Brexit Party Political Broadcast Pretends They Stand For Abolition Of Assembly

Started by johnofgwent, October 11, 2020, 07:36:14 AM

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patman post

Quote from: papasmurf on October 12, 2020, 08:16:26 AM
Delayed until May next year, which makes the Party Political Broadcasts currently somewhat odd.
From memory, public service broadcasters in the UK allocate slots for qualified political parties throughout the year and at election times and times of national importance. Discussions between party leaders at election time appear to fall outside whatever's been decided for outside of election time...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: johnofgwent on October 11, 2020, 08:14:12 PM

I have no idea why england would have the same degree of political engagement. Although did they not put council elections on hold for a year thanks to the pox ?

Delayed until May next year, which makes the Party Political Broadcasts currently somewhat odd.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on October 11, 2020, 09:23:04 AM
Does anyone know why the sudden outbreak of various Party Political Broadcasts?

in wales, this is because there is growing discontent with the way the wankers are running things, and upcoming assembly and council elections so crisis management is under way in wheelbarrowloads

I have no idea why england would have the same degree of political engagement. Although did they not put council elections on hold for a year thanks to the pox ?
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Thomas on October 11, 2020, 09:26:00 AM
The scottish and welsh elections are in may. Not sure why you are seeing any party broadcasts in cornwall though.

Is the truro brothers and sisters branch of the cornish socialist workers up in arms about virus laden tourists or something?

Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Thomas on October 11, 2020, 09:03:17 AM

I hope you get your way john.

Something around a mere 6 % of the scottish people on average over the last twenty years have wanted to abolish the scottish parliament.

Nearly three quarters of the people of scotland who took part in the referendum in 97 voted for it , and there has been consistent campaigns throughout the modern political period going back to at least the late forties wanting a scottish parliament re established until the council of europe finally forced major and then blair to do something about it in the late nineties.

Any political force seeking to abolish or undermine the scot parliament would receive , as ukip well know , short thrift here in scotland from the people. Not sure about wales , but if i were you i would be carefull what you wish for.

It could have the opposite effect to what you want , and its interesting even with all the saxon incomers and holiday home owners in cymru , why if there is such oppostion to the senedd , did you lose the vote in 97?

Its been twenty years now john , so why isnt a political party promising to hold a referendum on abolishing the senedd getting elected to do so?

You have had plenty of opportunities in that time , yet it hasnt happened?

As for reckelss, the guy is nothing more than yet another carpet bagging tory on the scrounge. Does he actually even live in wales? I thought he was a londoner?

I would say the difference between wales and scotland is stark and obvious.

The 2019 general election left scotland with three westminster constituencies blue, two dirty orange, and the rest yellow with not a drop of red paint in sight. There has been a clamour for absolute independence since before I had the vote.

In wales there is no such appetite beyond the plaid strongholds. In the south, welsh nationalists are remembered as criminals and reservoir bombing terrorists.

The ass hole who represented University College Cardiff as their captain, in their one and only appearance ever on Bamber's University Challenge, leading his team of humanities and arts tossers to the lowest score ever recorded in the season, possibly the series left uni with a third class pass in political studies and waltzed straight into a job for life in the welsh NUS, spent more nights in a police cell having been arrested on suspicion of vandalism or worse than he spent in the lecture theatres learning his chosen subject (welsh political history of course)

Yes, the voices clamouring for independence HAVE got louder, but mainly because a certain platform is receiving a healthy bung to drown out the reality of the welsh assembly ineptitude

Wales has not had a chance to voice our fury at the assembly's wholesale treason in trying to derail brexit. Nobody gave us a chance to vote for increrased taxes. Nopbody gave us a chance to vote against giving children and asylum seekers the vote.

I think the upcoming May 2021 elections will be entertaining. I think any attempt by the existing fuckwits to prevent it will cause a riot.

I think it is the Scots who should perhaps have a care about what they wish for. I think we have arrived at a point where if the english and welsh were given a referendum we would vote to be rid of you and while I have  said from the start I was persuaded an independent Scotland **MIGHT** succeed i feel that now, in particular, there would be difficult times ahead. Again, I think if realities were fairly put and you voted to go, then so be it. And if I had Boris' ear right now I would tell him to stop being such a fucking tit and give you your bloody indyref as frankly we need something to entertain us right now ...

<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: papasmurf on October 11, 2020, 09:23:04 AM
Does anyone know why the sudden outbreak of various Party Political Broadcasts?

The scottish and welsh elections are in may. Not sure why you are seeing any party broadcasts in cornwall though.

Is the truro brothers and sisters branch of the cornish socialist workers up in arms about virus laden tourists or something?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Does anyone know why the sudden outbreak of various Party Political Broadcasts?
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


John there doesnt seem to be much support for abolishing the welsh parliament , with as you would expect the largest segment of the population who want rid of it being the geriatric brit nats , while the young overwhelmingly suport it?

