Margaret Thatcher split off topic

Started by srb7677, July 26, 2020, 10:27:19 AM

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Quote from: Good old on August 05, 2020, 04:20:16 PM

I can see what Tommy is. I can see the nationalistic vibes that did more than anything else to promote the SNP, and secure an English, Brexit.


First of all you tell me england isnt nationalistic , now you tell me nationalistic vibes secured brexit?

You are all over the place old yin.

Im a nationalist , and proud of it. There are many different kinds of nationalism , and every single person on this forum is a nationalist of some sort , including you.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Good old on August 04, 2020, 08:30:48 PM

That would only be an excuse if it wasn't true. And it's one truism that would only ever escape the likes of you

It is an excuse , and i have given you a clear example which is a massive fly in your ointment of excuses for labours poor performance...........the rise of the snp.

The majority of scotlands newspapers and media are owned and controlled from outside scotland. All are pretty much 99% anti SNP and anti scottish indy , yet the snp have been winning elections and of course won the 2016 brexit ref in scotland with their pro remain message.

So if all the media are so fervently pro eurosceptic and pro tory , why did 62 % of scotland vote remain in 2016 and why did for example the tories receive a massive kicking in decembers general election in scotland?

You are simply rehashing another old labour excuse , where you have went from calling the scots mindless robots who are brainwahsed by the snp to now insinuating the english are mindless robots brainwashed by the tory eurosceptic media.

As ever its everyone elses fault why labour are shit , they simply cannot look inward and see the problems with their own party and failed ideology.
Nationalism trumps all in Scotland. Doesn't apply down here. So  it iis not worth you making that point, as there is no real comparison.

This is a cracking example of your head in the sand.

Out of 200 plus nations on this earth , are you seriously trying to imply the english are the only nation on earth that isnt nationalistic? Not only do i know this is horseshit , being married to an english woman and knowing the country well  , but on top of that , earlier in this thread you yourself made a nationalistic statement...

Quote from: Good old on August 03, 2020, 08:29:41 PM

I'm proud to be an old English,man,Thomas,

You are entitled to be a proud englishman , just as the english are entitled to be a nationalistic nation. Labours hatred of english nationalism is well known of course , so we know its mere wishfull thinking that england isnt nationalistic.

Of course the facts show deep down labour kow this isnt the case......we had the infamous emily thornberry incident and her hatred of the english flag and essexs white van man with the implication the rise in UKIP was being fuelled by english nationalism , and of course labour insinuated brexit was all about english nationalism when 54% of english voters in 2016 voted brexit , and labour were labelling them "little englanders".

So what are you actually talking about now?

The english have as much right to be proud of their country as the scottish irish or french , and they dont need encouraging to do so.

QuoteHe promised Brexit with a great deal of support from the majority of Fleet Street

;D So what happened , did fleet streets mind control end at the scottish and northern irish borders? Is this yet another slight by labour on the english people , that they are too stupid to make their own minds up about brexit simply because they didnt want what labour wanted?
It is true to say the forums of the internet tend to suit the lies , and deception peddled by the so called populists

As opposed to the lies and deception peddled by the labour controlled scottish media?  ;D

QuotePeople will become every bit as old fashioned as you label me.

You hope you mean?

Labour as ever are relying on everyone else crashing and burning while they are devoid of any progressive thoughts on how to tackle the modern worlds issues .
The problem is Thomas your politics are lopsided beyond belief .

My politics are simple , not lopsided , and i simply want scotland to be a normal country like all the other 200 plus nations of the earth.

Your politics rely on the gullible believing fairy stories of all the bullshit labour have been peddling my entire lifetime , over promising and underdelivering as we see every time labour get into power.

QuoteI think our difference is much more to do with my maturity  than being out of date.

Whats mature about spending four years squealing about the brexit referendum and the will of what people voted for , and telling them like a spoiled immature child they cant have what they voted for and receiving the predictable kicking in the process time and again.

