Nissan commit to carry on making cars in UK

Started by cromwell, January 22, 2021, 10:42:46 AM

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Quote from: Javert on January 22, 2021, 07:43:38 PM
I'll help him.  This is good news for the actual workers at the Nissan plant.

It's also good news for a lefty liberal communist like me, because as I'm sure we'll discover when we see Nissan's relevant accounts in a year or two, we the taxpayer have paid Nissan huge amounts of "subsidies" (aka bribes) to stay.

A selective and highly misleading comment. The UK (and the EU especially) has been supporting the Automotive sector via subsidies to the tune of Billions of Euros for many years.

Dated 2014

QuoteDue to the important job creation and other positive effects expected from investments in the car sector, Member States have
been contributing large amounts of aid to investments in the sector (approximately EUR 1.8 billion over the period 2007-2014). This is done to attract new production, or to prevent relocation or closure of plants when production of old models is phased out.   

Note the words "to prevent relocation". Or are you suggesting that your beloved EU sp**k buddies don't do that sort of thing?

For the record Javert, the Nissan plant supports thousands of jobs up here. Literally tens of thousands. Something I myself admit I was wrong about, many of its supporting businesses here didn't stop investment in the area (or at worst only paused it). Probably because, via channels most of us aren't privvy to, they knew a bit more about how the world works and the direction of companies like Nissan than fear and doom merchants like you

As for all your nonsense about being a communist, don't make me laugh. Real "communists" are practical in belief and ruthless in action, things woosy liberals (which is what you are) would never understand.


Quote from: Javert on January 22, 2021, 07:43:38 PM

It's also good news for a lefty liberal communist like me, because as I'm sure we'll discover when we see Nissan's relevant accounts in a year or two, we the taxpayer have paid Nissan huge amounts of "subsidies" (aka bribes) to stay.

Now we are no longer part of the EU bloc and have no need to pretend there is no state support so we no longer need to fiddle books of large manufacturers to make it seem there is no state support, how will you know there is, or is not state subsidy compared to before when we had to cook the books to make it seem there was none ?
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Good old on January 23, 2021, 10:34:05 AM
We said?
Nissan, had every right to have grave doubts as to any future investment in the U.K. regardless of who said it would all be fine.
It was not only Nissan,  without complete confidence in the great WE, As that article makes very clear the investment across the board in the British,  car industry  has reduced to a dribble, and outside of Nissan, is still surrounded by substantial doubts, with many companies still not clear as to how they proceed .
It is very good news ,  and it should act as an incentive to get on with Brexit, for better or worse.  The deal was a case of both parties agreeing that a deal of sorts was needed. And regardless of what WE said, there were no end of people who  said , clearly .leaving without a deal would be acceptable. It was never going to be acceptable to Nissan.

You can keep talking about "getting on with brexit" all you like good old.

Come the next general election , starmers anti democratic remainer baggage is going to come back to haunt him big time.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Javert on January 22, 2021, 07:43:38 PM
I'll help him.  This is good news for the actual workers at the Nissan plant.

It's also good news for a lefty liberal communist like me, because as I'm sure we'll discover when we see Nissan's relevant accounts in a year or two, we the taxpayer have paid Nissan huge amounts of "subsidies" (aka bribes) to stay.

This is another good step towards the communist utopia that folk like me dream of, now that UK government and taxpayer are funding Nissan.

It's also worth pointing out that Nissan had to decide to either move their factory to Europe, or move their battery production here, because of Brexit.  If they had not done that, the cars they want to re-export would have been subject to tarrifs under Boris Johnsons "completely tariff free" trade deal, due to rules of origin parts of the treaty.

As such, the UK government has had to effectively bribe them with tax subsidies and all sorts of other things that they have kept secret so far, but will come out eventually (remember the famous letter).

So this is good news for the individuals and their families who keep their jobs, but whether it's good news for all other UK taxpayers remains to be seen.  There is an argument that enticing battery production of electric vehicles into the UK, even if it means at a loss to the UK taxpayer, might work out well in the long term. 

But fortunately though, this was the only thing that was in the balance.  Since everything else about Brexit is going so fantastically, this is just one small aspect.


sounds like sour grapes to me javert.

You were one of those telling everyone on the forum how bad brexit would be , and how the sky was going to fall on our heads  , and here we are , 23 days and counting , the sky hasnt fallen on our heads , nissan hasnt left contrary to what you promised us , and covid 19 has stolen the wind from your sails.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Nick on January 22, 2021, 11:01:06 PM
And we said a thousand times that the EU would deal at the 11th hour. The Brexit process has gone exactly how we all said it would.

We said?
Nissan, had every right to have grave doubts as to any future investment in the U.K. regardless of who said it would all be fine.
It was not only Nissan,  without complete confidence in the great WE, As that article makes very clear the investment across the board in the British,  car industry  has reduced to a dribble, and outside of Nissan, is still surrounded by substantial doubts, with many companies still not clear as to how they proceed .
It is very good news ,  and it should act as an incentive to get on with Brexit, for better or worse.  The deal was a case of both parties agreeing that a deal of sorts was needed. And regardless of what WE said, there were no end of people who  said , clearly .leaving without a deal would be acceptable. It was never going to be acceptable to Nissan.


Quote from: Good old on January 22, 2021, 05:42:50 PM
It should be remembered that without a deal that made Nissans trading  with Europe , able to be carried on with no considerable extra costs incurred. Then Nissan would have found it very difficult to have continued to operate in the U.K.

And we said a thousand times that the EU would deal at the 11th hour. The Brexit process has gone exactly how we all said it would.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Javert on January 22, 2021, 07:43:38 PM
I'll help him.  This is good news for the actual workers at the Nissan plant.

