Dream ticket?

Started by T00ts, July 10, 2022, 12:53:39 PM

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Quote from: GerryT on July 24, 2022, 12:37:35 PM
Art16 is not being triggered. That's the clause you're referring to. The UK is not, has not and don't plan on triggering  it. The UK is bringing in a new Bill to unilaterally undo a number of agreements within the NI protocol contained within the TCA.  SO while SW might want to suggest the UK is working within the agreement, it's not, it's breaking international law and the EU has set in motion legal proceedings.

The EU has said what it will do, it's all ready started that process, legal proceedings against the UK. The UK has done so many about faces under Johnson's tenure it's all most a certainty we are staring down a barrel at another one. The past 5 yr's we have listened to the UK and people on here saying IRL will be thrown under the bus...any min now... and it never happened, it's not going to happen.
A border is a possibility, if the UK does stay on it's current course then the only solution will be a hard border, but by that time the UK will have been dragged through the courts and the trade agreement will be in the bin. So you tell me, what's more important to the English elite, a trade deal with the EU or an open border with NI. My money is on NI being shafted again.
And the French will be fishing off the shore with Beach Casters cause they won't be in our waters. 
What the EU are doing in the courts is political nothing more, and most of the leavers on here preferred a hard Brexit instead of a none deal anyway. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on July 23, 2022, 09:49:14 PM
And you're not listening, SW has told you that there is a clause allowing either side to change the rule if severe impact is felt.

As you won't answer, I'll outline what the EU will do. They will erect a hard border and stick the V's up to the GFA cause they don't really give s flying fig about it. Just a stick to beat the U.K. with.

Art16 is not being triggered. That's the clause you're referring to. The UK is not, has not and don't plan on triggering  it. The UK is bringing in a new Bill to unilaterally undo a number of agreements within the NI protocol contained within the TCA.  SO while SW might want to suggest the UK is working within the agreement, it's not, it's breaking international law and the EU has set in motion legal proceedings.

The EU has said what it will do, it's all ready started that process, legal proceedings against the UK. The UK has done so many about faces under Johnson's tenure it's all most a certainty we are staring down a barrel at another one. The past 5 yr's we have listened to the UK and people on here saying IRL will be thrown under the bus...any min now... and it never happened, it's not going to happen.
A border is a possibility, if the UK does stay on it's current course then the only solution will be a hard border, but by that time the UK will have been dragged through the courts and the trade agreement will be in the bin. So you tell me, what's more important to the English elite, a trade deal with the EU or an open border with NI. My money is on NI being shafted again.


Quote from: cromwell on July 24, 2022, 11:13:33 AM
Gammons eh? Thought we'd got past the routine insult stage.

Why are you referencing customs checks at Dover in the current situation,it's nothing to do customs just the French insisting on every passport being stamped and failing to send sufficient officers to play silly buggers.

Its a well know French tactic when they don't like something,years ago the French public were buying masses of Japanese electronics because they were reliable and relatively cheap compared the the home produced crap.

The French introduced anew system where said electronics had to be passed first yo ensure they were safe and met regulations (yeah right) they appointed one inspector to do the job :)
perhaps we should do the same with French cars.
The checks are done at Dover, Dover wanted 30m to do upgrades necessary to meet the impacts of brexit. They were given 30k or 0.1% of what was required, hence the issues.

Pre brexit, a customary glance at the passport to see the picture was all that was required, it took seconds and there were no delays.

Now the officer has to check the validity of the passport, in general it must be valid for 3 months past the date of returning to the UK, but each country has it's own rules.
In the past 180days has the person stayed more than 90 days, including their planned trip. That's why passports are now stamped, more time checking all the pages on said passport
If the person is driving has the car got the UK sticker, has the driver an international driving lisc..is it valid.
Has the person a return or onward ticket, have you enough money for your stay.
Are there pets, have they got the required passport, have they the valid AHC health certificate and the required vaccinations.
Are the people bringing any fruit/veg/meats in, they need the requisite paperwork.

That's a lot of checks and they take time, if thousands of people show up at Dover in campervans, cars with caravans to a port that wasn't refurbished for this purpose, who is to blame...the French ?
The UK left the EU and this is the new reality, it's not the French, it's again the UK exceptionalism kicking in and looking for special treatment, plain and simple.