QuoteNo, support for scrapping the Senedd isn't on the rise
Supporters of 'abolishing' the Senedd have become quite excited over the last two weeks after a YouGov poll projected that, with don't knows removed, 33% would vote to get rid of the institution.

Some campaigners and sympathetic media outlets have claimed that this is proof that support for ditching Welsh devolution is on the rise.

However, this is largely an attempt to 'fake it till you make it' – i.e. to give the impression of momentum in the hope that it will generate a real poll bounce. There is no evidence in the polling, at least, to suggest that there has been any increase in support for abolition.

QuoteThe last Welsh barometer poll suggested around 22% of people supported abolishing the Welsh Parliament.

But in a multiple-choice question, the highest level of support was for leaving the settlement as it is (24%), followed by a Senedd with more powers (20%) and Welsh independence (16%).

QuoteFormer First Minister Carwyn Jones said the idea showed the Brexit Party "cannot stand the idea of Wales as a nation."

"So much for respecting the result of referendums [devolution referendums in 1997 and 2011] but let's not forget that this is really a play to get re-elected to the Senedd by appealing to a minority in the hope of getting above 5% in his region," he added.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: johnofgwent on October 11, 2020, 07:36:14 AM
Interesting development the day before yesterday

By sheer coincidence I was looking through the TV guide waiting for the six o clock news when I noticed next up was a party political broadcast by the Brexit Party

Now I thought this might possibly be connected to the upcoming deadlines, but not a bit of it. Its a brash attempt to repeat the lie about wanting to abolish the assembly in order to stay elected

About two or three months ago now, Mark Reckless, my regional list assembly member, and for whom I actually voted when we had the last assembly election back in 2016 because then UKIP were the only game in town actually pledged to get us the f**k out of the EU, went on the BBC and appeared on its BBC wales news pages declaring he wished to see the Assembly abolished. This caused a bit of a riot ....

Reckless is just playing his survivalist card.

Reckless abandoned UKIP when Neil the brown envelope trouserer Hamilton won the regional seat in South Wales West and promptly set about destroying the party and its regional leadership from the inside.

When he ousted Nathan Gill as the welsh party leader UKIP support in wales tanked to its 2009 level (where they came in behind me in the 2010 general election with half the votes I got) as evidenced by their abysmal showing in the Newport West parliamentary By Election brought about by the death of Paul Flynn.

Reckless declared himself an independent but promptly sat with the Tories and voted with them. This earned him an excoriating missive from me likening him to the corrupt ex plaid cymru guy Asghar who demanded a bribe to stay with Plaid and jumped to the Tories when Plaid refused to bribe him but the Tories had no such ethical scruples. When Farage tired of the mess UKIP had become in wales and elsewhere, and launched the Brexit Party,

(Interestingly, Farage created the Brexit party as a private company limited by guarantee. Company Officers are solely authorised to appoint the political party's national Nominating Officer who in turn is the person solely responsible for endorsing election nominees as official party candidates. The legal entity that is the party has no source of funds save the aforementioned Private Company and no member of the public may acquire shares or any interest save that of being a "supporter" which brings no rights other than the right to be milked of £25 a year and plagued for extra donations. But in this way Farage has neatly avoided the bear pit UKIP fell into, the same one Labour finds itself stuck in, whereby allowing ordinary members of the public who join the party the power to pick and choose candidates creates the scenario where where nutters like Momentum and Militant Tendency before them take over the party and send its electability as a government straight to the 666th level of hell)

But back to the Brexit Party ...

A week or so after making this bold declaration and getting his face all over the BBC Wales News Pages, Reckless began establishing his abolitionist credentials by placing an amendment to a plenary session debate item originated by Plaid, demanding a referendum on independence for wales. reckless placed an amendment demanding that any independence referendum include an option to abolish the assembly entirely and return the devolved powers it holds to Westminster. All well and good. Except that on the day - and here I have to thank like minded individuals at the Abolish The Welsh Assembly Party for noticing this - on the day, Reckless failed to even turn up to propose his amendment, which automatically failed, and no Brexit Party member actually voted at all.

Proving that to be the case took me an entire day of retrieving and going through the most tedious set of documents you could possibly imagine. I once set about trying to "follow the money trail" from a bank account held in a bank in this country to shell companies in the Dominican Republic and the Virgin Islands, a task set by my line manager at a major bank i was then freelancing for. I failed miserably, but not as miserably as some, this was apparently a well known laundering mechanism the bank's security team had plugged, they gave this task to all newcomers to see how well they did. I mention this because the task of retrieving the record of what the welsh assembly business was for the day, and then retrieving the half dozen totally separate documents recording the actual actions, and matching up columns and bullet points in a jigsaw of deliberate obfuscation was so obviously reminiscent of the way the money launderers had set about hiding their money washing as to cause me to view the way the assembly obfuscate things with total suspicion.

My subsequent letters and emails to Reckless seeking his reason for making a public statement via the BBC news of his intent to campaign to abolish the assembly, followed by a total failure to bring the amendment he himself created to do just that, went unanswered.

