UK economy rebounds with 7.5% growth last year

Started by Borchester, February 11, 2022, 10:08:27 AM

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Quote from: Nick on February 18, 2022, 11:02:58 PM
They did? Let's see the statements then.
Just go on Google, there are loads of articles. But here is Leyens word for word account with her speech two days ago on Russia.


Quote from: B0ycey on February 18, 2022, 04:54:14 PM
Ehh, they have made statements about it actually. Not that there is any need to I might add. Ukraine is merely the card politicians who are polling shit play when they want to change the headlines. What happened on the 16th btw?
They did? Let's see the statements then. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on February 18, 2022, 04:01:50 PM
I see your beloved EU has come out all guns blazing against Russia? Telling Putin to sling his hook! Oh no wait, they've not said a been. Why? Cause they don't really exist, only a currency and a flag. Pathetic.
Ehh, they have made statements about it actually. Not that there is any need to I might add. Ukraine is merely the card politicians who are polling shit play when they want to change the headlines. What happened on the 16th btw?


Quote from: GerryT on February 18, 2022, 03:25:53 PM
You say this as if there's only good news with CPTPP membership, has a ring of unicorns and sunny uplands about it, you really are a Brexiter at heart.

Have you seen a paper on membership, how does this affect your current trade deals, are their membership costs,  how will disputes be settled. If all tariffs are gone will this impact your local industries, farming, services etc...
Will this impact on UK standard, product, foods etc...
Shipping goods 10,000 miles in a world that is reducing carbon footprint, just might not be the best plan.
What are the benefits to the UK economy, would it be as good as the Australia deal, which the UK Govt expects to see the UK economy grow by 0.02%, at best.  What are the costs, what are the benefits.
I see your beloved EU has come out all guns blazing against Russia? Telling Putin to sling his hook! Oh no wait, they've not said a been. Why? Cause they don't really exist, only a currency and a flag. Pathetic. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on February 18, 2022, 03:52:19 PM
I can guarantee you I've travelled a 1000% more than you.
That doesn't mean you have learned anything about foreign cultures.  You might just have stayed in similar hotels.
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: GerryT on February 17, 2022, 09:39:37 PM
You have to be a parody account. Did you not get to travel that much to come up with that view.
I can guarantee you I've travelled a 1000% more than you. And that is how society actually works, it's just you can't see it. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Thomas on February 18, 2022, 01:48:16 PM

The Department for Trade's announced the UK has moved into the second and final phase of accession to join the CPTPP free trade area, a move confirmed by Japan this morning. The £8.4 trillion trade bloc, hailed by Anne-Marie Trevelyan as "one of the largest and most exciting free-trading clubs in the world", could be set to welcome the UK as a member by the end of the year, giving us access to the 11 current members' markets. 99.9% of exports would become tariff-free...
Trevelyan hails the decision by Japan:
You say this as if there's only good news with CPTPP membership, has a ring of unicorns and sunny uplands about it, you really are a Brexiter at heart.

Have you seen a paper on membership, how does this affect your current trade deals, are their membership costs,  how will disputes be settled. If all tariffs are gone will this impact your local industries, farming, services etc...
Will this impact on UK standard, product, foods etc...
Shipping goods 10,000 miles in a world that is reducing carbon footprint, just might not be the best plan.
What are the benefits to the UK economy, would it be as good as the Australia deal, which the UK Govt expects to see the UK economy grow by 0.02%, at best.  What are the costs, what are the benefits.



The Department for Trade's announced the UK has moved into the second and final phase of accession to join the CPTPP free trade area, a move confirmed by Japan this morning. The £8.4 trillion trade bloc, hailed by Anne-Marie Trevelyan as "one of the largest and most exciting free-trading clubs in the world", could be set to welcome the UK as a member by the end of the year, giving us access to the 11 current members' markets. 99.9% of exports would become tariff-free...
Trevelyan hails the decision by Japan:
Quote"CPTPP is one of the largest and most exciting free-trading clubs in the world. Today's announcement is a major milestone for us joining this dynamic group of economies and means the finish line is in sight.  
"I look forward to visiting Asia next week and flying the flag for Global Britain by holding valuable trade talks with key partners across the Indo-Pacific region and pushing to secure CPTPP accession by the end of the year. This just one aspect of our Indo-Pacific strategy, which will benefit businesses and consumer across every part of the UK and help us to level up at home."
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on February 18, 2022, 01:20:55 PM
you can't be if you are on the side of the EU. Ask your brethern in northern england why they so enthusiastically voted to leave the eu.
What are you talking about? The minimum wage is increasing to £9.50 an hour , with many low paid jobs paying £10 plus at the minute in the uk.

When your heors in new labour like starmer were recently asked to back a minimum of £15 per hour minium wage , he bottled it and said no.

So do the globalsits who support the EU ,so you have much in common.:D i havent laughed so hard since pappy told me he voted tory.

Honestly boycey , who actually buys this shite in the twenty first century?