Good old

Here we go again , the same old, Yer wells, what abouts. Name calling.
The French are not all Brit lovers by some way, the Brits are not all French lovers either and yes just like most nations ,the French  do indulge in a bit of trade protection by the back door on occasion , and most nations includes our own.
If you are not a member of the EU you get your passport checked and stamped,always was the case and still is. Nothing has changed except the Brits are not in the EU.
We decide to leave creating this situation, so why do the French, have to employ more  or at least deploy staff from dealing with other nationalities to accommodate the Brits demanding entry.?
Would we bow to this if the boot was on the other foot? .I doubt it somehow.
If Brexit is ever going to work we have to get used to the fact that we have created a hard border with the EU members similar to any other border we have to live with. It is what it is , and if it proves to be a hole we dug it's only us that can take credit for it ,or the blame for it.
By the way this situation could be helped by compromise , but Brexit can not be undone.


Quote from: Sean on July 24, 2022, 09:52:49 AM
I see the tory brexiters are getting increasingly edgy as yet more of their lies unfolds. We had the then tory transport secretary Chris Grayling tell us a number of years back that there would be no post brexit customs checks at dover. Everything and everyone except brexit is being blamed for the current chaos we are witnessing  at Dover as yet another brexit lie unfolds. Yet more lies are being told about our north western border with Ireland. Johnson has been removed. The tories are now further descending into chaos as they look to choose between Sunak the snake , or the human hand grenade Truss. Two more years of tory misrule at best before Labour take over. Keir already has one foot in the door , and should be able to start undoing all the damage of brexit once in power. The gammons know their brexit fantasy is coming to an end. Anneliese Dodds is correct. After 12 years of tory misrule , our country is stuck .
Gammons eh? Thought we'd got past the routine insult stage.

Why are you referencing customs checks at Dover in the current situation,it's nothing to do customs just the French insisting on every passport being stamped and failing to send sufficient officers to play silly buggers.

Its a well know French tactic when they don't like something,years ago the French public were buying masses of Japanese electronics because they were reliable and relatively cheap compared to the home produced crap.

The French introduced a new system where said electronics had to be passed first to ensure they were safe and met regulations (yeah right) they appointed one inspector to do the job :)
perhaps we should do the same with French cars.
Energy....secure and affordable,not that hard is it?


I see the tory brexiters are getting increasingly edgy as yet more of their lies unfolds. We had the then tory transport secretary Chris Grayling tell us a number of years back that there would be no post brexit customs checks at dover. Everything and everyone except brexit is being blamed for the current chaos we are witnessing  at Dover as yet another brexit lie unfolds. Yet more lies are being told about our north western border with Ireland. Johnson has been removed. The tories are now further descending into chaos as they look to choose between Sunak the snake , or the human hand grenade Truss. Two more years of tory misrule at best before Labour take over. Keir already has one foot in the door , and should be able to start undoing all the damage of brexit once in power. The gammons know their brexit fantasy is coming to an end. Anneliese Dodds is correct. After 12 years of tory misrule , our country is stuck .


Quote from: Streetwalker on July 22, 2022, 09:23:49 PM
The USA being as in the UK those who lost the public vote . We are not stuck with brexit , we embrace it
Most of us do.
Some of us are stuck with it.


Quote from: GerryT on July 22, 2022, 10:18:58 AM
It can't be immaterial if the international agreement is about the UK having an Irish Sea border.


It's not.
It's about having a checkpoint free Irish land border.


Quote from: GerryT on July 22, 2022, 04:06:19 PM
 May had the backstop, where the whole of the UK stayed in the CU 
Thats why it got thrown out 
Quote from: GerryT on July 22, 2022, 04:06:19 PM

And no there wasn't such a clause, if there were Johnson would have used it, he hasn't. You need to brush up on the protocol. I'll give you a hint, the clause allowed for a unforeseen, in specific and limited areas the action to remove checks. The border in the Irish sea wasn't unforseen and the checks were also known.
Article 16 Northern Ireland protocol: Article 16 | The Institute for Government
Quote from: GerryT on July 22, 2022, 04:06:19 PM

The UK have come up with a law that says a MP can run rough shot over the protocol, that's a local UK law, not international law. The UK is somewhat confused, but will get itself sorted soon enough.  Like I said the UK didn't use the clause you're referring to, because they knew they couldn't. 