Clearly it seems i must now go out and buy some more postage stamps.

I hope you get your way john.

Something around a mere 6 % of the scottish people on average over the last twenty years have wanted to abolish the scottish parliament.

Nearly three quarters of the people of scotland who took part in the referendum in 97 voted for it , and there has been consistent campaigns throughout the modern political period going back to at least the late forties wanting a scottish parliament re established until the council of europe finally forced major and then blair to do something about it in the late nineties.

Any political force seeking to abolish or undermine the scot parliament would receive , as ukip well know , short thrift here in scotland from the people. Not sure about wales , but if i were you i would be carefull what you wish for.

It could have the opposite effect to what you want , and its interesting even with all the saxon incomers and holiday home owners in cymru , why if there is such oppostion to the senedd , did you lose the vote in 97?

Its been twenty years now john , so why isnt a political party promising to hold a referendum on abolishing the senedd getting elected to do so?

You have had plenty of opportunities in that time , yet it hasnt happened?

As for reckelss, the guy is nothing more than yet another carpet bagging tory on the scrounge. Does he actually even live in wales? I thought he was a londoner?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Interesting development the day before yesterday

By sheer coincidence I was looking through the TV guide waiting for the six o clock news when I noticed next up was a party political broadcast by the Brexit Party

Now I thought this might possibly be connected to the upcoming deadlines, but not a bit of it. Its a brash attempt to repeat the lie about wanting to abolish the assembly in order to stay elected

About two or three months ago now, Mark Reckless, my regional list assembly member, and for whom I actually voted when we had the last assembly election back in 2016 because then UKIP were the only game in town actually pledged to get us the F@@@ out of the EU, went on the BBC and appeared on its BBC wales news pages declaring he wished to see the Assembly abolished. This caused a bit of a riot ....

Reckless is just playing his survivalist card.

Reckless abandoned UKIP when Neil the brown envelope trouserer Hamilton won the regional seat in South Wales West and promptly set about destroying the party and its regional leadership from the inside.

When he ousted Nathan Gill as the welsh party leader UKIP support in wales tanked to its 2009 level (where they came in behind me in the 2010 general election with half the votes I got) as evidenced by their abysmal showing in the Newport West parliamentary By Election brought about by the death of Paul Flynn.

Reckless declared himself an independent but promptly sat with the Tories and voted with them. This earned him an excoriating missive from me likening him to the corrupt ex plaid cymru guy Asghar who demanded a bribe to stay with Plaid and jumped to the Tories when Plaid refused to bribe him but the Tories had no such ethical scruples. When Farage tired of the mess UKIP had become in wales and elsewhere, and launched the Brexit Party,

(Interestingly, Farage created the Brexit party as a private company limited by guarantee. Company Officers are solely authorised to appoint the political party's national Nominating Officer who in turn is the person solely responsible for endorsing election nominees as official party candidates. The legal entity that is the party has no source of funds save the aforementioned Private Company and no member of the public may acquire shares or any interest save that of being a "supporter" which brings no rights other than the right to be milked of £25 a year and plagued for extra donations. But in this way Farage has neatly avoided the bear pit UKIP fell into, the same one Labour finds itself stuck in, whereby allowing ordinary members of the public who join the party the power to pick and choose candidates creates the scenario where where nutters like Momentum and Militant Tendency before them take over the party and send its electability as a government straight to the 666th level of hell)

But back to the Brexit Party ...

A week or so after making this bold declaration and getting his face all over the BBC Wales News Pages, Reckless began establishing his abolitionist credentials by placing an amendment to a plenary session debate item originated by Plaid, demanding a referendum on independence for wales. reckless placed an amendment demanding that any independence referendum include an option to abolish the assembly entirely and return the devolved powers it holds to Westminster. All well and good. Except that on the day - and here I have to thank like minded individuals at the Abolish The Welsh Assembly Party for noticing this - on the day, Reckless failed to even turn up to propose his amendment, which automatically failed, and no Brexit Party member actually voted at all.

Proving that to be the case took me an entire day of retrieving and going through the most tedious set of documents you could possibly imagine. I once set about trying to "follow the money trail" from a bank account held in a bank in this country to shell companies in the Dominican Republic and the Virgin Islands, a task set by my line manager at a major bank i was then freelancing for. I failed miserably, but not as miserably as some, this was apparently a well known laundering mechanism the bank's security team had plugged, they gave this task to all newcomers to see how well they did. I mention this because the task of retrieving the record of what the welsh assembly business was for the day, and then retrieving the half dozen totally separate documents recording the actual actions, and matching up columns and bullet points in a jigsaw of deliberate obfuscation was so obviously reminiscent of the way the money launderers had set about hiding their money washing as to cause me to view the way the assembly obfuscate things with total suspicion.

My subsequent letters and emails to Reckless seeking his reason for making a public statement via the BBC news of his intent to campaign to abolish the assembly, followed by a total failure to bring the amendment he himself created to do just that, went unanswered.

Clearly it seems i must now go out and buy some more postage stamps.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>