First Job for Sunak

Started by Streetwalker, October 24, 2022, 06:02:11 PM

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Quote from: Javert on October 25, 2022, 09:54:52 AM
Does anyone on this forum live in an EU country and can give us the current price of bananas in an EU country supermarket?

The price of bananas in the UK has gone up a lot since Brexit and I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that it's higher than in the EU.
Bananas in most of Europe is way more expensive than the U.K.

When the U.K. gets into gear and starts trading with Brasil and the like prices will tumble. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on October 25, 2022, 12:05:18 AM
Really? Explain to me how we buy British Oranges or British Bananas, things that the EU kept the major suppliers out of the market, allowing Spain to charge 25 times the price that was on the world market. I suggest you Google the word cartel, and please don't lump me in with SPV and Scott over the hideous actions of Putin but the EU are now getting a piece of their own pie when it comes to gas.
Does anyone on this forum live in an EU country and can give us the current price of bananas in an EU country supermarket?

The price of bananas in the UK has gone up a lot since Brexit and I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that it's higher than in the EU.


Quote from: Baff on October 25, 2022, 03:47:34 AM
I'm a farm boy. That's how I was raised.
There are no Macdonald's in the countryside old boy.

EU food is poor quality mate.
There is no way round it.
Go to America and eat some meat.

It's better, it's cheaper and it's had a better life.

EU people can pat themselves in the back about how much more enlightened they all are.
They aren't.
Other people make better food for less. Treat their animals better too.
The EU "gold" standards are not very golden. Sorry.

I'd never treat my animals the way they do. Never. All those poor sheep in the back of those lorries being shipped from country to country. WTF, just WTF.
See their chicken battery farms?
Look at the state of the chickens. Compare that to an American one where they all look shiny and healthy.

I am happy to eat the cheapest meat. The cheapest meat in America however is better as everyone who has ever been there has very quickly worked out.
In fact I can easily afford some very choice meat there. Different ball game entirely.

The very worst processed cheap meat I have ever eaten, or rather not eaten, was in the aptly named country, "Hungary".
Don't know how the hell you can tell US beef is better, it's always covered in A1 steak sauce. Argentinian beef yes, US no. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on October 25, 2022, 12:14:26 AM
For my self to be classed as non-dom I have to be in the U.K. less than 90 days (at midnight) in any one tax year. The only way she can do it differently is if she doesn't get a salary, doesn't own a property or I believe have a mobile phone contract in her name. If all those boxes are ticked, why should she pay tax on money earned in India? BTW, only 10% of people pay tax in India.
You only need to look at that awful bastion of anti capitalism and well known left wing state you tories like to trot out when it suits you to decry the nhs and anything else you describe as lefty,yes the good old USA,don't want to pay your taxes then lose your citizenship.

Should be the same here pay your dues or sod off,and grumble about poorer people somewhere else. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Well i cannot wait till Keir takes power and we rejoin. Brexiters are going to get their noses rubbed in our European Union flag each and every day when our Labour government makes us all European Citizens once again. We will have our European passports back , our European courts and of course freedom to move around our european union.


Quote from: Baff on October 25, 2022, 04:09:09 AM
Yes, I always bought British when we were in the EU.
Buying New Zealand however became a problem.

And I rather like New Zealand.
Lots of them gave their lives for this country. Bit of a bond going on.
Gave their lives to defend this country from the people you let sell their food here instead of them.

Not up for it. Sorry.
Ff'ing disgrace.

We've left the EU and you can still buy EU food.
The consumer choice you want still exists, in fact it has been expanded.
As we can now also buy food that the EU banned to restrict consumer choice to it's own producers.

So you understand the economic logic of the the free market, you just hate having to practise it because your political loyalty is to our traditional enemies over our traditional allies.
I'm not with you on this one.

This actually happened.
When in living memory the "EU" countries tried to starve us to death. New Zealand sent us food for free to prevent that outcome.
That happened.

And you supported banning their produce in our market in favour of those who would cut it off to kill us in the name of their politics.
F that.
I'd rather be dependent on Putin.

I'm certainly not against people buying New Zealand Baff whether we are in the EU or not. Given we have a trade deal with New Zealand now it maybe we are importing more from them today given costs of importing from a nation the other side of the world has been compensated with a non tariff. You can argue that is a benefit of Brexit. What you can't do however is claim the EU is preventing New Zealand foods from entering their (or previously our) market. New Zealand is part of the WTO. We may have had to put on a tariff on their meat... which ironically is for the protection of the British farmers why we applied it.... but you were always able to buy it as long as you were prepared to pay the premium. Most people though prefer lower costs and that is what the single market did by cutting red tape and expanding the overall market.


Quote from: Nick on October 25, 2022, 12:05:18 AM
Really? Explain to me how we buy British Oranges or British Bananas, things that the EU kept the major suppliers out of the market, allowing Spain to charge 25 times the price that was on the world market. I suggest you Google the word cartel, and please don't lump me in with SPV and Scott over the hideous actions of Putin but the EU are now getting a piece of their own pie when it comes to gas.
Think you quoted the wrong person here Nick given I have no clue how this relates to the quote. I said Baff can choice to buy British whether we are in the EU or not. I also said being outside the EU will enhance the price to buy British given it reduces competition. If Britain doesn't produce oranges Baff can either not buy oranges or pay the premium for them that being outside the SM means due to additional costs on red tape. I also have no clue why you mentioned Putin. Russia isn't part of the EU.


