What now?

Started by Good old, April 12, 2022, 02:05:46 PM

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Quote from: Streetwalker on April 12, 2022, 08:22:53 PM
If that was the biggests breach I guess everyone has been wasting their time . And they have been , Im no fan of the tory party but if I hear one more appologist  calling for mass resignations over an after work glass of wine Im going to vote for them just to rub their noses in their tory hate .

I suspect it isn't the biggest breach though SW, but the one that was completed first (or is it second). There was a few parties that most definitely were a party though. The invited one for drinks in the sun, the Christmas do, the one with the suitcase of wine, the one with the broken swing, and Cummings leaving do at Carries place are parties no question. This story still has legs to run but Sunak seems unlucky here in my opinion given it wasn't like this was a premeditated event but one he came across to wish Boris happy birthday and Carrie brought the cake.

As for BoJo, he should resign but given there is no standout replacement, what does it matter. We have a clown and the alternative are donkey's.


Quote from: B0ycey on April 12, 2022, 06:11:33 PM
Oh, Sunak really has caught the unlucky stick here. The event was a surprise event to Johnson and Sunak came in to sing Happy f**king Birthday. Of all the events that happened, this to me was perhaps one of the weakest and neither really should have got the fine here. The biggest breach was the one that had the invite to "enjoy the sun" in the Downing Street Garden, the one Johnson gave a speech in. Sunak was nowhere near that one.
If that was the biggests breach I guess everyone has been wasting their time . And they have been , Im no fan of the tory party but if I hear one more appologist  calling for mass resignations over an after work glass of wine Im going to vote for them just to rub their noses in their tory hate .

Good old

Quote from: T00ts on April 12, 2022, 07:48:25 PM
In truth politics would be improved at this point if both Boris and Rishi resigned. Sadly I am not sure that the Conservative party will a) find the courage to follow through b) have very little in the way of replacements. Perhaps this is a moment when those who aspire to taking the lead showed themselves, not in the way that Rishi has favoured since arriving at the Treasury with his glossy PR campaign that showed so conspicuously his ambitions of jumping into Boris's shoes, but those with leadership qualities and above all common sense and a suitable partner.

It is not good enough that Labour as it currently exists with its lack of lustre and incompetent leadership fares any better than the current government simply by default.

It's true to say they have all been toeing the party line to such a degree it's hard to tell if any of them have the where with all to be anything other than underlings
I really hope this is a misconception as they would not be following genius , few have made more basic mistakes as Tory leader let alone PM ,as Boris. Rishi, showed promise, but if the party only had one option amongst their legions of successful bankers, I would not be just disappointed, but hugely surprised.
If the Tories really can not work without Boris, or Rishi, this country is in a really bad way. And I don't mind admitting , that saddens me more than anything else in this sorry saga, beyond anything in party politics.

Good old

Quote from: cromwell on April 12, 2022, 07:21:19 PM
Sadly Quackers probity in public office has been eroding over a long period,from blind Pughs  biometrics and shares within to Judas Clegg and trusts of Cameron and so many stations in between there's no party untouched is there?

All the time we allow it , it will get worse. It's politics people will always walk the tight rope occasionally . But only the public can keep them on that rope , ideally on the right side of it ,  simply by demanding they don't cross it and showing little mercy when they do. The law to our knowledge has never been broken by a PM. It has now. It's rare anyone lies to the house, and does not fall on their sword.  It would seem this PM has done the lying , yet will not fall on his sword.
If this is all excusable because politics is a dirty business, then the games up. Because if there is a foul someone has to blow the whistle and point to the penalty spot. Or it becomes a complete free for all. And that someone in this case is the public.


In truth politics would be improved at this point if both Boris and Rishi resigned. Sadly I am not sure that the Conservative party will a) find the courage to follow through b) have very little in the way of replacements. Perhaps this is a moment when those who aspire to taking the lead showed themselves, not in the way that Rishi has favoured since arriving at the Treasury with his glossy PR campaign that showed so conspicuously his ambitions of jumping into Boris's shoes, but those with leadership qualities and above all common sense and a suitable partner.

It is not good enough that Labour as it currently exists with its lack of lustre and incompetent leadership fares any better than the current government simply by default.


Quote from: HDQQ on April 12, 2022, 06:43:30 PM
Boris Johnson's and Rishi Sunak's arrogant hypocrisy is worse than the actual crime in this case.

Johnson should resign but I'm not sure if that's for the best because while we might get a new PM who is better behaved and more respectable as a politician, they would probably be considerably to the right of Johnson idealogically. That would be very bad for Britain.
Sadly Quackers probity in public office has been eroding over a long period,from blind Pughs  biometrics and shares within to Judas Clegg and trusts of Cameron and so many stations in between there's no party untouched is there?
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Boris Johnson's and Rishi Sunak's arrogant hypocrisy is worse than the actual crime in this case. 

Johnson should resign but I'm not sure if that's for the best because while we might get a new PM who is better behaved and more respectable as a politician, they would probably be considerably to the right of Johnson idealogically. That would be very bad for Britain.
Formerly known as Hyperduck Quack Quack.
I might not be an expert but I do know enough to correct you when you're wrong!


Quote from: Streetwalker on April 12, 2022, 06:03:02 PM
What now is that we all have a proper party to celebrate a bygone day when we used to get fined in Rishis case for eating a bit of cake in the office . The poor sod doesnt even drink , couldn't have been a lot of fun for him looking at all those people pissed up on a glass and a half of Spumanti .

