So how brown will your baby be?Well it's free speech isn't it

Started by cromwell, March 08, 2021, 03:52:25 PM

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Quote from: srb7677 on March 10, 2021, 08:31:58 PM
Actually those claiming that you can't say this or can't say that are on here saying this or that all the time. No one appears to be silencing you or anyone else, except in your imagination.
I doubt DeppityDawg was referring to you, and was instead referring to the corporate controlled agenda that you obviously support.  Unlike the totalitarian Communist pro-IRA sites that Siberian Fox setup you probably won't have as much sway around here. They have more moderators on here which should help prevent a case of the power craze.


Quote from: johnofgwent on March 10, 2021, 04:12:13 PM

Actually, as evidenced by what members of the clique can say that non members can't, you can't criticise Jews, gays, blacks, the genitally mutilated, or indeed garden gnomes now unless you are of the same minority group yourself.
Actually those claiming that you can't say this or can't say that are on here saying this or that all the time. No one appears to be silencing you or anyone else, except in your imagination.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: DeppityDawg on March 10, 2021, 06:59:28 PM

But its been suggested on here that I am a racist? Am I supposed to shrug and say "oh alright then. I'm a racist", or should I stop expressing my views?
That's not what I'm saying

QuoteBy "things said and done" (for a Hollywood example, by the likes Epstein and Weinstein etc), do the actions of individuals mean that an "evil patriarchy" or "white supremacy" are endemic or that every black person is oppressed?
No it doesn't

Quote[highlight]You had to bring up Muslim extremism above [/highlight]- how many times did the likes of Uganda write the likes of "not all muslims" replies when ever the subject came up - yet here we are in a discussion where the Royal Family are at the leading edge of some "White Supremacist" society. Suddenly, its not "not all muslims", but we can implicate ALL white people quickly enough with generous use of ad words like "White Privilege", "White Guilt" and "Dear White People" can't we?
No I didn't you did when you brought up Rotherham and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: srb7677 on March 10, 2021, 08:46:05 AM
I expect incoming for this and another massive rant but it is hard not to credit you as a racist sometimes. You certainly react angrily to anyone else calling it out.
Ah well racism is as we know, all one sided, if only that were so. Of course, when somebody says hang on a minute this isn't anything like a one-sided affair, immediately the reverse psychology takes a hold.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: cromwell on March 10, 2021, 05:06:51 PMWell you cite Rotheram and of course they got it badly wrong,the problem now is that opinions are entrenched the whole issue surrounding things like this polarised.

For how long have I been saying that Identity Politics is divisive and any debate on such issues as this is becoming more and more polarised?

Quote from: cromwellThis doesn't mean you or all people who complain of this are nazi's and racist neither does it mean that all muslims approve of abusing young white girls or that anti racists are hypocrites.

But its been suggested on here that I am a racist? Am I supposed to shrug and say "oh alright then. I'm a racist", or should I stop expressing my views?

Quote from: cromwellSocial mores are changing as they always do,there are things said or done which an increasing majority find unacceptable.....there were things said or done in the entertainment industry not that long ago that people now cringe at and is the industry you now call woke liberal handwringers.

By "things said and done" (for a Hollywood example, by the likes Epstein and Weinstein etc), do the actions of individuals mean that an "evil patriarchy" or "white supremacy" are endemic or that every black person is oppressed? I'm tired of it. When I see yet another "Dear White People" article on my newsfeed, you know what I think? I now think "Just feck off" because I'm not reading shit like this anymore. Its having the exact OPPOSITE effect, and the people writing these articles don't get why? If you keep telling people they are bad for long enough, they'll simply stop listening to you

You had to bring up Muslim extremism above - how many times did the likes of Uganda write the likes of "not all muslims" replies when ever the subject came up - yet here we are in a discussion where the Royal Family are at the leading edge of some "White Supremacist" society. Suddenly, its not "not all muslims", but we can implicate ALL white people quickly enough with generous use of ad words like "White Privilege", "White Guilt" and "Dear White People" can't we?

Quote from: cromwellI think that a large portion of the press have put a label on Meghan and that like shit sticks,same with Harry who is seen as a wimp dictated by his wife.....are they perfect? No but then who is.

It couldn't possibly be because they see right through her, could it? Her whole life appears to have been one long "me me me story". But somehow, its "racist" to say anything bad about her, because she is of mixed race?

Quote from: cromwellI think the whole affair has been badly handled the truth and facts pushed aside to no ones advantage, I don't think people care anymore it's just we're right and you're lying  scumbags.

