End of days and climate change

Started by srb7677, October 12, 2022, 06:59:44 PM

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Quote from: srb7677 on October 12, 2022, 08:44:35 PM
I have found this in regards to the beast with seven heads and ten horns......

Revelation 13 NMB - A beast with seven heads and ten horns - Bible Gateway

I am too flawed a human being to ever make a good Christian though. I have way too many doubts and am a wilful sinner in many ways, albeit not ones that hurt others.

Me too, I'll never make a good Christian, but salvation does not come from what we are, but who Christ is.
Christ came to save sinners and that is all of us.
† The end is nigh †


I have found this in regards to the beast with seven heads and ten horns......

Revelation 13 NMB - A beast with seven heads and ten horns - Bible Gateway

And there are numerous other items that can be found and read.

It seems to be using symbolism to describe some kind of world global power leading humanity astray. And the number of the beast being the number of a man suggests that at the head of it all is a man of great power leading humanity astray and that no one will be able to operate or trade or earn a living who is not in agreement with him. This beast is said to rise up out of the sea but this too could be symbolic, perhaps rising up out of a sea of humanity? There is also mention of a two horned entity rising out of the earth who seems to act as a henchman of some kind to the beast.

I may well of course be misunderstanding some of this so would welcome a more informed interpretation, so I can understand the theology better.

Whether it is a mood of the moment I know not but I do seem to feel or imagine something stirring in my soul, as if I am on the verge of seeing something I just cannot quite grasp. And I have found myself wondering if there is in fact some actual truth in the end days prophesies. So much, from climate change and climatic disasters to the spread of new diseases, and from the growing threat of nuclear war to the threat of economic meltdown, and from rampant greed and ever worsening inequality to unsustainable population explosions all seem to fit a pattern of ever worsening calamity. I also do wonder to what extent we are really being run by a trans-national global elite sometimes. I don't know. There is much to ponder, but clarity usually comes to me in lightbulb moments when my mind is on other things rather than by forcing myself to think deeply about things.

I am too flawed a human being to ever make a good Christian though. I have way too many doubts and am a wilful sinner in many ways, albeit not ones that hurt others.

I would though like a better understanding of the beast with 7 heads and ten horns which is an obvious symbolic metaphor, as well as the two horned entity that rises out of the earth.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: T00ts on October 12, 2022, 07:23:50 PMfor the end of times will be the battle of all battles (the demon with 7 heads meaning 7 sources of evil)
I am interested in what these seven sources of evil are and how they are manifesting themselves today? Are they related in any way to the supposed seven deadly sins? Or is "seven" in both just a coincidence? I will try via google to find a reference to the demon with seven heads but not knowing exactly what I am looking for, a brief explanation from you might be quicker if you are available.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


Quote from: Barry on October 12, 2022, 07:34:52 PMYou have obviously either called upon previous knowledge
I think I might have said before that I was raised in the C of E and went to Sunday school which included church attendance.

Much later as an adult in my 20s and 30s I studied spiritual topics including reading the bible. So I am not entirely unfamiliar with the theology.

I have not actually been studying the matter more recently but I do sometimes think about it in idle moments.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.


It's interesting because Barry mentions the disappearance of the true Church I am assuming that he means those who believe being drawn up to meet Christ on His return. I have also seen it described in terms of the wheat and tares. That God is waiting to see what flourishes the most. If the tares are fewer than the believers He will draw the tares out leaving the wheat to greet Him. On the other hand if the wheat is being overwhelmed He will lift them up and burn what is left. It makes quite graphic reading.


Quote from: srb7677 on October 12, 2022, 06:59:44 PM
Many Christians seem to deny the reality of climate change, on the assumption that mere humans cannot possibly alter something set in place by God, who is presumed to be in charge.
Most Christians I associate with believe the climate is changing. The cause is a different matter. I believe the climate is changing and has been over millenia.

QuoteAlthough not a Christian believer myself, I am going to attempt to step out of myself and play devil's advocate for a moment.

Does not the bible in Revelations prophesy the end of days before the second coming of Christ? And that this end of days time is one of great calamity and disruption, where good vies against evil?

Yes it does, but before the tribulation, those times of calamity, believers (the true church) will disappear, so look out for that!

In the context of this, could not man-made climate change be a reality, and all part and parcel of the end times? Another example of humans driven by greed upsetting a balance established by God? And another reason why God is likely to say "enough" and take back full control, our stewardship of His creation proving a failure because of our own sins?
Man were given dominion over all that is in the Earth, as you rightly say, but God has never been out of control. When Christ returns, the rebellion of disbelief will be instantly put down. Because of today's technology it will be news around the world, instantly.
QuoteAnd that all this is an integral part of the end times?

Just a thought.
Actually, I like your thinking, Steve. You have obviously either called upon previous knowledge, or have been doing a bit of study.
Maybe you listened to T00ts and her "seek and you will find".

Christians have a lot of different interpretations about the end times. I'm a believer in a pre-tribulation rapture. Others believe in different time scales.

Revelation 8 speaks of huge changes in the sun. moon and stars. 

† The end is nigh †


Yes. According to Scripture many calamities can be put down to natural causes, the difference for the end of times will be the battle of all battles (the demon with 7 heads meaning 7 sources of evil) between the whole world which will only be ended by the second coming. I believe that we can see those 7 already. However I believe there is some way to go yet. Having said that no-one knows when exactly the end will come because God is still hoping that we will all see sense and recognise Him and just as importantly His Son Jesus Christ. Ref the Prodigal son.
Some believe that the Angels are crying to finish it now since sin of all sorts is so rampant but they are being held back while God continues to hope for our Repentance. Many things foretold are happening now so that confirms for me that these really are the last days. It's not a time to be complacent.


Many Christians seem to deny the reality of climate change, on the assumption that mere humans cannot possibly alter something set in place by God, who is presumed to be in charge.

Although not a Christian believer myself, I am going to attempt to step out of myself and play devil's advocate for a moment.

Does not the bible in Revelations prophesy the end of days before the second coming of Christ? And that this end of days time is one of great calamity and disruption, where good vies against evil?

In the context of this, could not man-made climate change be a reality, and all part and parcel of the end times? Another example of humans driven by greed upsetting a balance established by God? And another reason why God is likely to say "enough" and take back full control, our stewardship of His creation proving a failure because of our own sins?

And that all this is an integral part of the end times?

Just a thought.
We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some of us have yachts. Some of us have canoes. Some of us are drowning.