GB news kicks off tonight

Started by cromwell, June 13, 2021, 03:05:53 PM

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So John of Gwent thinks Dan Wooten is a bit too left wing for Gobby Bullshit News? Lol. Dan Wooten hails from the Sun. And I have watched his show more than once. All his guests have without exception so far been right wingers from what I have seen. There is no balance. The fact that someone considers that even he is too left wing for Gobby Bullshit News speaks volumes.

And of course those of us who criticise it for being overtly biased propaganda, are accused by all the usual suspects who are over-represented on this forum of wanting to shut down free speech. Bollocks. I have not lifted a finger in any attempt to shut it down. I just happen to think that broadcast news should be unbiased and balanced, concerned mainly with giving us facts, not opinions. I know the BBC itself is biased. I have myself often criticised it for it. But the solution is not to fill the airwaves with much more biased crap.

To want balance and lack of bias from the broadcast media does not constitute an attack on free speech, but an attack on politically motivated bias and opinionating.

If you lot want us to be more like America, with half the population being brainwashed idiots on either side of the divide, hooray for Gobby Bullshit News, first big step along that road.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: cromwell on June 19, 2021, 10:07:07 AM
Oh ok no answers to two points.
I cannot comment on what I didn't see. I limit my comment to what I did see. Only sensisible, no?

Any comment I might ever make about something I didn't myself I will always preface with something like "I reaD in such and such a place....." or something like that

As for your links, unless I have specifically asked for them I rarely bother with them.

Broadly speaking, from everything I have seen so far it appears to be all  opinion and chat and very little actual news. And since everything I have seen has a clear right wing bias, this suggests to me that this is the norm, possible exceptions as might be the case with your links notwithstanding. It is more like  a televised equivalent of some talk radio rather than a news broadcaster.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.

patman post

Quote from: johnofgwent on June 15, 2021, 11:13:35 AM

Who is Dan Wooton ? He seems a little too left wing for the fan base
Daniel John William Wootton (born 2 March 1983) is a New Zealand-born journalist and broadcaster. He was executive editor of The Sun newspaper. In 2007, he joined the News of the World. In 2013, he joined The Sun on Sunday and became editor of the Bizarre column the following year. In February 2016, he became associate editor of The Sun and in March 2018 was promoted to executive editor.[1] In 2021 Wootton left News UK to join MailOnline as a columnist and present a show on GB News.[2]
Wootton has made appearances as a show business presenter on the ITV Breakfastshows Lorraine and Daybreak. From 2015 to 2018, he was also a regular contributor and panellist on Big Brother's Bit on the Side

Direct lift from wiki — but I think it says all you need to know. He seems half a step up from Russell Brand in suitability for a TV news presenter...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: Sampanviking on June 19, 2021, 11:03:39 AM
I have tried to watch two or three times and yes the nature and format of what I have seen does make it look more like a series of Political Chat shows rather than a news channel. Maybe this is the idea, but it seems difficult to me to pad out a channel without some regular headline content in between.

Outside broadcast news reports from around the world should not be difficult in this day and age as there are a vast number of Independent Investigative Jouralists/reporters who are not affiliated with any network, who would be able and willing no doubt to provide content.

It seems it relies on a lot of opinion which is opposed to the prevalent WOKE opinion in the MSM in the UK. Thats ok, as far as it goes, but it only goes so far.

There are also no subtitles available.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


I have tried to watch two or three times and yes the nature and format of what I have seen does make it look more like a series of Political Chat shows rather than a news channel. Maybe this is the idea, but it seems difficult to me to pad out a channel without some regular headline content in between.

Outside broadcast news reports from around the world should not be difficult in this day and age as there are a vast number of Independent Investigative Jouralists/reporters who are not affiliated with any network, who would be able and willing no doubt to provide content.

It seems it relies on a lot of opinion which is opposed to the prevalent WOKE opinion in the MSM in the UK. Thats ok, as far as it goes, but it only goes so far.


Quote from: Sheepy on June 19, 2021, 10:18:36 AM
I think politics is about making up your own mind and protecting free speech is a must in a democracy, if you think what others say is bollox I don't have a problem with that, they won't like it but then tough luck comes to mind, so yes in that way I do think somebody somewhere is trying to shutdown opinions.
Well there seems to be a concerted effort to shut down GB news,there is a campaign to block them,not talk to them and get people to contact advertisers and say we will boycott your products if you advertise on there.
All this seems to being done without even looking at their output so yes I guess some are trying to block free speech,too early to say how the channel will pan out but it seems to me at least some wont even give it a chance. and affordable,not that hard is it?


