Circus culture

Started by T00ts, July 04, 2022, 10:20:08 AM

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Quote from: srb7677 on July 05, 2022, 02:27:12 PM
They have as much right to be in the high street as you or I. As for that old rubbish about turning young children gay, it is the kind of nonsense believed only by avowed homophobes. An unfounded and baseless fear closely connected with hate. People are born gay, straight, or bi. They cannot be changed from one into another.
Take a child from about 11 upwards. Does anyone remember that? They are at their most impressionable in that they are turning away to some degree from their parental influences in readiness for the adult world. My complaint about the current trend is that it is not the right time to make them test who they are. They don't know. They are testing things out. Where it all falls down is that for it to suddenly become normalised before they reach an age of true discernment, at a time when most kids are attracted to all sorts of others for no other reason than they admire them or some attributes they portray is so confusing and actually a misrepresentation.  

I am a woman who enjoys normally male pursuits. I love tools, I like DIY but would I be so confident that I am all woman if the current 'education' had been the fashion when I was that age? 
I just wonder. Kids naturally want to fit in with their mates. Just how careful are the educators that nothing irreversible is attempted whereby they cannot get back to where they might suddenly realise they belong? 

I understand that there has been a change in the law to allow all those having undergone gender interventions to be subject of a study to find out exactly what is being done and the outcomes. 


Quote from: johnofgwent on July 04, 2022, 01:39:15 PMNONE of that gives them the right to mince around the high street or influence four year olds.
They have as much right to be in the high street as you or I. As for that old rubbish about turning young children gay, it is the kind of nonsense believed only by avowed homophobes. An unfounded and baseless fear closely connected with hate. People are born gay, straight, or bi. They cannot be changed from one into another.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


I just think whatever you find is your ideal circus ring in the privacy of your own home is fine by me so long as it harms no one.

Targeting those with a different sexual orientation by violence or discrimination demonstrates some sort of inadequacy or failure in either an individual or organisation imo.

I recall a member of the RAF was imprisoned,dismissed with dishonour and had a medal removed for being homosexual.

The decoration was awarded for pulling a pilot from a burning aircraft,of course trapped in a burning aircraft your first thought would be I don't want some filthy queer rescuing me. and affordable,not that hard is it?

patman post

Quote from: johnofgwent on July 04, 2022, 01:39:15 PM
NONE of that gives them the right to mince around the high street or influence four year olds.
In what way, "influence four year olds"?
Can individuals be made gay, or straight — and would you advocate counselling or electric aversion therapy?

I see nothing wrong with people celebrating hard-won freedom and/or recognition. Pride events don't adversely impact my daily life. Nor do I find them threatening.

This is unlike religion which, for years, has limited what I can do on certain days, and for how long — sometimes under threat of prosecution — though, thankfully, the imposed negative influences are waning...

On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: srb7677 on July 04, 2022, 11:33:06 AM
No they don't, you are talking nonsense. They only want to be accepted for who they are. At no point at any time have they ever attempted to suggest we should all become gay. You are making sh*t up to suit your prejudices. Many of them have spent a lifetime being told by God-botherers and phobes that they should be straight because God says so, that they are sinners, that they are evil, that they are perverts, that they are little better than paedophiles. They just want to be accepted for who they are and pride events are an affirmation of that.

And those who insist in wilfully sinister misinterpretations such as you are doing are almost invariably motivated by negativity towards them. It is because of this kind of negativity that they feel the need to reaffirm who they are in the first place.
NONE of that gives them the right to mince around the high street or influence four year olds.

where are the inclusivity and diversity classes forcing  queers to acknowledge the right of the straight to be straight.

Why am I not permitted to hold a straight pride parade, within sight of The Cerne Abbas Giant ?

Why is our company product literature available in The Elder Fut'Hark?

These were questions i put in the Q and A section of the Diversity and Inclusivity Training I was forced to take by our HR department 15 months ago which was very, very much a case of minorities having the right to demand recognition from majorities

They didn't answer, but I'm still employed by the company.

