Brexit: Driver's 'illegal' ham sandwiches seized at Dutch border under EU rules

Started by papasmurf, January 12, 2021, 01:16:39 PM

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Quote from: Baff on February 13, 2021, 05:13:15 PM
I understand what you are saying.
I just don't agree with it or trust the indy campaigners to treat the subject with honesty.

Doesnt matter , you dont have a vote on it either way.
Being an EU member is not the reason you want Scottish independence.

i personally couldnt give a feck about the eu , but wether you like it or not many scots do , and this is a reason for them to vote for indy.

QuoteThis is not an honest argument and as such it should not override the democratic result of the Scottish referendum which was an honest argument and was democratrrically resolved.

It is an honest argument to point out unionists used the eu as a mjor plank back in 2014 foir the no vote , and now dont like it being cast back in theri faces.

I would say its very honest

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Baff on February 13, 2021, 05:06:10 PM
No they didn't.
No regions of the UK had a vote in the EU referendum.

i didnt say they did. Stop being disingenuous when you know fine well the point im making.

Northern ireland voted to remain and they got remain. How could they get remain when you earlier said this was impossible as the uk as a whole voted leave?

You arent making any logical sense. Boris bottled it and left the northern irish in the eu.

QuoteNo nations from the UK were even members of the EU.
Only the UK had a vote. And the UK voted to leave.

northern ireland is part of the uk and it has remained in the eu. What are you talking about? :D
For the most part I think Northern Ireland is out of the EU.
But time will tell.

Are you now arguing black is white baffy?
Brexit: How Northern Ireland is different
The UK Has Left the EU but Northern Ireland Has Stayed, More Or Less
Northern Ireland will be, more or less, in the EU

Northern Ireland will be subject to most EU laws following the transition period unless the arrangement is renegotiated as part of the negotiation between the EU and the UK on their future relationship, which is unlikely. The UK will still be responsible for administering the law in Northern Ireland, but it will have oversight from the EU.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on February 13, 2021, 05:01:15 PM

Im saying if scotland  , which is supposed to be an equal partner of the uk , doesnt agree with the constitutional direction , then it should get a vote to leave , especially as you say unionists made eu memebrship a key issue in 2014.

I understand what you are saying.
I just don't agree with it or trust the indy campaigners to treat the subject with honesty.
Being an EU member is not the reason you want Scottish independence.
This is not an honest argument and as such it should not override the democratic result of the Scottish referendum which was an honest argument and was democratically resolved.

There were nuances over the EU in that debate.
And each voter factored that into his decision. They were well understood.

That decision has been taken.
To over ride that is to f**k Scotland and the Scottish people in the name of a would be tryannical minority.
These are excuses mate. Nothing more.
Sore losers wishing to overturn their loss. It is some lame arsed shit.


Quote from: Thomas on February 13, 2021, 04:55:23 PM

So why is northern ireland not out the eu along with everybody else? Northern ireland voted remain , it got remain depsite the bollocks of brexit being a uk vote , england and wales voted and got leave , and scotland is the only uk country that didnt get what it voted for.

I would say thats a pretty big grievance the snp have to damage your union with dont you?
No they didn't.
No regions of the UK had a vote in the EU referendum.
No nations from the UK were even members of the EU.
Only the UK had a vote. And the UK voted to leave.
Many Scots, English, Welsh and Northern Irish voted to leave and they outnumbered all the N Irish, Scots, Welsh and English who voted to Remain.

For the most part I think Northern Ireland is out of the EU.
But time will tell.

The reasons why it got shafted are basically Mrs May and the Remaoners + the EU were offering us the worst possible deal to scare us into not leaving. They thought if they made the terms harsh enough we would have a second referendum and recant our decision in the face of "reality".
Parliamentry paralysis meant this was unresovled to the point where all public patience was lost and a rush deal was signed in a very bad climate.
I think it is unfinished business myself.

In 4 years time NI will get to vote on it.


Quote from: Baff on February 13, 2021, 04:56:14 PM
I understand what I call the Scottish democratic deficit.
Which is that if you have a minority interest, you will always get outvoted.
In this situation you should secede. Which is what we have done in the EU.

agree with that.

QuoteScotland is a region of the UK as is England.
Votes in a referendum of the UK are equal.

obviously as i said above that patently isnt true as northern ireland voted remain and got remain , so thats a big big flaw in your argument.

QuoteBeing Scottish doesn't get you a premium vote.
English men didn't get two votes. They got one. Same as you.

perhaps you can quote me where im asking for a premium vote?
Im not  , just to clairfy.

Im saying if scotland  , which is supposed to be an equal partner of the uk , doesnt agree with the constitutional direction , then it should get a vote to leave , especially as you say unionists made eu memebrship a key issue in 2014.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


I understand what I call the Scottish democratic deficit.
Which is that if you have a minority interest, you will always get outvoted.
In this situation you should secede. Which is what we have done in the EU.