It's also good news for a lefty liberal communist like me, because as I'm sure we'll discover when we see Nissan's relevant accounts in a year or two, we the taxpayer have paid Nissan huge amounts of "subsidies" (aka bribes) to stay.

This is another good step towards the communist utopia that folk like me dream of, now that UK government and taxpayer are funding Nissan.

It's also worth pointing out that Nissan had to decide to either move their factory to Europe, or move their battery production here, because of Brexit.  If they had not done that, the cars they want to re-export would have been subject to tarrifs under Boris Johnsons "completely tariff free" trade deal, due to rules of origin parts of the treaty.

As such, the UK government has had to effectively bribe them with tax subsidies and all sorts of other things that they have kept secret so far, but will come out eventually (remember the famous letter).

So this is good news for the individuals and their families who keep their jobs, but whether it's good news for all other UK taxpayers remains to be seen.  There is an argument that enticing battery production of electric vehicles into the UK, even if it means at a loss to the UK taxpayer, might work out well in the long term. 

But fortunately though, this was the only thing that was in the balance.  Since everything else about Brexit is going so fantastically, this is just one small aspect. and affordable,not that hard is it?


An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on January 22, 2021, 04:11:03 PM
Yeah can Imagine Gerry doing a crossword ******* fair city sweet molly malone

They are all poets in Catford  :)
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Thomas on January 22, 2021, 03:39:35 PM
# Gerry is furiously scrabbling about in the dirt looking for the bad news aspect of this story....#


I'll help him.  This is good news for the actual workers at the Nissan plant.

It's also good news for a lefty liberal communist like me, because as I'm sure we'll discover when we see Nissan's relevant accounts in a year or two, we the taxpayer have paid Nissan huge amounts of "subsidies" (aka bribes) to stay.

This is another good step towards the communist utopia that folk like me dream of, now that UK government and taxpayer are funding Nissan.

It's also worth pointing out that Nissan had to decide to either move their factory to Europe, or move their battery production here, because of Brexit.  If they had not done that, the cars they want to re-export would have been subject to tarrifs under Boris Johnsons "completely tariff free" trade deal, due to rules of origin parts of the treaty.

As such, the UK government has had to effectively bribe them with tax subsidies and all sorts of other things that they have kept secret so far, but will come out eventually (remember the famous letter).

So this is good news for the individuals and their families who keep their jobs, but whether it's good news for all other UK taxpayers remains to be seen.  There is an argument that enticing battery production of electric vehicles into the UK, even if it means at a loss to the UK taxpayer, might work out well in the long term. 

But fortunately though, this was the only thing that was in the balance.  Since everything else about Brexit is going so fantastically, this is just one small aspect.

Good old

It should be remembered that without a deal that made Nissans trading  with Europe , able to be carried on with no considerable extra costs incurred. Then Nissan would have found it very difficult to have continued to operate in the U.K.
That was always Nissans position. It was always a question of.. if we  would leave  the EU, with a viable deal or not. The only fear in that was the fear of No Deal, which the government , and many hard line brexiteers, never ruled out,  and until the very last minute  it always remained a possibility. 
We all have to be cheered by the Nissan, news. But the article in the OP , makes it very clear the car industry is not out of the woods by any means. And the large cut in investment , in recent years has at the very least coincided with the great uncertainty generated by the  Brexit issue. It does remain to be seen if the remainder of British, vehicle manufacture , bounces back in the way that Nissan, has.


Quote from: Thomas on January 22, 2021, 03:39:35 PM
# Gerry is furiously scrabbling about in the dirt looking for the bad news aspect of this story....#

Yeah can Imagine Gerry doing a crossword ******* fair city sweet molly malone
And him writing in Brexits and thinking I bet she was a leaver bloody cow. ;) and affordable,not that hard is it?


Remainers on Nissan in their own words
22 January 2021 Share

News emerged this morning of Nissan's Chief Operating Officer Ashwani Gupta's comments, hailing Boris Johnson's Brexit deal and revealing that the terms of Britain's withdrawal from the European Union gives the firm a "competitive advantage in the UK and outside".

Here's a look at what the scaremongering Remainers predicted Nissan would do if Britain left the European Union. Enjoy!

If we leave, Nissan leave"
Alastair Campbell

    "Forget project fear and just use your head. What would you do if you were them? 75% of the cars go to mainland Europe. Would you keep your factory on the opposite side of a trade barrier to where most of its cars go?"
    Femi Oluwole

    "Remainers like me were clear about the risk #Brexit is to UK car manufacturers #Nissan We were accused of scaremongering ..."
    Anna Soubry

    "The snake oil merchants who sold Brexit to the public have to face serious questions. Thousands of jobs are at risk, meaning families will suffer. Nissan is just the latest manufacturer to warn against this car crash."
    David Lammy
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Streetwalker on January 22, 2021, 01:36:05 PM
The bottom line always decides these decisions . The bosses of Nissan were remainers and gave warnings of closer if we voted leave . When we voted leave they said we had better get a deal or they were off . 
The goal posts have been moved on more than one occasion so whos to say they would not have moved them again if we had left without a deal ?

Still good news for workers of Nissan

remoaners on twitter and elsewhere saying project fear about nissan nothing to do with us , it was the chariman of nissan who was mouthing off.

Feckin people .

Andrew adonis screaming good news .......but what about......blah blah blah.

If anyone could win a referdnum on talking scotland or england down , it would be people like andrew adonis.

QuoteAndrew Adonis
Don't be fooled by Tory hype about Nissan & Sunderland. The good news is that the plant isn't closing as was feared, but there is no new investment or new models

It's like a deal being better than no deal - when transformationally better than either is being in the EU!

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!