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So Ner!

Started by cromwell, March 17, 2021, 10:22:16 PM

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Quote from: Thomas on March 31, 2021, 08:08:54 AM
You are playing semantics nothing more.

Transition wasnt brexit. It wasnt even a half way house. We continued to accept rules and pay fees , so this wasnt brexit.

The uk officially remained a member of the single market , and the customs union  .

and remioaners like yourself for four years if not more told us emphatically we could not remian in the customes union and single market while simultaneously leaving the eu.

This was called brexiters cherry picking , something you told us we werent allowed , now you try to spin on the head of a pin  and say the opposite when it suits.

As many many articles make clear brexit meant leaving both single market and customs union , and the uk had done neither during transition as i said .

You are trying and desperately failing , like your flawed hero bliar , to sell a mirage gerry. Like tony blairs non existant weapons of mass destruction in iraq , transition wasnt leaving the structures of the european union , and everyone except delusional people like you know it.

Labour even tried to sell a continuation of the customs union prior to the 2019 general election , in some puerile attempt to punt a BRINO ,

and what happened? The people gave labour their biggest electoral hammering of a century and said no , we dont want the cu or membership of eu structures .

Is it sinking in yet ? Transition wasnt brexit , and the people wouldnt have accepted it long term as brexit?

You pro eu remongers are making a complete mammary gland of yourself on this forum.

Lets face it, I am no great believer of injecting everyone with who knows what, but they are and have made a right pigs ear of it, now they are trying to cover their own backsides.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: srb7677 on March 30, 2021, 08:20:09 AM
I have not read whatever guff Thomas has responded with ...

Of course you haven't Steve  :) :) :) :)
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: GerryT on March 30, 2021, 03:17:54 PM
That bit in bold is where you are wrong. The UK left the EU end Jan 2020. Gone.

You are playing semantics nothing more.

Transition wasnt brexit. It wasnt even a half way house. We continued to accept rules and pay fees , so this wasnt brexit.

The uk officially remained a member of the single market , and the customs union  .
But The UK Doesn't Want Customs Union Or Single Market Membership Post-Brexit

Government Ministers in Britain seem to be rather losing the plot over the Brexit negotiations, the terms upon which Britain will leave the European Union. There is now blathering about how perhaps membership of the customs union might be maintained for certain goods, possibly even payments made to retain membership of the Single Market. And this isn't the point at all. In economic terms leaving the EU is about freeing ourselves from the pernicious effects of EU regulation and tariffs. Attempting to remain in either the customs union or the Single Market entirely negates this possibility. That is, in economic terms at least, staying in either of these two is as if we don't leave the EU at all. And that really wasn't the point of the referendum nor the vote resulting from it, to leave.

and remioaners like yourself for four years if not more told us emphatically we could not remian in the customes union and single market while simultaneously leaving the eu.

This was called brexiters cherry picking , something you told us we werent allowed , now you try to spin on the head of a pin  and say the opposite when it suits.

QuoteThe language politicians are using muddles the issue from the outset. "Staying in" the EU Customs Union gives the impression that the UK can retain parts of its membership automatically. But the UK's membership of the Customs Union is tied to being a member state of the EU. Leaving one automatically means leaving the other.

As many many articles make clear brexit meant leaving both single market and customs union , and the uk had done neither during transition as i said .

You are trying and desperately failing , like your flawed hero bliar , to sell a mirage gerry. Like tony blairs non existant weapons of mass destruction in iraq , transition wasnt leaving the structures of the european union , and everyone except delusional people like you know it.

Labour even tried to sell a continuation of the customs union prior to the 2019 general election , in some puerile attempt to punt a BRINO ,

QuoteLabour wants permanent customs union treaty after Brexit - Starmer

and what happened? The people gave labour their biggest electoral hammering of a century and said no , we dont want the cu or membership of eu structures .

Is it sinking in yet ? Transition wasnt brexit , and the people wouldnt have accepted it long term as brexit?

You pro eu remongers are making a complete mammary gland of yourself on this forum.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on March 30, 2021, 07:58:34 AM
So finally we get there......sort of.

This is what i have been saying all along, the uk went into transition , which wasnt leaving the eu as i explalined at the time and you denied.

All that happened was the uk took out its meps and parliamentray representation at brussells , and by and large everything else  , rule taking ,( four freedoms esp the hated freedom of movement) fee paying all the main bits brexiters and the uk didnt like , remianed the same during transition.

So "transition" wasnt brexit , it wasnt even a half way house , yet you tried to imply that was it the uk was gone.

If scotland was told it had independence simply because we had no represetnation at the uk parliament while everything else remained the same people would laugh , just as the english laughed at labour and remoaners and their puerile attempts , like you , to sell some BRINO.

