The New Cold War with China

Started by Sampanviking, February 09, 2021, 12:30:37 PM

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Gold dust! - FBI Whistleblower spill the beans on US policy in Xinjiang back in 2015


This young lady is a Uighur Vlogger in Xinjiang who posts on most Chinese Social Media platforms and on You Tube as well
She speaks in Mandarin, so you wont understand a word of it. Luckily you wont need to.
This video was posted two years ago and shows the harvesting of Cotton in Xinjiang.
This is the young lady referenced by Cyrus Jansen a couple of day ago.


Its a funny old world.
Daniel Dumbrills contribution to a panel discussion on Xinjiang (posted about 4 or 5 posts back) was picked up and used by the Chinese Government.
The South China Morning Post then did a hit piece on Daniel and Daniel has responded in a video.
I have posted it as he does highlight the dishonest methodology of the MSM.


US Expat Cyrus Janssen picks up on number of the previous topics with a more detailed and quite balanced video.


.....and another one.
This time Brummie expat Lee Barrett takes a look at the claims of forced labour in the Cotton Industry.
The Highlight is Skechers Company statement based on supply chain audits, undertaken by themselves in response to the accusations.


They just keep coming!
The recent BBC report about "forced assimilation" was based on a CGTN news story.
The young Canadian guy compares the BBC report to the CGTN original.
Just pay attention to the small everyday background details and ask, how does this stack up against all the propaganda?


This segment from a Discussion panel, featuring Daniel Dumbrill has gone viral in China
Its a pretty good summary of the policy behind the anti China propaganda coming out of Washington


So, here is a quick sum up and a few extra details to bear in mind.

The source of the main story, comes from a pseudo academic by the name of Adrian Zenz, who claims to be a China Expert, but is simply a born again radical Christian, who has publicly stated that God has given him the mission to destroy China. So much for Impartiality and Objectivity.
The basis of his claims is "research" based on interviews with Eight (count em) Eight Uighurs, all of whom are associated with US State Dept funded organisations.

So basically these claims have as much scientific rationale as claims by David Icke.

The subject of the moment is Xinjiang Cotton and the boycotting of which has provoked a major national backlash against Western Firms that are boycotting Xinjiang Cotton, a boycott that includes Uighurs themselves. This is largely being led by ordinary consumers but also celebrities as well, with Uighurs among them.

Evidence for the truth can come from less than obvious sources. Western activists claim "hundreds of thousands" used in forced labour to harvest cotton, with the Chinese State responds that the harvesting process is largely automated. A claim backed up by this trade article that talks about the increase of sale of US Cotton Harvesters to the PRC
It talks about this increase as being in response to getting orders in before possible sanctions and how John Deere has been supplying such machines to China for Forty years!

Finally, we keep being told that all China has to do is to let inspectors into Xinjiang to see for themselves. China says they have issued the invitation several times but no one has come.
A quick search on google found loads of links.
Some included here

There are loads of others made at various times.
All of the above took me a few minutes to find.
So the question, how come professional journalists and reporters are unable to verify there reports by also doing so?


This is a very detailed video that debunks the Uighur Genocide narrative. It is long, but it is also concise and covers a tremendous amount of ground.

patman post

Quote from: B-4 on March 19, 2021, 07:10:15 AM
I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.  Your link offers no data and so far I haven't encountered anything that debunks my substantiated claim about who and what funded Biden.  When 97% of Google and Facebook alone is for Biden then we know why there's so much top-down censorship of all opposition to Biden.  Anything else that depends on advertising has to bow to these corporate monsters else they lose money, because other major corporations threaten to pull out, which in turn affects those like Facebook.  This shows us how much damage to democracy a corporate social media and search engine platform alone can do.

