Bring back Boris: Why swing voters don’t trust Truss or Sunak

Started by Borchester, August 22, 2022, 07:48:42 PM

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Quote from: Sheepy on August 26, 2022, 09:22:17 AM
No, you are trying to say they are not the same when I have easily pointed out they are the same thing time and time again, repeat after me Lizz Truss, I will not use this engineered crisis to tell people I can cure all ills with a sweep of my hand and will not become involved with engineering even more. Oh but wait!

Have you explained why they are the same? I don't think so. Your posts don't even make sense. This "engineered crisis" is a crisis of supply and demand. Cutting supply but not reducing demand is only going to make bills go up. It has nothing to do with the squabbles in Westminster. It has nothing to do with whether Starmer is a Blairite, whether Johnson is a clown, whether Richi is Rich or whether Lizzie is a dizzy. And it certainly doesn't matter in terms of party policy and they aren't the same. This crisis is simply down to economics. There is simply more demand for gas than we can pump it out of the ground. 

As I said before Sheepy, I am not interested in your conspiracy theories that everyone except BoJo the Clown is planning our return to the EU and that people won't stand for it and rise up and take on Westminster. That Westminster are run by corporate Britain who finance the two party system. We are not America. Labour and the Tories have vastly different ideas for the cost of living crisis and although neither have a plan to cut consumption which is ultimately the only thing that will cut prices of wholesale gas, they are still not on the same league in terms of being the same bleeding party.


Quote from: B0ycey on August 26, 2022, 09:16:04 AM
Handle on what? I am telling you they are not the same because their policies are not the same. Labour and the Tories cannot agree on f**king anything in Westminster because they aren't the same.

The problem we have had for 43 years is we have had only Tories in power and people now think every party is the same because the country has only headed in one direction since Thatcher. Thatcher called Blair her biggest achievement, which is all anyone should need to know that that f**ker was wearing the wrong rosette. Is Starmer a Blairite too? Sure. Does that mean Labour and the Tories are the same useless C**ts still? Possibly. But even so the soundbites of the cost of living crisis are significantly better coming from Labour than Downing Street right now and we can work on getting Starmer out of office if he is useless once Labour are in and not before.

No, you are trying to say they are not the same when I have easily pointed out they are the same thing time and time again, repeat after me Lizz Truss, I will not use this engineered crisis to tell people I can cure all ills with a sweep of my hand and will not become involved with engineering even more. Oh but wait!
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on August 26, 2022, 08:58:18 AM
As for you telling me you have a handle on it all, is comedy gold.

Handle on what? I am telling you they are not the same because their policies are not the same. Labour and the Tories cannot agree on f**king anything in Westminster because they aren't the same.

The problem we have had for 43 years is we have had only Tories in power and people now think every party is the same because the country has only headed in one direction since Thatcher. Thatcher called Blair her biggest achievement, which is all anyone should need to know that that f**ker was wearing the wrong rosette. Is Starmer a Blairite too? Sure. Does that mean Labour and the Tories are the same useless C**ts still? Possibly. But even so the soundbites of the cost of living crisis are significantly better coming from Labour than Downing Street right now and we can work on getting Starmer out of office if he is useless once Labour are in and not before.


Quote from: B0ycey on August 26, 2022, 08:50:41 AM
I told you before that your name is apt Sheepy given you are a sheep. I am not interested in these conspiracy theories you have that deep state runs the show and that Labour and the Tories are run by the same donors of corporate Britain who are looking at ways to get us back into the EU. This isn't America where the two party system really is run by the lobbyists. There are huge differences in party policy between Labour and the Tories. I am not one of these anti Starmer drones on here that hoover round Thomas's anti Labour posts like flies round shit. Don't get me wrong, New Labour are f**king shit also and Starmer is a Blue Blairite. But he is a step up from Johnson. He understands that we need to tax the shit out of North Sea gas and he isn't looking at bankrupting the nation by giving handouts to the rich by cutting taxes. Once Labour are in we can all attack Starmers Blairite policies and hopefully oust him out and get Long Bailey in. But before that we need the Tories out. And as it seems, Truss with her Lizard policies are helping us out - although at a cost financially.

