would never ever change.

You simply dont understand people , and think numbers and economics trump everything else. 
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Streetwalker on January 16, 2021, 06:45:00 PM
There is an appetite for fish Gerry ,the cost though makes it a treat rather than a staple . I picked up by mistake in Tesco what I thought was some smoked haddock .  When I started cooking it I thought somethings not right here and when (after finding my goggles ) read the packet found it to be some catfish from Thailand called Bassa . It went in the bin quicker than I could say whos going down the chippy .
So the point is if Tesco are importing cheap fish from the other side of our rock , the planet not a lesser spotted dogfish , their must be a market for fish as long as its priced right .
Fish isn't cheap, if your looking for fresh & not frozen. Luckily I've a great shop Fitzsimons near that has the morning catch for sale by 10 or 11or at weekends I can trip to Howth, there's about 3 fishmongers selling what came off the boat that day. But still my kids & wife will only eat white fish like cod. Not many like oily fish like mackerel, I love it. Shell fish out of the question.
The big thing is price, selling a quality product, fresh from these islands commands a premium price, so does grass fed animals. Brexit is a disaster as it introduces time delays and pushes that premium product into a lesser market of frozen fish. This can be 4 times less in value, that ends small fishermen and only super trawlers can survive in that market.


Quote from: Nick on January 16, 2021, 08:20:10 PM
Sadly you are right, and it is never going to change unless they start charging a reasonable price for fresh seafood.

That can't be done due the costs of catching it.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on January 16, 2021, 07:03:48 PM
In the case of Britain in general only if it is coated in batter, or in the form of fish fingers, or a plastic sack of frozen fish fillets in the supermarket freezer section, or the odd kipper.

They is next to no home market for the fish and shellfish caught by British fishing fleet.
You are not going to change that in the next few days.

Sadly you are right, and it is never going to change unless they start charging a reasonable price for fresh seafood.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Streetwalker on January 16, 2021, 06:45:00 PM
There is an appetite for fish Gerry

In the case of Britain in general only if it is coated in batter, or in the form of fish fingers, or a plastic sack of frozen fish fillets in the supermarket freezer section, or the odd kipper.

They is next to no home market for the fish and shellfish caught by British fishing fleet.
You are not going to change that in the next few days.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on January 16, 2021, 05:28:09 PMtrade has now stopped because the delays due inspection and compliance certification

No, it's stopped due to a combination of the EU being obstroculous and people getting the paperwork wrong, neither of which are directly due to Brexit.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Why is there a big space at the bottom of my post ?  :) :) :) :)


Quote from: GerryT on January 16, 2021, 04:43:16 PM
I'm mid '50's and as a young lad working in a bar I remember the old lads on a Sunday morning would be in eating cockles from a jar and playing domino's. Fish on a Friday was usual at home. But all those traditions died out not because of supply but even in Ireland people in general are not a fan of fish, even less a fan of shell fish. Far more popular on the main land and that's the market the UK sell's into. Your not going to change the diet of the average UK person especially to shell fish or mussels.
It simple really, this is a brexit opportunity. An opportunity to figure out how to sell fresh raw fish into the EU, or maybe freeze it and sell it to far away lands. It might reduce the profits but it's better than letting it rot. It might be more profitable to sell your fishing rights to an EU company, maybe petition Johnson to let you do that.

There is an appetite for fish Gerry ,the cost though makes it a treat rather than a staple . I picked up by mistake in Tesco what I thought was some smoked haddock .  When I started cooking it I thought somethings not right here and when (after finding my goggles ) read the packet found it to be some catfish from Thailand called Bassa . It went in the bin quicker than I could say whos going down the chippy .
So the point is if Tesco are importing cheap fish from the other side of our rock , the planet not a lesser spotted dogfish , their must be a market for fish as long as its priced right .


Quote from: papasmurf on January 16, 2021, 05:28:09 PM
Back to what the heart of the matter is and this has been referenced in depth and detail on the forum and on national news and current affairs on a regular basis.  Nationally 80% of the fish/shellfish caught by British fishermen and 95% of that caught by Cornish fishermen is normally exported to France and Spain.
As I predicted years ago that trade has now stopped because the delays due inspection and compliance certification is causing the fresh fish to spoil and the live shellfish to die on the trucks and be unsalable.
So most of British fishing boat are now tied up and "gathering dust" as on local fishermen stated when interviewed.
It is a  not  "bump in the road" as that idiot George Useless  said on floor of the House of Parliament it is a bloody disaster and the export of fresh meat is going the same way.
(I predicted that years ago as well.)

So if you predicted all these things happening years ago pappy , why did you originally support brexit on our old forum , as pointed out many a time  , as you were completely against freedom of movement , and why didnt you vote labour to stop the tories at the last general election ?

Instead , you cheered on the end of freedom of movement , your own personal hatred of mass immigration is well known, and you voted lib dem to help the tories win your constituency.

I fink you are pulling our legs pappy you old tory you!
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!