I wonder how the EU really feels about Brexit?

Started by Borchester, August 03, 2021, 05:57:01 PM

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Quote from: GerryT on September 12, 2021, 05:47:55 PM
I've always said that ?
We all know a certain section of England only care for the English and the rest of the UK are second class people, unfortunately, for the UK, their the people in charge.

Well, I don't live in the rest of the UK and Tommy is well able to take care of himself. And who gives a toss about Northern Ireland anyway?
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Borchester on September 12, 2021, 05:05:20 PM
Good lad. You take your time but you get there in the end.

I've always said that ?
We all know a certain section of England only care for the English and the rest of the UK are second class people, unfortunately, for the UK, their the people in charge.


Quote from: Nick on September 12, 2021, 04:18:48 PM
The same way a bunch of people in Boston had control over elements of the IRA. Money!!
Nonsense, they had sympathisers. People that were driven from their homes as their families died, of course they would give to the people trying to right a wrong. But control, don't be daft, of course you will now show proof of your claim. Alot of people gave money so that the IRA could kill English Army and police, that's why the money flowed during the '70's, '80's and '90's

Quote from: Nick on September 12, 2021, 04:18:48 PM
No, they operate out of S.I. You have clearly never spoken to the Irish who live in Boston and surrounding areas who are fed the line that the UK repress the Irish. Come on, dig deep lads. Once again money was their focus.
Nope they live and operate out of NI. Their hate for British rule came from the injustice their parents lived through, the inequality and horrific attacks. The UK did repress the Irish, they did far worse, that's a well documented fact, something you can look up in your spare time, you could find out what your countrymen actually did around the globe, educate yourself.
The people in Boston and all over America know this as they are descendants of people driven off their land, 3 million Irish dying while England took thousands of tons of food out of IRL under Army guard, but I guess you think it was the lazy Irish that couldn't feed themselves. There's now 60m in USA that identify as Irish descendants and are proud of that. They know what went on in IRL, their more Irish than the Irish themselves. And I do know Boston people, I lived there in my 20's for a time.

The funds from USA to IRL have been going on since the coffin ships first sailed to USA, even much later during the great depression and world wars the money kept coming. During the troubles when the IRA were killing hundreds of people the money kept coming. SO how does that sit with your assertion that

Quote from: Nick on September 12, 2021, 04:18:48 PM
You've gone that far up your own arse you don't know what the point was.
Your the one that keeps dragging in more points, you try muddy the waters with the Euro, the NHS, IRA and then Germany ruling the EU. Then Boston pulling IRA strings. Your heads all over the place.

Quote from: Nick on September 12, 2021, 04:18:48 PM
Merkel unilaterally took in 800K refugees and begged others to have some: your words. Something that I pointed out several posts ago that you said never happens.
The EU is united and decisions are made between the heads you say. And as I said, the head is Germany and if they want to do something they do it and everyone goes along.
The upshot was vans driving into crowds, you girls getting raped, court cases to have Oktoberfest banned.

Well you enjoy it cause I'm done trying to educate you with real life.
You said that EU countries couldn't take in that number of refugees, then you went on about you having a bath for some reason and then you give an example of a EU country doing exactly that - Germany. But Germany didn't make one country take 1 refugee more than they wanted to take which I demonstrated.

Can you show how Germany, as a country and not Merkel or another German person acting in their EU position, dictated how this was done. All you've shown is how Germany did what you said a EU country couldn't do.

Come-on Nick you keep saying it but no proof to back up your claim. How does Germany control the EU, like force an EU country to do something they didn't want to do. You failed miserably with the asylum seeker/immigrants, so I won't keep embarrassing you on that one. Have another go. And leave out where some German person was acting in their EU position, i.e. a EU decision and not a German decision....this should be good, bet you ignore or go off on another tangent.
While your at it show how the Boston people controlled the IRA, comical.


Quote from: GerryT on September 12, 2021, 04:20:41 PM
Well the UK (English) institutions never cared about NI, no change there.

Good lad. You take your time but you get there in the end.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Borchester on September 12, 2021, 02:08:50 PM
I dare say that the EU is as bored as we are by the whole Northern Ireland business and while the whole map of Europe has been changed and the deluge subsides and the waters fall short we see the dreary steeples of Fermanagh and Tyrone emerging once again.

Why are we still bothering with the place? It has neither cultural, military nor economic value and is full of Mick bigots who hate everyone including themselves.

Tommy expressed interest a while back. Maybe we could make it protectorate of the SNP?
Well the UK (English) institutions never cared about NI, no change there. The EU on the other hand are very interested, not bored, they will continue to champion the GFA and the newly signed NI protocol.
Your only bothering with the place because your being told to by the EU, the UK needs a trade deal with the EU, otherwise Johnson would have put the fingers up to the EU and put a borer on the Island of Ireland. What stopped him ? he would have loved to have done that. Instead he climbs down and puts a border down the middle of the UK, which must be embarrassing for him and his "they need us more than we need them" attitude. The UK won't change direction, the DUP are consistent in how they read situations backward and make all the wrong move. Other political parties in NI sit back as they implode, why interrupt your opponent when he destroys himself.
NI will most likely have a nationalist majority and that will be interesting to watch.