I have forced myself to keep watching GBnews and it is still rubbish, like a day-time TV chat show. It is not a news channel at all.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: cromwell on June 19, 2021, 10:07:07 AMDunno Sheeps what do you think?
I think politics is about making up your own mind and protecting free speech is a must in a democracy, if you think what others say is bollox I don't have a problem with that, they won't like it but then tough luck comes to mind, so yes in that way I do think somebody somewhere is trying to shutdown opinions.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: srb7677 on June 19, 2021, 08:52:10 AM
I have not personally seen the segments you quoted. My assessment is based entirely upon what I have seen. Via the usual random channel hopping I quite frequently stumble across GB News and stay for a short while before moving on.  Some of what I have seen makes it look like a British Fox News. Last night I encountered them talking about the issue of opening up marriages to larger groups of people. I just found it boring and didn't hang around long.

As for my signature, changing it is not a priority and I am not going to bother until I can think of something better. My own personal politics haven;t changed that much anyway.
Oh ok no answers to two points.

Quote from: Sheepy on June 19, 2021, 09:22:23 AM
Seems to me arguing over what a news channel might and might not say seems a bit petty, can't we just let them say what they like and make up our own minds?
Or is someone so afraid of people making up their own minds?
Dunno Sheeps what do you think? and affordable,not that hard is it?


Seems to me arguing over what a news channel might and might not say seems a bit petty, can't we just let them say what they like and make up our own minds?
Or is someone so afraid of people making up their own minds?
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: cromwell on June 18, 2021, 10:41:08 PM
Do I think you're thick? not really,however you have only just left labour.....apparently,anyway still sport for the many not the few and are you trying to say both pieces quoted are right wing bullshit or is that a difficult question?

Also you doth protest too much since  you're quite happy to attribute false political affiliations to others because they voted leave.
I have not personally seen the segments you quoted. My assessment is based entirely upon what I have seen. Via the usual random channel hopping I quite frequently stumble across GB News and stay for a short while before moving on.  Some of what I have seen makes it look like a British Fox News. Last night I encountered them talking about the issue of opening up marriages to larger groups of people. I just found it boring and didn't hang around long.

As for my signature, changing it is not a priority and I am not going to bother until I can think of something better. My own personal politics haven;t changed that much anyway.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: srb7677 on June 18, 2021, 10:19:32 PM
And you accuse me of spouting bullshit, lol. Get over yourself.

Firstly I have watched it and seen with my own eyes what rancid right wing bollocks it is. I have commented to that effect in other threads, describing what I have seen. Clearly then in assuming I have never watched it you are talking bollocks from a position of ignorance.

Secondly, I have left the Labour party entirely so what is this crap you are throwing at me about so called momentum mates? I myself have never even been a member of momentum. And I never take anyone's word for anything anyway without first checking it out for myself.

Sometimes I think you seek to wind me up with assertions of stupidity on purpose.

I would appreciate it if you would not accuse me of being so stupid as to criticise something without first checking it out for myself. Do you really think I am that thick? Honestly? And do stop attributing false political affiliations to me for pejorative purposes.
Do I think you're thick? not really,however you have only just left labour.....apparently,anyway still sport for the many not the few and are you trying to say both pieces quoted are right wing bullshit or is that a difficult question?

Also you doth protest too much since  you're quite happy to attribute false political affiliations to others because they voted leave. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on June 18, 2021, 06:29:37 PM
Well the Gobby bullshit all seems to be coming from you,I doubt you've even looked at GB news but have instead read some crap on the internet that it's all right wing propaganda or so your momentum mates tell you.
And you accuse me of spouting bullshit, lol. Get over yourself.

Firstly I have watched it and seen with my own eyes what rancid right wing bollocks it is. I have commented to that effect in other threads, describing what I have seen. Clearly then in assuming I have never watched it you are talking bollocks from a position of ignorance.

Secondly, I have left the Labour party entirely so what is this crap you are throwing at me about so called momentum mates? I myself have never even been a member of momentum. And I never take anyone's word for anything anyway without first checking it out for myself.

Sometimes I think you seek to wind me up with assertions of stupidity on purpose.

I would appreciate it if you would not accuse me of being so stupid as to criticise something without first checking it out for myself. Do you really think I am that thick? Honestly? And do stop attributing false political affiliations to me for pejorative purposes.

We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: srb7677 on June 18, 2021, 04:22:02 PM
You might just as well have written it on a piece of paper, folded it into a paper airplane and thrown it out of the nearest window for all the good that will do.

Gobby Bullshit News couldn't care less about the marginalised. And will take zero notice of your email.
Well the Gobby bullshit all seems to be coming from you,I doubt you've even looked at GB news but have instead read some crap on the internet that it's all right wing propaganda or so your momentum mates tell you.

Meanwhile an ex labour MP was broadcasting this on there
And there's this still for the many not the few wouldn't know a mine even if they fell down it....or a factory. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: srb7677 on June 18, 2021, 04:22:02 PM
You might just as well have written it on a piece of paper, folded it into a paper airplane and thrown it out of the nearest window for all the good that will do.

Gobby Bullshit News couldn't care less about the marginalised. And will take zero notice of your email.

It is better than doing bugger all, and Andrew Neil has always replied in the past.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe