Should MPs have their own TV shows?

Started by papasmurf, March 23, 2023, 08:11:53 AM

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Quote from: Nick on March 28, 2023, 10:13:49 PM
No, they are top of the list on the chart I looked at.
I know what top means 🤦‍♂️

Well that chart wasn't in your original link and just confirms what I and your original link said:  Hungary is well down the list of good nations

What actually is the point you're trying to make about Hungary?  To me it was arguably unwise to ever let it in the EU but the UK wanted it to happen and persuaded the others to let it happen.  That doesn't in anyway reflect on the EU's essential level of good, without the EU Hungary would by now be far worse.


Quote from: Unlucky4Sum on March 28, 2023, 07:22:46 PM
You didn't even read your own link (which used my source link as reference) properly and as it happens agrees with me not you.  Hungary isn't higher on the list it's lower as it's more corrupt
No, they are top of the list on the chart I looked at. 
I know what top means 🤦‍♂️ 

I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on March 28, 2023, 06:49:13 PM
Wrong again.

In 1987, Türkiye applied to join what was then the European Economic Community, and in 1999 it was declared eligible to join the EU.

They even started aligning to EU regulatory rules.

I gave you a list of remainder lies, you just denied them all.

Not much sign of this academic discussion you promised lol lol lol
I didn't 'just deny' I point refuted them using evidence.  You posted false stories, they got shown up.  If that distresses you then you know who to blame.


Quote from: Nick on March 28, 2023, 06:56:21 PM
I didn't use your list, as I said it was total Bollox. I used another list where Hungary was HIGHER than the UK on the corruption list. They were top.
You didn't even read your own link (which used my source link as reference) properly and as it happens agrees with me not you.  Hungary isn't higher on the list it's lower as it's more corrupt


Quote from: Unlucky4Sum on March 27, 2023, 07:29:01 PM
Oh dear you need to read it again, Hungary comes out 59 places BELOW the UK not higher.  And best to ignore third party sources when the full rating is available 

I did give you the link earlier but hey ho you can lead a dyed in the wool Brexiter to water but  . . . . . .
I didn't use your list, as I said it was total Bollox. I used another list where Hungary was HIGHER than the UK on the corruption list. They were top.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Unlucky4Sum on March 27, 2023, 07:38:43 PM
Jeez you still spouting lies to cover your tracks?

First of all the lie wasn't saying they 'could be' joining, the lie was saying they were joining also expressed as 'set to join' IE everything OK.

Turkey being judged eligible in 1997 (not 1999) was just a very preliminary step in a very long road.  Basically it just meant they were an ostensible democracy with sufficient geography.  Loads and loads of hurdles to clear after that including not getting black balled by any of the EU countries.

Face it Nick, your official Leave campaign was riddled with lies and liars and you can't even find one lie in the Remain campaign.  And that's before we get to that last week of illegally funded campaigning.

That 2016 referendum was illegally and immorally won and it poisoned the run in to the 2019 election that actually is the mandate for leaving. 
Wrong again.

In 1987, Türkiye applied to join what was then the European Economic Community, and in 1999 it was declared eligible to join the EU.

They even started aligning to EU regulatory rules.

I gave you a list of remainder lies, you just denied them all.

Not much sign of this academic discussion you promised lol lol lol
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on March 27, 2023, 03:43:11 PM
Turkey was judged to be eligible to join the EU in 1999 and the process was only stopped in 2019, it was anything but a lie to suggest they could be joining the EU.
Jeez you still spouting lies to cover your tracks?

First of all the lie wasn't saying they 'could be' joining, the lie was saying they were joining also expressed as 'set to join' IE everything OK.

Turkey being judged eligible in 1997 (not 1999) was just a very preliminary step in a very long road.  Basically it just meant they were an ostensible democracy with sufficient geography.  Loads and loads of hurdles to clear after that including not getting black balled by any of the EU countries.

Face it Nick, your official Leave campaign was riddled with lies and liars and you can't even find one lie in the Remain campaign.   And that's before we get to that last week of illegally funded campaigning.

That 2016 referendum was illegally and immorally won and it poisoned the run in to the 2019 election that actually is the mandate for leaving.  


Quote from: Nick on March 27, 2023, 03:39:04 PM
I haven't inferred the EU is corrupting anyone, the EU is corrupt, this has been proved time again. The EU is also full of corrupt countries, the two are not necessarily linked and I haven't tried to link them.

Those figures are total bollox anyway, Hungary is the most corrupt country in the EU and comes out higher than the UK lol lol lol
Oh dear you need to read it again, Hungary comes out 59 places BELOW the UK not higher.  And best to ignore third party sources when the full rating is available  

I did give you the link earlier but hey ho you can lead a dyed in the wool Brexiter to water but  . . . . . .


Quote from: Streetwalker on March 27, 2023, 06:28:40 AM
The EU voted to reject France's proposal to add recognition of the Armenian genocide as a pre condition of Turkeys membership in 2006 .
Your probably right though Posty , the people of Europe are anti Turkey joining and France are no different . Government standpoints though differ .