Labour just dont get it , and long may it continue.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: DeppityDawg on August 05, 2020, 06:35:02 PM
Quote from: Good old on August 05, 2020, 05:38:20 PM
I thought you might have been a bit wider than that ,Borch. You lot love to see rejection as a personal put down . I suppose it reinforces that feeling of us against the world that brexiteers thrive on. Labour don%u2019t need to keep lighting your little fire, by saying or doing anything with Brexit, and if they have learned anything  they won%u2019t. I mean why should they wind up people who live to be wound up on one issue.
Labour keep very quiet on this issue, just wait, work hard on the other gaping holes in the Boris , Cummings , cult.
And we will see if things stay the same for long.

Hmm. 'Good old' eh? What's all that about then? Good old piss up? Good old punch up? Good old ****. Good old whinge about 'brexit'?

I think you'll find that labour "keeping quiet on the issue" contributed to them getting slaghtered at the last election. Probably because a lot of brexiters saw Labour as pro EU or were unlikely to enact the result. Mind you, most of our establishment is that I suppose. Pro EU that is. That we had a democratic referendum doesnt seem to matter a flying feck to many remainers though, does it?

I voted remain too btw.

Maybe I should have used your monitor, you wouldn't have to ask then would you. I think your probably right,Labour should have just fallen into line with the less than 52% of the total electorate on a single issue. It would have stopped the nation getting bored to tears ,with the Westminster infighting and begging Boris, to relieve the pain.
One minute the moan is they opposed Brexit ,problem. Next it's they were to quiet,problem. It's old news. And all that's going to matter is that Brexit will be judged on results.
I opposed Brexit, I didn't have a brain transplant when the result didn't please , so I,ll keep saying I oppose it. In the same way ,because the nation asks for Tory  it will  not stop me slagging them off, it's all part of British democracy, and I don't understand anyone opposing something until they are told not to, that's a very dangerous practice to develop  in a free country.


Quote from: Good old on August 05, 2020, 05:38:20 PM
I thought you might have been a bit wider than that ,Borch. You lot love to see rejection as a personal put down . I suppose it reinforces that feeling of us against the world that brexiteers thrive on. Labour don%u2019t need to keep lighting your little fire, by saying or doing anything with Brexit, and if they have learned anything  they won%u2019t. I mean why should they wind up people who live to be wound up on one issue.
Labour keep very quiet on this issue, just wait, work hard on the other gaping holes in the Boris , Cummings , cult.
And we will see if things stay the same for long.

Hmm. 'Good old' eh? What's all that about then? Good old piss up? Good old punch up? Good old ****. Good old whinge about 'brexit'?

I think you'll find that labour "keeping quiet on the issue" contributed to them getting slaghtered at the last election. Probably because a lot of brexiters saw Labour as pro EU or were unlikely to enact the result. Mind you, most of our establishment is that I suppose. Pro EU that is. That we had a democratic referendum doesnt seem to matter a flying feck to many remainers though, does it?

I voted remain too btw.


Quote from: Borchester on August 05, 2020, 04:51:35 PM
Quote from: Good old on August 05, 2020, 04:20:16 PM
Quote from: Borchester on August 05, 2020, 11:56:54 AM
Quote from: Good old on August 04, 2020, 08:30:48 PM

Nationalism trumps all in Scotland. Doesn't apply down here.

Yes it does. Or at least to a much greater extent than the left is prepared to accept.

Tommy is not a Scottish nazi worshipping at the feet of Wee Krankie. If pressed he will probably accept that economically, Scotland is in the wrong place and will have a bumpy ride after independence. And he does not give a toss. The rest of the UK will drink champagne from Bojo's socks while Tommy will stand there with his arse out of his trews and he will think well, at least I am exposing myself in a free Scotland. He is not particularly bothered about the quality of government or the level of its cock ups. He just wants the cock ups made at Holyrood rather than Westminster.

Ditto much of the UK. Boris is a good laugh and those Brexiters who have managed to stay out of jail seem competent enough. But even were they not, the general feeling is that we would rather have the UK run by British rascals than the EU.

And the left has ignored it all. It told the electorate that it would rather piss on a baby's coffin than take its hat off when the old flag goes by, that the most important issue is not sovereignty but whether or not the cost of baguettes rises by a penny and that the ordinary men and women in the street are of course the salt of the earth, but that they are best guided by people with degrees in grievance studies who really understand these matters.

