UK pledges £1.3 billion in support for Ukraine’s fight against Putin’s Russia

Started by Thomas, May 08, 2022, 06:46:29 AM

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Quote from: Sampanviking on May 10, 2022, 11:02:57 AM
I can only repeat what I have said before
When compassion is selective or conditional, its fake!
im waiting on cromwell and co`s outrage at boris johnson and his tory junta threatening to break international law and a legally binding international agreement on northern ireland .

Do as we say russia , not as we do.

Meanwhile back in blighty , Tory MP who says he runs a food bank won't provide anyone with parcels unless they sign up to his budget and cookery courses. Claims that people that use them "can't cook a meal from scratch" and "cannot budget" and that he can show them how to make a nutritious meal for 20p/day.

Turns out that he claimed £220,000 last year in expenses.

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Thomas on May 10, 2022, 06:59:03 AM
naked agression? When the brits or yanks do it cromwell is silent as ever , but when a james bond villain does it  , cromwell virtue signals and wrings his hands with racking sobs?

Usual double standards.

Its alright to depopulate the enitre popualtion of the chagos and hand it over to the yanks , starve a few million paddies and bengalies , invade 62 countires around the world ( naked agression dont make me f**king laugh) , but you are safe in the knoweldge you stopped vlad.;D
Heres my take once more.

I disagree with russia invading ukraine. Cromwell concurs.

I disagree with ukraine killing 14 000 ethnic russians in the donbass prior to this year. Cromwell silent.

I disagree with america interfering in what passes as ukrainian demcoracy and replacing leaders. Not a peep from cromwell.
i pointed out you are delsuional old men fantasising about empire , and you started wffling on about neville chamberlain , a man from history and event from nigh on a century ago while telling me not to start talking about empire?:D

I will hark back and talk about what i wish wether you like it or not.

what celtic fairy tale is that? Celtic are about to win the league , so if thats the fairy tale then you are damn right.

In the cromwell household , i have visions of some old man sitting there in his man city top with grandads war medal from the boer war watching re runs of michael caine in zulu , while telling thomas on the laptop not to talk about the british concentration camps .
I can only repeat what I have said before
When compassion is selective or conditional, its fake!


Quote from: Sampanviking on May 09, 2022, 09:53:46 AM

Well, you thought only the Japanese practiced Hara Kiri!

This policy is pushing millions of UK citizens into real poverty and the funds that could be used to help them through is being given away and wasted on the same pointless cause that brought this all about in the first place.

Even the media in full "attack" mode will have difficulty keeping the "Stand with Ukriane" public unity together beyond even the short term now.
had to laugh at this sampan....


An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: B0ycey on May 09, 2022, 08:00:24 PM
Just keep on shaking the money tree. Anyone remember when people thought Corbyns manifesto was unaffordable and was going to bankrupt us by nationalising everything so voted for the Clown instead because they thought he was a pair of safe hands economy speaking. And then Johnson decides to print money like it was going out of fashion when a crisis comes about rather than look at things more rationally proving Corbyn right after all.

If we had any sense we would be using our influence to push for talks and get Putin and Zelensky round the table to sort out power sharing in the Donbass. Or at the very least try and get a ceasefire. Not spending money that literally goes up in smoke when we can't afford it. That money would be better spent rebuilding Ukraine not maintaining a f**king war that turns all their cities into rubble in any case.
well said boycey , totally agree. 2 million families going without food and households going into fuel poverty  , the tip of the ice berg .

400 billion spunked up the wall on covid , money wasted on ppe , before we even talk about the hidden cost of brexit , which johnson the hero still hasnt fully enacted , but wurzel im told on here was a marxist muppet who would bankrupt the economy.

The magic money tree always appears when blighty needs to play war games .int that strange.?

