Breaking. Met Police launches investigation into Downing Street parties,

Started by papasmurf, January 25, 2022, 10:21:31 AM

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Quote from: Good old on January 30, 2022, 12:43:44 PM
Every war leader this country has had, has lied. And millions have died.
are you seriously trying to compare the iraq debacle with the first or second world wars , or the falklands invasion by argentina?

Desperate stuff from you yet again good old.

Comparing a bit of cake and johnsons silliness to the evil of lying about weapons of mass destruction that diditn exist to invade and annhilate millions is beyond comparison and byond a joke , even for you.

QuoteBoris is not a war leader.
no one claimed he is. Neither was blair. Blairs legacy in both afghanistan and iraq is today ashes , and ridiculed.

The bullshit that labour party clown told the people of these islands to justify going into both these countries is incomparable to johnsons silliness.The public know it.

QuoteWhilst 100,000 and rising were meeting their ends, under rules that their relatives could not go near them.
rubbish. We know now through freedom of information as barry said , that around 17000 died of covid not with it. 600 000 people die every year.

To link a bit of cake with pie in the sky figures of 100 000  , while dismissing tony blairs lies of WMD and the loss of life in iraq alone of over 3 million people is laughable. There is no comparison.
I seriously disagree, and I have every reason to think most people feel the same.
a die hard labour propaganda punter like yourself belives most folk agree with you on this matter? Well what a suprise.

We will soon see , but as yet , he remains in power and limp wristed starmers screeching is falling on deaf ears..
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on January 30, 2022, 11:52:08 AM
i think the public can see a witch hunt for what it is toots.

I think the public know a piss taker when they see one. If it's got so bad they can't then God help us.

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on January 30, 2022, 10:37:46 AM
the labour party and thier minions wouldnt know the meaning of honour honesty and integrity.

Boris lied , a bit of cake was eaten , labours tony blair lied and 3 million iraqis died.

Every war leader this country has had, has lied. And millions have died. The only bone of contention has been ,did the public suck its value to them.. That in most cases based on how much of a threat was perceived to the country.
Boris is not a war leader. But he does wear the hat of a leader. Nero, was said to fiddle as Rome burned. Boris, eat cake ,and partied. Whilst 100,000 and rising were meeting their ends, under rules that their relatives could not go near them. Not before death , or even to conduct a decent funeral, wake , let alone party.
Beyond that the whole country was being regimented into isolation. But not our Boris, and Co. Oh no he was so busy he had time for the odd party. Thousands of NHS staff were more than busy , if they had had time for parties out came the law.  But he only makes the frigging rules, so why should he not obey? Well it seems because his country needs him. I seriously disagree, and I have every reason to think most people feel the same.


Quote from: T00ts on January 30, 2022, 11:09:38 AM
 It may be that the media has lost the battle to hold sway yet again - time will tell.
i think the public can see a witch hunt for what it is toots.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Regardless of the excitement that the media and pundits have so enjoyed over the past weeks as a tonic from the buzz that Brexit brought to their endeavours, we have to understand that few on the street are even bothered. They know that BJ is a rogue. They supported him for that reason having watched from the sidelines while curmudgeon Cameron ran ASAP from No10 once he realised his limitations, and milk and water May was shoved in his place in the hope of 'saving the day'.

They wanted a risk taker, someone who would stick it to the EU, but unfortunately Covid took over life and more to the point made BJ very sick. While that happened there was, I think, a shift in those around him who spotted the weakness and since then he has been run ragged by those with notions of grandeur. I suspect he is currently having to dig deep in a way that might be alien to him and I do question just how long he will be prepared to continue if only to keep the peace in the No11 flat, but most important to us all is that Government should continue as smoothly as possible. It may be that the media has lost the battle to hold sway yet again - time will tell.


Quote from: Good old on January 30, 2022, 10:48:18 AM
Yer,  I'm really responding to the over excited response from certain others.
the only over excitable individuals are the brit left and their never ending screeching about brexit and boris.

Most of us are calmly surveying the situation while ignoring labour , and perhaps now and again having a laugh at sir keir knight of the realm anti brexit anti democracy starmer.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: cromwell on January 30, 2022, 10:39:53 AM
I think you're missing the point,as I said previously the office shops and railway premises act and other legislation never applied to the crown and that wasn't widely reported.

The govt of which ever colour never thought the rules applied to them and I guess this was put in as a matter of course the difference here is it's affected the whole country and the population aren't happy.

Yer,  I'm really responding to the over excited response from certain others.

Good old

Quote from: Borchester on January 30, 2022, 10:31:46 AM
Leave Good Old be.

The left believe that the electorate is in the hands of the right wing media and the solution is repeat the same old message ad oh Christ my arse has just fallen off from boredom nauseum etc etc. It is bollocks, but it is also the best hope that the Tories have of remaining in power.

Thank you Good Old. Boris will put your cheque in the post.

Good old wouldn't be here if he needed leaving alone. And unlike one or two on here doesn't  consider himself as educating the world. Just delivering an opinion . And as for Boris,s cheque, gratefully received . But I,ll pass it on to my local food bank.


