labour mps call for nazanin to be given seat in lords

Started by Thomas, March 27, 2022, 11:46:27 AM

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Quote from: cromwell on March 28, 2022, 11:14:01 AM
You're missing the point I was making.if we'd had a long term strategy being best mates with anyone wouldn't have mattered that much,Nuclear or other alternatives opposed to a lot of dithering.
We do have a long term strategy though Cromwell. It is called renewable energy. But that is twenty years away. Perhaps we can ask Iran to be friends for twenty years before asking them to close their nuclear power plants down again to keep Israel happy. Or maybe we should just deal with Iran in the same way we deal with SA. Ignore all the human right abuses and just buy their oil and sell them all our crap. I mean seriously now, doesnt anyone care about the hypocrisy? We had it easy for far too long. America was the hegemony and what they said goes. But the world has changed now. The world is emerging into superpowers and Iran, Russia, China, India, Europe whoever will start finding new friends and not deal with us if we continue this BS of changing the world to our image if nations aren't our friends. And I write that as someone who is a big supporter of European ideals and democracy and freedom. But it seems to me the world is becoming more unstable every day we try to interfere with someone else's politics and someday and I hope it is soon, people might wake up and say to themselves, we can't change the world but we can promote our values to ourselves so let's make us the best that we can be and leave the world to work out their own problems don't you think?


Quote from: B0ycey on March 28, 2022, 11:00:33 AM
It is going to take more than friendly relations with Iran to "keep the lights on" given Qatar, a major supplier of gas and oil has spelt out that replacing Russian gas is frankly impossible even if they increased output. But the issue isn't really supply and storage anyway. The fact we haven't seen the true impact yet is because we do have storage of both these things and yet we have yet to stop buying Russian gas because storage can never be finite no matter how large. When Russia demand payment in Roubles, that is when we will see where we are with our sanction strategy I guess. We start buying Roubles, the sanctions then become defacto pointless especially cutting Russia off from Swift. We can expect a 70s style three day week if we decide that is our course of action. Because even if we replace piped gas with American liquid gas, not only is cost a factor but so is logistics and practicality. I genuinely don't think anyone has thought this through. Every single sanction we throw at Russia, the more pain we see down the line. And the government's response is that is a process worth paying for "democracy and freedom" which is fine for the millionaires in Westminster to say given they won't deal with any such compromise. But I guess the bourgeois don't mind that given they have more money than they can spend anyway and unfortunately they are also the guy in making the decisions with their second jobs in Westminster. But even so, I wonder, given we seem to change who is our friend and enemy every time the wind blows direction, how it is you or anyone else for that matter can justify not buying Russian gas or punishing Russia with sanctions and then say you don't mind costing up with whoever like buying Iranian gas to keep the lights on when this time last year it was them who were the threat to our freedom and democracy and stability of the Middle East? One day, it is going to have to click to people that we can only really be the masters of our own land and that we must stop preaching our standards to the rest of the world. We must deal with the world and move on. Not change it to our image.
You're missing the point I was making.if we'd had a long term strategy being best mates with anyone wouldn't have mattered that much,Nuclear or other alternatives opposed to a lot of dithering. and affordable,not that hard is it?


She certainly deserves recognition for the ordeal she's been through. While I don't approve of an unelected upper chamber, it's what we have at the moment. Whether giving Nazanin a peerage is appropriate I have no idea - it's really down to what sort of contribution she can make to debate and whether or not she'd want to do so.
Formerly known as Hyperduck Quack Quack.
I might not be an expert but I do know enough to correct you when you're wrong!