You just arent smart enough geraldine , and more to the point , your massively infalted ego thinks everyone around you is daft.
That bit in bold is where you are wrong. The UK left the EU end Jan 2020. Gone. It then went into a new agreement called the Withdrawal Agreement "transition period" it was from then a non-EU member all through the transition period. Transition was outside the EU.
When you say "all that happened..." the truth is "all that happened" is the UK left the EU, no longer a member. In it's (UK) desperation, as it wasn't, and still isn't, prepared for the hard brexit it finally negotiated, the UK continued to pay, follow the rules until 2021. If the UK hadn't negotiated a new arrangement then the future relationship would have been no- deal (WTO) but the UK wasn't leaving the EU Dec '20, it had all ready left. You say people would laugh at a country that would agree to this, well I've news for you, that's exactly what the UK signed up to.

This just isn't sinking in. Either you are struggling to understand or you don't wan't to listen.   "officially left the trading bloc - it's nearest and biggest trading partner - on 31 January 2020"  "the United Kingdom leaves the European Union on 31 January 2020"
The UK was to leave 29-3-19
The UK asked for an extension on 20-3-19, granted to 30-6-19
The UK asked for an extension on 10-4-19, granted to 31-10-19
The UK asked for an extension on 28-10-19, granted to 31-1-20
The UK signed the Withdrawal agreement, a new deal and the UK left the EU 31-1-20.
from then on the UK was out of the EU

Is it sinking in yet.


Quote from: srb7677 on March 30, 2021, 08:20:09 AM
I have not read whatever guff Thomas has responded with but I have no doubt it is more insulting and personal shit. It always is.

There is a trend afoot here. Thomas is going to end up preaching to the converted, heard only by those whom he agrees with, whilst everyone else is ignoring him. And he won't realise the problem is actually him I don't suppose for a second.

So you grandly pronounce you have me on ignore , and yet again , after another bleat about not reading what i have posted , you reply to me yet again?

Stope it steve , you are making yourself look feckin stupid. :D
whilst everyone else is ignoring him

is that what you hope steve.......try and ignore me and anyone else who doesnt agree with you and we will all go away?

That must be three quarters of the uk as it stands then , with labour doing so badly in the latest polls.

Only the delusional like yourself try and ignore counter arguments .....there is always a lesson in there somewhere , but again we see why labour never learn as they never listen , only preach

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


I have not read whatever guff Thomas has responded with but I have no doubt it is more insulting and personal shit. It always is.

There is a trend afoot here. Thomas is going to end up preaching to the converted, heard only by those whom he agrees with, whilst everyone else is ignoring him. And he won't realise the problem is actually him I don't suppose for a second.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: srb7677 on March 29, 2021, 08:06:13 PM
I made the same decision. It's all the constant lies, many of them personal in the form of false allegations. He doesn't do honest debate. He is like a troll who only wants to provoke unpleasantness and get a rise out of people. He is full of malice. He is very much like the former poster known as Robin Goodfellow. His modus operandi is very similar. He might disagree with a mod now and again but he does not deploy the personal attacks and outright lies he feels free to use with us lesser mortals.

I have long since concluded that such a dishoest liar acting like a troll is not worth engaging with. A waste of good time and space, and a negative impact on one's enjoyment of the site.

There you go steve.

I have invited you many a time now to use the quote tags and post where you think i am being dishonest and lying , yet you fail to do so time and again.

On top of that , you tell people you have me on ignore , yet every now and again you will reply directly to my post , and most of the time , you cowardly reply to me through a third party as you are doing on here.

You are so pent up with butthurt as the yanks say that you can barely debate politics on this political forum. Classic example was your stupidity the other day with barry  , where barry has obviously offended you (not that it takes much)so you tried to go after him by taking offence over something he said jokingly with sheepy , and made yet another tit of yourself in the process.

As ever with you , it ended with you having to apologise.

Sad steve.

You once were able to have a reasonable debate , however timidly , but now , like your beloved party , you are reduced to scraping the bottom of the barrell time and again.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester on March 29, 2021, 03:02:56 PM
Oh no, Gwen has put Tommy on ignore!!

I don't suppose that Thomas will ever smile again  :) :) :)

another fantasist borkie who doesnt like the truth being posted.

I havent laughed so hard since steve accussed barry of being rather rude to sheepbrain.

Dont you think it passing strange this small obscure but rather excellent forum regularly attracts these foreign sock puppets , german spanish irish and probably a few more over the years , who all have the same posting style , fully concentrating on brexit to the extent of ignoring everything else while arguing solely from an economic point of view?

Anyway all good fun.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT on March 29, 2021, 02:39:35 PM

Afetr it left it went into a transition agreement, looks like membership but there were differences. Defacto !

So finally we get there......sort of.

This is what i have been saying all along, the uk went into transition , which wasnt leaving the eu as i explalined at the time and you denied.

All that happened was the uk took out its meps and parliamentray representation at brussells , and by and large everything else  , rule taking ,( four freedoms esp the hated freedom of movement) fee paying all the main bits brexiters and the uk didnt like , remianed the same during transition.

So "transition" wasnt brexit , it wasnt even a half way house , yet you tried to imply that was it the uk was gone.