Quote from: Good old on January 30, 2022, 10:03:10 AM
So it would seem . Yet not a single mention in the main stream media, not a single mention ,in the house. Not a single mention that Sue Grey, is getting paid for F all . Not a single mention the police could save their depleted budget the cost of having to try and save this excuse for a leader. Do you really think you are part of a select few to have seen that document ,  if it would make any difference , the whole bloody world would be crowing about it if it was ever a get out, it's so bloody obvious, it would have been on the table immediately .
I think you're missing the point,as I said previously the office shops and railway premises act and other legislation never applied to the crown and that wasn't widely reported.

The govt of which ever colour never thought the rules applied to them and I guess this was put in as a matter of course the difference here is it's affected the whole country and the population aren't happy. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Good old on January 30, 2022, 10:33:07 AM
You are right I have the benefit of living under every PM , since Churchill, first time, but really aware ,Churchill, second, and actual. And I have absolutely no doubt everyone of those between then and now , would have resigned days ago. The fact that there is any doubt as to Boris, remaining in the job, saddens me, not just  because I do not support his brand, but because the job can never again claim to be dependent , on honour, and integrity.
I reluctantly agree , there is no certainty in his removal right now. But only because the Tory party seems to be happy to collude in breaking that link with ,honour and integrity ,that they above others have claimed to be. The proud protectors of.
the labour party and thier minions wouldnt know the meaning of honour honesty and integrity.

Boris lied , a bit of cake was eaten , labours tony blair lied and 3 million iraqis died.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Borchester on January 30, 2022, 10:31:46 AM
Leave Good Old be.

The left believe that the electorate is in the hands of the right wing media and the solution is repeat the same old message ad oh Christ my arse has just fallen off from boredom nauseum etc etc. It is bollocks, but it is also the best hope that the Tories have of remaining in power.

Thank you Good Old. Boris will put your cheque in the post.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on January 30, 2022, 10:07:38 AM
I think toots and others have already addressed this by specualting different reasons further back on the thread why this hasnt been touted before now.

Obviously we have to try and keep your hopes up , and wouldnt want them getting dashed to quickly , but i suspect rather than the sue gray report , you should focus on johnson remaining in power for the time being , and your best bet to get shot of him in my opinion will be the may elections , if the tories do badly .

Im sure someone as long in the tooth as you should know by now fine well that johnson isnt going anywhere over "partygate".
You are right I have the benefit of living under every PM , since Churchill, first time, but really aware ,Churchill, second, and actual. And I have absolutely no doubt everyone of those between then and now , would have resigned days ago. The fact that there is any doubt as to Boris, remaining in the job, saddens me, not just  because I do not support his brand, but because the job can never again claim to be dependent , on honour, and integrity. 
I reluctantly agree , there is no certainty in his removal right now. But only because the Tory party seems to be happy to collude in breaking that link with ,honour and integrity ,that they above others have claimed to be. The proud protectors of.


Quote from: Thomas on January 30, 2022, 10:19:39 AM

Isnt it funny how the scottish never seem to listen to this "tory media" who are brainwashing everyone everywhere?

Scotland hates both labour and tory , the english just seem to hate your lot.

Honestly good old , change the fackin record. Blaming the media because starmer is shite and has a crap message is getting boring now.

People might give him a bit more respect if he stood up and was honest with the english public about brexit instead of lying through his teeth about accepting it.

Leave Good Old be.

The left believe that the electorate is in the hands of the right wing media and the solution is repeat the same old message ad oh Christ my arse has just fallen off from boredom nauseum etc etc. It is bollocks, but it is also the best hope that the Tories have of remaining in power.

Thank you Good Old. Boris will put your cheque in the post.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Good old on January 30, 2022, 10:16:05 AMof anti Labour, anti Starmer, Tory supporting media  ," .

Isnt it funny how the scottish never seem to listen to this "tory media" who are brainwashing everyone everywhere?

Scotland hates both labour and tory , the english just seem to hate your lot.

Honestly good old , change the fackin record. Blaming the media because starmer is shite and has a crap message is getting boring now.

People might give him a bit more respect if he stood up and was honest with the english public about brexit instead of lying through his teeth about accepting it.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!

Good old

Quote from: Thomas on January 29, 2022, 06:23:24 PM
out of date tripe?


Ask your mate gerry , brexit and starmers anti brexit baggae will never be out of date tripe. It will follow him to the ends of the earth and all through his political career , and we all know it.

Every election , starmers anti brexit baggage will be cast up for the voters  , with predictable consequences.

Starmer's Shambolic CPS

Sir Keir Starmer and the Jimmy Savile scandal – what was Labour leader's involvement as head of Public Prosecutions?
Oh, how shocking, what a surprise , more examples of anti Labour, anti Starmer, Tory supporting media  ," the dregs, at that,"  throwing more of the same old unsubstantiated Shiite onto the blanket . Good job talks cheap , because if these statements were costed according to there actual proximity to truth, the publishers ,and now you would have empty pockets.