Quote from: cromwell on March 28, 2022, 10:32:47 AM
To me it doesn't really matter who we want to be best mates with now to keep the lights on.
It is going to take more than friendly relations with Iran to "keep the lights on" given Qatar, a major supplier of gas and oil has spelt out that replacing Russian gas is frankly impossible even if they increased output. But the issue isn't really supply and storage anyway. The fact we haven't seen the true impact yet is because we do have storage of both these things and yet we have yet to stop buying Russian gas because storage can never be finite no matter how large. When Russia demand payment in Roubles, that is when we will see where we are with our sanction strategy I guess. We start buying Roubles, the sanctions then become defacto pointless especially cutting Russia off from Swift. We can expect a 70s style three day week if we decide that is our course of action. Because even if we replace piped gas with American liquid gas, not only is cost a factor but so is logistics and practicality. I genuinely don't think anyone has thought this through. Every single sanction we throw at Russia, the more pain we see down the line. And the government's response is that is a process worth paying for "democracy and freedom" which is fine for the millionaires in Westminster to say given they won't deal with any such compromise. But I guess the bourgeois don't mind that given they have more money than they can spend anyway and unfortunately they are also the guy in making the decisions with their second jobs in Westminster. But even so, I wonder, given we seem to change who is our friend and enemy every time the wind blows direction, how it is you or anyone else for that matter can justify not buying Russian gas or punishing Russia with sanctions and then say you don't mind costing up with whoever like buying Iranian gas to keep the lights on when this time last year it was them who were the threat to our freedom and democracy and stability of the Middle East? One day, it is going to have to click to people that we can only really be the masters of our own land and that we must stop preaching our standards to the rest of the world. We must deal with the world and move on. Not change it to our image.


To me it doesn't really matter who we want to be best mates with now to keep the lights on.

What matters is in all this whoever was in power and when there's been no long time planning put in to place regarding safeguarding our energy supply.

What we suffer from repeatedly......short termism,policy only based on this pressure group or that or what they think might be popular or alternatively fill their wallets.

Energy like so many other things (the nhs) are political footballs,none of them give a toss about this woman.....never have it's all just opportunism in the hope they can benefit.......just like dancing to the greta waltz. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Thomas on March 28, 2022, 08:25:39 AM
Thats bollocks boycey. Hunt was on air apologising the otehr day for trying and failing to get her out. Part of the blame also lies with the woman herself as others in the thread have said.

We all know the tories are can't , i dont vote them. But labour are making yet another can't of themselves in the eyes of the public once more. Utter scum.

The problem you have as well with this newest version of new labour is keir starmer is an incredibly poor lawyer learning to be a bad politician , surrounded by mediocre talent like ashworth and the rest.

Tory bad , bojo stupid  ,doesnt cut things with the majority over this. Labour caused part of the problem , did fack all to get her out , the tories got her out and paid yet another of labours old debts , and now labour are trying and failing to take advantage of it all.
I am not interested in giving her a peerage Thomas, and I doubt this has any movement in Starmers Labour in any case. You're always get a throw away comment by back benchers in the Commons given it makes a great soundbite to (some) voters. But that is different to party policy and I suspect we won't hear much of this from outside the confounds of Pol-tics. But I still need to reply on your comment on the Tories given I strongly disagree with it. Whether you accept that Blair and Brown were indeed Tories given Thatcher, the biggest freemarketeer these Isles have ever produced called them her biggest ever achievement is irrelevant. To gain Zaghari-Radcliffes release has always been a £400mn figure. Hunt can say wh!tever he liked, if he wasn't handing over the cash he wasn't doing anything of worth to get her free. Plenty of Labour MPs were also calling for her release I might add, but again not doing much of substance. We have also had Tories in power who could have handed over the money at any time within the entire 7 years she was in jail (house arrest). So no, the Tories weren't interested in her release and if they handed over the cash now I doubt it has anything to do with her release anyway. We will soon be rationing oil and gas. We need new partners. Iran is the lesser evil. So guess who suddenly becomes part of our circle of friends. I would laugh if it wasn't so obvious.


Quote from: B0ycey on March 28, 2022, 08:12:14 AM
The Tories have been in power since 79 Thomas. Thatcher, Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron, May, Johnson, all Tories. If the debt is being paid now it is because there is a reason to pay it and it has nothing to do with party affliction. Nobody seemed interested getting Zaghari-Radcliffe out of Prison for seven years. And the reason she was in prison was because Johnson doesn't think before he speaks in any case. And lo and behold, JOPCA seems to be moving forward again too. The skeptic in me might even say this has absolutely everything to do with a fuel crisis and nothing to do with the Tories reversing Labours debt refusal nor our love for international law.

