He She It or more?

Started by T00ts, February 13, 2022, 02:15:18 PM

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I think that doctor feels that if he refers to a 6 foot bearded man as she, he is betraying the truth.
Jesus said, "I am the Way the Truth and the Life". If we deny that, we deny Him.
If we deny Him, we are doomed.
Maybe the doctor prefers to be on the side of the Creator, than the side of secular demise.

And, yes, I definitely feel it, I rebel against the secular every day. But still I'm weak and need help!
† The end is nigh †


Quote from: Barry on February 13, 2022, 02:26:42 PM
This is much different to being a tomboy.

Interesting and I wonder what would Jesus Christ have done and I thought, would he ask them if they want to be healed?
Then if they said, "yes", he would have done so.
They are clearly sick in their minds.
A little while ago I might have agreed with you but I seem to be having a rethink.  Jesus saw the person's Spirit before He agreed to cure. There would be some that even He would have not been able to. I understand that it is the faith of the healed which dictates, so that without that faith and willingness healing will not happen. That apart we are in the end of times and the battle is now really beginning to rage. Perhaps you feel it too? There's a desperation as so many no longer can find real happiness or rest. Truly worrying times but while this is so, the Adversary is very busy turning people's minds and hearts. So sick or delusional? True conviction in what they feel or a search for 'something different' from what they know? 

Biologically we cannot change gender. A simulation can only be achieved medically and surgically but the essential of procreation is not a moveable feast. Sick, delusional or just plain unhappy while hoping that the grass is greener on the other side. Perhaps Christians need to simply love them as Jesus probably would have instructed - Mr, Master, My Lord, Sir, Your Highness, Miss, Mrs, Ms, Madam... etc the list is almost endless but do Christians really need to make a point in the name of their Faith? I'm beginning to think it isn't necessary while wondering whose benefit it is for.


This is much different to being a tomboy.

Interesting and I wonder what would Jesus Christ have done and I thought, would he ask them if they want to be healed?
Then if they said, "yes", he would have done so.
They are clearly sick in their minds.
† The end is nigh †



We live in confused times it seems as once again the trans gender question raises its head. This man, a Christian Doctor, cannot bring himself to address a person that he sees is clearly a man, as a woman, and was sacked as a result. 

As I read this I found myself questioning Christianity, not the faith but the way it might be seen. Throughout life we address each other in any number of ways usually guided by habit, culture or simply by request. How many times have I been asked Miss, Mrs, Ms? Countless and I expect to be addressed as I request. As a Christian myself I have to ask myself what is important? Is it me and my belief or the person asking to see them as different to how they might seem. I do not pretend to understand the wish to become a different gender although it has been evident throughout my life that I am prepared to tackle historically male activities because I enjoy the challenge and always have. 

There have been many times when I have almost wished I was a man, because from where I was standing at the time they seemed to have the better deal. As a Christian I defer to my Father in Heaven that He set my gender before I even knew about it.  So should a Christian belief stand in the way of letting another feel more comfortable? Ringing in my ears is the command to treat others as you would be treated. Would it not be more Christian to simply comply with what this person wanted? Not because the job demands, not because society demands but because Christianity says treat others as yourself. People of faith live in societies that have hardened against religion, we need to learn to live in the world but not necessarily of it. That's what sets us apart not High Court judgements.