Lords reject freedom of movement bill

Started by Streetwalker, October 05, 2020, 05:51:08 PM

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Cor Blimey!

They took care of us when we were vulnerable, now it's our turn to take care of them. Health before Wealth: Lockdown.


Quote from: Cor Blimey! on October 16, 2020, 09:41:46 AM
Great! We'll send out the rescue team just as soon as we're certain he's dead.

No-one would know he was there.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe

Cor Blimey!

Quote from: papasmurf on October 16, 2020, 07:44:14 AM
There are some well hidden by grass and weeds five foot deep ditches alongside a two mile stretch of straight road a few miles away from where I live.

Great! We'll send out the rescue team just as soon as we're certain he's dead.
They took care of us when we were vulnerable, now it's our turn to take care of them. Health before Wealth: Lockdown.


Quote from: Cor Blimey! on October 15, 2020, 09:10:42 PM
Any news whether Boris has found a nice comfortable ditch to die in yet?

There are some well hidden by grass and weeds five foot deep ditches alongside a two mile stretch of straight road a few miles away from where I live.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe

Cor Blimey!

Any news whether Boris has found a nice comfortable ditch to die in yet?
They took care of us when we were vulnerable, now it's our turn to take care of them. Health before Wealth: Lockdown.

Cor Blimey!

Quote from: Baff on October 15, 2020, 02:16:34 AM
No it doesn't.
The people each country sends to the EU commision are not allowed to represent the countries that sent them.

Only the EU itself.

Not allowed by whom to represent the countries that sent them? Not allowed  by the EU? But the EU is the countries that sent them.  The EU and the Member States are the same thing. That's not a complicated concept, but it seems to be too much for you.
They took care of us when we were vulnerable, now it's our turn to take care of them. Health before Wealth: Lockdown.


Quote from: T00ts on October 15, 2020, 05:47:07 PMWhen Angela Merkel invited all immigrants to come to Germany where was the reference to the EU members whose borders they had to cross before they ever got to Germany? When all the Med countries were overflowing and suddenly it was bigger than even she could have dreamt and those poor people were walking hundreds of miles to take up her offer and she suddenly realised that they weren't all nice little families but solo men with questionable intentions - what did she do? At that point having fait accompli and with a population up in arms at many immigrant behaviours, she led the urge to spread the load. She urged payment to Turkey to stop the spread thus putting the whole of the EU and their long suffering members in hock to Turkey and at their mercy as has been shown more recently.

Don't tell us that the EU membership is all on equal footing. You are wearing rose coloured specs - perhaps you need to go to Specsavers!

Germany took the lion share of refugees, Merkel asked other countries to take more, a lot told her to get stuffed and some did commit to helping on humanitarian grounds. Like the UK but the UK didn't follow through on the promise. Merkel has no more power in the EU to tell another country what to do than Johnson has of telling the truth.

Like I keep saying, give an example of how France or Germany told the EU what to do. Has never happened and never will happen. I'm due back in Specsavers next yr thanks.

You see Borky says Johnson needs time to think, a couple of days to think, that'll be a first, he hasn't displayed much ability i that dpartment, could be a big bluff, we'll wait and see...3hrs to go !!


Quote from: GerryT on October 15, 2020, 05:31:38 PM
Just one example of France or Germany making a decision for the EU, controlling what the EU does. Something like what England does by telling Scotland it can't have a vote or that NI now has a border to the rest of the UK.
DOn't give examples of what any EU country can do such as a veto on new members, it's not answering the question.

When Angela Merkel invited all immigrants to come to Germany where was the reference to the EU members whose borders they had to cross before they ever got to Germany? When all the Med countries were overflowing and suddenly it was bigger than even she could have dreamt and those poor people were walking hundreds of miles to take up her offer and she suddenly realised that they weren't all nice little families but solo men with questionable intentions - what did she do? At that point having fait accompli and with a population up in arms at many immigrant behaviours, she led the urge to spread the load. She urged payment to Turkey to stop the spread thus putting the whole of the EU and their long suffering members in hock to Turkey and at their mercy as has been shown more recently.

Don't tell us that the EU membership is all on equal footing. You are wearing rose coloured specs - perhaps you need to go to Specsavers!


Quote from: Baff on October 15, 2020, 03:05:41 PMI'll leave you to your denials.

It doesn't bother me at all.
I'm not in it.
Just one example of France or Germany making a decision for the EU, controlling what the EU does. Something like what England does by telling Scotland it can't have a vote or that NI now has a border to the rest of the UK.
DOn't give examples of what any EU country can do such as a veto on new members, it's not answering the question.


I'll leave you to your denials.

It doesn't bother me at all.
I'm not in it.