The UK will have far more issues to deal with when they introduce their border controls at the end of the month, they may continue to give the EU the free access but other countries within the WTO might have something to say about that, particularly China and USA. Two countries the UK is keen to have trade deals with.


Quote from: GerryT on September 12, 2021, 12:39:22 PMThat the IRA today are a bunch of UK people that live in NI, how in gods name would the Irish Govt have any influence in telling the IRA to bugger off.

The same way a bunch of people in Boston had control over elements of the IRA. Money!!

Quote from: GerryT on September 12, 2021, 12:39:22 PMIts actually the poor repressed people of the UK, Ireland is a different country.
Where was it seen the lesser of two evils, the UK you mean, the IRA don't operate in Ireland.

No, they operate out of S.I. You have clearly never spoken to the Irish who live in Boston and surrounding areas who are fed the line that the UK repress the Irish. Come on, dig deep lads. Once again money was their focus.

Quote from: GerryT on September 12, 2021, 12:39:22 PMMerkel pleaded with EU countries in 2015 to take more refugees, most did a token gesture, like the UK took 20,000 (not 800,000 like germany) and even that was over 5yrs and those refugees weren't given settled status but could apply for asylum after the 5yrs. Cameron saw it as the UK's moral duty. Not an EU law telling them what the had to take, but a moral duty. Your so wrong, if Spain as I said wants to take in 1m refugees they can, your wrong.

You've gone that far up your own arse you don't know what the point was.

Merkel unilaterally took in 800K refugees and begged others to have some: your words. Something that I pointed out several posts ago that you said never happens.
The EU is united and decisions are made between the heads you say. And as I said, the head is Germany and if they want to do something they do it and everyone goes along.
The upshot was vans driving into crowds, you girls getting raped, court cases to have Oktoberfest banned.

Well you enjoy it cause I'm done trying to educate you with real life.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


I dare say that the EU is as bored as we are by the whole Northern Ireland business and while the whole map of Europe has been changed and the deluge subsides and the waters fall short we see the dreary steeples of Fermanagh and Tyrone emerging once again.

Why are we still bothering with the place? It has neither cultural, military nor economic value and is full of Mick bigots who hate everyone including themselves.

Tommy expressed interest a while back. Maybe we could make it protectorate of the SNP?
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Nick on September 10, 2021, 07:22:27 PM
Nothing what so ever to do with what I said.
Everything to do with your sweeping ignorant statement that the troubles were ended by the EU as they launched the Euro and didn't want the IRA kicking off so they bunged them some money indirectly. A class case of utter ignorance.
What I did was list a lot of UK, Irish and Sinn Fein people that worked tirelessly to bring about an end to the deaths. What you did was try erase their hard work with a childish conspiracy theory.

Like I said before; the IRA are UK citizens, operating in the UK. They don't operate in Ireland. They don't listen to the Irish Govt.


Quote from: Nick on September 12, 2021, 12:06:29 PM
Where did I mention 1 single penny coming to the UK? I said Ireland was being handed big wads of cash and the IRA told to bugger off and not screw it up.
Huh ?? the IRA don't listen to the Irish Govt, you do know about the civil war and how the winning side became our Govt and the loosing side faded into non existence. That the IRA today are a bunch of UK people that live in NI, how in gods name would the Irish Govt have any influence in telling the IRA to bugger off.

Quote from: Nick on September 12, 2021, 12:06:29 PM
The IRA have not been interested in bombing people for decades, it's been about money, pure and simple. Lets stick a bomb here, ring up and let everyone know it's there. This way they keep their mates happy in Boston and the money rolling in for the poor repressed people of Ireland. As for their illegal activities it was seen as lesser of two options and they were allowed to operate as petty criminals instead of an army. The UK security forces knew the names and location of every single member of the IRA, and the SAS could have been sent in to shoot them all dead in their beds but that would have been seen as a bit mean so they didn't do it. If you don't recognise this Gerry then you are greener than I thought.
Its actually the poor repressed people of the UK, Ireland is a different country.
Where was it seen the lesser of two evils, the UK you mean, the IRA don't operate in Ireland.
27,000 Army in tiny NI couldn't keep up with the IRA, I think your deluded to think you have any clue what the IRA are doing. Look at the last 100 yrs, the UK has been run out of so many countries its hard to keep up.

Quote from: Nick on September 12, 2021, 12:06:29 PM
I notice how you just ignored the fact about Merkel's refugees.
I'm glad you mention it as Germany took in roughly 800,000 refugees in 2015, there wasn't any "rule" stopping them and there wasn't any way they could leave Germany, unless you count illegally, which you prob would. Thanks Nick for proving my point.
Merkel pleaded with EU countries in 2015 to take more refugees, most did a token gesture, like the UK took 20,000 (not 800,000 like germany) and even that was over 5yrs and those refugees weren't given settled status but could apply for asylum after the 5yrs. Cameron saw it as the UK's moral duty. Not an EU law telling them what the had to take, but a moral duty. Your so wrong, if Spain as I said wants to take in 1m refugees they can, your wrong.
I'm not saying 20,000 was bad, I'm saying immigration was a country competence and not an EU competence up to 2015. The only proposed change since then is a means to share the burden seen by some countries to take a minimum qty, but all EU member states have an equal say in the formation of that legislation, nobody telling anybody how it will be. Like in the UK where England tells everyone else how it is, just because the UK does it that way doesn't mean every union is like that.


