Ministers skip UN meeting on disability rights,

Started by papasmurf, August 31, 2023, 09:08:25 AM

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Quote from: Nick on August 31, 2023, 07:40:25 PM
Smurf flatly refuses to acknowledge that there are people that do not want to work,
I do acknowledge that, but unlike you I do not assume it is in the millions.
What you are totally ignorant of is the hostile environment towards benefit claimants by the Government, The DWP, DWP contractors and far too many people like you who are in total ignorance of that harshness and also the benefits system.
I abhor benefit frauds and tax evaders. 
Unlike people on internet forums who bleat about frauds but do bugger all about it, I do report frauds, but not anonymously and not until I am 100% sure of my facts. I also have a 100% success rate.
Such frauds are often organised, and there is often collusion involved by employers. (That have mainly been stopped by the introduction of Universal Credit.)

The there is this which you and Borchester seem blissfully unaware of:-

Universal Credit and your claimant commitment - GOV.UK (

Your claimant commitment

When you claim Universal Credit you will need to accept your claimant commitment.
Your claimant commitment will set out what you have agreed to do to prepare for and look for work, or to increase your earnings if you are already working. It will be based on your personal circumstances and will be reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis. Each time it is updated, you will need to accept a new claimant commitment to keep receiving Universal Credit.
The claimant commitment is your record of the responsibilities that you have accepted in return for receiving Universal Credit, and the consequences of not meeting them.
Your Universal Credit payments may be cut if you don't meet your responsibilities. This is called a sanction.
You can view your latest claimant commitment online. You will also be able to update your progress on your goals using that account.
If a medical professional has said you might have less than 12 months to live, you will not need a claimant commitment.

Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: Borchester on August 31, 2023, 07:08:04 PM

No they won't

I have a mate who has been on the sick since Elizabeth I passed her Poor Laws in 1601. The money isn't very good, but he likes the hours, so he uses his benefits to get royally pissed at the weekend and ticks over by doing odd jobs as they turn up.

Everything was going as merely as a funeral bell until someone at the Brew realised that they had not had any contact with him for 5 years, so they turned off the tap, whereupon we cleaned him up, took him to the DHS and got him onto JSA. Which is where he has remained ever since, although he is now on another benefit.The point is that my friend does not want to work and the social services can't be arsed to chase him up, so with a bit of quiet though, anyone can make a career out of being a dole blooger.

It is probably different down in the boonies, where Pappy and his friends turn up at the squire's back door and get a much appreciated bowl of gruel and a much enjoyed kick in the balls, but back in civilization, it is easy enough to defraud the system
Smurf flatly refuses to acknowledge that there are people that do not want to work, and will do everything in their powers from doing so. You're wasting your time trying to educate him, he obviously sees them all as hard done too.

£60K and that's just 2 people. 

I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Borchester on August 31, 2023, 07:08:04 PM

No they won't

I have a mate who has been on the sick since Elizabeth I passed her Poor Laws in 1601. The money isn't very good, but he likes the hours, so he uses his benefits to get royally pissed at the weekend and ticks over by doing odd jobs as they turn up.

Everything was going as merely as a funeral bell until someone at the Brew realised that they had not had any contact with him for 5 years, so they turned off the tap, whereupon we cleaned him up, took him to the DHS and got him onto JSA. Which is where he has remained ever since, although he is now on another benefit.The point is that my friend does not want to work and the social services can't be arsed to chase him up, so with a bit of quiet though, anyone can make a career out of being a dole blooger.

It is probably different down in the boonies, where Pappy and his friends turn up at the squire's back door and get a much appreciated bowl of gruel and a much enjoyed kick in the balls, but back in civilization, it is easy enough to defraud the system
Borchester I am NOT interested in your anecdotes either, and you are lying about me yet again. (JSA stopped a long time ago.)
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on August 31, 2023, 04:18:07 PM
Anyone boasting about defrauding the benefits system gets busted very quickly. That is why I do not believe Nick. (He can huff and puff as much as he likes.)

