progressive politics in england does not need scotland for anything.

Started by Thomas, February 12, 2021, 11:57:42 AM

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QuoteIt's now more than nine years since this site definitively and unarguably destroyed the myth that "progressive" politics in England needs Scotland for anything at all.

If we're to assume – and this is a whole other argument – that "progressive politics" means "a Labour government at Westminster", the votes of Scotland are and always have been completely irrelevant.

This isn't an interpretation or an opinion. It's an arithmetical fact. Every single majority Labour government in history was so because it won enough seats in England and Wales. Scottish seats have NEVER been important to getting Labour into Downing Street. Even in 2005, when they won power on just 35% of the vote, Tony Blair would have had a comfortable majority of over 40 seats if Scotland had been independent.

It's a truly monumental feat of deliberate and shameful dishonesty to still be spewing such arrant garbage at people. But as ever, Orwell saw it coming over 70 years ago.
The key article of faith of the ancient, ossified Scottish orthodox punditariat is that Labour are the solution to all ills, the one road to a Utopian federalist future in which "separatism" shall finally die and we'll all be happy Brits together, just like in The War.

Any facts incompatible with that belief must therefore not be grasped or perceived or understood. The lie must simply be chanted like a mantra, deaf to all reality. But it's an ideology that ultimately even crosses over petty dividing lines like the constitution, as Kenny and Gypsy Rose – two of a kind in every way – demonstrate for us above.

That ideology is this: there are no facts. Two plus two makes whatever you want it to at any given moment, nobody knows what the real answer is anyway, and the lumpen public just don't care. As long as the airtime and the column inches are filled and the paycheques delivered, there is no such thing as truth. War is peace, freedom is slavery and – most and above all – ignorance is strength.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!