This also contributes to the self-censorship among the editors of other media platforms.  Allow the 'wrong' opinion and you will be punished.
Seems to be the newer digital-age industries — eg, Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft, etc — that go for the Democrats.   
The older more traditional construction, finance, mining, steel bashing sectors, etc, tend to support the Republicans.   
Of course that's not entirely so, and many businesses donate to both sides — possibly due to practical considerations of having to deal with both the national govt and different state administrations...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.  Your link offers no data and so far I haven't encountered anything that debunks my substantiated claim about who and what funded Biden.  When 97% of Google and Facebook alone is for Biden then we know why there's so much top-down censorship of all opposition to Biden.  Anything else that depends on advertising has to bow to these corporate monsters else they lose money, because other major corporations threaten to pull out, which in turn affects those like Facebook.  This shows us how much damage to democracy a corporate social media and search engine platform alone can do.

This also contributes to the self-censorship among the editors of other media platforms.  Allow the 'wrong' opinion and you will be punished.


B4, you are right that the spending data is hard to be sure about. I have looked at several sites and it is extremely unclear. The one I found with some clarity was this:

But that does not mean it is thorough and/or correct either!

What is clear is how much these campaigns cost!!

I rather belatedly noticed that this discussion is not very compatible with the thread title, although interesting.


Quote from: grumzed on March 17, 2021, 04:25:51 PM
I thought most corporate finance in the US went to the Republican Party rather than the Democrats and this seems to be supported by the evidence from 2007 to 2017:-

In reply to B4:
This may have changed during Trump's reign but I doubt that many would have switched from this stance. Notable exceptions are some high tech companies (Microsoft, Apple etc.) who have generally always supported the Democrats. It may well be the "record high" funding to the Democrats is a backlash against Trump and an attempt to pursuade the Republicans to get a responsible leader.

Russia supported Trump so as to disrupt stability inside the USA and they largely succeeded. They just wanted a weaker America and they largely succeeded in that the US is now highly polarised. I do not see any "authoritarian control" emerging in the US although that would have been an aim of the Russian hierarchy as a road to destroying any concept of democracy; democracy being a concept that is of most danger to the politics within Russia right now.
[/que US has huge problems with its internal politidc
Quote from: B-4 on March 17, 2021, 09:26:16 PM
The data is outdated and irrelevant, and omits the main players as noted later on in your article. The data is does show may have been how it was, which looks 50-50 to me, but with so much omitted it's utterly pointless.

For something relevant to the latest election, considering we're now talking about donors, then this highlights who and what funded Biden's record breaking fund raiser:

All corporate social media, universities, banksters and basically corporate America financed Biden.  The working class of America went for Trump, the so-called enemy of the Left.
They were lying about Trump from the beginning, and not once provided anything to incriminate him which is why nothing stuck.  Like I suggested, this is nothing more than fearmongering by the American corporate junta repeated over and over.

The US is in huge trouble with its internal politics falling apart, with defunded police, murder rates growing, its foreign policy coming home to roost, the decades of growing corporate policy and polarised politics. The inbuilt poverty of the dollar, now they are striking out at Russia and China, this is not ending well, they are digging a massive hole.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: grumzed on March 17, 2021, 04:25:51 PM
I thought most corporate finance in the US went to the Republican Party rather than the Democrats and this seems to be supported by the evidence from 2007 to 2017:-
The data is outdated and irrelevant, and omits the main players as noted later on in your article. The data is does show may have been how it was, which looks 50-50 to me, but with so much omitted it's utterly pointless.

For something relevant to the latest election, considering we're now talking about donors, then this highlights who and what funded Biden's record breaking fund raiser:

All corporate social media, universities, banksters and basically corporate America financed Biden.  The working class of America went for Trump, the so-called enemy of the Left.

Quote from: grumzed on March 17, 2021, 04:25:51 PMRussia supported Trump so as to disrupt stability inside the USA and they largely succeeded. They just wanted a weaker America and they largely succeeded in that the US is now highly polarised. I do not see any "authoritarian control" emerging in the US although that would have been an aim of the Russian hierarchy as a road to destroying any concept of democracy; democracy being a concept that is of most danger to the politics within Russia right now.
They were lying about Trump from the beginning, and not once provided anything to incriminate him which is why nothing stuck.  Like I suggested, this is nothing more than fearmongering by the American corporate junta repeated over and over.


Do we need another one? Wasn't the last one enough?