Quote from: B0ycey on October 24, 2022, 07:41:42 PM
Nothing stopping you buying British even when we were in the EU Baff. It was always the expensive stuff that planted the British flag on the packaging if you didn't know. Although there was a passage in the 'Wealth of Nations' that explains reducing your market increases costs overall and a British only economy means lack of competition which is bad for the consumer.

Yes, I always bought British when we were in the EU.
Buying New Zealand however became a problem.

And I rather like New Zealand.
Lots of them gave their lives for this country. Bit of a bond going on.
Gave their lives to defend this country from the people you let sell their food here instead of them.

Not up for it. Sorry.
Ff'ing disgrace.

We've left the EU and you can still buy EU food.
The consumer choice you want still exists, in fact it has been expanded.
As we can now also buy food that the EU banned to restrict consumer choice to it's own producers.

So you understand the economic logic of the the free market, you just hate having to practise it because your political loyalty is to our traditional enemies over our traditional allies.
I'm not with you on this one.

This actually happened.
When in living memory the "EU" countries tried to starve us to death. New Zealand sent us food for free to prevent that outcome.
That happened.

And you supported banning their produce in our market in favour of those who would cut it off to kill us in the name of their politics.
F that.
I'd rather be dependent on Putin.


Quote from: patman post on October 24, 2022, 07:30:17 PM
That's a very spoilt childlike response of someone brought up on Macdonalds, Maxwell House, Kraft cheese slices, and Birdseye fish fingers.

There's less intensively farmed poultry, meat an fish in the EU than is often the case in the UK. And local produce is superb. OK, three chickens for a tenner in Sainsburys may be cheaper, but look at the quality. Look at the quality and choices, costs and quality in any Belgian, Italian, French supermarket or baker, butcher, fishmonger, greengrocer, etc.

Sure, there's excellent British produce, but there's plenty of mass produced industrial offerings and takeaways that most British are happy with.

It's no wonder chicken tikka Marsala, and sweet and sour dishes are the country's favourite...
I'm a farm boy. That's how I was raised.
There are no Macdonald's in the countryside old boy.

EU food is poor quality mate.
There is no way round it.
Go to America and eat some meat.

It's better, it's cheaper and it's had a better life.

EU people can pat themselves in the back about how much more enlightened they all are.
They aren't.
Other people make better food for less. Treat their animals better too.
The EU "gold" standards are not very golden. Sorry.

I'd never treat my animals the way they do. Never. All those poor sheep in the back of those lorries being shipped from country to country. WTF, just WTF.
See their chicken battery farms?
Look at the state of the chickens. Compare that to an American one where they all look shiny and healthy.

I am happy to eat the cheapest meat. The cheapest meat in America however is better as everyone who has ever been there has very quickly worked out.
In fact I can easily afford some very choice meat there. Different ball game entirely.

The very worst processed cheap meat I have ever eaten, or rather not eaten, was in the aptly named country, "Hungary".


Quote from: Nick on October 25, 2022, 12:14:26 AM
For my self to be classed as non-dom I have to be in the U.K. less than 90 days (at midnight) in any one tax year. The only way she can do it differently is if she doesn't get a salary, doesn't own a property or I believe have a mobile phone contract in her name. If all those boxes are ticked, why should she pay tax on money earned in India? BTW, only 10% of people pay tax in India.
It's back to 90 now then ? Good. Maggie cut it to 28 in the mid 80s my uncle had to charter a helicopter out of British airspace or face ridiculous consequences 
<t>In matters of taxation, Lord Clyde\'s summing up in the 1929 case Inland Revenue v Ayrshire Pullman Services is worth a glance.</t>


Quote from: cromwell on October 24, 2022, 10:35:43 PM
Of course I do Borky,  :P whilst there are those who consider non dom status a fair way of tax avoidance others who will be labelled lefties and terrible people for pointing out that it's wrong.
For my self to be classed as non-dom I have to be in the U.K. less than 90 days (at midnight) in any one tax year. The only way she can do it differently is if she doesn't get a salary, doesn't own a property or I believe have a mobile phone contract in her name. If all those boxes are ticked, why should she pay tax on money earned in India? BTW, only 10% of people pay tax in India.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: B0ycey on October 24, 2022, 07:41:42 PM
Nothing stopping you buying British even when we were in the EU Baff. It was always the expensive stuff that planted the British flag on the packaging if you didn't know. Although there was a passage in the 'Wealth of Nations' that explains reducing your market increases costs overall and a British only economy means lack of competition which is bad for the consumer.
Really? Explain to me how we buy British Oranges or British Bananas, things that the EU kept the major suppliers out of the market, allowing Spain to charge 25 times the price that was on the world market. I suggest you Google the word cartel, and please don't lump me in with SPV and Scott over the hideous actions of Putin but the EU are now getting a piece of their own pie when it comes to gas.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: cromwell on October 24, 2022, 10:35:43 PM
Of course I do Borky,  :P whilst there are those who consider non dom status a fair way of tax avoidance others who will be labelled lefties and terrible people for pointing out that it's wrong.

I think that you will find that liability fell upon Mrs Sunak Ollie.

What did it have to do with her husband?
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Borchester on October 24, 2022, 10:27:24 PM
As far as I am aware Sunak does not owe any tax.

Still, you understand these matters better than I Ollie, so please explain
Of course I do Borky,  :P whilst there are those who consider non dom status a fair way of tax avoidance others who will be labelled lefties and terrible people for pointing out that it's wrong. and affordable,not that hard is it?


Quote from: cromwell on October 24, 2022, 10:13:20 PM
So Rishi wants to give back to the country so much he owes.

Aye in unpaid tax.  :P

As far as I am aware Sunak does not owe any tax.

Still, you understand these matters better than I do Ollie, so please explain
Algerie Francais !