No they won't

I have a mate who has been on the sick since Elizabeth I passed her Poor Laws in 1601. The money isn't very good, but he likes the hours, so he uses his benefits to get royally pissed at the weekend and ticks over by doing odd jobs as they turn up.

Everything was going as merely as a funeral bell until someone at the Brew realised that they had not had any contact with him for 5 years, so they turned off the tap, whereupon we cleaned him up, took him to the DHS and got him onto JSA. Which is where he has remained ever since, although he is now on another benefit.The point is that my friend does not want to work and the social services can't be arsed to chase him up, so with a bit of quiet though, anyone can make a career out of being a dole blooger.

It is probably different down in the boonies, where Pappy and his friends turn up at the squire's back door and get a much appreciated bowl of gruel and a much enjoyed kick in the balls, but back in civilization, it is easy enough to defraud the system
Algerie Francais !


Quote from: Nick on August 31, 2023, 06:17:29 PM
19% of the population in the U.K. are registered disabled, only 2.1% in India. So clearly the level you are classed as disabled is ridiculous, otherwise we wouldn't have a population this has almost 10 times the percentage of disabled.
Again with the misquoted facts....

19% of the population are not registered disabled.

Firstly you are using out of date stats. 

Secondly you are misusing the definition. 

The definition used is people who have a disability in the current year. 

A disability is defined as 

"survey respondents are asked whether they have a physical or mental health condition or illness that has lasted or is expected to last 12 months or more, and whether the condition and/or illness reduces their ability to carry out day-to-day activities. A person who answers yes to both questions is considered disabled"

Got a bad back or knee that's slowing you up a bit? Lasted or likely to last 12 months or more? 

Congratulations you are considered disabled!

Being disabled by this definition does not entitle you to payments. 

The number of people receiving payments for their disability is closer to 9% or about 6m.

Look, do you have any actual evidence that many people are fraudulently claiming disability? 

I pointed you to the government's own figures that showed it is a miniscule problem


Quote from: Nick on August 31, 2023, 06:48:19 PM

Nick that is NOT data for REGISTERED disabled. The Disabled Persons Register (and the accompanying quota scheme) ceased to exist from December 1996 following the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 coming into force.  
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: papasmurf on August 31, 2023, 06:34:31 PM
Nick, I do wish you would post links. Having a disability is NOT the same thing as being disabled enough not to be able to work. Where you got a figure for 19% of the UK population being registered disabled you need to explain.

UK disability statistics: Prevalence and life experiences - House of Commons Library (

I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Nick on August 31, 2023, 06:17:29 PM
19% of the population in the U.K. are registered disabled, only 2.1% in India. So clearly the level you are classed as disabled is ridiculous, otherwise we wouldn't have a population this has almost 10 times the percentage of disabled.
Nick, I do wish you would post links. Having a disability is NOT the same thing as being disabled enough not to be able to work. Where you got a figure for 19% of the UK population being registered disabled you need to explain.

UK disability statistics: Prevalence and life experiences - House of Commons Library (

Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe


Quote from: BeElBeeBub on August 31, 2023, 05:35:41 PM
No, the government are handing out disability benefits like confetti!

Nick said so! He definitely knows at least two people who managed to fradulantly and openly claim disability for 20 years! So it must be an absolute doddle to claim!

There is absolutely no way the system would be loaded with catch 22's and bureaucratic infinite loops
19% of the population in the U.K. are registered disabled, only 2.1% in India. So clearly the level you are classed as disabled is ridiculous, otherwise we wouldn't have a population this has almost 10 times the percentage of disabled. 
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: BeElBeeBub on August 31, 2023, 05:05:46 PM
Clearly you were doing something wrong.

Nick be along shortly to inform you it's a doddle sign on, no hurdles or examinations at all, and then you can get a free car and house.

I wouldn't know, I've never claimed a penny, nor had a day off sick in over 15 years. Guess the self employed must be made of tougher stuff. 
The figures you quote are also only the ones they catch
I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.