I am not complaining.  The heroic stupidity of the left should see the UK out of the EU by the New Year, but it is still amazing to see how badly they played their hand.

I can see what Tommy is. I can see the nationalistic vibes that did more than anything else to promote the SNP, and secure an English, Brexit.
To depict this movement ,trend, call it what you will as something modern and irrevocable  is laughable . It is nothing other than a giant step backwards. It is not new, it's as old as time, for the UK it's the beginning of the reversal of three hundred years of blood sweat and toil.  Its  an attitude that has reversed real progress time and time again for the lower ends of societies.
It can not be denied that the Labour Party has proved to be a failure in heading off  what could well ,prove to be a massive mistake for this country, but when the shit hits the fan, Something resembling the Labour, movement  will be the only recourse , to a dictatorship,. The biggest problem with sticking with your own idiots, is they could easily prove the biggest idiots on the planet. And you have locked yourself in with them. I repeat the warm glow of Brexit will not be the big mover for ever, and if it ever proved to became nothing more than a reason to go down the drain laughing. Then how sad an end for what was a great nation is that going to be.?

In short, Brexiters are donkeys lead by other donkeys and pretty soon they will realise the error of their ways and return to the all knowing and kindly embrace of the labour party.

Tell you what Goodie, put that in your next election manifesto and Keir Starmer will be in Number 10 before the Labour party leaflets hit the doormat.  :)
LOL donkeys maybe, can win elections without breaking a sweat, piece of cake.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

Good old

Quote from: Borchester on August 05, 2020, 04:51:35 PM
Quote from: Good old on August 05, 2020, 04:20:16 PM
Quote from: Borchester on August 05, 2020, 11:56:54 AM
Quote from: Good old on August 04, 2020, 08:30:48 PM

Nationalism trumps all in Scotland. Doesn't apply down here.

Yes it does. Or at least to a much greater extent than the left is prepared to accept.

Tommy is not a Scottish nazi worshipping at the feet of Wee Krankie. If pressed he will probably accept that economically, Scotland is in the wrong place and will have a bumpy ride after independence. And he does not give a toss. The rest of the UK will drink champagne from Bojo's socks while Tommy will stand there with his arse out of his trews and he will think well, at least I am exposing myself in a free Scotland. He is not particularly bothered about the quality of government or the level of its cock ups. He just wants the cock ups made at Holyrood rather than Westminster.

Ditto much of the UK. Boris is a good laugh and those Brexiters who have managed to stay out of jail seem competent enough. But even were they not, the general feeling is that we would rather have the UK run by British rascals than the EU.

And the left has ignored it all. It told the electorate that it would rather piss on a baby's coffin than take its hat off when the old flag goes by, that the most important issue is not sovereignty but whether or not the cost of baguettes rises by a penny and that the ordinary men and women in the street are of course the salt of the earth, but that they are best guided by people with degrees in grievance studies who really understand these matters.

I am not complaining.  The heroic stupidity of the left should see the UK out of the EU by the New Year, but it is still amazing to see how badly they played their hand.

I can see what Tommy is. I can see the nationalistic vibes that did more than anything else to promote the SNP, and secure an English, Brexit.
To depict this movement ,trend, call it what you will as something modern and irrevocable  is laughable . It is nothing other than a giant step backwards. It is not new, it's as old as time, for the UK it's the beginning of the reversal of three hundred years of blood sweat and toil.  Its  an attitude that has reversed real progress time and time again for the lower ends of societies.
It can not be denied that the Labour Party has proved to be a failure in heading off  what could well ,prove to be a massive mistake for this country, but when the shit hits the fan, Something resembling the Labour, movement  will be the only recourse , to a dictatorship,. The biggest problem with sticking with your own idiots, is they could easily prove the biggest idiots on the planet. And you have locked yourself in with them. I repeat the warm glow of Brexit will not be the big mover for ever, and if it ever proved to became nothing more than a reason to go down the drain laughing. Then how sad an end for what was a great nation is that going to be.?

In short, Brexiters are donkeys lead by other donkeys and pretty soon they will realise the error of their ways and return to the all knowing and kindly embrace of the labour party.