As for peerage, I am glad the lady is out of prison. She shouldn't have been in prison to begin with. But when you have a Foreign Secretary call her a spy when she was on holiday to show she daughter her homeland we should expect these things to happen I guess. But nonetheless justice and BoJos stupidity isn't a reason to fill up the Lords (which should be abolished) with more people. She hasn't actually done anything to deserve this and we need to make sure the people who decide on our laws actually have merit for being there to begin with.
Sorry boycey , but dont agree. You can mock new labour all you like , and ignore old labours part in all this , but the point as ever labour are part of the problem , not the solution , and then jump on the bandwagon for political expediency as facking ever.

The tories arent the ones trying to canonise this woman and put her in the lords for their own ends. They have done with others in the past , but the point is the tories havent spent thier entire history promising to abolish the lords , and failing to do so over the years they were in power , including new labours 13 years.

QuoteNobody seemed interested getting Zaghari-Radcliffe out of Prison for seven years.
Thats bollocks boycey. Hunt was on air apologising the otehr day for trying and failing to get her out. Part of the blame also lies with the woman herself as others in the thread have said.

We all know the tories are can't , i dont vote them. But labour are making yet another can't of themselves in the eyes of the public once more. Utter scum.

The problem you have as well with this newest version of new labour is keir starmer is an incredibly poor lawyer learning to be a bad politician , surrounded by mediocre talent like ashworth and the rest.

Tory bad , bojo stupid  ,doesnt cut things with the majority over this. Labour caused part of the problem , did fack all to get her out , the tories got her out and paid yet another of labours old debts , and now labour are trying and failing to take advantage of it all.

A scum party that needs put out its misery for good. We have them in poor third place in scotland , im hoping we can push them further into irrelevance.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on March 28, 2022, 07:41:58 AM
Iran then chased the debt  , until it ended up in the international courts , and under gordon browns labour government in 2009 , they were ordered to pay it back , labour again refused.

Then further sanctions came in , then finally the tories paid it.
The Tories have been in power since 79 Thomas. Thatcher, Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron, May, Johnson, all Tories. If the debt is being paid now it is because there is a reason to pay it and it has nothing to do with party affliction. Nobody seemed interested getting Zaghari-Radcliffe out of Prison for seven years. And the reason she was in prison was because Johnson doesn't think before he speaks in any case. And lo and behold, JOPCA seems to be moving forward again too. The skeptic in me might even say this has absolutely everything to do with a fuel crisis and nothing to do with the Tories reversing Labours debt refusal nor our love for international law.

As for peerage, I am glad the lady is out of prison. She shouldn't have been in prison to begin with. But when you have a Foreign Secretary call her a spy when she was on holiday to show she daughter her homeland we should expect these things to happen I guess. But nonetheless justice and BoJos stupidity isn't a reason to fill up the Lords (which should be abolished) with more people. She hasn't actually done anything to deserve this and we need to make sure the people who decide on our laws actually have merit for being there to begin with.


Quote from: Borchester on March 28, 2022, 01:25:13 AM
All true.

Sir Stodge is a politician and no one can blame him for playing to the gallery, but one would expect him to be better at it.
Clearly he isnt a leader is he borkie?

He just follows behind others muttering away , saying and doing anything that will play to the gallery.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: johnofgwent on March 27, 2022, 10:11:59 PM
Why Indeed,

What the f**k is this "award" even for ? for taking the piss ??

My youngest daughter knows the family slightly and is unimpressed with my attitude which is, basically, "the stupid bitch has dual nationality, put herself in harm's way and thinks the special notes for dual nationality holders printed in her passport, which one must presume he has both the literacy in English to read, and the IQ to understand, which categorically state the British Consulate and Diplomatic Services can offer NO protection to Dual Nationals against the demands of the judicial or other governmental authorities made of such nationals, do not apply to her. f**king Tosser.
john i was just looking into why the uk owed the iranians this £400 million. As i understand it , iran under the shah ordered a load of chieftain tanks from the uk labour governments in the seventies of callaghan and wilson. They paid up front to the uk , and that was mostly reneged on (a few tanks delivered) because of the iranian revolution.