Its not just this subject. Identity politics poisons everything it touches and the situation is simply deteriorating. In the end, this is simply the word of two disgruntled (former) members of a very privileged elite against the word of the privileged elite. There is no evidence of "racism", everything else is opinion and supposition. If they actually gave a sh*t about inequality, racism and lack of opportunity, they'd stop trying to fill newspapers with their false sob story's and free them up for the real issues that affect genuine victims, not those getting paid millions of dollars to rat on their own fecking family


Quote from: DeppityDawg on March 10, 2021, 12:28:34 PM

He's right in my opinion. She just as well have "victim" tattooed on her forehead.

Australians are a little less "woke" than either Europeans or Americans as a.rule. As for whether we are heading for sanitised media, the BBC has come in for criticism for its hopeless bias for years now, and theyve only got worse.

The word "racist" now gets bandied about like confetti. Except, look at general coverage of the Rotherham and other abuse cases, and not just on the the BBC. In one of the most blatant examples of victims selected on the basis of their race in modern times, the media went to extraordinary lengths to play down the race card, even in the face of overwhelming evidence. It was everything but a race issue back then. Yet in Megan's case, an unproved allegation is trumpeted as definite racism by every liberal rag in Christendom. It's this hyprocisy that pisses me off.
Well you cite Rotheram and of course they got it badly wrong,the problem now is that opinions are entrenched the whole issue surrounding things like this polarised.

This doesn't mean you or all people who complain of this are nazi's and racist neither does it mean that all muslims approve of abusing young white girls or that anti racists are hypocrites.

Social mores are changing as they always do,there are things said or done which an increasing majority find unacceptable.....there were things said or done in the entertainment industry not that long ago that people now cringe at and is the industry you now call woke liberal handwringers.

What is considered unacceptable now may get up some peoples noses but that's always been the case.

I think that a large portion of the press have put a label on Meghan and that like shit sticks,same with Harry who is seen as a wimp dictated by his wife.....are they perfect? No but then who is.

I think the whole affair has been badly handled the truth and facts pushed aside to no ones advantage, I don't think people care anymore it's just we're right and you're lying  scumbags. and affordable,not that hard is it?

patman post

Quote from: johnofgwent on March 10, 2021, 04:12:13 PM

Actually, as evidenced by what members of the clique can say that non members can't, you can't criticise Jews, gays, blacks, the genitally mutilated, or indeed garden gnomes now unless you are of the same minority group yourself.
I don't think I've ever been stopped from criticising anybody of any group. I've been argued with, certainly. But I'd have to be an ultra sensitive manipulator of the English language to claim I was stopped...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: DeppityDawg on March 09, 2021, 09:26:06 PM
Well, of course you are entitled to your opinion. My point was that the rest of us are increasingly not entitled to an opinion without some **** accusing us of some ism or other. Because no criticism can be made of (for example) Megan Markle without it being fecking "racism". I coundn;t give a flying feck what "race" she is, shes a greedy fecking attention seeker.

This is increasingly the case for all "victim groups" now. I can't stand Alan Carrs voice. It irritates the feck out of me. Someone said just that (on Farcebook or somewhere) the other day, and immediately out come the "you're homophobic" replies. FFs what? No, its because he's intensely irritating so I switch the tv over

So there it is. You aren't allowed to dislike/be critical of someone for whatever reason anymore if they just also happen to be gay, or black or a woman or a fecking garden gnome.

Actually, as evidenced by what members of the clique can say that non members can't, you can't criticise Jews, gays, blacks, the genitally mutilated, or indeed garden gnomes now unless you are of the same minority group yourself.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: cromwell on March 10, 2021, 11:38:06 AM
Well there are those calling Morgan out on this and those like Lineker and Sharon Osborne supporting him,we still don't know if he resigned or was pushed.

Of course everyone is entitled to their view,but is it true that we are heading for sanitised opinions,well in the interests of balance and illustrating that perhaps not here's Alan Jones on Australian tv.

He's right in my opinion. She just as well have "victim" tattooed on her forehead.

Australians are a little less "woke" than either Europeans or Americans as a.rule. As for whether we are heading for sanitised media, the BBC has come in for criticism for its hopeless bias for years now, and theyve only got worse.

The word "racist" now gets bandied about like confetti. Except, look at general coverage of the Rotherham and other abuse cases, and not just on the the BBC. In one of the most blatant examples of victims selected on the basis of their race in modern times, the media went to extraordinary lengths to play down the race card, even in the face of overwhelming evidence. It was everything but a race issue back then. Yet in Megan's case, an unproved allegation is trumpeted as definite racism by every liberal rag in Christendom. It's this hyprocisy that pisses me off.