Quote from: Baff on October 15, 2020, 02:20:49 AM
They simply say "we're not contributing to such and such a scheme".
And then it doesn't happen.

France and Germany broke EZ rules on state spending.
Nothing was done.

When Italy did it, the EU took over their treasury.
Nonsense,countries regularly don't comply with EU financial tresholds, they are given time to get back inline. WHen there was a collapse in a countries financial system, Italy and Ireland and others fell into that and needed loans to recover, those loans came with an EU oversight to ensure the respective country didn't just pour that loan money into a black hole. Very very poor example and has nothing to do with the question been asked.

Quote from: Baff on October 15, 2020, 02:20:49 AM
During Corona Virus, France and Germany banned exports of PPE to other EU countries.
Unilaterally ending the single market.
It's one rule for you and another for them.
Come on Baff, that's nothing to do with what we are talking about, the single market allows countries o buy and sell without barriers, that's tariffs, forms, delays. No country has an obligation to sell anything, are you making up rules now ??  every country was doing this, bar China who sent PPE to the UK to help out.

Quote from: Baff on October 15, 2020, 02:20:49 AMThe EU wished to sign a trade deal with Canada.
France has blocked it.
The EU wished to sign a trade deal with the UK.
France has blocked it.
The EU wished to change the CAP. France blocked it.
your getting worse, any EU counry can block a trade deal, its a unamaous decision and all EU countries have to ratify the deal. If one says no then it doesn't happen, so if IRL doesn't like a proposed EU-UK deal we just say no and you don't get it.
I'd love to see how France blocked CAP, they have no way of doing that, so again your making up stuff, is your surname Johnson because some fibs there.

Quote from: Baff on October 15, 2020, 02:20:49 AMGermany unilaterally invited 1,000,000 migrants to move to the Germany and then demanded the other member states take a share of them afterwards.
Those that have refused are being penalised.
Is that right, show, that's nonsense. Each country agreed to take refugees, at the time Germany agreed to take 300,000, the UK 20,000, Sweden said they would take 163,000. What the UK actually took fell way short of the 20,000. There were no penalties or Demands dished out by GERMANY.

Quote from: Baff on October 15, 2020, 02:20:49 AMTrump threatened to raise tariffs on cars if the EU didn't allow sale of US soy in the EU.
The EU said screw you Trump.
And then Germany complained.

Quote from: Baff on October 15, 2020, 02:20:49 AMThe Eurozone wishes to devalue. To print more money.
The currency is over valued to the detriment of most of it's members. Germany said no.
Who wants to devalue ?????

Baff your deluded, maybe you lost track of the question. Highlighted below

Nope, that doesn't work at all, I want to know how those countries make decisions for the EU, just like the dictator Johnson does for NI, Scotland and Wales.......
So fire away how do these countries control the EU. Give a couple of examples how they make unilateral decisions that the rest of the block meekly follow along.


Quote from: GerryT on October 14, 2020, 02:56:38 PM
Nope, that doesn't work at all, I want to know how those countries make decisions for the EU, just like the dictator Johnson does for NI, Scotland and Wales. They don't and your again spectacularly wrong.

Those countries are far larger and export far more within the EU, they benefit the most from that tariff free trade. Also as a percent of their GDP their not putting in any more that any other country.

So fire away how do these countries control the EU. Give a couple of examples how they make unilateral decisions that the rest of the block meekly follow along.

They simply say "we're not contributing to such and such a scheme".
And then it doesn't happen.

France and Germany broke EZ rules on state spending.
Nothing was done.

When Italy did it, the EU took over their treasury.

During Corona Virus, France and Germany banned exports of PPE to other EU countries.
Unilaterally ending the single market.

It's one rule for you and another for them.

The EU wished to sign a trade deal with Canada.
France has blocked it.

The EU wished to sign a trade deal with the UK.
France has blocked it.

The EU wished to change the CAP. France blocked it.

Germany unilaterally invited 1,000,000 migrants to move to the Germany and then demanded the other member states take a share of them afterwards.
Those that have refused are being penalised.

Trump threatened to raise tariffs on cars if the EU didn't allow sale of US soy in the EU.
The EU said screw you Trump.
And then Germany complained.

The Eurozone wishes to devalue. To print more money.
The currency is over valued to the detriment of most of it's members. Germany said no.


Quote from: Cor Blimey! on October 14, 2020, 01:34:03 PM
The Member States are the principals, the EU is the agent. What the EU does, it does as our agent.

No it doesn't.
The people each country sends to the EU commision are not allowed to represent the countries that sent them.

Only the EU itself.


Quote from: T00ts on October 14, 2020, 03:06:13 PMWatch carefully over the next 34 hours. You just might have a revelation.

Ditto !