I recalled an article on who thinks what so had a quick google
Who is for or against Turkish EU accession? – DW – 09/06/2017

Doesn't really matter now one way or the other as Turkey are not joining the EU and we have 'left' anyway . Niether of those points were clear though in 2016 and the leave campaign had a legitimate case to exploit it .

In short it was not a lie , it was an exaggeration of the truth .;)
Turkey was judged to be eligible to join the EU in 1999 and the process was only stopped in 2019, it was anything but a lie to suggest they could be joining the EU.
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Unlucky4Sum on March 26, 2023, 11:01:42 PM
Yes I did ignore that you wanted to limit the number of countries you considered in a desperate attempt to create a non point.

Surprised you didn't limit it to countries whose head has two vowels in their name.  You tried to falsely infer that the EU was corrupting, now you move the goal posts to Germans you happen to meet don't like bankrolling it carefully ignoring that Germans as a whole really like the EU and being in it

I haven't inferred the EU is corrupting anyone, the EU is corrupt, this has been proved time again. The EU is also full of corrupt countries, the two are not necessarily linked and I haven't tried to link them.

Those figures are total bollox anyway, Hungary is the most corrupt country in the EU and comes out higher than the UK lol lol lol

I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: patman post on March 26, 2023, 08:53:10 PM
France was not, and is not, neutral on Turkey's joining the EU. Its population is probably two-thirds anti, and only Chirac of all presidents in recent years has been in favour, though he never pushed the idea. French public opinion nudged politicians to recognise the Armenian Genocide — and French politicians do tend to follow public opinion, despite current indications to the contrary...

PS — I neglected to mention the high number of people of Armenian descent in France and the many who are in business and politics and well known in entertainment, journalism, and the arts...
The EU voted to reject France's proposal to add recognition of the Armenian genocide as a pre condition of Turkeys membership in 2006 .
Your probably right though Posty , the people of Europe are anti Turkey joining and France are no different . Government standpoints though differ .

I recalled an article on who thinks what so had a quick google
Who is for or against Turkish EU accession? – DW – 09/06/2017

Doesn't really matter now one way or the other as Turkey are not joining the EU and we have 'left' anyway . Niether of those points were clear though in 2016 and the leave campaign had a legitimate case to exploit it . 

In short it was not a lie , it was an exaggeration of the truth .;)


Quote from: Nick on March 26, 2023, 09:00:21 PM
Almost none of which are significant contributors to the EU coffers, hence the reason I mentioned the big hitters, I did point that fact out, but you chose to ignore it. I've been working with German companies for a few years now, they are sick to the back teeth of bankrolling the EU. Eventually when Germany get a Chancellor that listens, the EU is doomed.
Yes I did ignore that you wanted to limit the number of countries you considered in a desperate attempt to create a non point. 

Surprised you didn't limit it to countries whose head has two vowels in their name.  You tried to falsely infer that the EU was corrupting, now you move the goal posts to Germans you happen to meet don't like bankrolling it carefully ignoring that Germans as a whole really like the EU and being in it



Quote from: Unlucky4Sum on March 26, 2023, 07:54:55 PM

Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, Ireland, Estonia, Luxembourg and Belgium all rated as or more honest than the UK and our rating has got consistently worse since that referendum especially after we left.  And you want to infer the EU is the problem?  Ludicrous.
Almost none of which are significant contributors to the EU coffers, hence the reason I mentioned the big hitters, I did point that fact out, but you chose to ignore it. I've been working with German companies for a few years now, they are sick to the back teeth of bankrolling the EU. Eventually when Germany get a Chancellor that listens, the EU is doomed. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

patman post

France was not, and is not, neutral on Turkey's joining the EU. Its population is probably two-thirds anti, and only Chirac of all presidents in recent years has been in favour, though he never pushed the idea. French public opinion nudged politicians to recognise the Armenian Genocide — and French politicians do tend to follow public opinion, despite current indications to the contrary...

PS — I neglected to mention the high number of people of Armenian descent in France and the many who are in business and politics and well known in entertainment, journalism, and the arts...
On climate change — we're talking, we're beginning to act, but we're still not doing enough...


Quote from: patman post on March 26, 2023, 03:54:05 PM
Turkey was never going to join the EU, and will not for some years yet — if at all. France would have vetoed all such proposals.
Yes of course , we all knew that . They were on the list of candidate countries though and Cameron was promoting the process and telling the EU to get a jog on . 
It was too good a story to ignore and of course gave leave the opportunity to round up a few fence sitters . France were actually nuetral on Turkey if I recall it was Germany with its big Turkish population and the potential big immigration numbers that had concerns 
Quote from: patman post on March 26, 2023, 03:54:05 PMCameron's buttering up his hosts probably had an ulterior motive, ie, foreign policy issues critical to UK interests including Syria, the Iran nuclear issue, Somalia, Afghanistan and the Western Balkans. Plus the relationship with NATO.
More than likely 
Quote from: patman post on March 26, 2023, 03:54:05 PMThis wasn't the first time the UK voiced a view opposite to other EU members...
No it wasn't and like nearly every other time they ignored us