Quote from: DeppityDawg on March 10, 2021, 10:42:35 AM
Im not mad, just sick of 2 immensely privileged prima Donnas posturing and cynically playing victim in front of the world's media. I know where my loyalties lie, but I'm not so sure about the little Prince, regardless of what cap badge he wore. In the end, he's sold out to Hollywood's virtue signalling elite.

[highlight]I don't much like Piers Morgan either, but he has as much right to express an opinion as you do - whether that opinion chimes with the media luvvies or not shouldn't be the issue - unless you want TV programme that are solely presented by people who say the right things and only express sanitised opinions approved by the liberal elite. Because that's where we are heading Cromwell.[/highlight]
Well there are those calling Morgan out on this and those like Lineker and Sharon Osborne supporting him,we still don't know if he resigned or was pushed.

Of course everyone is entitled to their view,but is it true that we are heading for sanitised opinions,well in the interests of balance and illustrating that perhaps not here's Alan Jones on Australian tv. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on March 10, 2021, 10:03:48 AMI get that you are mad over such things that are as you describe but it's not always the case and the truth is that it probably does lie somewhere in between what has been presented.

Im not mad, just sick of 2 immensely privileged prima Donnas posturing and cynically playing victim in front of the world's media. I know where my loyalties lie, but I'm not so sure about the little Prince, regardless of what cap badge he wore. In the end, he's sold out to Hollywood's virtue signalling elite.

I don't much like Piers Morgan either, but he has as much right to express an opinion as you do - whether that opinion chimes with the media luvvies or not shouldn't be the issue - unless you want TV programme that are solely presented by people who say the right things and only express sanitised opinions approved by the liberal elite. Because that's where we are heading Cromwell.


Quote from: B-4 on March 10, 2021, 09:51:25 AM
Many people would react angrily if some jumped up far-left started screaming that they were racist as a counter argument toward just about anything.

It's nothing new. He's been dying to say it for ages, and now he's finally come out and confirmed what's he's been suggesting for a long time. Because I contest what he says, its easier to simply dismiss me as a racist than to address the points put to him. I'm done with him now anyway. I'm sure he doesn't want anything to do with a racist so I'm sure he won't lose any sleep over it either


Quote from: B-4 on March 10, 2021, 09:51:25 AM
Many people would react angrily if some jumped up far-left started screaming that they were racist as a counter argument toward just about anything.
Good job I am merely democratic left and not far left then isn't it? Lol
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: DeppityDawg on March 10, 2021, 06:59:45 AM
Good for you, Ken  :D

I like Sampanski but I wouldn't take bets on whose side he's on. And ok, I get you don't like the Royal family. Maybe like your namesake youd have them beheaded, eh?
It's not I don't like the royal family but the idea of someone being head of state by virtue of birth,the Queen has done well but what if you got a pillock (big ears perhaps?) I did explain however the idea of a president bliar type fills me with even more doubt.
But have them beheaded?

QuoteIt comes.down to free speech in the end, and whether you believe that two self centred money grubbers have *fled persecution" or simply fecked off to the US to become part of the Hollywood celeb circuit whilst hoping to keep their lucrative royal patronages.
Well as I've already said a slimmed down version is what's required,money grabbers?....perhaps but I can't help the feeling he's worried it'll be his mum all over again and he did I believe like you serve his country and has tried to do what he can for veterans......was that done for personal gain? IMO no.

QuoteI don't believe anything either of them say. That doesn't mean I think everything the Royal family say is gospel either. But as with everything now, the woke circus gets hold of it and out come all the moral clichés about racism and white supremacy etc. But each day that goes by this shit gets worse and worse. If you're happy that people can get sacked, "cancelled", become villains overnight, lose their jobs and livelihoods, just because they won't join in with the bullshit or have a different opinion, then carry on. You yourself have often commented on how the WW2 generation fought for freedom etc. Woke culture and political correctness is the antithesis of freedom Cromwell. You might not like what Piers Morgan for example said, but whats just happened shows you where free speech is going.
Well I don't like pc bollocks and Morgan was right he wasn't as far as I see denied a title because of the colour of his skin but by protocol.

However Morgan is no shining light or bastion of free speech if you remember his point blank refusal to apologise for publishing fake photos of British soldiers abusing Iraqis for which he lost a previous job.

I get that you are mad over such things that are as you describe but it's not always the case and the truth is that it probably does lie somewhere in between what has been presented. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: srb7677 on March 10, 2021, 08:46:05 AM
I expect incoming for this and another massive rant but it is hard not to credit you as a racist sometimes. You certainly react angrily to anyone else calling it out.
Many people would react angrily if some jumped up far-left started screaming that they were racist as a counter argument toward just about anything.