Still at least Boris only had to stumble upstairs with the left overs

Oh, Sunak really has caught the unlucky stick here. The event was a surprise event to Johnson and Sunak came in to sing Happy f**king Birthday. Of all the events that happened, this to me was perhaps one of the weakest and neither really should have got the fine here. The biggest breach was the one that had the invite to "enjoy the sun" in the Downing Street Garden, the one Johnson gave a speech in. Sunak was nowhere near that one.


What now is that we all have a proper party to celebrate a bygone day when we used to get fined in Rishis case for eating a bit of cake in the office . The poor sod doesnt even drink , couldn't have been a lot of fun for him looking at all those people pissed up on a glass and a half of Spumanti .

Still at least Boris only had to stumble upstairs with the left overs 


Quote from: cromwell on April 12, 2022, 05:24:03 PM
Not many outstanding candidates in any party,if you think Mr Punch will attract the votes you're wrong,I know you dream of us begging to be let back into the Brussels jail sorry club but that won't happen.

To be honest Cromwell, whether we rejoin the EU will have no baring on the fate of Johnson nor whether Starmer wins the next general election. But Johnson is damaged goods and I cannot see him winning the next election now. We will have more of an indication next month, but my guess is we can expect an incredibly low turnout matched by those who do turnout not voting for Johnson next month and if he clings on till the next election the same pattern will emerge and a defacto Starmer victory in that also. I don't know what Johnson will do in the next few days, but I don't buy this nonsense that he shouldn't resign because of Ukraine given Chamberlain did during a significantly more important event in history than today and the replacement filled the void quite well. The problem is, who exactly is going to replace Johnson and be better than him. None of the deadwood front runners appeal to me so in that sense I don't care what he does. But in principle he should resign nonetheless.


Quote from: B0ycey on April 12, 2022, 02:56:25 PM
They won't appeal. They will accept their punishment because a court case is frankly worse and the police wouldn't have issued a fine without being 100% sure that any appeal would fail in any case. The only question now is how long will Johnson limp on for. Will he go in the next few days or after the May elections. The only issue I have is there isn't exactly anyone better than Johnson in the Tory party except Sunak. If he has a fine as well by accidentally walking in on everyone signing happy birthday, then to be honest I would rather Johnson stay as PM till the next election and then get Starmer in office by default because the alternatives right now are even worse for this country as I don't see how Sunak will be able to replace Johnson right now.
Not many outstanding candidates in any party,if you think Mr Punch will attract the votes you're wrong,I know you dream of us begging to be let back into the Brussels jail sorry club but that won't happen.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Good old on April 12, 2022, 02:35:33 PM
Maybe they will appeal. It's not something the country needs, but ,Sheep as a Lamb, might apply .I doubt it . But Boris, sees himself  fighting in ditches, so who knows.
Can not see how it would do more than delay as there must be any number of witnesses. It's close to a disaster for the country, whatever the outcome now.
Gove, is a snake, but a very clever snake, and possibly the only one that can wriggle through this with anything in tack. Hunt , would try to take the party back to something like Tory basics. Whether that is enough has to be questioned. The other two induce total despair in me if talking in terms of PM.
That green card might have done for Sunak, the irony there is if rumour is true and recent revelations were home grown, then no honour amongst thieves comes to mind.

They won't appeal. They will accept their punishment because a court case is frankly worse and the police wouldn't have issued a fine without being 100% sure that any appeal would fail in any case. The only question now is how long will Johnson limp on for. Will he go in the next few days or after the May elections. The only issue I have is there isn't exactly anyone better than Johnson in the Tory party except Sunak. If he has a fine as well by accidentally walking in on everyone signing happy birthday, then to be honest I would rather Johnson stay as PM till the next election and then get Starmer in office by default because the alternatives right now are even worse for this country as I don't see how Sunak will be able to replace Johnson right now.

Good old

Quote from: B0ycey on April 12, 2022, 02:13:29 PM
Bit gutted for Sunak actually. Don't know if the clown can survive this but at the moment I really don't know who is better to replace him other than Sunak. I see Truss being just as bad. Goves, Hunt, Raab... all shit.

Maybe they will appeal. It's not something the country needs, but ,Sheep as a Lamb, might apply .I doubt it . But Boris, sees himself  fighting in ditches, so who knows.
Can not see how it would do more than delay as there must be any number of witnesses. It's close to a disaster for the country, whatever the outcome now.
Gove, is a snake, but a very clever snake, and possibly the only one that can wriggle through this with anything in tack. Hunt , would try to take the party back to something like Tory basics. Whether that is enough has to be questioned. The other two induce total despair in me if talking in terms of PM.
That green card might have done for Sunak, the irony there is if rumour is true and recent revelations were home grown, then no honour amongst thieves comes to mind.


Quote from: Good old on April 12, 2022, 02:05:46 PM

What a mess. It was clear from the outset that these people had a really weak grasp of what was lawful on all sorts of situations.
Bit gutted for Sunak actually. Don't know if the clown can survive this but at the moment I really don't know who is better to replace him other than Sunak. I see Truss being just as bad. Goves, Hunt, Raab... all shit.

Good old


What a mess. It was clear from the outset that these people had a really weak grasp of what was lawful on all sorts of situations.