Tell you what Goodie, put that in your next election manifesto and Keir Starmer will be in Number 10 before the Labour party leaflets hit the doormat.  :)

I thought you might have been a bit wider than that ,Borch. You lot love to see rejection as a personal put down . I suppose it reinforces that feeling of us against the world that brexiteers thrive on. Labour don't need to keep lighting your little fire, by saying or doing anything with Brexit, and if they have learned anything  they won't. I mean why should they wind up people who live to be wound up on one issue.
Labour keep very quiet on this issue, just wait, work hard on the other gaping holes in the Boris , Cummings , cult.
And we will see if things stay the same for long.


Quote from: Good old on August 05, 2020, 04:20:16 PM
Quote from: Borchester on August 05, 2020, 11:56:54 AM
Quote from: Good old on August 04, 2020, 08:30:48 PM

Nationalism trumps all in Scotland. Doesn't apply down here.

Yes it does. Or at least to a much greater extent than the left is prepared to accept.

Tommy is not a Scottish nazi worshipping at the feet of Wee Krankie. If pressed he will probably accept that economically, Scotland is in the wrong place and will have a bumpy ride after independence. And he does not give a toss. The rest of the UK will drink champagne from Bojo's socks while Tommy will stand there with his arse out of his trews and he will think well, at least I am exposing myself in a free Scotland. He is not particularly bothered about the quality of government or the level of its cock ups. He just wants the cock ups made at Holyrood rather than Westminster.

Ditto much of the UK. Boris is a good laugh and those Brexiters who have managed to stay out of jail seem competent enough. But even were they not, the general feeling is that we would rather have the UK run by British rascals than the EU.

And the left has ignored it all. It told the electorate that it would rather piss on a baby's coffin than take its hat off when the old flag goes by, that the most important issue is not sovereignty but whether or not the cost of baguettes rises by a penny and that the ordinary men and women in the street are of course the salt of the earth, but that they are best guided by people with degrees in grievance studies who really understand these matters.

I am not complaining.  The heroic stupidity of the left should see the UK out of the EU by the New Year, but it is still amazing to see how badly they played their hand.

I can see what Tommy is. I can see the nationalistic vibes that did more than anything else to promote the SNP, and secure an English, Brexit.
To depict this movement ,trend, call it what you will as something modern and irrevocable  is laughable . It is nothing other than a giant step backwards. It is not new, it's as old as time, for the UK it's the beginning of the reversal of three hundred years of blood sweat and toil.  Its  an attitude that has reversed real progress time and time again for the lower ends of societies.
It can not be denied that the Labour Party has proved to be a failure in heading off  what could well ,prove to be a massive mistake for this country, but when the shit hits the fan, Something resembling the Labour, movement  will be the only recourse , to a dictatorship,. The biggest problem with sticking with your own idiots, is they could easily prove the biggest idiots on the planet. And you have locked yourself in with them. I repeat the warm glow of Brexit will not be the big mover for ever, and if it ever proved to became nothing more than a reason to go down the drain laughing. Then how sad an end for what was a great nation is that going to be.?

In short, Brexiters are donkeys lead by other donkeys and pretty soon they will realise the error of their ways and return to the all knowing and kindly embrace of the labour party.

Tell you what Goodie, put that in your next election manifesto and Keir Starmer will be in Number 10 before the Labour party leaflets hit the doormat.  :)
Algerie Francais !

Good old

Quote from: Borchester on August 05, 2020, 11:56:54 AM
Quote from: Good old on August 04, 2020, 08:30:48 PM

Nationalism trumps all in Scotland. Doesn't apply down here.

Yes it does. Or at least to a much greater extent than the left is prepared to accept.

Tommy is not a Scottish nazi worshipping at the feet of Wee Krankie. If pressed he will probably accept that economically, Scotland is in the wrong place and will have a bumpy ride after independence. And he does not give a toss. The rest of the UK will drink champagne from Bojo's socks while Tommy will stand there with his arse out of his trews and he will think well, at least I am exposing myself in a free Scotland. He is not particularly bothered about the quality of government or the level of its cock ups. He just wants the cock ups made at Holyrood rather than Westminster.