Its not that they couldn't but more that they didn't want to while the european court was the arbitrator . The Bill removes the ECJ from the process while fixing the internal problems of the Irish border , safegaurds the EU single market and protects the GFA .
But most importantly reinforces UK sovereignty ,art 16 doesnt go far enough though the UK has used it as a basis for the Bill (that they can change the WA unilaterally)  that the EU is getting its nickers in a twist about . Basically the are upset that they have been outflanked by their own text .


Quote from: GerryT on July 22, 2022, 04:09:32 PM
I keep telling you and you're not listening.
The EU will have the UK in court and have the international trade agreement that they both signed enforced. What aren't you getting ? The EU schools the UK again
And you're not listening, SW has told you that there is a clause allowing either side to change the rule if severe impact is felt. 

As you won't answer, I'll outline what the EU will do. They will erect a hard border and stick the V's up to the GFA cause they don't really give s flying fig about it. Just a stick to beat the U.K. with. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: HDQQ on July 22, 2022, 04:25:31 PM

The USA toppled Trump, the French turned their back on Le Pen, Brazil will probably dump Bolsonaro later this year, Johnson is stepping down and Farage is merely a flapping mouth that nobody listens to. But we're stuck with Brexit.
The USA being as in the UK those who lost the public vote . We are not stuck with brexit , we embrace it 


Right on cue, the day after Liz Truss said she was wrong to support 'remain' because "the doom didn't happen", today we have huge delays and traffic jams as people head towards Dover to cross the Channel.


The UK is just about the only country in Western and Middle Europe apart Kaliningrad (which is part of Russia) and the nations of the former Yugoslavia that doesn't participate in free movement of people, since everywhere else is either within the EU, part of the Schengen area or has an arrangement with the EU.

The wounds from Brexit are self-inflicted by the UK, so it's no good trying to blame the EU or any of its member states whenever we can't do things as easily as we did when we belonged.

The USA toppled Trump, the French turned their back on Le Pen, Brazil will probably dump Bolsonaro later this year, Johnson is stepping down and Farage is merely a flapping mouth that nobody listens to. But we're stuck with Brexit.
Formerly known as Hyperduck Quack Quack.
I might not be an expert but I do know enough to correct you when you're wrong!


Quote from: Borchester on July 22, 2022, 12:27:48 PM
Rather a good reason to steer clear of the EU. If Brussels is that dumb, do we want to be that closely associated with them?
What's dumb is people on here not realising that the UK isn't using the said clause, because they know they can't. The UK went a different direction.


Quote from: Nick on July 22, 2022, 02:01:26 PM
Classic Gerry not answering the questioning and telling us everything that is wrong with the U.K. 

Last chance Gerry, what will the EU do with an open border to their block?
Forget trade, Truss, 39 billion black hole, cod wars... Is the EU going to erect a hard border, come up with magical electronics that can handle customs (you said it doesn't exist) or sign a workable trade and customs agreement? We know they don't want a working trade agreement with the U.K. so I guess that leaves the magic or hard border n
I keep telling you and you're not listening.
The EU will have the UK in court and have the international trade agreement that they both signed enforced. What aren't you getting ? The EU schools the UK again


Quote from: Streetwalker on July 22, 2022, 12:06:20 PMThat was what Mayhem wanted to sign up to and was thrown out of parliament . Johnsons withdrawal agreement had a clause in it  (why it got passed where Mays didnt) that allowed either side to unilaterally change it if it was found to be unworkable in the future .
You have that backwards, May had the backstop, where the whole of the UK stayed in the CU until the magic camera system was operational. Under her plan there would have been no land or sea border. That's what she got sacked for, Johnson brought in the oven ready deal, it was his plan to introduce the sea border.
And no there wasn't such a clause, if there were Johnson would have used it, he hasn't. You need to brush up on the protocol. I'll give you a hint, the clause allowed for a unforeseen, in specific and limited areas the action to remove checks. The border in the Irish sea wasn't unforseen and the checks were also known.

Quote from: Streetwalker on July 22, 2022, 12:06:20 PMThe UK has decided its not for them to have a border in the Irish sea and have come up with the protocol which has passed through the house of commons this week . 

Nothing illegal , nothing that breaks any obligations  . The EU agreed to the get out clause ,did they think we wouldn't use it ? 
The UK have come up with a law that says a MP can run rough shot over the protocol, that's a local UK law, not international law. The UK is somewhat confused, but will get itself sorted soon enough.  Like I said the UK didn't use the clause you're referring to, because they knew they couldn't. The UK introduced new legislation to overrule the International agreement it signed. Lets see how that pans out EU takes further legal action against the UK