Interestingly the Diversity And Inclusivity Refresher course I was handed last month, a year since the full course, was written by a totally new company and was MUCH more focused on the fact there are protected characteristics rather than the full offering that was very much more an assault on heterosexual values.

They even had heterosexual marriage and monogamy mentioned ! Bloody hell I believe I might have started something.

As I said in the Halifax Badges thread, I went into the bank the other week to find someone to sort out an account screwup, not to find someone to screw so what they do as consenting adults is their business unless their tastes in practices interferes with their ability to fix the company screwups ...

And as I believe I have pointed out elsewhere, if your database hardware lies in tatters on your server room floor the chap I will send you to sort the hardware before I come and fix your software is camper than John Inman but did you want a server fixed or something else ....

Stonewall enjoy stuffing posters up telling us heterosexuals that some people are queer and we need to "get over it"

The fact from their own rantings is that if SOME people are queer MOST are not and therefore it is they, and not us, who need to be getting over that fact.

I freely acknowledge that there must be some defect in us heterosexuals that causes some of our offspring to be queer, for it is a dead cert none of THEM will be reproducing any time soon.....

<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: srb7677 on July 04, 2022, 11:33:06 AM
No they don't, you are talking nonsense. They only want to be accepted for who they are. At no point at any time have they ever attempted to suggest we should all become gay. You are making sh*t up to suit your prejudices. Many of them have spent a lifetime being told by God-botherers and phobes that they should be straight because God says so, that they are sinners, that they are evil, that they are perverts, that they are little better than paedophiles. They just want to be accepted for who they are and pride events are an affirmation of that.

And those who insist in wilfully sinister misinterpretations such as you are doing are almost invariably motivated by negativity towards them. It is because of this kind of negativity that they feel the need to reaffirm who they are in the first place.
Gosh you really over-react don't you? That is the problem. All I am asking is why anyone - and that means everyone - feel the need to advertise their sexual needs or orientation? It's a shame anyone sees that as a problem. Get on with it, enjoy a private life. It may have been difficult in the past but actually in this enlightened age no-one is very interested.


Quote from: T00ts on July 04, 2022, 11:20:34 AM
I find this quite disheartening. Another advocate for 'anything goes', no matter what the demand. You say it yourself that it is a minority yet they go about as if they wish to be the majority certainly with more say and more visibility than anyone else.
No they don't, you are talking nonsense. They only want to be accepted for who they are. At no point at any time have they ever attempted to suggest we should all become gay. You are making sh*t up to suit your prejudices. Many of them have spent a lifetime being told by God-botherers and phobes that they should be straight because God says so, that they are sinners, that they are evil, that they are perverts, that they are little better than paedophiles. They just want to be accepted for who they are and pride events are an affirmation of that.

And those who insist in wilfully sinister misinterpretations such as you are doing are almost invariably motivated by negativity towards them. It is because of this kind of negativity that they feel the need to reaffirm who they are in the first place.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: srb7677 on July 04, 2022, 10:48:56 AM
I don't know where to begin with this nonsense.

Firstly, there is a difference between sex and sexual orientation, the former being a physical sexual act and the latter being more about love and sexual attraction and orientation. And it is the latter being celebrated, not the former.

Secondly, heterosexuals have never been an oppressed minority as gay people have been within living memory. As recently as the 1990s your party was legislating against them. Pride marches are part of a fightback against that oppression, a reaffirmation from gay and bi men and women that they have as much right to be proud of who they are and who they love as anyone else. It is a massive two fingered salute to homophobia and bigotry, not something the straight community have ever had any need to make.

And just because in the face of still widespread bigotry in some elements of the population, gay and bi people feel a need and desire to be loud and proud about who they are in no way is a statement that being gay is the only way to be happy. How on earth do you draw that conclusion? Being gay is only an essential component of happiness for those who are gay.

Why can't you understand that wherever there have been oppressed minorities, or minorities that feel they have been oppressed, parades and demonstrations to reaffirm their right to be what they are and be accepted is an important statement to them, and a reaction to bigotry and past oppression? The Black Lives Matter protests have similar motivations, likewise feminist marches and campaigns.
I find this quite disheartening. Another advocate for 'anything goes', no matter what the demand. You say it yourself that it is a minority yet they go about as if they wish to be the majority certainly with more say and more visibility than anyone else. 


