Time to move on ?

Started by Streetwalker, July 26, 2021, 06:32:14 AM

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An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


anger across France and daily protests on a massive scale against macrons vaccine passport .


An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Sheepy on July 31, 2021, 08:01:39 PM
I like reading the comments, this one stuck out, "Remember back just before the 2014 vote the real feeling of hope of a better future how fkn deluded we all were" ,Oh well get over and move on, at least you finally woke up.

can be hard work on that site at times sheep , some good commenters and some absolute feckwits.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on July 31, 2021, 07:39:07 PM
No different to that lot in holyrood and elswhere sheep.

have you seen the latest outrage in scotland over the craig murray jail term ?


I like reading the comments, this one stuck out, "Remember back just before the 2014 vote the real feeling of hope of a better future how fkn deluded we all were" ,Oh well get over and move on, at least you finally woke up.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


QuoteAssange and Murray are not only telling us troubling truths we are not supposed to hear. The fact that they are being denied solidarity by those who are their colleagues, those who may be next in the firing line, tells us everything we need to know about the so-called mainstream media: that the role of corporate journalists is to serve establishment interests, not challenge them.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on July 31, 2021, 07:51:08 PM
Lady? I think not Thomas,reminds me of a woman in my neck of the woods who maintained all men are potential rapist virtue of the fact they have a penis and should be treated as such.

When pointed out that by that logic all women are potential murderers by virtue of the fact they have access to offensive weapons and should be treated as such she was apoplectic.

Seems this judge is a disciple.......bloody disgraceful.

cromwell , what a feckin world we are living in. At the minute , much of scotland is in shock which is fastly becoming anger.

Dont always agree with craig murray , but have enjoyed reading his blog over the years , and this whole thing stinks to high heaven.

As you say lady dorrian is a disgrace.

QuoteMurray's imprisonment for eight months by Lady Dorrian, Scotland's second most senior judge, is of course based entirely on a keen reading of Scottish law rather than evidence of the Scottish and London political establishments seeking revenge on the former diplomat. And the UK supreme court's refusal on Thursday to hear Murray's appeal despite many glaring legal anomalies in the case, thereby paving his path to jail, is equally rooted in a strict application of the law, and not influenced in any way by political considerations.

love the sarcasm in jonathan cooks article on murrays plight.

QuoteTwo-tier journalism

The most glaring, and disturbing, legal innovation in Lady Dorrian's ruling against Murray – and the main reason he is heading to prison – is her decision to divide journalists into two classes: those who work for approved corporate media outlets, and those like Murray who are independent, often funded by readers rather than paid big salaries by billionaires or the state.

According to Lady Dorrian, licensed, corporate journalists are entitled to legal protections she denied to unofficial and independent journalists like Murray – the very journalists who are most likely to take on governments, criticise the legal system, and expose the hypocrisy and lies of the corporate media.

In finding Murray guilty of so-called "jigsaw identification", Lady Dorrian did not make a distinction between what Murray wrote about the Salmond case and what approved, corporate journalists wrote
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


QuoteCraig Murray's jailing is the latest move in a battle to snuff out independent journalism

QuoteSimilarly, Murray's jailing has nothing to do with his embarrassing the Scottish political and legal establishments by reporting, almost single-handedly, the defence case in the trial of Scotland's former First Minister, Alex Salmond. Unreported by the corporate media, the evidence submitted by Salmond's lawyers led a jury dominated by women to acquit him of a raft of sexual assault charges. It is Murray's reporting of Salmond's defence that has been the source of his current troubles.


another great article on the subject of murrays imprisonment.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on July 31, 2021, 07:39:07 PM
No different to that lot in holyrood and elswhere sheep.

have you seen the latest outrage in scotland over the craig murray jail term ?

Lady? I think not Thomas,reminds me of a woman in my neck of the woods who maintained all men are potential rapist virtue of the fact they have a penis and should be treated as such.

When pointed out that by that logic all women are potential murderers by virtue of the fact they have access to offensive weapons and should be treated as such she was apoplectic.

Seems this judge is a disciple.......bloody disgraceful.

Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


In every aspect of our lives in every western country our rights civil liberties and freedoms are gradually being eroded while we sit back and take it.

We have become nations of whipped curs beaten into the dirt .

Craig murrays imprisonment is an absolute disgrace and an embarressment to the scottish nation , all because he said the salmond trial was nothing more than a politically motivated stitch up which ruffled many feathers , including his light shining on not just scottish and uk governments , but for those who follow his blogs the murky world of american interference across the globe.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


QuoteWhistleblower Craig Murray Sentenced To 8 Months In Prison Over His Reporting On Former Scottish First Minister's Trial
Hugh Kerr, a former vice chair of the Scottish Executive Council of the National Union of Journalists, called the verdict and sentence "a real threat to civil liberties"

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Sheepy on July 31, 2021, 07:19:51 PM
Try dealing with them on a daily basis, they think everyone is buyable, bendable and or open to manipulation, if you don't throw them a bone look out.

No different to that lot in holyrood and elswhere sheep.

have you seen the latest outrage in scotland over the craig murray jail term ?

QuoteToday is a terrible day for Craig Murray, journalism, freedom of speech, accountability, and the integrity and reputation of Scottish justice. But it's also a terrible day for victims of sexual assault and rape, and for that everyone involved, from the First Minister and her fellow conspirators down, should hang their heads forever in shame.


An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on July 31, 2021, 04:45:29 PMAs i said westminster is full of can'ts
Try dealing with them on a daily basis, they think everyone is buyable, bendable and or open to manipulation, if you don't throw them a bone look out.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!



Macron is a busted flush and your precious EU will probably dissolve soon enough, Gerry.

We've left and there is no going back. We had enough of these unelected bureaucrats. Let's hope Lord Frost deals with them swiftly.


Quote from: GerryT on July 31, 2021, 04:22:15 PM
Not diversion, a fact, AZ was seen in the EU as not safe. The Eu were slow to approve it and that was because of the shambles AZ made of the clinical trials and results. The UK approved it early, gambling, it worked but it was a big gamble.
You can't slag off Macron for doing what most EU countries were also doing, being cautious with the AZ vaccine.

He may be finished and maybe for good reason, but this is not a reason.
Tempers fray over France's vaccine strategy
Emmanuel Macron's government under fire for handling of jabs and lockdowns


This is part of the reason. Its widely acclaimed within and without france macron has had a terrible pandemic , with his handling of covid and vaccines within france a national disgrace which is in part leading to his demise.

Meanwhile , as reported astrazenica , a vaccine trashed within France and the wider EU for political reasons rather then feeble medical ones , has been vindicated worldwide as it continues to save lives across the globe , and in France itself , while macron and the eu came out looking terrible.

Macron personally oversaw many of the disasterous choices made by his french regime much to the voters disgust , the recent fury in france about being double jabbed to gain freedom a mere line of a disasterous book of his handling of covid , yet here you try and defend the indefensible as ever gerry in your never ending worship of all things european.

He blatently overruled the advice of the french medical and scientific comunity numerous times with disasterous results , and is seen as an out of touch dangerous arrognat barsteward more interested in playing political games and punishing the uk over brexit than helping his own people.

Your personal blindness to all things eu related when they go wrong and constant bitternes over brexit blinds you to reality time and again.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


oh dear , after trying and failing to punt an eu political class above reproach , a few articles on the interwebby showing eu corruption and vice from the emerald isle to france and beyond has gerry running and hiding .

As i said westminster is full of can'ts , but so is many other parliaments too , so no , the english dominated one isnt out on a limb in that respect.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!