I think it would be cheaper to buy the boys some toy soldiers and send them off to a warhammer shop to reenact their fantasy delusion while the grown ups take charge of the economy.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Sampanviking on May 09, 2022, 09:53:46 AM
Well, what can you say Thomas?
In respect of a war which really has no real relevance to us or our genuine interests, we decide to sanction ourselves, just as we teeter on the edge of recession and not only deprive ourselves of the very commodities as the price we need to pull our backsides out of the mire, but instead hand them over to our main Global commercial competitors to ensure that they will continue to thrive and dominate global markets.

All of which is being done to please our Imperial overlords in Washington, who seem quite happy to see the Economy of Europe smashed and thus not able to form a new power block also able to rival its own.

Well, you thought only the Japanese practiced Hara Kiri!

The fact remains that the War in the Ukraine has zero strategic implications for our security, was always easily avoidable and is only a symptom of overarching US Imperial ambition.
You only need to read the US reaction to the prospect of a Chinese military base in the Solomon Islands to see and appreciate that.

This policy is pushing millions of UK citizens into real poverty and the funds that could be used to help them through is being given away and wasted on the same pointless cause that brought this all about in the first place.

Even the media in full "attack" mode will have difficulty keeping the "Stand with Ukriane" public unity together beyond even the short term now.
I have to say sampan , i had high hopes for the critical thinking of folk after the growth  of the snp  , the english sticking two figners up to the media over brexit , etc etc , but the ease at which this super villain must be stopped at all costs in eastern europe fairy tale that certain folk lap up with vigour really does crush me , and show the media really do still control minds.

Lets hope vlad doesnt parachute in some crack covid stormtoopers armed with snotty hankies , or panic will set in at the gold clubs of middle england where agincourt and waterloo are re enacted each and every day.

Im astounded as you say watching events unfold , and economies , reeling from 2 years of the sniffles , now being hammered by naked american aggression . Sleepy joe says jump and europe , including the monkies in london , says how high.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: Streetwalker on May 09, 2022, 08:44:31 AM
Im not an Englishman

But what I was trying to put across was that like most of the Tory announcements about spending money ,its old money thats already been allocated . In this case out of the foriegn aid budget asked for by the UN .
May as well give it to people fighting for their lives as Ethiopian pole dancers .
Irrelevant. You live in these islands and participate in the sham of demcoracy along with the rest of us , and my question is why dont you hold the tories to financial accountability the way you do left wing parties?

If corbyn for example was spunking £1.3 billion up a wall while 2 million uk citizens are missing meals through poverty , or an estimated( according to the boss of scottish power) 40% , some ten million uk households are about to be plunged into fuel poverty in the next few months , you as a long term agitator against foreign aid would have something to say about it.

Do you seriously expect anyone to believe the tories had a spare £1.3 billion laying around in the tap drawer of the office desk in tory hq earmarked for fighting super villains areound the world?

You might buy it streetwalker , most of the rest of us dont. As we just proved at the polling booth.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Quote from: cromwell on May 09, 2022, 08:10:51 AM
The lesson is nothing to do with Nazis but naked aggression,as for ignoring the complicated arguments I posted on that yesterday which you ignored.

If in doubt? laughable because you do what you always do in these situations hark back to an empire that ceased to exist in the last century and those nasty Bwitish (you really mean English) bastards the source of all that's wrong in todays world in your own Celtic fairy tale.
naked agression? When the brits or yanks do it cromwell is silent as ever , but when a james bond villain does it  , cromwell virtue signals and wrings his hands with racking sobs?

Usual double standards.

Its alright to depopulate the enitre popualtion of the chagos and hand it over to the yanks , starve a few million paddies and bengalies , invade 62 countires around the world ( naked agression dont make me fucking laugh) , but you are safe in the knoweldge you stopped vlad.;D

Quoteas for ignoring the complicated arguments I posted on that yesterday which you ignored.
Heres my take once more.

I disagree with russia invading ukraine. Cromwell concurs.

I disagree with ukraine killing 14 000 ethnic russians in the donbass prior to this year. Cromwell silent.

I disagree with america interfering in what passes as ukrainian demcoracy and replacing leaders. Not a peep from cromwell.