Quote from: T00ts on July 04, 2022, 10:20:08 AM
Can anyone explain to me why sexuality has become a circus? Surely it is about the most private part of anyone's life. Who we love, who we live with and why seems to have become an exhibitionist's charter. I looked on the Pride Parade with a sense of bewilderment. Has it become an essential part of sexuality to blazon it from the rooftops? If so where are the heterosexual parades? Superficially does it suggest that only by identifying as LGBQ+ can anyone be really happy? Why? More importantly what is this saying to the young impressionable minds watching? Has 'Pride' become a cult?

As much as one tries to ignore the cheerleaders for  the end of the human race its almost impossible with the media ,sports events and every other Tom Dick and Harry singing along to their tune .  
If anyone could explain it Toots it wouldnt be the circus it has become 


Quote from: T00ts on July 04, 2022, 10:20:08 AM
Can anyone explain to me why sexuality has become a circus? Surely it is about the most private part of anyone's life. Who we love, who we live with and why seems to have become an exhibitionist's charter. I looked on the Pride Parade with a sense of bewilderment. Has it become an essential part of sexuality to blazon it from the rooftops? If so where are the heterosexual parades? Superficially does it suggest that only by identifying as LGBQ+ can anyone be really happy? Why? More importantly what is this saying to the young impressionable minds watching? Has 'Pride' become a cult?
I don't know where to begin with this nonsense.

Firstly, there is a difference between sex and sexual orientation, the former being a physical sexual act and the latter being more about love and sexual attraction and orientation. And it is the latter being celebrated, not the former.

Secondly, heterosexuals have never been an oppressed minority as gay people have been within living memory. As recently as the 1990s your party was legislating against them. Pride marches are part of a fightback against that oppression, a reaffirmation from gay and bi men and women that they have as much right to be proud of who they are and who they love as anyone else. It is a massive two fingered salute to homophobia and bigotry, not something the straight community have ever had any need to make.

And just because in the face of still widespread bigotry in some elements of the population, gay and bi people feel a need and desire to be loud and proud about who they are in no way is a statement that being gay is the only way to be happy. How on earth do you draw that conclusion? Being gay is only an essential component of happiness for those who are gay.

Why can't you understand that wherever there have been oppressed minorities, or minorities that feel they have been oppressed, parades and demonstrations to reaffirm their right to be what they are and be accepted is an important statement to them, and a reaction to bigotry and past oppression? The Black Lives Matter protests have similar motivations, likewise feminist marches and campaigns.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


I try to ignore gay pride week/month/events as far as possible. I'm OK with gay people as my brother is in their group, having defected from a normal marriage many years back. He does not go to or support any of these wayout events. I noticed Keir S and Angela R were up at the front of the parade in a photo I saw online.
I don't really want to know about people's sexuality. I just want them to get on with their lives, not stuff things in my face as if I need to or want to know.
Pride, of course is a negative thing. Pride comes before a fall, they say.
I see all of this as part of the downturn in moral societal standards, which, sadly, we all have to suffer as morality is compromised in favour of aa form of freedom.
People have freedom to sin, freedom to be proud of their sin, but they won't "get by" with the circus.

Unfortunately, even those who should be upholding moral standards are slipping down the slope. Government I might understand in the secular, but the churches - supporting LGBT and trans theology which should be against their own is a betrayal of their moral duty to society.
They won't "get by" with the circus either.

† The end is nigh †


Can anyone explain to me why sexuality has become a circus? Surely it is about the most private part of anyone's life. Who we love, who we live with and why seems to have become an exhibitionist's charter. I looked on the Pride Parade with a sense of bewilderment. Has it become an essential part of sexuality to blazon it from the rooftops? If so where are the heterosexual parades? Superficially does it suggest that only by identifying as LGBQ+ can anyone be really happy? Why? More importantly what is this saying to the young impressionable minds watching? Has 'Pride' become a cult?