The EU and the Blazing Saddles Gambit

Started by Cor Blimey!, October 13, 2020, 02:16:40 PM

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Paddy says to mick " My boss yelled at me the other day, "You've got to be the worst train driver in history. How many trains did you derail last year?" I said, "Can't say for sure, it's so hard to keep track!"
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


paddy says to mick "People are often shocked when they find out I'm not a very good electrician."
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Forum admin

The Tweet about Boris with the cards was a joke, so this thread is in the joke section.
Not long now, Cor Blimey!


Quote from: DeppityDawg on October 18, 2020, 12:57:45 PM
I'm waiting for a new member called "Gordon Bennett" to pop up  :D :D :D

i know deppity, cor whiney doesnt seem to want to play today.

Once this reincarnation slinks off with his tail between his legs , i wonder what the next one will be? We have had pedro frm spain , helmut from ze fatherland , and now paddy from quebec.

Imagine hating your own country that much you have to pretend to be a foreigner?

Seems to be somthing these labour types all have in common , hatred of their own people and then cant quite grasp why their own people vote against them at election time?

It must be a hard gig at the minute being a new labour tory blair loving english remainer trying to sell your politics in blighty.

No wonder the poor cant is losing the plot.

Few lines of charlie and a bottle of gin could be on the menu later to drown his sorrows. :D

Mind those pms tonight deppity , and the handbag threats!!!
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


I'm waiting for a new member called "Gordon Bennett" to pop up  :D :D :D


You know something whiney , i cant  begin to imagine the complete level of disconnect needed to continue to tow the english remain line in the face of insurmountable evidence in front of you.

Just reading on twatter there about tony blair breaking quarantine to go to a bar in mayfair.

This is labour supporters themselves slagging the guy off , and like you , he seems to think the rules dont apply to him only everyone else.

QuoteTony Blair denies he broke quarantine rules with US visit to White House

Former prime minister failed to self-isolate for 14-day requirement

i love tony blair. The man was instrumental in leave winning in 2016 , and has been the main architect of labours downfall in scotland.

Couldnt you persuade him to take a seat in labours shadow cabinet or sumfing after the next by election in whatever safe seats ( no laughing at the back please) labour have left? :D
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Cor Blimey! on October 18, 2020, 12:10:09 PMYour whole argument is premised on the idea that two wrongs make a right. I knew it'd go over your head, Syndrome.

At least he has an argument, which you don't appear to have? What actually is your argument? Because all your posts just look like a series of deliberate wind ups posted to get a reaction rather than focus on an actual discussion?

A bit like your whole persona really. First you're Canadian, then Irish, then Angolan? I mean, what's with all the secrecy?


Quote from: Cor Blimey! on October 18, 2020, 12:10:09 PM
Your whole argument is premised on the idea that two wrongs make a right. I knew it'd go over your head, Syndrome.

No it isnt. It s based on what is accepted as being the norm in yookay politics.

Not one rule for one , but another for sore losers.

This whole democracy thing goes right over your anti democratic head doesnt it whiney?

No matter what you whinge about , who you blame , cheaters cheating better than you or parliamentry process  , at some point you have to face the electorate and be held accountable for your actions , and the simple bare truth is the voting public dont agree with you.

Thats what you cant handle , and why you constantly try and dress issues like brexit up as mass delusion , boris lying or the latest whinge of the day.

Yer fecked mate. Face it.

The more you whinge ,the more people are laughing at you or ignoring you and its sending you feckin loopy.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Cor Blimey!

Quote from: Thomas on October 18, 2020, 11:31:16 AM

sure , and we went over this many a time. Broken promises in the scot indy ref in 2014 wasnt enough to re run the vote.

Tony blairs lies about not introducing tuition fees wasnt enough to re run the general election etc etc .

so why is brexit different?
right so politicians lied to get elected in 2017 , with the majority of both main parties standing on a brexit ticket and then refusing to implement brexit "as they had changed thier minds" , which is laughable interpretation of democracy.

.....and then along came the next GE with predictable results . You can lie to get elected , and bleat about chainging  minds and parliamentary process all day long , but for some inexplicable  reason , you seem to forget you at some point have to face the public , and become shocked when liars in parliament gt humped out of their seats and dumped on the pavement for changing their minds.

I clearly get it whiney , and i have given many examples of the same thing happeneing to me and my political aspirations.

What you clearly can't explain is why brexit is different to all the other issues i have mentioned?

Sour grapes is never an acceptable position to take in front of the voting public.

You had four years , countless elections and all the parliamentray process in the world to overturn brexit and you failed miserably to do so , hence why you are about to get a large spoonfull of medicine in 10 weeks time.

In your simplistic stupidity and idiotic world view , it was all supposed to be so easy wasnt it?

Overturn brexit , fool the sheep and have them running to back labour under starmer. Yet it hasnt happened.

You are so out of touch with your own people whiney it is astounding.

Your whole argument is premised on the idea that two wrongs make a right. I knew it'd go over your head, Syndrome.
They took care of us when we were vulnerable, now it's our turn to take care of them. Health before Wealth: Lockdown.


Quote from: Cor Blimey! on October 18, 2020, 11:21:05 AM
There's a big difference between breaking promises and simply lying about facts.

sure , and we went over this many a time. Broken promises in the scot indy ref in 2014 wasnt enough to re run the vote.

