How many things…

Started by Nick, August 17, 2022, 08:47:53 AM

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Quote from: Nick on April 12, 2023, 09:08:16 PM
Two and a half years of Covid plus over a year of a Russian invasion. Brexit hasn't had a look in.
It's all about leaving an unhappy marriage, what ever happens you're out of it.
How strange then that our economy if suffering worse than others that have very much also suffered from Covid and the Russian invasion.  What you call an 'unhappy marriage' was looking a gift horse in the mouth.  

But yes we're out now and not getting back anytime soon if ever.  The priority now is to punish the guilty leading figures who lied and lied and cheated to get to the 17 million votes.  You defend them and their disgusting deeds if you like.


Quote from: Unlucky4Sum on April 12, 2023, 08:08:36 PM
But it is true to say that some jobs have been lost and some lives ruined through Brexit and it was manifestly dishonest of arses like Digby Jones to con swing voters by promising it wouldn't happen.

And when the Brexit government have to brag about a possible 0.08% GDP gain (through CPTPP) as being a massive Brexit plus we can be pretty sure even they know that in net terms it's a self inflicted UK calamity.
Two and a half years of Covid plus over a year of a Russian invasion. Brexit hasn't had a look in. 
It's all about leaving an unhappy marriage, what ever happens you're out of it. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on April 12, 2023, 04:58:58 PM
And that is the premise of the whole list. The articles contain numerous reasons but the headline is always Brexit.
But it is true to say that some jobs have been lost and some lives ruined through Brexit and it was manifestly dishonest of arses like Digby Jones to con swing voters by promising it wouldn't happen.

And when the Brexit government have to brag about a possible 0.08% GDP gain (through CPTPP) as being a massive Brexit plus we can be pretty sure even they know that in net terms it's a self inflicted UK calamity.


Quote from: Unlucky4Sum on April 12, 2023, 04:48:24 PM
The problem may be that, unwisely and incorrectly, your yorkshirebylines link did in its wording claim solely Brexit for that first (#300) entry

300Armadilla, a modular buildings co in Scotland closes with the loss 29 jobs due to Brexit costs
And that is the premise of the whole list. The articles contain numerous reasons but the headline is always Brexit. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: GerryT on April 12, 2023, 04:39:22 PM
No you didn't. You dismissed the articles, where companies outline why brexit has caused them to move/downsize/close due to brexit. Nobody said Brexit was the only reason, but its a contributing factor that makes UK companies less competitive to their EU counterparts. A slight loss can spell disaster.
The problem may be that, unwisely and incorrectly, your yorkshirebylines link did in its wording claim solely Brexit for that first (#300) entry

300Armadilla, a modular buildings co in Scotland closes with the loss 29 jobs due to Brexit costs


Quote from: Nick on April 12, 2023, 03:15:55 PM
No alternative truths??
Really, how about this, the first company on your list, cited as Brexit.
So reading this it's clear the issue was they had severe cash flow problems due to the pandemic. This is the real truth Gerry, people always mention the real reason first.

They added: "Despite this, however, in recent times the company experienced significant cashflow challenges as a result of order deferrals [highlight]in the wake of the pandemic[/highlight], the rising cost of raw materials and the cost and time burden of exporting to the EU.

The second business on your list blames everything from Covid to energy costs and of course mentions Brexit.

The Third company actually blames the referendum its self and GBP dropping by 10%. Yet they went bust almost 7 years later!! They also just happened to survive in 2008 when GBP dropped by 35% against the Euro.

#4 is the trawler

#5, again blames everything. But it most be Brexit even though we've just been through a worldwide pandemic, which it mentions along with Russia and the Ukraine.

with bosses blaming Brexit, the pandemic, and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

That's the first 5 dismantled, I'm not bothering any more as it's the same nonsense but you'll never admit it, just keep trotting out the same list.

Are you getting it Gerry, people will always try and hang it on Brexit
Its all just bla bla bla.
You don't agree that Brexit has any downside. Hundreds of companies affected and you say pandemic, recession, russia. BUt oh no, nothing to do with Brexit.
Where are the Brexit benefits, where's the upside that was so much talked about.
And don't forget all those french rule breakers !


Quote from: Nick on April 12, 2023, 03:07:07 PM
You have shown zero facts, you presented a list of companies and a list of why they went bust, this is not fact. The exact list you provided a year ago and I debunked the first 20.
No you didn't. You dismissed the articles, where companies outline why brexit has caused them to move/downsize/close due to brexit. Nobody said Brexit was the only reason, but its a contributing factor that makes UK companies less competitive to their EU counterparts. A slight loss can spell disaster. 


Quote from: Nick on April 12, 2023, 03:15:55 PM
No alternative truths??
Really, how about this, the first company on your list, cited as Brexit.
So reading this it's clear the issue was they had severe cash flow problems due to the pandemic. This is the real truth Gerry, people always mention the real reason first.

They added: "Despite this, however, in recent times the company experienced significant cashflow challenges as a result of order deferrals [highlight]in the wake of the pandemic[/highlight], the rising cost of raw materials and the cost and time burden of exporting to the EU.

You are wasting your time.

In all his time on this board Gerry has barely mentioned Ireland, other than a few confused statements about being a lecturer in plumbing law at Dublin University.

He is no more Irish than a pot of Nigerian Guinness, he probably thinks that Brexit is a type of breakfast cereal and generally speaking he is just filling in the time until his mum lets him out the basement for his evening run.
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: GerryT on April 12, 2023, 11:44:17 AM
There is no alternate truth, there are facts and then there's made up stuff. So this site lists facts that shows brexit in a bad light, you should be able to show a similar list from people showing all the gained benefits from Brexit, I can't think of any other that that mystical "sovereignty" thingey. YOu pointed out a fishing story and claimed it nonsense, I presume you've now looked at it and seen that the companies demise is brexit related.