But then Boycey I am not the one pretending the Westminster party give choices, who anyone in their right mind can see they don't, it is lies, including all the soundbites to resonate with voters at any given time, while policy is driven by whatever sounds good to get a vote. Until they engineer the next crisis and it all goes bottom up. As for you telling me you have a handle on it all, is comedy gold.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: Sheepy on August 26, 2022, 08:22:46 AM
Boycey the day you were born your troubles started and most likely when you shuffle off to the next dimension, you still won't have a clue, you don't get a choice who runs things, you just think you do.
I told you before that your name is apt Sheepy given you are a sheep. I am not interested in these conspiracy theories you have that deep state runs the show and that Labour and the Tories are run by the same donors of corporate Britain who are looking at ways to get us back into the EU. This isn't America where the two party system really is run by the lobbyists. There are huge differences in party policy between Labour and the Tories. I am not one of these anti Starmer drones on here that hoover round Thomas's anti Labour posts like flies round shit. Don't get me wrong, New Labour are fucking shit also and Starmer is a Blue Blairite. But he is a step up from Johnson. He understands that we need to tax the shit out of North Sea gas and he isn't looking at bankrupting the nation by giving handouts to the rich by cutting taxes. Once Labour are in we can all attack Starmers Blairite policies and hopefully oust him out and get Long Bailey in. But before that we need the Tories out. And as it seems, Truss with her Lizard policies are helping us out - although at a cost financially.


Quote from: B0ycey on August 26, 2022, 08:13:01 AM
Isn't policy what matters though Cromwell? If you are saying they are equally disliked then sure they are all alike but they aren't alike in terms of policy and that is usually what people vote on.

And no, to be fair to the Tories they did have a plan for energy. That plan was renewable energy. If this war happened in 10 years we might have ridden this out because gas is the transition fuel. You can say 'why didn't we built more nuclear power plants?" till the cows come home. The truth is the public doesn't like them, nobody wants one near where they live, they come with daily protests from hibby Richard's, are expensive and they wouldn't have been needed if we had more time. Nobody could have predicted this war until it was too late because nobody has hindsight.
Lizard Lizzy is bad for the UK but not because of her energy policy Cromwell. I have listened to her speak and we all should be hoping for Sunak to win or we are f**ked. For a former Lib Dem member whose mother was anti nukes, it is fair to say Johnson has molded her to a complete reptile which throws the question of nature vs nurture into the air. Liz Truss to put it mildly is Margret Thatcher with a quivered lip. She is a low tax, anti worker, no solution nightmare. Her policies are going to make inflation go through the roof and she is going to destroy the Tories completely. Labour are going to win the next GE with Truss in power and that is a good thing I would say. But it is still 2 years away and Dizzy Lizzy can cause a mountain of damage especially in regards to the economy in the mean time that may well be irreversible. Say what you like about Sunak, but he at least knows economics and understands that you need to control inflation before you can ever consider handing the rich tax breaks which should be obvious but isn't it seems.

Boycey the day you were born your troubles started and most likely when you shuffle off to the next dimension, you still won't have a clue, you don't get a choice who runs things, you just think you do.
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: cromwell on August 25, 2022, 11:04:40 PM
No I'm not thinking they're all alike policy wise but (and I think we've discussed this before) they lack vision,tell us what they think we want to hear and all produce policy and in govt actuality based on short termism.

Isn't policy what matters though Cromwell? If you are saying they are equally disliked then sure they are all alike but they aren't alike in terms of policy and that is usually what people vote on.