Ditto much of the UK. Boris is a good laugh and those Brexiters who have managed to stay out of jail seem competent enough. But even were they not, the general feeling is that we would rather have the UK run by British rascals than the EU.

And the left has ignored it all. It told the electorate that it would rather piss on a baby's coffin than take its hat off when the old flag goes by, that the most important issue is not sovereignty but whether or not the cost of baguettes rises by a penny and that the ordinary men and women in the street are of course the salt of the earth, but that they are best guided by people with degrees in grievance studies who really understand these matters.

I am not complaining.  The heroic stupidity of the left should see the UK out of the EU by the New Year, but it is still amazing to see how badly they played their hand.

I can see what Tommy is. I can see the nationalistic vibes that did more than anything else to promote the SNP, and secure an English, Brexit.
To depict this movement ,trend, call it what you will as something modern and irrevocable  is laughable . It is nothing other than a giant step backwards. It is not new, it's as old as time, for the UK it's the beginning of the reversal of three hundred years of blood sweat and toil.  Its  an attitude that has reversed real progress time and time again for the lower ends of societies.
It can not be denied that the Labour Party has proved to be a failure in heading off  what could well ,prove to be a massive mistake for this country, but when the shit hits the fan, Something resembling the Labour, movement  will be the only recourse , to a dictatorship,. The biggest problem with sticking with your own idiots, is they could easily prove the biggest idiots on the planet. And you have locked yourself in with them. I repeat the warm glow of Brexit will not be the big mover for ever, and if it ever proved to became nothing more than a reason to go down the drain laughing. Then how sad an end for what was a great nation is that going to be.?


Quote from: Good old on August 04, 2020, 08:30:48 PM

Nationalism trumps all in Scotland. Doesn't apply down here.

Yes it does. Or at least to a much greater extent than the left is prepared to accept.

Tommy is not a Scottish nazi worshipping at the feet of Wee Krankie. If pressed he will probably accept that economically, Scotland is in the wrong place and will have a bumpy ride after independence. And he does not give a toss. The rest of the UK will drink champagne from Bojo's socks while Tommy will stand there with his arse out of his trews and he will think well, at least I am exposing myself in a free Scotland. He is not particularly bothered about the quality of government or the level of its cock ups. He just wants the cock ups made at Holyrood rather than Westminster.

Ditto much of the UK. Boris is a good laugh and those Brexiters who have managed to stay out of jail seem competent enough. But even were they not, the general feeling is that we would rather have the UK run by British rascals than the EU.

And the left has ignored it all. It told the electorate that it would rather piss on a baby's coffin than take its hat off when the old flag goes by, that the most important issue is not sovereignty but whether or not the cost of baguettes rises by a penny and that the ordinary men and women in the street are of course the salt of the earth, but that they are best guided by people with degrees in grievance studies who really understand these matters.

I am not complaining.  The heroic stupidity of the left should see the UK out of the EU by the New Year, but it is still amazing to see how badly they played their hand.   
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Good old on August 04, 2020, 08:30:48 PM
Quote from: Thomas on August 04, 2020, 06:57:34 PM
Quote from: Good old on August 04, 2020, 05:53:52 PM

More than likely ,but if he owned the media, as his opposition do he could stop at paying their wages.

Boo hoo excuses excuses.

The SNP dont own the media , so how come we managed to not only hump labour and take their fiefdom off them, but win the brexit ref in scotland , and hump boris in decembers general election?

The media is nothing but a lame feckin excuse for starmer and labour. No can't listens to the media now except the over sixties. You can see that on forums such as this .

Thats why governments across the western world , and in particular parties such as labour and the democrats are in feckin meltdown as the old methods of control are becoming obsolete.

I tell you again  , bojo didnt win because he owned the media , he won because he promised the english brexit and you shat on your own doorstep and told them no.

As i said auld yin , yer politics are so out of date its unreal.

