What is really happening in the Ukraine Conflict?

Started by Sampanviking, March 18, 2022, 01:00:53 AM

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Quote from: Good old on July 24, 2022, 02:08:59 PM
Timing , timing. Six months to hit those so called military assets, even from the Russians  own pictures it's clear the targets were low level priorities.. Yes the agreement might not be plain sailing to implement without upsets.
But doing this at this moment ,is nothing more than a case of the cat toying with the mouse.
The priority target would the missiles and I could easily believe that the boat and other facilities were adjacent collateral damage.
You assume that the missiles were sitting there months ago?
Maybe, but maybe not, Western supplied long rang missiles are a priority target and maybe the Ukrainians took advantage of the deal to move them somewhere they hoped would now be safe.
Clearly not.

Good old

Quote from: Sampanviking on July 24, 2022, 01:54:07 PM
Targets hit were all military: A fast attack boat, a military navel repair yard and a armory storing western supplied anti ship missiles.
What it means is that the deal does not make these cities a safe haven for hiding military equipment
No grain or grain processing facilities were hit or targeted in these attacks. By contrast the terribly concerned Ukrainians have targeted grain silos in Donetsk.

The biggest obstacle to the deal to let Grain out of Odessa and the other few remaining ports under Ukrainian occupation, are the extensive stretches of sea mines which they have laid. They seem reluctant to remove them and this could mean that no commercial shipping would be able to get insurance, let alone be willing to enter these waters.
Timing , timing. Six months to hit those so called military assets, even from the Russians  own pictures it's clear the targets were low level priorities.. Yes the agreement might not be plain sailing to implement without upsets.
But doing this at this moment ,is nothing more than a case of the cat toying with the mouse.


Quote from: Good old on July 24, 2022, 09:42:54 AM
This is what is happening in Ukraine.  Russia, has now owned this. So who can trust Russia,s word on any issue? Not the UN, not Turkey, not Ukraine, not the world.
There is hope that  this is just another example of stupid macho posturing from Vlad, and what looked like an honourable agreement yesterday can still be implemented, but don't hold your breath.
Targets hit were all military: A fast attack boat, a military navel repair yard and a armory storing western supplied anti ship missiles.
What it means is that the deal does not make these cities a safe haven for hiding military equipment
No grain or grain processing facilities were hit or targeted in these attacks. By contrast the terribly concerned Ukrainians have targeted grain silos in Donetsk.

The biggest obstacle to the deal to let Grain out of Odessa and the other few remaining ports under Ukrainian occupation, are the extensive stretches of sea mines which they have laid. They seem reluctant to remove them and this could mean that no commercial shipping would be able to get insurance, let alone be willing to enter these waters.

Good old

This is what is happening in Ukraine.  Russia, has now owned this. So who can trust Russia,s word on any issue? Not the UN, not Turkey, not Ukraine, not the world.
There is hope that  this is just another example of stupid macho posturing from Vlad, and what looked like an honourable agreement yesterday can still be implemented, but don't hold your breath.


Announced yesterday as Combat Ready, Russia unveiled yesterday the first of its newly formed/forming brigades of Ukrainians fighting under the Russian flag.
The Odessa Brigade is drawn from men mainly from the South of the Country but also includes men from all other regions of the Ukraine.

Some are simply volunteers, drawn from the local civilian population in areas now under Russian control but others were drafted into the Ukrainian army and simply deserted and surrendered at the first opportunity.

The Odessa Brigade is the first local Brigade to become combat ready, although others are said to be moving quickly to that position. These brigades are different from the forces of the DNR and LNR as they are not directly linked with political entities within former Ukrainian territory, but are listed as Ukrainian formations within the Russian Armed Forces.

I do wonder if this is likely to change after the Independence Referenda scheduled for Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions

Some info contained in this translated article


Now underlying all of this affair, is the personal business relationships of the Biden family with businesses in the Ukraine.
We know that they exist and that they are extensive and that Biden's son hunter is or was a director on the boards of a number of major Ukrainian companies mostly involved (as I understand it) in the Energy Sector.

This of itself is something that I find amazing that it gets so little media attention. The fact that the President of the United States is committing such huge quantities of both money and material military assistance to a cause and country, in which he and his family have a major direct financial interest, is nothing shore of an outrage. That Biden has also pressured other allied nations to do the same, at massive social and economic damage to themselves, is an even greater outrage.