Scotland is a region of the UK as is England.
Votes in a referendum of the UK are equal.

Being Scottish doesn't get you a premium vote.
English men didn't get two votes. They got one. Same as you.

Brexit isn't an English vs Scottish issue.
Neither Scotland nor England were ever EU members.

The UK was.

Scotland didn't vote to remain in the EU.
England didn't vote to leave.

The UK voted to leave. Neither Scotland nor England were asked.


Quote from: Baff on February 13, 2021, 03:04:23 PM
And stay in the EU they did.
For as long as the UK did. Which they also had a referendum vote in.

meant to say baffy , all this uk referendum stuff is bollocks anyway.

You , and others told me scotland had to leave because brexit was a uk vote  , not a scottish vote agreed?

So why is northern ireland not out the eu along with everybody else? Northern ireland voted remain , it got remain depsite the bollocks of brexit being a uk vote , england and wales voted and got leave , and scotland is the only uk country that didnt get what it voted for.

I would say thats a pretty big grievance the snp have to damage your union with dont you?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Baff on February 13, 2021, 03:04:23 PM
And stay in the EU they did.
For as long as the UK did. Which they also had a referendum vote in.

The Scots Nats however were willing to leave instantly with certainty. They just didn't care and anyone who believes that EU membership is the real driving force behind their desires for a second referendum or even the first, is a fool.

These people can and will say anything.
They will latch onto any and indeed every issue they can in the hopes of creating a division which they can exploit to their own ends.
That is where their true conviction lies. All the rest is just pretend.

You are trying , and failing to make any sort of meaningfull point here baffy.

I voted remain , as did the vast majority of scotland , albiet i am as i have told you extremely lukewarm about the EU.

The point isnt about staying in the eu or being taken out the eu  , its about how scotlands vote is always , barring the very few odd occassions smothered in this so called union so that we get what england wants no matter how we vote.

How would you like it if the eu had voted on brexit referendum , and the 450 million european majority had outvoted the 55 million english , while you were being told you arent a country , but merely a region of europe?

Scotland is a nation that is supposed to be in a union with england , we arent a region of england.

Anyway baffy , doesnt matter what you think as i keep saying. Not only do you not have a vote , but the last 21 polls show the vast majority of scots dont agree with you , and thats what counts.

Every chance i get , i will be voting against your union , till one day ends. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.

QuoteShould Scotland be an independent country? (Savanta ComRes, 4th-9th February 2021)

Yes 53% (-4)
No 47% (+4)

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on February 13, 2021, 12:48:38 PM
....and the uk told scotland in 2014 they had to vote to stay in the uk to stay in the eu. Thats some dancing on the head of a pin there baffy.


And stay in the EU they did.
For as long as the UK did. Which they also had a referendum vote in.

The Scots Nats however were willing to leave instantly with certainty. They just didn't care and anyone who believes that EU membership is the real driving force behind their desires for a second referendum or even the first, is a fool.

These people can and will say anything.
They will latch onto any and indeed every issue they can in the hopes of creating a division which they can exploit to their own ends.
That is where their true conviction lies. All the rest is just pretend.


Quote from: Baff on January 20, 2021, 12:49:22 AM
Actually they did.
The Scottish independence referendum would have defacto resulted in their leaving the EU had they won it.

They didn't give a shit about leaving the EU then. Lol.

....and the uk told scotland in 2014 they had to vote to stay in the uk to stay in the eu. Thats some dancing on the head of a pin there baffy.

Make that TWENTY-ONE in a row: Savanta ComRes poll gives Yes a six-point lead
We now have the first full-scale Scottish poll since the SNP leadership made the idiotic unforced error of sacking their most popular frontbencher just weeks before a crucial election, and we can at least breathe a sigh of relief that Yes still has a lead, and indeed a bit of a cushion.

Should Scotland be an independent country? (Savanta ComRes, 4th-9th February 2021)

Yes 53% (-4)
No 47% (+4)


An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT on January 17, 2021, 04:14:06 PM
I said The SNP didn't vote to leave the EU, .

Actually they did.
The Scottish independence referendum would have defacto resulted in their leaving the EU had they won it.

They didn't give a shit about leaving the EU then. Lol.


Quote from: GerryT on January 17, 2021, 04:14:06 PM
You insinuated it when you said 45% voted to leave the UK and that meant leaving the EU.

nope i didnt.Imade perfectly clear time and again what my point was.

If the eu rated so highly on scottish people agenda , and being told voting for indy from the uk jeopordised membership of the eu , my clear point was 45 % didnt give enough of a feck about the eu when they voted to take the chance of indy.

QuoteThomas the liar and strawman,

anyone who can read and isnt a bitter twisted wee man can understand my clear point.