If scotland was told it had independence simply because we had no represetnation at the uk parliament while everything else remained the same people would laugh , just as the english laughed at labour and remoaners and their puerile attempts , like you , to sell some BRINO.

You just arent smart enough geraldine , and more to the point , your massively infalted ego thinks everyone around you is daft.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT on March 29, 2021, 02:04:39 PM
So you think the UK can half leave, nonsense. The UK left, fully at the end of Jan 2020. Gone fully. You can't half leave.

I didnt say the uk half left.( now you are telling me what i think. ? ::))

Those are your words , not mine.

I clearly said to you the uk went into transition ,

Quote from: Thomas on September 08, 2020, 06:12:26 PM

The uk isnt out. Its in transition.

Which you denied....

Quote from: GerryT on September 08, 2020, 06:19:38 PM

Spin on your head Thomas the UK has left the EU, gone, finished. Any word will do. It can't leave a second time unless it rejoins.

and i even went further to explain to your somewhat slow witted brain what the word transition meant...

Quote from: Thomas on September 08, 2020, 06:12:26 PM

The uk isnt out. Its in transition.

Heres what the word means gerry.

the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.

and that process will finish come the end of the year.

We have no parliamentary representation , but we are still taking rules and paying fees , of which the whole brexit referendum was about the uk not taking rules , and not paying fees.

So basically gerry , as everyone knows , you are and were talking out your arse , and merely arguing semantics to cover up the pathetic nonsense and puerile point you were trying and badly failing to make.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: GerryT on March 29, 2021, 02:04:39 PM

Thomas there is no point in debating with you when you drag it to this level, your going on ignore, congrats for all the yrs and different sites I have never had the need to do this,
I made the same decision. It's all the constant lies, many of them personal in the form of false allegations. He doesn't do honest debate. He is like a troll who only wants to provoke unpleasantness and get a rise out of people. He is full of malice. He is very much like the former poster known as Robin Goodfellow. His modus operandi is very similar. He might disagree with a mod now and again but he does not deploy the personal attacks and outright lies he feels free to use with us lesser mortals.

I have long since concluded that such a dishoest liar acting like a troll is not worth engaging with. A waste of good time and space, and a negative impact on one's enjoyment of the site.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: GerryT on March 29, 2021, 02:04:39 PM

Thomas there is no point in debating with you when you drag it to this level, your going on ignore,

Oh no, Gwen has put Tommy on ignore!!

I don't suppose that Thomas will ever smile again  :) :) :)
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Thomas on March 28, 2021, 02:06:52 PM
I made the clear unadulterated

Insert lots of crap here

The UK left in 2020 , why dont't you go get something from an official UK or EU site that says the UK remained a member during 2020 or that it left in 2021. You won't. Like normal your spinning lies, trying to make up an agrument.

And for what reason ?  absolutely nothing. I have posted many times over the past yr that the great ship UK was sailing around the EU harbour afraid to go out into the big world. And you throw back exactly what I say and say I'm lying. There's a screw lose in there Thomas.


Quote from: Thomas on March 28, 2021, 01:55:29 PM
Re read the post badfellow instead of trying and miserably failing to put your pathetic spin on what is being said.

Its there in black and white .

I said the uk hadnt fully left , it was in transition and clearly in black and white using the quote tags i highlighted where you were arguing the opposite.

The nuance of the argument is clear for all to see , not your technical interpretation and attempt at spin .

Badfellow on the losing side as ever .
The UK fully left, fully left at the end Jan 2020. SImple, look at my last post and your own govt website

Afetr it left it went into a transition agreement, looks like membership but there were differences. Defacto !


Quote from: Thomas on March 28, 2021, 01:55:29 PM
Re read the post badfellow instead of trying and miserably failing to put your pathetic spin on what is being said.

Its there in black and white .

I said the uk hadnt fully left , it was in transition and clearly in black and white using the quote tags i highlighted where you were arguing the opposite.

The nuance of the argument is clear for all to see , not your technical interpretation and attempt at spin .

Badfellow on the losing side as ever .
So you think the UK can half leave, nonsense. The UK left, fully at the end of Jan 2020. Gone fully. You can't half leave. What you can do is after you leave you can have a new arrangement, a new agreement, which is what the UK did. A transition agreement for a short period of fixed time which it did until that finished 2021. It looked like membership, it smelt like membership but it's not membership because you didn't have voting rights or MEP's, a cornerstone of membership.

It is you that is trying to make an argument out of nothing. Your wrong end of, you are the liar.

Thomas there is no point in debating with you when you drag it to this level, your going on ignore, congrats for all the yrs and different sites I have never had the need to do this, but your so dishonest it's the only place for you.
Go back at my last post, my statements were all 100% true.

The transition WAS NOT an extension of membership. The UK had to leave to join the Transition period. A defacto Membership, but not membership.

Taken from your own Govt web site
At 11pm on 31 January 2020, [HIGHLIGHT]the UK left the EU[/HIGHLIGHT] and entered a transition period.