Within this, we then had the revelations of the Hunter Biden laptop.
Is it genuine? The Democratic Party apparatus and attached media have denounced it as fake, while Trump and others uphold it as genuine.
It certainly appears to be Hunter Biden that appears in person in many of the videos, but who knows in this modern shade world of Computer fakery.
So, "classic Russian statecraft" or exactly what it says on the tin and blowing the lid on debauched lifestyles and a direct link to the US DoD funded Bio Labs confirmed as existing by no less a personage than Victoria Nuland in testimony to congress.

This video is uses raw footage from the Laptop, so feel free to watch and make your own mind up.


Often lost and deliberately suppressed by the noise of current events, a reportage reminder of how it all started in 2014



Quote from: johnofgwent on July 20, 2022, 11:58:45 AM
Yeah Vlad has promised to nuke England and not impact Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland.

I refer the prize wanker to the distribution pattern of Chernobyl fallout ....
Indeed. Certainly if England got seriously nuked, your Wales would be subject to disastrous levels of fallout, Scotland too.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: johnofgwent on July 20, 2022, 11:58:45 AMYeah Vlad has promised to nuke England and not impact Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland.
Has he? has anyone told him yet? 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on July 20, 2022, 09:05:07 AM
Meanwhile in the Middle East dog whistle politics Joe has made his move, now Vlad has to turn up and counter move, Russian TV is trying to sort out who they should nuke first with London still odds-on favourite, the EU wants to know which territory will be left over for them, the Albanians are hoping they get a cut of the pie, although with the thousands already here who would know they weren't already part of the EU. Once sorted the Russians can turn the gas back on the economy will be saved and you will all live happily ever after. The globalists can go back to carving up the pie how they see fit usually about 90% in their favour. so, chin up the sun is still shining and it's a beautiful day, oh I forgot no that's a bad thing.
Yeah Vlad has promised to nuke England and not impact Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland.

I refer the prize wanker to the distribution pattern of Chernobyl fallout ....
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Sampanviking on July 18, 2022, 12:09:11 PM
Reality of the Ukrainian front line



Its not an isolated event as many similar videos have been released by disillusioned troops across this and previous fronts over the last few months.

Meanwhile in the Middle East dog whistle politics Joe has made his move, now Vlad has to turn up and counter move, Russian TV is trying to sort out who they should nuke first with London still odds-on favourite, the EU wants to know which territory will be left over for them, the Albanians are hoping they get a cut of the pie, although with the thousands already here who would know they weren't already part of the EU. Once sorted the Russians can turn the gas back on the economy will be saved and you will all live happily ever after. The globalists can go back to carving up the pie how they see fit usually about 90% in their favour. so, chin up the sun is still shining and it's a beautiful day, oh I forgot no that's a bad thing.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Reality of the Ukrainian front line



Its not an isolated event as many similar videos have been released by disillusioned troops across this and previous fronts over the last few months.


Just in case anyone is wondering what is happening, the main event remains the working by the Russian Armed Forces of the Ukrainian defensive line from Siversk to Bakhmut.

The line is in the process of what Kiev is trying to portray as a controlled collapse. Sounds a bit like the "Azov Evacuation from Mariupol" but we will see.
The Russians continue to make good tactical progress, taking control of key small towns along the Ukrainian defence line.
There are many heavy Ukrainian formations along the line, backed up by Territorials and National Guard. However many of these front line units may do little than exist on paper

The Ukrainians admit that many front line formations have suffered casualties in excess of 75%, that many have also lot command and control, plus munitions and other logistic stores to missile strikes.

If the Ukrainians pull out, this line could be finished in days, if they throw more units into it instead, it will last a bit longer and the next line will go down a bit faster.


Quote from: Scott777 on July 06, 2022, 10:45:31 AM
Of course you're done.  Because you're wrong.

"The Revolution of Dignity, also known as the Euro-Maidan Revolution, took place in Ukraine in February 2014 at the end of the Euromaidan protests, when deadly clashes between protesters and the security forces in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv culminated in the ousting of elected President Viktor Yanukovych and the overthrow of the Ukrainian government."

Well, what is really happening, the West or whatever you are calling the Americans this week, have decided because the Russians kicked back their previous plan of buying them up with the mighty dollar wasn't working while they kept moving closer to Russia and the Russians realised, they had broken every agreement they were given, so now it's about how far can they actually push the Russians, they have already gone to war over it, they know the last thing the Americans respect is anyone's sovereignty, as the CIA get caught not respecting it constantly. The rest of it is still to be written or not which might well end up as the case. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Well here's a casualty of the Ukraine  conflict,seven years for disagreeing with Putin.

Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?