Quote from: Streetwalker on August 31, 2023, 05:17:54 PM
What I did wrong (or right as far as Im concerned )beelbud was save enough up not to have to worry about handouts and marry a girl with a good work ethic that also makes credit credits or whatever its called a non starter .
No, the government are handing out disability benefits like confetti! 

Nick said so! He definitely knows at least two people who managed to fradulantly and openly claim disability for 20 years! So it must be an absolute doddle to claim!

There is absolutely no way the system would be loaded with catch 22's and bureaucratic infinite loops


Quote from: BeElBeeBub on August 31, 2023, 05:05:46 PM
Clearly you were doing something wrong.

Nick be along shortly to inform you it's a doddle sign on, no hurdles or examinations at all, and then you can get a free car and house.

What I did wrong (or right as far as Im concerned )beelbud was save enough up not to have to worry about handouts and marry a girl with a good work ethic that also makes credit credits or whatever its called a non starter . 


Quote from: Streetwalker on August 31, 2023, 04:50:36 PM
Progress on disability rights in the United Kingdom: 2023 | Equality and Human Rights Commission (

Disability Action Plan 2023 to 2024: consultation document - GOV.UK (

Looks good to me , dont know what the UN are complaining about . I know they were a bit pissed off about Brexit maybe they are just throwing their toys about
You dont know how many people with disabilities have committed suicides because of government policy you just made that up.

After being off work for 2 years with problems associated with covid a mate of mine said I should be on the sick , you wont get much he said but it will buy the beers at the weekend ,so I thought why not .
So I get a fit note (strange name for it) off the quack and fill in the online form .

I then get a phone call and am informed by the lady Im not entitled because I haven't paid enough NI in the last two years .

LOL thats because Ive been off sick you silly cow , what about the 45 years before that ! Line goes dead and no beer money for SW .
Oh well , whos round is it ;)
Clearly you were doing something wrong.

Nick be along shortly to inform you it's a doddle sign on, no hurdles or examinations at all, and then you can get a free car and house. 



Quote from: papasmurf on August 31, 2023, 11:17:58 AM
You really are ignorant of the situation, (not your fault, you have been bombarded with lies and disablist propaganda for a long time.) Your comment about "the one's swinging the lead." proves that comprehensively.
The number of deaths and suicides as direct result of the government's, the DWP and DWP contractors hostile environment towards disabled people is a national scandal. The UN wishes to challenge the government about it.
Frankly I would like top see every DWP minister since May 2010 in jail, and the management and "doctors," who carry out the fatally flawed "medicals."
Just a sample:-
Secret reviews into DWP deaths have more than doubled in three years | Disability Rights UK
Progress on disability rights in the United Kingdom: 2023 | Equality and Human Rights Commission (

Disability Action Plan 2023 to 2024: consultation document - GOV.UK (

Looks good to me , dont know what the UN are complaining about . I know they were a bit pissed off about Brexit maybe they are just throwing their toys about 
You dont know how many people with disabilities have committed suicides because of government policy you just made that up. 

After being off work for 2 years with problems associated with covid a mate of mine said I should be on the sick , you wont get much he said but it will buy the beers at the weekend ,so I thought why not .
So I get a fit note (strange name for it) off the quack and fill in the online form . 

I then get a phone call and am informed by the lady Im not entitled because I haven't paid enough NI in the last two years .

 LOL thats because Ive been off sick you silly cow , what about the 45 years before that ! Line goes dead and no beer money for SW . 
Oh well , whos round is it ;)


Quote from: BeElBeeBub on August 31, 2023, 04:13:03 PM

Just because some of your acquaintances are fraudsters doesn't mean everyone claiming PIP is a fraudster.

Anyone boasting about defrauding the benefits system gets busted very quickly. That is why I do not believe Nick. (He can huff and puff as much as he likes.)
Nemini parco qui vivit in orbe