Quotelaughable because you do what you always do in these situations hark back to an empire that ceased to exist
i pointed out you are delsuional old men fantasising about empire , and you started wffling on about neville chamberlain , a man from history and event from nigh on a century ago while telling me not to start talking about empire?:D

I will hark back and talk about what i wish wether you like it or not.

Quoteown Celtic fairy tale.

what celtic fairy tale is that? Celtic are about to win the league , so if thats the fairy tale then you are damn right.

In the cromwell household , i have visions of some old man sitting there in his man city top with grandads war medal from the boer war watching re runs of michael caine in zulu , while telling thomas on the laptop not to talk about the british concentration camps .

An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!


Just keep on shaking the money tree. Anyone remember when people thought Corbyns manifesto was unaffordable and was going to bankrupt us by nationalising everything so voted for the Clown instead because they thought he was a pair of safe hands economy speaking. And then Johnson decides to print money like it was going out of fashion when a crisis comes about rather than look at things more rationally proving Corbyn right after all.

If we had any sense we would be using our influence to push for talks and get Putin and Zelensky round the table to sort out power sharing in the Donbass. Or at the very least try and get a ceasefire. Not spending money that literally goes up in smoke when we can't afford it. That money would be better spent rebuilding Ukraine not maintaining a fucking war that turns all their cities into rubble in any case.


Quote from: Sampanviking on May 09, 2022, 04:44:41 PM
I know what you mean John, I mean, why couldn't he just have dropped a 1000lb bomb from 30,000ft like civilised people do?

Still I would not waste all the bluster and invective on that, I think you need to save it for your next gas bill.
Dunno why. My gas bill has risen by less than 30%
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: johnofgwent on May 09, 2022, 03:51:33 PM

Well, I understand you want Putin to be roundly congratulated for moving the iron curtain a little further eastward, but I, like the United Kingdom courts and the EHCR, call him a murdering bastard responsible for deploying a toxic radiochemical to kill a man of n London who shopped him out for his involvement in the Russian mafia, and on that basis I would gladly celebrate as he choked to death on ricin spores.
I know what you mean John, I mean, why couldn't he just have dropped a 1000lb bomb from 30,000ft like civilised people do?

Still I would not waste all the bluster and invective on that, I think you need to save it for your next gas bill.


Quote from: Sampanviking on May 09, 2022, 09:53:46 AM
Well, what can you say Thomas?
In respect of a war which really has no real relevance to us or our genuine interests, we decide to sanction ourselves, just as we teeter on the edge of recession and not only deprive ourselves of the very commodities as the price we need to pull our backsides out of the mire, but instead hand them over to our main Global commercial competitors to ensure that they will continue to thrive and dominate global markets.

All of which is being done to please our Imperial overlords in Washington, who seem quite happy to see the Economy of Europe smashed and thus not able to form a new power block also able to rival its own.

Well, you thought only the Japanese practiced Hara Kiri!

The fact remains that the War in the Ukraine has zero strategic implications for our security, was always easily avoidable and is only a symptom of overarching US Imperial ambition.
You only need to read the US reaction to the prospect of a Chinese military base in the Solomon Islands to see and appreciate that.

This policy is pushing millions of UK citizens into real poverty and the funds that could be used to help them through is being given away and wasted on the same pointless cause that brought this all about in the first place.

Even the media in full "attack" mode will have difficulty keeping the "Stand with Ukriane" public unity together beyond even the short term now.

Well, I understand you want Putin to be roundly congratulated for moving the iron curtain a little further eastward, but I, like the United Kingdom courts and the EHCR, call him a murdering bastard responsible for deploying a toxic radiochemical to kill a man of n London who shopped him out for his involvement in the Russian mafia, and on that basis I would gladly celebrate as he choked to death on ricin spores.
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Well, what can you say Thomas?
In respect of a war which really has no real relevance to us or our genuine interests, we decide to sanction ourselves, just as we teeter on the edge of recession and not only deprive ourselves of the very commodities as the price we need to pull our backsides out of the mire, but instead hand them over to our main Global commercial competitors to ensure that they will continue to thrive and dominate global markets.