And no, to be fair to the Tories they did have a plan for energy. That plan was renewable energy. If this war happened in 10 years we might have ridden this out because gas is the transition fuel. You can say 'why didn't we built more nuclear power plants?" till the cows come home. The truth is the public doesn't like them, nobody wants one near where they live, they come with daily protests from hibby Richard's, are expensive and they wouldn't have been needed if we had more time. Nobody could have predicted this war until it was too late because nobody has hindsight.

Quote from: cromwell on August 25, 2022, 11:04:40 PM
Even the reptile Truss gets that energy is going to take a long time to sort,why is that? well it's the lack of vision and long term plans for the good of the nation and it's people and the reason for that is they only look for short term gain political wise and something that unsurprisingly has been a long term problem over govts of all colours,that and the corruption at worst or what's best for them.
Lizard Lizzy is bad for the UK but not because of her energy policy Cromwell. I have listened to her speak and we all should be hoping for Sunak to win or we are f**ked. For a former Lib Dem member whose mother was anti nukes, it is fair to say Johnson has molded her to a complete reptile which throws the question of nature vs nurture into the air. Liz Truss to put it mildly is Margret Thatcher with a quivered lip. She is a low tax, anti worker, no solution nightmare. Her policies are going to make inflation go through the roof and she is going to destroy the Tories completely. Labour are going to win the next GE with Truss in power and that is a good thing I would say. But it is still 2 years away and Dizzy Lizzy can cause a mountain of damage especially in regards to the economy in the mean time that may well be irreversible. Say what you like about Sunak, but he at least knows economics and understands that you need to control inflation before you can ever consider handing the rich tax breaks which should be obvious but isn't it seems.


Boris never really got it did he? he thought he could bring it all back under control for his globalist masters with the usual Westminster party lies and soundbites, Starmer thinks the same thing, they can still hold everyone hostage at will. Populism isn't just some new upstart political show it is about giving people back freedom and respect. A right of choice as is their democratic right which can be attested to by all of those who were sent out to die for that belief. It runs through societies and isn't about a few thugs grabbing power for their own greed and need for power, we have some of the greatest minds on the planet on our side. Release the hostages. 
Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!


Quote from: B0ycey on August 25, 2022, 10:13:21 PM
There are huge differences between the parties actually Cromwell. They can't seem to agree on anything in parliament recently. And they are different on what to do in terms of the cost of living crisis. Labour want to freeze the cap and windfall tax the f**k out of North Sea oil. Liz Truss wants to give the rich tax cuts and Sunak wants to cut VAT on fuel. Whose ideas seem to you to seem to at least grasp the magnitude of the problem given these are the ideas on the table?

Listen I get it, Starmer isn't liked on here. I am not exactly his biggest fan either. But Labour are a step up from the Tories. Once they are in you can change the leader if he does a shit job which I expect he will. But it is all about baby steps Cromwell and whatever you think of Labour right now, you can at least thank them for your £400 in the winter because there is no way the Tories would have handed North Sea Oil a 25% windfall tax if Labour hadn't of pushed it first.
No I'm not thinking they're all alike policy wise but (and I think we've discussed this before) they lack vision,tell us what they think we want to hear and all produce policy and in govt actuality based on short termism.

Even the reptile Truss gets that energy is going to take a long time to sort,why is that? well it's the lack of vision and long term plans for the good of the nation and it's people and the reason for that is they only look for short term gain political wise and something that unsurprisingly has been a long term problem over govts of all colours,that and the corruption at worst or what's best for them. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on August 25, 2022, 09:53:52 PM
Truss is a pillock but if you think labour has the answers then you're wrong.

Sad to say there's not much to choose from the three main parties,they live in a different world to most.
There are huge differences between the parties actually Cromwell. They can't seem to agree on anything in parliament recently. And they are different on what to do in terms of the cost of living crisis. Labour want to freeze the cap and windfall tax the F@@@ out of North Sea oil. Liz Truss wants to give the rich tax cuts and Sunak wants to cut VAT on fuel. Whose ideas seem to you to seem to at least grasp the magnitude of the problem given these are the ideas on the table? 