Tony blairs lies about not introducing tuition fees wasnt enough to re run the general election etc etc .

so why is brexit different?
It's implied in the whole parliamentary process that a politician might change his mind. That's why parliament is a f*cking debating chamber - if politicians weren't supposed to change their minds, they would just post in their votes.

right so politicians lied to get elected in 2017 , with the majority of both main parties standing on a brexit ticket and then refusing to implement brexit "as they had changed thier minds" , which is laughable interpretation of democracy.

.....and then along came the next GE with predictable results . You can lie to get elected , and bleat about chainging  minds and parliamentary process all day long , but for some inexplicable  reason , you seem to forget you at some point have to face the public , and become shocked when liars in parliament gt humped out of their seats and dumped on the pavement for changing their minds.

There's a massive difference between changing your mind (breaking a promise) and just plain misstating facts, like the shit about Turkey, the NHS, etc.

Not a complicated concept, Stockholm Syndrome, but I'm pretty sure you won't get it anyway.

I clearly get it whiney , and i have given many examples of the same thing happeneing to me and my political aspirations.

What you clearly can't explain is why brexit is different to all the other issues i have mentioned?

Sour grapes is never an acceptable position to take in front of the voting public.

You had four years , countless elections and all the parliamentray process in the world to overturn brexit and you failed miserably to do so , hence why you are about to get a large spoonfull of medicine in 10 weeks time.

In your simplistic stupidity and idiotic world view , it was all supposed to be so easy wasnt it?

Overturn brexit , fool the sheep and have them running to back labour under starmer. Yet it hasnt happened.

You are so out of touch with your own people whiney it is astounding.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Cor Blimey!

Quote from: Thomas on October 18, 2020, 10:30:02 AM
The book of kells......john bulll? What ?

It wasnt the lies of leave that have astounded me over the last four years whiney....its been the total out of touch arrogance of remain and their supporters.

We went over this many a time , why does brexit have to be overturned simply because whiney remainers crying bitter salty tears can't handle losing , whilethe same people over the years conveniently forget elections and referendums where the same liars lied to win?

1979 devolution referendum in scotland?

Tony blairs emphatic victories and large majorities on 25 % of the electorates vote?

2014 referendum ?

....but if someone tells a fib during 2016 , oh no , its a different story.

Feckin laughable.

....and as i said many a time before ,its why your nose is going  to get rubbed right in the shite at the end of the year.

By delaying brexit by every undemcoratic means possible , ( starmer was among the worst) you have martyred brexit and angered the public .

You remainers political stupidity knows no bounds.

There's a big difference between breaking promises and simply lying about facts. It's implied in the whole parliamentary process that a politician might change his mind. That's why parliament is a f*cking debating chamber - if politicians weren't supposed to change their minds, they would just post in their votes. But it's not - it's a debating chamber where one side makes its argument in the hope of changing the other's mind.

There's a massive difference between changing your mind (breaking a promise) and just plain misstating facts, like the shit about Turkey, the NHS, etc.

Not a complicated concept, Stockholm Syndrome, but I'm pretty sure you won't get it anyway.
They took care of us when we were vulnerable, now it's our turn to take care of them. Health before Wealth: Lockdown.


Quote from: Cor Blimey! on October 18, 2020, 10:21:58 AM
I'm off for breakfast. You can practice your grovelling while I'm gone. 'Please Mr. John Bull, may we have our country back?'

The book of kells......john bulll? What ?

It wasnt the lies of leave that have astounded me over the last four years whiney....its been the total out of touch arrogance of remain and their supporters.

We went over this many a time , why does brexit have to be overturned simply because whiney remainers crying bitter salty tears cant handle losing , whilethe same people over the years conveniently forget elections and referendums where the same liars lied to win?

1979 devolution referendum in scotland?

Tony blairs emphatic victories and large majorities on 25 % of the electorates vote?

2014 referendum ?

....but if someone tells a fib during 2016 , oh no , its a different story.

Feckin laughable.

....and as i said many a time before ,its why your nose is going  to get rubbed right in the shite at the end of the year.

By delaying brexit by every undemcoratic means possible , ( starmer was among the worst) you have martyred brexit and angered the public .

You remainers political stupidity knows no bounds.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Cor Blimey!

Quote from: Thomas on October 18, 2020, 10:19:11 AM
I remember the internet whiney.

So you are telling us possipark is all over the interwebby , but not a high profile uk political leader like keir starmer?

stope it noo whiney pleassezzz. :D

I'm off for breakfast. You can practice your grovelling while I'm gone. 'Please Mr. John Bull, may we have our country back?'
They took care of us when we were vulnerable, now it's our turn to take care of them. Health before Wealth: Lockdown.


Quote from: Cor Blimey! on October 18, 2020, 10:17:16 AM
Remember the internet, Stockholm? You know, that place you lift all your jokes from. How come no rent-a-gags today?

I remember the internet whiney.

So you are telling us possipark is all over the interwebby , but not a high profile uk political leader like keir starmer?

stope it noo whiney pleassezzz. :D

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Cor Blimey!

Quote from: Thomas on October 18, 2020, 10:14:42 AM
You have never heard of keir starmer , but can name and obscure part of glasgow most folk are unfamiliar with ?

I smell the strong smell of an out and out bullshitter. :D

Remember the internet, Stockholm? You know, that place you lift all your jokes from. How come no rent-a-gags today?
They took care of us when we were vulnerable, now it's our turn to take care of them. Health before Wealth: Lockdown.