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Djokovic deported

Started by Streetwalker, January 05, 2022, 11:17:45 PM

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Quote from: papasmurf on January 16, 2022, 01:03:30 PM
I wonder if he will be let into Britain for Wimbledon?
chance he might not. Could be though , if he is treated as a leper and outcast by the world elite for disobeying their rules , it has the opposite effect and he becomes a martyr that people rally round.

Not sure what johnson and co will do. I suspect though many in the tory party will have a large bit of sympathy for him.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

cromwell and affordable,not that hard is it?


I wonder if he will be let into Britain for Wimbledon?
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on January 16, 2022, 12:45:40 PM
Quite, as anyone who watches the TV programs about Australian Customs and Immigration (Nothing to Declare and similar.)
Get shirty and/or lippy with the Australian officials and you are on the next flight back to your country of origin.
was it a kangaroo court pappy?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Whoever wins the Australian Open this year will know that they could probably have been beaten by Djokovic had the contest been truly open.
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Streetwalker on January 16, 2022, 12:38:02 PM
In post 115 Thomas you said  ''What the feck are you on about , household settings ''  was a clear indication that you had not in fact read the report or if you had completely missed what it was saying with regard transmission rates in different settings .

I read the report. We dont need to keep going over the same old ground . I simply didnt understand the point you are making , you have clarified it , and i have said my piece.

QuoteYou choose not to mention for instance '' A vaccinated person is less likely to get covid in the first instance ,is less contagious and contagious for a shorter period of time resulting in less spread of the virus in highly vaccinated community ''  ....''this keeps people out hospital and ICU making them (vaccines)  a most important part of the health response in the near future ''
.we have been over this numerous times now in the thread , ...the meaning of "less likely". You admitted yourself the difference was negligible.

With particular reference to djokovic, its his choice if he chooses not to take the vaccine and the risk of being potentially admitted to icu.
My stance and Ive said this a few times has not changed on vaccines . That being they are a vital part in the fight against the virus which has led to us getting back to some sort of  normality.  The link I posted was in line with that .  To recap COVID-19: How do vaccinations help stop the spread? | World Economic Forum (
I am happy to stand by my responses
my stance hasnt changed either , so we will have to agree to disagree.

QuoteIn post 3 I alluded this was more political than medical
something we agree on finally.

QuoteAs a guy said on the radio this morning in reply to Djokovic supporters saying he had followed the rules 'What you have to understand is that Australia has 'feck you laws' which come into play when someone thinks they are smarter than the authorities ' There is only ever one winner .
Which feck you rules are they then?

The australian government categorically sais djokovic has not broken any rules , entered the country legally , and his paperwork was all in order. The want him gone as they see him as a high profile anti vaxxer undermining their stance on vaccinations in australia. Djokovic is being deported for a thought crime in the aussie governments opinion , nothing else.

Maybe if the labour party get in and take the uk back into the EU , possibly you will bet taken to court in future for the thought crime of daring to question eu membership eh?

Cheering on tyrranny is a slippery slope to go down.

QuoteBut there we are ,nobody has come out of this situation with any prizes . The old saying of 'With freedom comes responsibility' comes to mind as does 'the law is an Ass '
its a victory , but its a pyrrhic victory. Djokovic is being deported , but remains unvaccinated. He doesnt have to be in oz to maintain his high standing profile.

Djokovic has lost money , and can't play tennis , but the ozzie open is poorer for his absence and australia has taken a knock internationally for its behaviour.

All in all , losers all round .

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Streetwalker on January 16, 2022, 12:38:02 PM'What you have to understand is that Australia has 'feck you laws' which come into play when someone thinks they are smarter than the authorities ' There is only ever one winner .

Quite, as anyone who watches the TV programs about Australian Customs and Immigration (Nothing to Declare and similar.)
Get shirty and/or lippy with the Australian officials and you are on the next flight back to your country of origin.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Thomas on January 15, 2022, 01:14:41 PM
So where the vaccine is most needed , its least effective regarding transmission ,but where its least needed , its more effective? Is this the latest hill you are crawling onto to save face?I havent misrepresented you on anything. I have called you out on what i am reading in your posts. Misrepresentation isnt the problem , the problem appears to be your stance subtly changes as the argument develops .
Well , for all my faults i obviously read it a wee bit better than you judging from your initial "insinuation" and subsequent climbdown on that insinuation when it was pointed out the link you posted didnt say what you appeared to think it said.Well the pubs obviously a safe place , i mean they must have got it wrong when they closed them down in various lockdowns.

Like i said streetwalker , its desperate straw clutching.

Judging from some of the posts i have read on this thread , do some people not get utterly sick of falling for the same one trick pony propaganda schtick of demonising a carefully selected minority group that they are told are bad by the media and governments?