That would only be an excuse if it wasn't true. And it's one truism that would only ever escape the likes of you
Nationalism trumps all in Scotland. Doesn't apply down here. So  it iis not worth you making that point, as there is no real comparison.
He promised Brexit with a great deal of support from the majority of Fleet Street . It is true to say the forums of the internet tend to suit the lies , and deception peddled by the so called populists .This won't last for ever, the warm  glow of Brexit won't last for ever,. So I'll tell you Thomas,  when it comes time to shift out the shit of Brexit , and confront the truths of Brexit, and never ending decent of this old countries economy. People will become every bit as old fashioned as you label me.
The problem is Thomas your politics are lopsided beyond belief . The Blue Tory domination of Westminster ,is as questionable as it has ever been ,brexit will never stop being questionable. Yet you are so up to date and smart you can only think in terms of no change as change is not needed. I think our difference is much more to do with my maturity  than being out of date.
Thomas does have a point though, Labours psychological politics has finally failed miserably, taking up minority politics and using psychology to turn it into majority politics because that is what the upper echelons of the Labour party require is no longer viable. Changing leaders and making out they have found new direction no longer works, it certainly won't in Scotland and it certainly didn't the last time in the whole of the UK. The old we will tell the electorate one thing and do another is not going to work, however much spin you can think of, the Tories have cottoned on, which is why they have a huge majority. Populism isn't some fad that will disappear under the weight of old politics.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on August 04, 2020, 06:57:34 PM
Quote from: Good old on August 04, 2020, 05:53:52 PM

More than likely ,but if he owned the media, as his opposition do he could stop at paying their wages.

Boo hoo excuses excuses.

The SNP dont own the media , so how come we managed to not only hump labour and take their fiefdom off them, but win the brexit ref in scotland , and hump boris in decembers general election?

The media is nothing but a lame feckin excuse for starmer and labour. No can't listens to the media now except the over sixties. You can see that on forums such as this .

Thats why governments across the western world , and in particular parties such as labour and the democrats are in feckin meltdown as the old methods of control are becoming obsolete.

I tell you again  , bojo didnt win because he owned the media , he won because he promised the english brexit and you shat on your own doorstep and told them no.

As i said auld yin , yer politics are so out of date its unreal.

That would only be an excuse if it wasn't true. And it's one truism that would only ever escape the likes of you
Nationalism trumps all in Scotland. Doesn't apply down here. So  it iis not worth you making that point, as there is no real comparison.
He promised Brexit with a great deal of support from the majority of Fleet Street . It is true to say the forums of the internet tend to suit the lies , and deception peddled by the so called populists .This won't last for ever, the warm  glow of Brexit won't last for ever,. So I'll tell you Thomas,  when it comes time to shift out the shit of Brexit , and confront the truths of Brexit, and never ending decent of this old countries economy. People will become every bit as old fashioned as you label me.
The problem is Thomas your politics are lopsided beyond belief . The Blue Tory domination of Westminster ,is as questionable as it has ever been ,brexit will never stop being questionable. Yet you are so up to date and smart you can only think in terms of no change as change is not needed. I think our difference is much more to do with my maturity  than being out of date.


Quote from: Good old on August 04, 2020, 05:53:52 PM

More than likely ,but if he owned the media, as his opposition do he could stop at paying their wages.

Boo hoo excuses excuses.

The SNP dont own the media , so how come we managed to not only hump labour and take their fiefdom off them, but win the brexit ref in scotland , and hump boris in decembers general election?

The media is nothing but a lame feckin excuse for starmer and labour. No cant listens to the media now except the over sixties. You can see that on forums such as this .

Thats why governments across the western world , and in particular parties such as labour and the democrats are in feckin meltdown as the old methods of control are becoming obsolete.

I tell you again  , bojo didnt win because he owned the media , he won because he promised the english brexit and you shat on your own doorstep and told them no.

As i said auld yin , yer politics are so out of date its unreal.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on August 04, 2020, 05:21:37 PM
Quote from: Good old on August 04, 2020, 04:57:44 PM

Nothing new thenThomas?

Has starmer paid off any journalists today?

More than likely ,but if he owned the media, as his opposition do he could stop at paying their wages.


Quote from: Good old on August 04, 2020, 04:57:44 PM

Nothing new thenThomas?

Not really auld yin.....brexit is still happening , the snp and tories are in power , and labour carping from the sidelines as ever.

Just saying to borkie , it should liven up near the end of the year.

Has starmer paid off any journalists today?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old