There were plenty of elitists who voted Leave. Need I mention Dyson. Like Brexiteers, Remainers spread out in all classes but clearly the objective isn't the same. But in any case whatever wages need to increase by can be achieved by the living wage. You don't need to kick anyone out the country to get on top of that. But given we have a labor shortage in low skilled jobs and nobody seems putting their name in the hat for farm work, the question is can production keep up to stop inflation spiralling wages out of control. There is more to the EU than Eastern European workers.


Quote from: B0ycey on February 18, 2022, 01:09:45 PM
I am on the side of the worker Thomas.
you cant be if you are on the side of the EU. Ask your brethern in northern england why they so enthusiastically voted to leave the eu.

QuotePoor wages can be solved by increasing the minimum wage.
What are you talking about? The minimum wage is increasing to £9.50 an hour , with many low paid jobs paying £10 plus at the minute in the uk.

When your heors in new labour like starmer were recently asked to back a minimum of £15 per hour minium wage , he bottled it and said no.

QuoteAnd Marx wanted a world without borders, given he was a Pussian in England.

So do the globalsits who support the EU ,so you have much in common.
I suspect Marx would have been pro EU given it really does allow the workers of the world to unite
:D i havent laughed so hard since pappy told me he voted tory.

Honestly boycey , who actually buys this shite in the twenty first century?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on February 18, 2022, 01:01:41 PM

Havent you yet twigged it is the very elitists you so called communists and champagne socialsts say you hate , that want eu membership restored and the hated freedom of movement brought back?

People like lord sainsbury , the guy who gave remain millions to help maintain his supply of cheap EU labour?

Now we have stopped the cheap flow of imported eu labour , often akin to slave labour and suppression of wages you champagne socialists are always bleating about , and the wages for the uk worker doing these low paid jobs are increasing , you are complaining?

I tell you boycey i often wonder whose side you communists are on , the workers or the elite.
I am on the side of the worker Thomas. Poor wages can be solved by increasing the minimum wage. Taxes can be fairer to pay for vital services. And that is laymen for the Nordic Model given I am a Social Democrat not a Communist. But that doesn't mean I am blind to the fact that the jobs we have vacancies for also happen to be the ones EU workers did and British workers refuse to do it seems. And Marx wanted a world without borders, given he was a Pussian in England. I suspect Marx would have been pro EU given it really does allow the workers of the world to unite.


Quote from: B0ycey on February 18, 2022, 12:20:12 PMAnd that isn't even getting to the irony that it was EU workers who used to do the low paid jobs and now we have a staffing crisis is specific sectors.

Havent you yet twigged it is the very elitists you so called communists and champagne socialsts say you hate , that want eu membership restored and the hated freedom of movement brought back?

People like lord sainsbury , the guy who gave remain millions to help maintain his supply of cheap EU labour?

Now we have stopped the cheap flow of imported eu labour , often akin to slave labour and suppression of wages you champagne socialists are always bleating about , and the wages for the uk worker doing these low paid jobs are increasing , you are complaining?

I tell you boycey i often wonder whose side you communists are on , the workers or the elite.

Hospitality hiring crisis drives up wages by 14 per cent as venues turn to temporary workers

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on February 18, 2022, 11:42:42 AM

We need a labour governement boycey. Only labour can save the economy and reverse brexit  , and raise up the serfs.
Not at all Thomas. What we need is an acceptance that people need to do the shit jobs in order for society to function. If I recall correctly the shop worker was classed as essential a few years back whilst the banker rode his peloton bike. Thinking all anyone needs to do in order to become successful is hard work is ignoring that hard work is subjective. Manual labor to me is more hard work than pencil pushing yet the pay doesn't match that. And without "Benefits", I would say the house of cards would have already fallen down. The rich need to look after the lower classes because the lower classes have the numbers to end the system we rely on. And that isn't even getting to the irony that it was EU workers who used to do the low paid jobs and now we have a staffing crisis is specific sectors.



We need a labour governement boycey. Only labour can save the economy and reverse brexit  , and raise up the serfs.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Nick on February 17, 2022, 09:13:40 PM
Quite right Mr B. As I've always said, there is nothing stopping anyone striving for better. But there has to be a class system that forms a tower, it's like a cake. Base, fruit cake, marzipan, icing and a cherry on top. If any of the layers are missing it just doesn't work, unfortunately the marzipan in this world have been given Brighthouse and Carphone warehouse, allowing them the perception that they are icing: a system that ultimately cause the 2008 crash. But they've still got their fags and booze.
All works well until the lower class learn about surplus value and exploitation Nick. They also have the numbers. Capitalism is only found in humans given it is a human construct. The rich only have their ivory towers because the serfs play their game. But the law of nature doesn't have rules and we seem to rely on the social contract right now. But if the serfs ever feel the rules are against them, all bets are off remember that. It is in the self interest of the Bourgeois to always pay off the proletariat.