Today its anti vaxxers , yesterday , migrants , the day before benefit thieves. Im sure the french paddies and every other undesirable group are in there somewhere.

Djokovics situation isnt anything to do with public health , or rule breaking. Its all about politics pure and simple , and that is becoming apparent as the situation progresses.

He is being made an example of pure and simple to teach the naughty boys and girls who wont take thier medicine like mummy demands  a very big lesson. Cheered on by the usual suspects.
In post 115 Thomas you said  ''What the feck are you on about , household settings ''  was a clear indication that you had not in fact read the report or if you had completely missed what it was saying with regard transmission rates in different settings .

 You choose not to mention for instance '' A vaccinated person is less likely to get covid in the first instance ,is less contagious and contagious for a shorter period of time resulting in less spread of the virus in highly vaccinated community ''   ....''this keeps people out hospital and ICU making them (vaccines)  a most important part of the health response in the near future ''.

My stance and Ive said this a few times has not changed on vaccines . That being they are a vital part in the fight against the virus which has led to us getting back to some sort of  normality.  The link I posted was in line with that .  To recap COVID-19: How do vaccinations help stop the spread? | World Economic Forum (
I am happy to stand by my responses 

In post 3 I alluded this was more political than medical . As a guy said on the radio this morning in reply to Djokovic supporters saying he had followed the rules 'What you have to understand is that Australia has 'feck you laws' which come into play when someone thinks they are smarter than the authorities ' There is only ever one winner . 

But there we are ,nobody has come out of this situation with any prizes . The old saying of 'With freedom comes responsibility' comes to mind as does 'the law is an Ass '


Quote from: T00ts on January 16, 2022, 09:05:21 AM
According to the news this morning he will be leaving the country very shortly.
he will , for a thought crime.

There you go.

To be honest toots , are we surprised?

The aussie open tournament sponsers wont be happy about this. Tyrranny like this doesnt cow a beaten population into accepting the government hysteria , it merely angers the people even more.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: T00ts on January 16, 2022, 09:05:21 AM
According to the news this morning he will be leaving the country very shortly.
Novak by name, novax by nature. 😉 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


According to the news this morning he will be leaving the country very shortly.


Quote from: johnofgwent on January 16, 2022, 06:32:57 AMUnlike the UK the Australian government know the power of the "one law fir us and another for you" argument.
Do they?

For this false argument of yours to work john , you will have to explain to us which law djokovic was exempted from that all australians have been subject to.?

Djokovic entered australia legally , the aussie government have said categorically all his paperwork was in order. His visa has been revoked because of his opinion on vaccines.

Do you think this is right? That a government  , any government , should be able to bang people up  and deport them because of thier opinion that differs from the government narrative?

If that was the case here ,you would have been banged up numerous times over the years with your opinions. You the man who regualrly went into a fit of apopletic rage demanding labour and tory governments and i quote "respect the right of those of us who wish to drink and smoke ourself to death" now jumping aboard the coercionist bandwagon to demonise a tennis player whose only crime appears to be a thought crime?

Theres a number of youse on this thread , people i once respected, who stood tall for personal freedoms and rights , now embarressing yourselves and throwing long held morals and principles to the wind .

The quoted argument you highlighted above is bollocks.

The argument as i see it is " certain folk are terrified  of covid , have taken the vaccine because of that terror , and want everyone similary being terrified of covid and forced to take the vaccine".

Theres no legal or moral argument here.......its human spite pure and simple.

If this was the chinese or russian governments doing this instead of the supposed "free west" , certain individuals on this forum would be in meltdown about human rights and freedoms.

For the record im vaccinated once again , and believe in bodily autonomy and right to choose as you see fit rather than having vaccines forced on individuals and examples made of those who choose not to follow the goverment line.

Slippery slope , while certain folk cheer on tyrranny.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Streetwalker on January 14, 2022, 09:32:13 AM
Looks like a vote winner , 83% of Aussies want him gone

Pressure rises on Alex Hawke as 83% of Australians call for Novak Djokovic to be deported - Mirror Online

Not  sure this will be the end of the story , the Netflix film crew that have been following him around for the past couple of weeks might want a different ending

And I think that, far more than any other reason, is why things will pan out as they will. Unlike the UK the Australian government know the power of the "one law fir us and another for you" argument.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Nick on January 15, 2022, 03:32:22 PMSociety only works if people conform to the rules
In which case why do you still support Johnson?
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: Nick on January 15, 2022, 03:32:22 PM
Society only works if people conform to the rules, he hasn't so he's going home, and personally I'd route him through Spain and let them deal with his other breaches.
If this was one of us minions we'd be on the next flight home, or banged up for lying on a visa application.
well thats rubbish when you consider why they let him into australia in the first place , then subsequently changed thier minds , then the judge overuled him  ,and then the politicians overruled the judges.

Nothing to do with any holier than thou facking rule nick.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!