All of which is being done to please our Imperial overlords in Washington, who seem quite happy to see the Economy of Europe smashed and thus not able to form a new power block also able to rival its own.

Well, you thought only the Japanese practiced Hara Kiri!

The fact remains that the War in the Ukraine has zero strategic implications for our security, was always easily avoidable and is only a symptom of overarching US Imperial ambition.
You only need to read the US reaction to the prospect of a Chinese military base in the Solomon Islands to see and appreciate that.

This policy is pushing millions of UK citizens into real poverty and the funds that could be used to help them through is being given away and wasted on the same pointless cause that brought this all about in the first place.

Even the media in full "attack" mode will have difficulty keeping the "Stand with Ukriane" public unity together beyond even the short term now.


Quote from: Thomas on May 09, 2022, 07:44:45 AM
Dont take this the wrong way , but with respect streetwalker why is it every single right wing englishman i have ever come across on forums like this says the same thing while performing mental gymnastics.

Im not an Englishman

But what I was trying to put across was that like most of the Tory announcements about spending money ,its old money thats already been allocated . In this case out of the foriegn aid budget asked for by the UN .
May as well give it to people fighting for their lives as Ethiopian pole dancers .


Quote from: Thomas on May 09, 2022, 07:32:02 AM
if in doubt , fall back on the old tried and trusted nazis eh cromwell? Except this time you are cheering them on?

62 countires around the world laughing at your country lecturing others on illegal invasions.

Have you complied with the un resolution backed by the worlds nations to hand back the chagos islands yet? No dont want to talk about that , do you?

You love a good sob story to cry into bed at night cromwell. Your media set up an evil dicatator , in this case putin , and irrespective the rights and wrongs , you ignore the complicated arguments and boil it down to good versus evil in some tolkienesque fairy story.

Practice what you preach. The british empire which you love was one of the most evil in history , responsible for the death of millions pillage rape and destruction .Perhaps you should start there.
The lesson is nothing to do with Nazis but naked aggression,as for ignoring the complicated arguments I posted on that yesterday which you ignored.

If in doubt? laughable because you do what you always do in these situations hark back to an empire that ceased to exist in the last century and those nasty Bwitish (you really mean English) bastards the source of all that's wrong in todays world in your own Celtic fairy tale. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: Streetwalker on May 09, 2022, 06:21:00 AM
The money is just numbers on a balance sheet to me
Dont take this the wrong way , but with respect streetwalker why is it every single right wing englishman i have ever come across on forums like this says the same thing while performing mental gymnastics.

It goes something like when socialists or left parties are in charge , they need to run the economy like a household budget , be prudent and watch the spending. When the tories , especially clowns like johnson , are throwing money about willy nilly at war games they can't afford , its just numbers on a balance sheet.?

I thought there were ways and means for the international community to deal with the vagrants of the world , and laws etc to abide by. Instead of channeling funds throw these organistions  , we have the usa and the yookay puppet acting on their own , while of course in blatant violation of those very organisations of international law , waving willies about to pretend they are the worlds policemen?

Johnson isnt doing this for ukrainians or the yookay people , hes doing this for his own self aggrandisment and his party.

Aainst the economic backdrop of the disasterous situation the uk is currently in , including the disaster that is your brexit , and the damage its inflicting on all of us , i personally , and many others , dont agree with throwing our cash about like this.

......but there you go. I just punished your man at the ballot box , and wil continue to do so , including all your countires parties , at each and every turn , until finally we are free and independent and back in the EU with our friends on the continent .

People worried sick about forthcoming energy bills , while the johnson muppet , that scotland  , northern ireland , and wales didnt elect , plays at empires.

Fit your country better to concentrate on the massive and mounting problems at home . You wont be able to hide the disaster that is brexit forever behind covid and ukraine , and when that dawns on people  , johnson and his party are toast.

At the moment , thank your lucky stars for the anti democratic fptp system you use in england , that perpetuates the old guard and continued political decline , and the political god that is keir starmer and labour.
An Fhirinn an aghaidh an t-Saoghail!