Listen I get it, Starmer isn't liked on here. I am not exactly his biggest fan either. But Labour are a step up from the Tories. Once they are in you can change the leader if he does a shit job which I expect he will. But it is all about baby steps Cromwell and whatever you think of Labour right now, you can at least thank them for your £400 in the winter because there is no way the Tories would have handed North Sea Oil a 25% windfall tax if Labour hadn't of pushed it first.


Quote from: B0ycey on August 25, 2022, 07:01:28 PM
I don't want Johnson back HDQQ, but a Truss Premiership is about as good as a Johnson Premiership if not worse. Her policies will actually make the cost of living crisis worse because tax cuts generally benefit the wealthy more and you are reducing government income meaning you cannot offer targeted help along with having to cut services. I hope Sunak wins because he understands that you need to tackle inflation first before offering tax cuts.

Even so, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Neither Truss nor Sunak have a handle of the cost of living crisis and their record will be taken into account in the next GE. Sunak has perhaps a better chance of sorting out the mess but I doubt it. I see no option but to cut our gas usage to reduce wholesale costs at the moment and neither leader is talking about gas rationing. Welcome back Labour to number 10. Now time to get Long Bailey in power and oust out Blue Starmer.
Truss is a pillock but if you think labour has the answers then you're wrong.

Sad to say there's not much to choose from the three main parties,they live in a different world to most. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: HDQQ on August 25, 2022, 06:44:45 PM
At the moment Truss and Sunak are trying to sell themselves to the Tory party membership in an attempt to secure most votes and therefore become leader and PM. So they're trying to out-do each other in saying things that appeal to right-wing sensitivities.

The next general election is only about 2 years away and the things Truss and Sunak are saying now certainly won't appeal to the wider national electorate. Things that might make loyal Tory Party members vote for them now are likely to drive away potential Tory votes in the next general election. 

I believed Sunak had potential for being a reasonable PM but now I have my doubts. Truss is a loose cannon who's like Johnson, but more right-wing.

I can't see why anyone would want Johnson back as PM, though his dereliction of duty in recent weeks is an insult to the people of this country and he should have his pay docked.
I don't want Johnson back HDQQ, but a Truss Premiership is about as good as a Johnson Premiership if not worse. Her policies will actually make the cost of living crisis worse because tax cuts generally benefit the wealthy more and you are reducing government income meaning you cannot offer targeted help along with having to cut services. I hope Sunak wins because he understands that you need to tackle inflation first before offering tax cuts.

Even so, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Neither Truss nor Sunak have a handle of the cost of living crisis and their record will be taken into account in the next GE. Sunak has perhaps a better chance of sorting out the mess but I doubt it. I see no option but to cut our gas usage to reduce wholesale costs at the moment and neither leader is talking about gas rationing. Welcome back Labour to number 10. Now time to get Long Bailey in power and oust out Blue Starmer.


At the moment Truss and Sunak are trying to sell themselves to the Tory party membership in an attempt to secure most votes and therefore become leader and PM. So they're trying to out-do each other in saying things that appeal to right-wing sensitivities. 

The next general election is only about 2 years away and the things Truss and Sunak are saying now certainly won't appeal to the wider national electorate. Things that might make loyal Tory Party members vote for them now are likely to drive away potential Tory votes in the next general election.  

I believed Sunak had potential for being a reasonable PM but now I have my doubts. Truss is a loose cannon who's like Johnson, but more right-wing. 

I can't see why anyone would want Johnson back as PM, though his dereliction of duty in recent weeks is an insult to the people of this country and he should have his pay docked.
Formerly known as Hyperduck Quack Quack.
I might not be an expert but I do know enough to correct you when you're wrong!


Just because I don't say anything, it doesn't mean I haven't noticed!