From memory Brexit was going to bring immediate benefits, once the shackles of the EU bureaucratic systems and money sink-hole were lifted. New global opportunities, the EU needing the UK more than bla bla bla. So where's your benefits list ?
No alternative truths??
Really, how about this, the first company on your list, cited as Brexit.
So reading this it's clear the issue was they had severe cash flow problems due to the pandemic. This is the real truth Gerry, people always mention the real reason first.

They added: "Despite this, however, in recent times the company experienced significant cashflow challenges as a result of order deferrals [highlight]in the wake of the pandemic[/highlight], the rising cost of raw materials and the cost and time burden of exporting to the EU.

The second business on your list blames everything from Covid to energy costs and of course mentions Brexit. 

The Third company actually blames the referendum its self and GBP dropping by 10%. Yet they went bust almost 7 years later!! They also just happened to survive in 2008 when GBP dropped by 35% against the Euro. 

#4 is the trawler

#5, again blames everything. But it most be Brexit even though we've just been through a worldwide pandemic, which it mentions along with Russia and the Ukraine. 

with bosses blaming Brexit, the pandemic, and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

That's the first 5 dismantled, I'm not bothering any more as it's the same nonsense but you'll never admit it, just keep trotting out the same list. 

Are you getting it Gerry, people will always try and hang it on Brexit

I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: GerryT on April 12, 2023, 11:44:17 AM
There is no alternate truth, there are facts and then there's made up stuff. So this site lists facts that shows brexit in a bad light, you should be able to show a similar list from people showing all the gained benefits from Brexit, I can't think of any other that that mystical "sovereignty" thingey. YOu pointed out a fishing story and claimed it nonsense, I presume you've now looked at it and seen that the companies demise is brexit related.

From memory Brexit was going to bring immediate benefits, once the shackles of the EU bureaucratic systems and money sink-hole were lifted. New global opportunities, the EU needing the UK more than bla bla bla. So where's your benefits list ?
You have shown zero facts, you presented a list of companies and a list of why they went bust, this is not fact. The exact list you provided a year ago and I debunked the first 20. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on April 12, 2023, 08:30:22 AM
You haven't explained anything, you've found an article by people with a vested interest in being anti-Brexit and taken it as gospel.

There is no alternate truth, there are facts and then there's made up stuff. So this site lists facts that shows brexit in a bad light, you should be able to show a similar list from people showing all the gained benefits from Brexit, I can't think of any other that that mystical "sovereignty" thingey. YOu pointed out a fishing story and claimed it nonsense, I presume you've now looked at it and seen that the companies demise is brexit related. 

From memory Brexit was going to bring immediate benefits, once the shackles of the EU bureaucratic systems and money sink-hole were lifted. New global opportunities, the EU needing the UK more than bla bla bla. So where's your benefits list ?


Quote from: GerryT on April 11, 2023, 11:35:22 PM
Go read the linked article, then come back with any questions. It's explained how this business has gone under because of brexit. And yes its all about quotas
You haven't explained anything, you've found an article by people with a vested interest in being anti-Brexit and taken it as gospel. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on April 11, 2023, 03:38:19 PM
You list says the reason was Brexit due to quotas. Our quotas have gone up and therefore all the trawlers quotas have risen, how is that Brexit. Iceland has always protected its waters, why do you think they and Norway aren't in the EU, it's to protect the fishing industry. All the fish available in those waters are available in our waters unless you want to eat Wolf Fish.
Go read the linked article, then come back with any questions. It's explained how this business has gone under because of brexit. And yes its all about quotas


Quote from: GerryT on April 11, 2023, 10:20:37 AM
Well if they care about the price the issue is most likely a local tax issue, if you look at my example, nearly half the price is local tax. Yes a global issue such as the Russian war will affect things, but ordinarily its domestic tax decisions.

If you want to see a list of brexit related job losses you can follow the below. OF course you will deny all this as sticking your head in the ground and repeating that "Brexit is good EU is bad" works for you.
How do you defend this one Gerry?

Quote from: Borchester on April 11, 2023, 03:18:28 PM

Neither Pappy or Pat have mentioned this but I dare say they will be along soon enough to do so :)

I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: GerryT on April 11, 2023, 11:41:19 AM
These are all examples that say brexit was a part or a major contributor to their job losses /business failure. In the exact example you quote, you totally missed the point, prob because you didn't read the article. it says

in a damning critique of the Brexit settlement on fisheries, and the subsequent failure to defend UK distant-waters quotas, Jane Sandell, CEO of UK Fisheries, said: "First and foremost, we're devastated to be losing a dozen skilled and loyal crew members from the UK Fisheries fleet, and will be doing everything we can to help them find new roles within the industry.

The reason this business went under is BREXIT, now you'll prob come back with "well the business should have adapted, should have properly planned. But that's just you and your head stuck in the ground. If you're so stupid not to realise that brexit brought barriers to business. Barriers such as delays, paperwork, restrictions (as above) to businesses that couldn't sustain their business post brexit.

Brexit was and is a disaster, you refuse to see it. Maybe with time, long after we are all dead, and prob our children are dead, things will change. Some legacy you've left them.

You list says the reason was Brexit due to quotas. Our quotas have gone up and therefore all the trawlers quotas have risen, how is that Brexit. Iceland has always protected its waters, why do you think they and Norway aren't in the EU, it's to protect the fishing industry. All the fish available in those waters are available in our waters unless you want to eat Wolf Fish. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.