Quote from: GerryT on September 12, 2021, 11:39:28 AM
So your suggesting the EU funder the UK to turn a blind eye to IRA and UVF illegal activities

Where did I mention 1 single penny coming to the UK? I said Ireland was being handed big wads of cash and the IRA told to bugger off and not screw it up.
The IRA have not been interested in bombing people for decades, it's been about money, pure and simple. Lets stick a bomb here, ring up and let everyone know it's there. This way they keep their mates happy in Boston and the money rolling in for the poor repressed people of Ireland. As for their illegal activities it was seen as lesser of two options and they were allowed to operate as petty criminals instead of an army. The UK security forces knew the names and location of every single member of the IRA, and the SAS could have been sent in to shoot them all dead in their beds but that would have been seen as a bit mean so they didn't do it. If you don't recognise this Gerry then you are greener than I thought.

I notice how you just ignored the fact about Merkel's refugees.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on September 10, 2021, 07:22:27 PM
Nothing what so ever to do with what I said.
So your suggesting the EU funder the UK to turn a blind eye to IRA and UVF illegal activities


Quote from: Nick on September 10, 2021, 07:06:42 PM
Nowhere does it say £350 million is going to the NHS. Scotomisation at it's best.
it says 350m going to the EU so let's fund our NHS instead. You would want to be a weazley lying politician to try and spin that that didn't mean 350m was going to the NHS.
It was a message designed to appeal to the older voter who depends on the current NHS system, that message secured votes and wasn't questioned by the remain side.

The bus didn't say lets spend that at home or lets spend part of that on the NHS. It didnt say lets spent it on education, the poor, infrastructure. No it only said NHS. Just the NHS.


Quote from: Nick on September 10, 2021, 07:21:14 PM
Spain is entitled to let a million Turks in, it's nothing to do with any other EU country. Is that what you really said?
If I lived in a flat above you, what you are saying is I could leave the bath running for days and that is none of your business!!! I didn't mandate that you take any of my water, guess what? You did.

As for Germany not running the EU, you've got a screw lose. Take a look at pictures of EU leaders together, Merkel and Macron are 99.9% front and centre. A pecking order and them that pay more peck harder. Think you need to go out side and see how the real world works.
The EU has been trying to introduce a immigration system that shares the immigration issue found by outlier countries like Italy so that each EU country would take a percentage based on population size. But there is NO EU rule saying a country can't take more. So yes thats exactly what I'm saying, if Spain wants to take in 1m they can.
There are EU rules on movement of people within the EU that have existed decades so 99% of immigrants can't get out of the country they enter, those rules were in place when the UK were members, but the chose to ignore them.
The EU council has one person from each EU country. That person has one vote. You tell me how Germany or France controls things.
The EU commission is the same as above.
The EU parliament has higher quotas of MEPs for larger countries BUT smaller countries get a higher percentage of MEPs to address that. Germany has 838k people per MEP, I reland has  417k and Malta has 70k.
Germany has 96 of the 751 MEP's so now you tell me how in that system Germany controls things. Less than 13% of the seats in Parliament and an equal voice in the council and commission.


Quote from: GerryT on September 10, 2021, 07:16:14 PM
What about Mo Mowlan, John Hume, David Trimble, Gerry Adams, Clinton, Blair and the EU. These people, bodies and many others brought about the end to the troubles. Only possible with the GFA, who knew it would become such a sticky thorn only 30 odd yrs later.
IRL has always been a very strong supporter of the EU and the Euro.
Let me refresh your memory, it was the UK that signed that document. Without which there would be no agreement, IRL signed it and were very happy with the terms. It was a brilliant solution that kept everyone happy.

You think Ireland were told to sign  :D  i suppose you have some evidence of that, what was it about the GFA that IRL didn't like and where the EU just said 'get on with it'

Nothing what so ever to do with what I said.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: GerryT on September 09, 2021, 06:07:13 PM
And what has that to do with the EU. If IRL or Spain wanted to let in 1m turks or Indians that has nothing to do with other EU countries. You really really don't get the EU. It's not a country, let that sink in. But in your example can you show how Merkel mandated the qty of migrants each EU country would take, in her capacity as chancellor of Germany. Or even any capacity, because it never happened. The Europeen Council has all heads of state for each member, these people together make EU council decisions, there is no leader, is it sinking in ?

Spain is entitled to let a million Turks in, it's nothing to do with any other EU country. Is that what you really said?
If I lived in a flat above you, what you are saying is I could leave the bath running for days and that is none of your business!!! I didn't mandate that you take any of my water, guess what? You did.

As for Germany not running the EU, you've got a screw lose. Take a look at pictures of EU leaders together, Merkel and Macron are 99.9% front and centre. A pecking order and them that pay more peck harder. Think you need to go out side and see how the real world works.

I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.