Iran then chased the debt  , until it ended up in the international courts , and under gordon browns labour government in 2009 , they were ordered to pay it back , labour again refused.

Then further sanctions came in , then finally the tories paid it.

So we have various labour governments in part up to their necks causing this problem , then without lifting a fackin finger , showing their shallowness and desperateness , they jump on this lassie demanding a seat in the lords to try and use her for their own political expediency?
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on March 27, 2022, 07:06:48 PM
i think everyone can see the lassie is deliberately being used for a typical labour party pr stunt. No one is impressed.

Going back to the lords , if she does get a seat , along with idiots like michelle mone , then over time labour and tory are going to keep cramming the place full of inconsequential clowns to the point the place will be beyond ridicule and will collapse under the weight of its own degeneracy.totally agree mate if i had been away from my wee lassie for years on end , i would want to be with her and my wife rather than spending my days acting as a performing bear in some fackin labour party press stunt.

as i said mate laughable.

All true.

Sir Stodge is a politician and no one can blame him for playing to the gallery, but one would expect him to be better at it.
Algerie Francais !


† The end is nigh †


Why Indeed,

What the f**k is this "award" even for ? for taking the piss ??

My youngest daughter knows the family slightly and is unimpressed with my attitude which is, basically, "the stupid bitch has dual nationality, put herself in harm's way and thinks the special notes for dual nationality holders printed in her passport, which one must presume he has both the literacy in English to read, and the IQ to understand, which categorically state the British Consulate and Diplomatic Services can offer NO protection to Dual Nationals against the demands of the judicial or other governmental authorities made of such nationals, do not apply to her. f**king Tosser.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: Streetwalker on March 27, 2022, 05:31:10 PM
Why indeed .  The girls been through a tough timeof it no doubt but being Iranian would have been well aware of the punishment for being anti Iran and  encouraging the spreading (true or not ) of anti government propoganda . When in Iran you dont piss off the locals .

Is the house of Lords now a retirement home for people who have been in prison ?  What exactly do labour think she would contribute ? I like the way they keep calling her a charity worker as if its some badge of honour .  It was her job , she was admin not someone who would normally be given a honour .
For the kids sake Im glad she has been reunited with her family , she needs to spend time with her child not a load of old duffers in the Lords or for that matter a bunch of loosers that is the labour party .
i think everyone can see the lassie is deliberately being used for a typical labour party pr stunt. No one is impressed.

Going back to the lords , if she does get a seat , along with idiots like michelle mone , then over time labour and tory are going to keep cramming the place full of inconsequential clowns to the point the place will be beyond ridicule and will collapse under the weight of its own degeneracy.
For the kids sake Im glad she has been reunited with her family , she needs to spend time with her child not a load of old duffers in the Lords or for that matter a bunch of loosers that is the labour party .
totally agree mate if i had been away from my wee lassie for years on end , i would want to be with her and my wife rather than spending my days acting as a performing bear in some fackin labour party press stunt.

as i said mate laughable.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on March 27, 2022, 11:46:27 AM
:D  Puke  The party that has been promising to abolish the lords for the last century want it stuffed even more with another of their toadies.

Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe 'should be given a seat in the House of Lords': Labour MPs and peers call for Keir Starmer to nominate freed charity worker for a peerage in June

  • Sir Keir Starmer has been urged to give the freed charity worker a peerage
  • Labour MPs have called for Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe to get a seat in the Lords
  • The 43-year-old charity worker could be given an honour in the Queen's Birthday Honours List in June

Why indeed .  The girls been through a tough timeof it no doubt but being Iranian would have been well aware of the punishment for being anti Iran and  encouraging the spreading (true or not ) of anti government propoganda . When in Iran you dont piss off the locals . 

Is the house of Lords now a retirement home for people who have been in prison ?  What exactly do labour think she would contribute ? I like the way they keep calling her a charity worker as if its some badge of honour .  It was her job , she was admin not someone who would normally be given a honour .
For the kids sake Im glad she has been reunited with her family , she needs to spend time with her child not a load of old duffers in the Lords or for that matter a bunch of loosers that is the labour party .