QuoteThis, this is bulls#it, 1+1 is not 3. All that means is for 45% they wanted to leave the UK, they could have a problem with leaving the EU and given the choice they could very easily pick joining the EU, so yes what your insinuating is nonsense.

We have clear factual evidence from two referndums , rather than gerrys lies and twisting .

That factual evidence is that in 2014 , 45 % were prepared to risk leaving the eu , and in 2016 , 38 % wanted to leave the eu.

QuoteWhat I have said is the UK is making a decision that will damage it's country for all the wrong reasons

as a so called foreigner  , its none of your business then is it ?

QuoteAs brexit has just started and its only day 17, and counting.

:D Are you winning yet gerry?

17 days and counting of freedom.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on January 14, 2021, 07:06:02 PMUsing the quote tags , show me where i said the snp voted to leave the eu. If you can't , then it shows yet again what a sad twisted bitter little man you are  .
You insinuated it when you said 45% voted to leave the UK and that meant leaving the EU. Your inability to read and cut text to create strawman arguments shows how you are a liar. I said The SNP didn't vote to leave the EU, your adding 1+1 to make 3. 45% of Scots did vote to leave the UK, you thinking 100% of them wanted to leave the EU is not proven, or have you some fact on that ? what your doing is called making stuff up.
Thomas the liar and strawman, cuts sentences that explains exactly what you look for. Simple fact, 45% didn't vote to leave the EU like you insinuated.

Quote from: Thomas on January 14, 2021, 07:06:02 PM
using the quote tags show me yet again where i said any of this?
I said 45 % of scots in 2014 voted to leave the uk. I also said those 45 % were told if they voted to leave the uk , it would mean scotland leaving the eu.
So what im getting at cleaerly is that for those 45 % , the chance of leaving the eu wasnt a priority or issue that was stopping them voting indy. Unlike you for whom eu membership and brexit is an obsession that obliterates all else.
I keep making the point eu membership isnt the be all and end all you hope it is.
This, this is bulls#it, 1+1 is not 3. All that means is for 45% they wanted to leave the UK, they could have a problem with leaving the EU and given the choice they could very easily pick joining the EU, so yes what your insinuating is nonsense.

Quote from: Thomas on January 14, 2021, 07:06:02 PM
clearly everyone can see who the bullshitter is. You are the guy constantly coming on here , pretending to be irish , with an all consuming obsession about brexit to the exclusion of all else.
Then when challeneged , you tell us you dont want the uk back in the eu , despite the fact its all you talk about.
Liar, all I say is I want the UK back in the EU, more crap and strawman from you.

Quote from: Thomas on January 14, 2021, 07:06:02 PM
You are a sad delusional wee man , who has lost  , and continues to lose , and your so called machiavellian attack line regarding brexit has me in stitches. A wee spoilt only child stamping his feet in a tantrum for four half years cause people in the uk didnt support your divine worship of the eu , and voted out.
Int democracy a barsteward gerry.
I live in a different country which seems to wind you up so much, why does it wind you up so much ?
Again the strawman makes out I love the EU, I never said that and I never siad the EU doesn't have it's flaws. What I have said is the UK is making a decision that will damage it's country for all the wrong reasons. And it was a minority of the UK people that did that.

Quote from: Thomas on January 14, 2021, 07:06:02 PMNo gerry 62% of scots voted to remain in the eu. I was one of them. Stop twisting things and making things up.
hahahahhah, so 45% want to leave and 62% want to stay in the EU.
Don't you see I was mocking you and your stupid 45% claim, so I did what you did and put the argument back at you with the opposite 55%.

Quote from: Thomas on January 14, 2021, 07:06:02 PMThe point again i keep making scots dont all share your worship of the eu . Its not an important issue for us at the minute , as brexit is done and dusted and the uk wont be rejoining anytime soon.
You must be sweating at the minute hopeing scotland and northern ireland wont leave the uk , and leave the english remain vote even more at the mercy of the overwhelming english leave majority .
According to you, you do and so does a great majority of scots at 62%, according to you.

As brexit has just started and its only day 17, and counting.

I couldn't care less what Scotland does, stay, leave, join the EU, doesn't matter a jot.
NI I do care about and I have been consistent that the people of NI will decide their future. If that's in 100 yrs that's great.


Quote from: patman post on January 14, 2021, 07:19:16 PM
While we are on sandwiches, supermarket sandwich-supplier Bakkavor today reported 2020 revenues down 4.9% on 2019 after food-to-go sale volumes were hit by commuters working from home.

The firm — which makes sandwiches and salads for M&S and Tesco — reported a UK like-for-like sales slump of 5.3% in the year to December 26, while a huge fall in China sales during the pandemic saw revenues there hit by 21.6%.

If you've ever seen those sandwiches made and packed you'd never eat one again.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Thomas on January 14, 2021, 07:06:02 PMA wee spoilt only child stamping his feet in a tantrum

Hang on a minute. Don't malign only children! I am one,  :)